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Posts posted by Hawknose

  1. I don't know much about her personality, but I agree that sometimes she looks like Kristen Stewart, and other times she looks like Katy Perry. When I was watching BBAD the other day and she had a green/turquoise shirt on I was blown away by her looks, I think she might be the nicest looking female in the house. Nice eyes also.

  2. This evening GM called Candice and Howard the tokens and said "the blacks always stick together". My jaw dropped, her and Aaryn are made for one another.

    OMG! You can take the girl out of Staten Island, but you can't take the Staten Island out of the girl.

  3. Who is he in bed with right now (ie 4am PST)?

    I am watching the feeds and there is some bimbo that keeps calling him a "Fing asshole" and various kinds of put-downs. He's not attacking her, but anytime he says something she does not agree with, she insults him. And its not done in a fun\joking banter, it has a cruel biting tone as if they have been a couple for years and she tired of him.

    Not exact dialog, but its something like this:

    "I like Strawberry ice cream"

    "What kind of f'ing looser likes Strawberry ice cream? I can't believe I am in bed with an asshole who like strawberry ice cream"

    "I need to use the bathroom"

    "F*ck, why didn't you use it before getting into bed. Be sure to wipe your ass before coming back to bed and flush the F'ing toilet too"

    This is frigging hysterical. She is so loathesome. There is another thread here -


    which says he is in bed with GinaMarie but from your comments it sounds more like Amanda. Jeez I really can't stand her and her predator eyes and bushy brows and masculine attitude. McCrae is her bitch right now, it sounds like.

  4. I don't see it. Anyway Reese Witherspoon is much prettier than Aaryn. She looks more like that girl J.T. on Scrubs had a baby with.

    Yeah you're right. Not Reese.Brainfart. Sorry. Cybill Shepherd is pretty close - didn't realize how pretty she was..... The girl from Scrubs - I think that's Elizabeth Banks......


  5. Normally I'm one of the first people to call BS with production's interference but come on, did we expect anyone BUT Elissa to get this first MVP? The majority of the audience doesn't watch the feeds so all they're basing it off of is the first episode. And also she has automatic votes from the Brenchel Army whereas everyone else has to build their fanbase from scratch.

    Yikes! I forgot all about the Brenchel army! I didn't realize what an advantage that gave Elissa!

  6. I knew from his photo that if he didn't win the first HOH he would probably be gone. He looks like the local stoner but he seems smart. I think once he is acclimated he will find a niche and go far......but from what I am reading here in the above comments IDK anymore....

  7. She looks like someone famous but I can't put my finger on who. If I was David I would head for the hills. She is bonkers. All this about trust and they have only known each other for about a week.

    AHA! Reese Witherspoon!



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