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Posts posted by Hawknose

  1. I guess she never explained the David tragedy, or no one want to share what they heard?

    I have been trying to understand it also - I only heard part of it last night. Even google hasn't yielded anything.....with the flashback you could go to the part where Helen and Elissa were in the hot tub.... but I don't have it.... :no:

  2. I have a lot more respect for players like Jeremy that would just say I am voting you out.

    This having to blindside everyone every week is getting stupid.

    Anyway, you know Aaryn will tell Helen (probably on Thursday) that should could not get Andy to change his mind.

    I miss Jeremy also - I wish he would have lasted a while longer it would have made the middle game so much different

  3. Andy is doing a real good job of damage control with Aaryn and GM - assuring them that McManda is loyal and would not turn on them - but since Aaryn already drew first blood on her alliance I am guessing that Andy is just trying to calm the storm enough to get Helen out and he will deal with Aaryn's mutiny down the road. JMO.

  4. Andy is telling Aaryn and GM that Helen and Elissa are not to be trusted. Saying that Helen told him she wanted to get Amanda out, but that Amanda NEVER said she wanted to get Helen out, therefore Amanda is way more trustworthy.


  5. Lol Marty - I get what you're saying I like a good battle also but I really, really (did I say really?) do not like Aaryn, it is not just the "racist" flap, I just detest her as a human being, and if you are comfortable in a group of people why would you throw them away? It was too early for Aaryn to pull this particular trigger, IMO.

    She is aligning with Elissa (who hates her) and Andy (who will no longer trust her) and GM (who has won a few comps but is a dodo bird)

    How does that improve her standing? I still like Helen and Amanda despite the fact that I want both of them out! They have BOTH played the best so far, besides Aaryn and Andy, IMO.

  6. Well he had to pick a side and he did now he just needs to own it. I will enjoy watching his face when he realizes that Helen has a chance to come back into the game after he votes her out. She will never believe that Elissa turned on her she knows better. I do think he might try that approach though.

    Only problem is - Helen will NEVER forgive him for lying to her in the first place - just ask Spencer or Howard or Jeremy - Andy will NEVER be back in her good graces again regardless of what she tells him - and I think Andy knows that

  7. Hawk my take on last night is so different then your take. I would love to see the tables turn on the McNasties or for Helen to come back and slay the dragons. Yes Helen is annoying but Amanda, McBalless, Spencer and Andy disgust me.

    No Marty ITA - I would love to see Helen first voted out, then voted back in and slay the McNasties - but from the perspective of the "3am" alliance Helen needs to go first - THEN they need to remove Amanda - or else all they are doing is shifting the power to Helen - bottom line is someone needs to leave this week, and if it's Spencer all they do is weaken their (3 am) own position

  8. Helen crying her way forward in the game - giving Andy the old guilt trip - but pressing so hard she might actually be pushing him away. Funny, she is telling them (Aaryn, Elissa, Andy and GM) that one wrong move in this game and you can bury your whole alliance and lose the game - it feels like Aaryn did that last night by throwing her whole alliance away - why does Helen always think America is cheering her on? #STFUHelen


  9. POV over and Spencer up

    Helen up in HOH with Aaryn, GM and Andy. She is begging for his vote. He gets mad at Helen and say HOW DARE you even question me about my vote. I have been 100% loyal to you.

    He is not man enough to be honest with her. He is a pansy ass chicken butt. :lol2:

    OMG thank you for the update - I am watching them in the bathroom thinking the POV hasn't happened yet!

  10. Aaryn is out of her freakin mind - she is falling for Helen's "good people" speech - I am pretty sure that when Aaryn looks back and tries to figure out how she lost the game I hope this moment comes to her foggy mind

    Aaryn is about to sign the check over to Helen

  11. BUT don't you think it's a little late now? At least it's to late for Helen anyway. I just can't believe it took them SO long to figure out!

    Probably but if Helen leaves Elissa will still be here and don't forget Helen might get lucky and win Thursday and come back in......

    I am watching last night. Are they up yet today?

    Don't worry Marty, aside from that conversation with Helen and Elissa this is all you are missing: Helen's 50 yard stare


  12. I just want to throw this out there.

    Last night all that Aaryn accomplished was to totally compromise everyone in her alliances game. She did this for NO strategic reason - it was all brought about by her feeling insecure in regards to some things Amanda said. It was a total emotional meltdown that will only serve to elicit future animosity from the people in her "alliance" as they begin to learn the extent of her ramblings from other HG's.

    If it was a strategic move I would applaud her, but as it stands I can only wonder how this idiot survives OUTSIDE of the house as it seems her unstable emotional state would only hinder all of her real world relationships.

    IDK. I am not trying to "psychoanalyze" her, I am just baffled by last nights events. Meh - why would I even care.

  13. Last night Elissa was saying that she was having trouble breathing (the day before) and blaming her slop diet as the culprit. She also said she is waiting for the DR to offer her another food choice. Today she said that she can't eat slop and "I guess they don't care" meaning production.

    This is the lamest attempt ever to get the rules of the game changed.

    Aren't they allowed a protein powder and an electrolyte drink in addition to slop and unlimited condiments?

    Try eating the head cheese Elissa. Put it in the oven over a bed of habaneros.

  14. Little weasel Andy is trying to run interference with Amanda and Aaryn arguing last night. He keeps trying to change the subject and keep throwing out there us 4 have a good thing going. Let's keep it that way.

    He gets all nervous and antsy afraid his master plan won't work.

    Mandy and Aaryn are both strong willed and I see them both trying to get the other out ASAP. If it weren't for Andy then I think it would be a not brainer for Aaryn to put up Amanda.

    Marty have you got to the part where Aaryn says to Amanda - I have sat here and watched Andy lie to people - how can I believe what he is telling me when he talks to me the exact same way? Something along those lines. Aaryn sees all that is not right in her alcohol fog, but Amanda smoothed it over so good that she is going to let it go. ITA Amanda and Aaryn are totally gunning for each other after last night.



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