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Posts posted by Hawknose

  1. Good points both of you.

    I can forgive him calling her "Villian" cause that was funny but calling her stupid in front of the entire viewing audience was petty and reminded me that he's just a kid after all. Peter would have done a lot better in this game if he was about five years older, IMO.

  2. Call it crisis of conscience, just desserts, poetic justice, or miraculous divine intervention.

    He will go far after his exposure on BBC, but deserve to win? No

    Definitely divine intervention!

    Ageed, Gary will get a show on Canadian TV after this for sure. He'll be fine, this controversy will make him even more popular, and also the fact that he took it so well, he was classy about it.

    Hopefully Topaz can forgive herself. It seemed a genuine mistake.

    BTW you can clearly see Gary's name on the key. When she moves the bag the light changes and you see for a moment the name "GARY" - it appears like a reflective/specular highlight.

  3. I was going to ask what that 150% thing meant. But seriously - although I wasn't rooting for Emmett and/or Jillian, Jillian in my book deserved to win. I thought that Peter would have the sense to vote for her, but most of the jury was pure sour grapes. I also felt that Arisa was sort of terse with Jillian, and much sweeter to Gary. Btw, Jillian shouting the entire time didn't earn her any votes. Good game Jillian. For the first time in a while I am fine with the winner of BB.

    See you guys in June!

  4. I gotta be honest here - all season I looked at Talla like a dizzy little doof. Tonight's episode hit me hard. I felt SO BAD for her. She took her eviction like a champ. She is a classy little lady. First time all season I saw an actual human being inside her. Bye bye little Persian Princess, I will miss all the laughs you gave me.

    On a side note I cannot believe that Emmett may have bought her vote with Dan's dumb fifty cent bracelet!

  5. Well thanks to the two of you who took a second to respond to this post (129 views, only 2 replies?).

    I want to point out one thing that BBC did that I thought was really really cool. They kept some things in the house top secret by turning off the feeds. I thought that was great. I guess if people paid for the feeds they would probably be upset if they went off, so they probably won't do this again next year.

    Also I don't watch BBC after dark so maybe even though the feeds were off, people knew what was going on in the house, but I personally had no clue, and that made for some anticipation and suspense at times, which added to the excitement. Great job on that.

  6. I am just curious to find out what everyone thought of Canada's first season of BB. While I enjoyed it for the most part, there were IMHO a lot of things that need to be worked on to improve the next season of BBC.

    I want to know how everyone else here at Morty's felt about BBC. Please take a second to give some feedback here, as the execs over at BBC are also Morty's forum readers and can get some insight into next year (I made that up but it sounds cool).

    Quite simply, an overall rating from everyone here at the forums. How did you enjoy the show?

    For me, the season on the whole rated a


    I have high expectations for next season, and I will see you all back here in June for BBUS.

  7. Yes I have been wishing and hoping for Emmett's eviction for a long time - even doubly so after they evicted Andrew - seems like the whole house liked Emmett and Jillian way too much - they are the "matriarch and patriarch" of the BBC house - I really hope that evicting Andrew leads to one of their demise as he was my only favorite left and they discarded him like old dirty underwear

  8. He asked them questions whose answers "suggested" what they should do. And you are right. I didn't watch the feeds. The feeds put me to sleep more often than not.

    Hey Canada guess what we have Dan from BBUS to show you guys how its done! That was the feeling I got.

    He basically encouraged them to stop being so friendly toward each other, and try to win, and remove whoever is in your way, which would have been good information back in episode 4.

    This BBC feels more and more like BB on training wheels. Hopefully next season they'll take them off (the training wheels).

  9. I felt Dan's appearance on the show was lame. He had them doing stupid pet tricks for a dumb red bandana, and then had a one on one with each of them that came down to him basically saying "make something interesting happen please". I felt it was belittling to the BBC HG's. Piss off Dan.

    OK wait a sec. He DID get Emmett to reveal that his speech to the jury would "CRUSH" Jillian's. Obviously he has all his bullet points aligned.



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