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Posts posted by BBLuver

  1. Wil comes and gives Spicy a huge hug. She apologizes for how sweaty she is.

    Spicy gives Wil an envelope and he enthuses over it, saying he loves envelopes. Wil didn`t get to hear Ian`s speech because they were back stage, he is so happy Ian won. Ian kept is classy and Dan played dirty. Wil underestimated Ian, he loves that kid and is so happy.

    Fans love Wil, who goes Awwww... He is pretty, has no idea why they love him so much. That means so much to him, thank you. Wil is up for best storyteller award at the wrap party tomorrow night. Wil breaks into his story voice, mocking Joe who they can`t hear in the BY so they assume he`s not back there.

    If someone was to play Wil in a movie, he would want Chloris Leachman.

    The zingbot didn`t zing Wil on the show. What do you call Fabio without sex appeal or muscles - Wil. ZING! If he had a dollar for anytime someone called him sexy, he`d be richer than Dan Gheesling.

    Wil is single and taking applications. Holds out his hand - put a ring on it.

    Wil was frustrated watching everyone pave the way for Dan to win. Don`t hate the person lying, hate yourself for falling for it, is his advice for his fellow HG`s that took it personally.

    Wil was happy he dìdn`t make it to jury. If he wasn`t going to make F3, he wanted to go home instead of waiting to award someone else $500,000. If he could take someone to F2 with him, it would have been Jenn. Wil calls her a friend for life.

    One word to describe Frank: Lackable.

    One word to describe Britney: makes a noise kind of like Darth Vader.

  2. Next up is Janelle. Spicy tells her she looks amazing.

    How hard was it to leave your baby girl and husband: Janelle says it was very hard to leave her family.

    The person she was most excited to see evicted was Danielle.

    When she told Brit she had no emotion about things, she was trying to bug Brit because Brit was having a rough week. She can usually level herself out.

    The most exciting moment was winning her first coach`s comp; she loves winning comps. Spicy`s fave comp was Feel the Burn; which is also Janelle`s. She loves shaking her booty.

    Janelle wanted to do Amazing Race with Julie Chen, but JC can`t because she works for CBS. JC recommended Boogie.

    It was rough having her own team turn on her. It sucked, and it hurt her game the most.

    Watching the season from home was better emotionally because she could wind down at home than being thrown into the action and having to deal with it that way. Decompression time is better, she says.

    Janelle to her huge fan base: I love you guys so much, thank you for always supporting me. I know there is a lot of you out there and thanks for being there for so long. I love you guys!

    Janelle wants to be a player like Dan, super manipulative. Janelle thought Dan`s game was a little dirty, swearing on the bible and everything, but he was amazing. She felt bad that he got 2nd place.

    There is no animosity between Janelle and Wil. They are friends - kind of. Janelle has a lot of friends, she doesn`t need anymore.

    Being a mother and wife changed Janelle`s life as she has slowed down a lot. She used to be a party girl but now her daughter is her world and being a wife is important to her.

    Jeff gave Janelle pork rinds with a picture of Janelle and Willie when he threw them at her. She doesn`t converse with him, doesn`t want to talk with him again; they have nothing in common.

    If she could take one thing from the BB house, she`d take a chess piece. She loved playing chess with Dan.

    Janelle loves Frank; she cheered for him up until he was evicted and then she cheered for Dan.

    Janelle will be at the wrap party tomorrow.

  3. Spicy asks if Ashley is going to wrap party tomorrow. She is, and she loves to party.

    Ashley is so excited that Ian won and so proud of him and their season. Ian was on her dream board. Next on her dream board is her moving to CA, and her tanning business blowing up. Ashley's business is bronzique.com but used to be Ashley's golden glow and she might go back to that.

    Ashley describing her sciatic nerve so bad because of the HN beds. It's better now.

    Ashley says she had fun in the jury house with Frank; she giggles. She says she has a futur with Frank, he needs to move to Cali. He's on her dream board and he needs to use his AC $$ to get his butt to Cali.

    One word to describe Ian: adorable.

    The dates with Ian were to build confidence in the beginning, but then he grew on her. He was awkward in the beginning.

    Ashley said in an interview that Ian owed her an apology. Ashley doesn't remember it, and says he doesn't. Everyone lied in that house, she voted out her coach. Yes, she does regret Janelle being voted out. She found out today Dani had lied to her about a lot of what Janelle said. She didn't want to be a target either.

    Her fave BB player is Frank.

    Joe is so happy for Ian. Joe was ready to give it to Dan becaus he played an awesome game. It came down to Ian being 21 years old who grew while in the house, did it with virtually no blood on his hands.

    Joe is up for the "Stealth Whisperer" award tomorrow night at the wrap party. Spicy asks about Joe's legendary stealth whisper in the house, where he mistook Dan for Shane.

    Fan question - Joe is a bear`s fan.

    Joe is asked if the competitions where tough. He starts laughing and repeats the question. `Let me put it this way, I fell off one before it even started!`

    Spicy says Joe got more fans after his classy exit. Asks if it was planned, it was not. Joe says he has learned so much from the other HG`s. Joe says there were tense moments, but at the end of the day, he wants to party with them. When asked who his favorite is, Janelle is. She was his coach; he would live or die by her. He blamed Wil when she was voted off, but it wasn`t.

    The future for Chef Joe is: a cooking program, hopefully. First off though, he is doing the Mad Love Cooking (BB Cookbook). Then his youtube show, and hopefully someone picks him up.

    Spicy asks if Joe got headbutted more than once by Willie. Joe laughs and says he thought Willie was gonna kiss him at first for being so close. Joe says they were love taps, 2 or 3, but they weren`t hard. Joe thinks Willie was self-evicting.

  4. Next up is Shane, and Spicy loves his shave. He says it's continuity and sometimes they don't let you shave for a week so your DR sessions are consistent for that episode.

    Shane was mostly ticked at Dan for being evicted because he was the mastermind. Then he was upset with Dani at first, but now that he knows it wasn't her, he's better. It could've been him that won tonight; he was supposed to be F3.

    He'd like to continue his relationship with Dani, but their relationship is long distance so he's unsure. Since they didn't win, they don't have extra money to spend on plane tickets. Shane has no hard feelings for keeping Dani over Britney; he did what he had to do.

    The funnest time Shane had was meeting people, the downtime, coming up with crazy games, throwing balls at each other. Salsa ball that Dan created. It was a good time.

    Shane never went to the jury house. He got evicted Thursday, went right to a hotel. He was sequestered for 6 days and had no obligations for 6 days, crammed into a room. He's gotten 20 hours of sleep in 7 days; he was replaying everything, trying to figure out what he could have done to prevent it. He's not going to sleep well tonight cause he is going home, no job and bills.

    What advice would you give to someone wanting to be on BB? It's a huge committment. Emotionally and physically, it destroys you. You gotta mentally prepare yourself for anything in the game. He hadn't seen the show up until he was on it. Once he found out he was cast, he watched most of BB11, parts of BB12 and BB13, but that's it. When Shane won the first POV at the laundromat this season, Brit (his coach) had to explain it. Getting 4th place was good, but he does wish he won. Shane won 6 competitions this season.

    Why do you think you made it so far? Shane started off being targeted early because of Willie. After the reset happened, Shane threw competitions so people didn't think he was so strong. It worked for awhile, he won when he had to.

    If Shane could pick one thing to take home from the BB house, it would be the lamp above his head. Or the boom box in one of the rooms. Spicy tells Shane about the mock game Super pass played before the show started.

  5. Next up is Frank, whom Spicy is gushing over. They sent her a Team Frank shirt.

    Thoughts on tonight's show and Ian taking everything. Frank said had he went out 3rd place, Frank would've told him he should have stuck with Frank. However, if he won, he'd tip his hat towards him.

    Frank is a bit bitter towards Dan but will work on it.

    Frank wasn't allowed to take Ted to sequester. Ted was in Ian's doghouse, Frank goes to retrieve him. Frank says the worst thing about the carrot costume was the hat.

    Frank had suspicions that Willie was going to get expelled but as a fan of the show, he hoped he was wrong because someone else would've loved that spot.

    Frank was thrilled to "get it on" with Ashley on the couch the night of their date. Spicy says that was one of the highlights of the season. Frank confirms there is a connection between them but they are both on opposite sides of the country and that is working against them.

    Spicy congratulates Frank on AC; she voted for him. Frank is thrilled, means America liked him. Frank doesn't know if he is All Star worthy, but he'd come back and play anyway.

    One word to describe Ian: Imperative, Frank says.

    Frank would change his gameplay by sending Dan/Dani home week 2 if he could redo it. Frank's game was called arrogant and aggressive; Frank says he had to build his confidence back up - he was against a wall.

    Frank seemed angry when he left the game. Frank says he wasn't angry, just heartbroken. He got tunnel vision and walked out the door.

    Frank to his fan: He's so happy to have his fans and he played for everyone. He loves us all.

  6. Spicy in the BY with Britney, commenting how hot it was. Brit says coyly that she's never hot. Spicy asks Britney what she thinks of Ian winning. Brit says Ian is so deserving, she'so excited for him. She thinks he played a really good game, he deserved it and she's so happy for him.

    When asked why they bonded so well; she feels they bonded really well because they could talk, relate to each other, good conversations. Reminded her of her own little brother. He's just a good person and she loves him to pieces. Brit felt like she was her little bro in the house, she wanted to comfort him when he got upset. They had a really connection. She loved him to pieces. When he won, it was a dream come true, she was so excited for him.

    Spicy asks about Dan's controversial game play. Brit says Dan played an amazing game, he set the pace for the entire season, he did what he had to do to get from week to week safely which many others couldn't. He & Ian sitting in the F2 was appropriate based on gameplay this season. His lies don't get to her like they do to the other HG's. If he checks his morals at the door, it's a game and doesn't offend her. It wows her; Dan does a really good job. He masterminded the entire season. His gameplay impressed her, even though she could never do what he did.

    Fan question - everyone is dying to see Brit do M&M rap music. Brit declines to do it without music but confirms she can really rap. It's more spontaneous.

    Topic moves to Dani and Brit's relationship with her. Brit says Dani's gameplay sucked; she only did what Dan told her to do. She didn't make any decisions for herself, and played Dan's game. Left to her own devices, she never would've made F3.

    When asked about pressing the rest button, Brit says shhhhh. Why she pressed it was that the odds were better if she entered the game and worked with Shane as opposed to having only Shane as her teammate.

    Brit's regret was voting Janelle out instead of Frank when given the chance. Janelle wasn't gunning for her.

    How did it feel to kick Ted's butt? She had a lot of frustration to get out and kicking Ted's butt helped. He was an easy target.

    Brit denies rumors that the DR's are scripted. The opinions expressed are the HG's choice. The only part that is scripted is whatever they are describing to "set the moment" like, she walked in the BY and saw an alien landing.

    Fank question - If they could know the HG's before choosing players as coaches, who would she have picked? Brit's dream team would have been: Frank, Shane and Ian.

    Spicy asks about Frank/Brit bickering in the jury house. Brit says they only fought the one night. Their differences were when it came to Dan, but otherwise everything was fine. Brit calls him a great player, he played a good game and no hard feelings. Brit has no hard feelings yet, but she has to watch first. She is super excited to go home to her husband.

  7. 6:03PM BBT - Dan recounts how on his season, Memphis made Dan give him his gold chain as collateral the night before the F2 went down. Ian offers him something, but Dan declines. He trusts Ian. He didn't ask for anything from Memphis either.

    6:08PM BBT - Dani goes outside to tell Dan she is done chopping stuff for dinner; Dan comes inside to cook while Dani cleans up. Dan comments that it's the "last night". Dan asks Dani what's wrong and she says, "Nothing, just tired." Dan chuckling about walking in on Ian in the WC, asking if that's what Jodi did to him.

    Dan asks Dani if she wants to play beer pong tonight. She says she'll watch.

    Random WBRB.

    6:14PM BBT - Feeds are back, Dan called to DR.

    6:16PM BBT - Dani called to DR. Ian comes out of WA, and Dan apologizes. He hasn't done that all season. Ian asks why Dan was called to DR. Dan says one of the production staff is having their last shift. WBRB.

    6:17PM BBT - Dan back to getting dinner ready. Ian to his hammock.

    6:22PM BBT - Dani out of DR, Ian called in. Dani teary eyed after her goodbye.

    6:32PM BBT - Dani is sad that tonight is the last night. She's sad to say goodbye to Dan. Dan tells her it will be about a month until everything will feel normal. Dani comments that they are the only 2 left from the original team. Dan comments that the odds were against them, but that is how he liked to play the game. Dani said she would have never wanted another coach, even after all that's happened.

    Ian savoring his last night in the hammock.

    6:41PM BBT - Dani is saying there is no way she ever would have gone against Dan. If he can't see how much closer she is to him than Shane then.... Dan asked what he could have done to make her go with Shane. Dani: Nothing, I gave you my word. Dan presses it, saying there has to be something.

    Dani says Dan would've had to leave her first and vote against her for her to turn on him. There was nothing he could have said to make her turn her back on him.

    6:43PM BBT - Dan says he would have turned on Dani if she ever lied to him. He says he first started trusting her when she threw challenges in the beginning and when they did the game Walking the Plank.

    6:49PM BBT - Dan and Dani discussing the teams. Dan says Janelle's players became shifty because of Janelle. Dani says she is glad she stayed true to her house in the BB house. Who she is inside the house is the same outside the BB house. Dan says he wishes he could say the same, that he acts the same outside the BB house as in. He is different outside the BB house. Dan says he doesn't like stabbing people in the back, but outside the house he doesn't have 14 people trying to evict him from the BB house either.

    6:57PM BBT - Dan does a shout out to his Dad, saying he is just making chicken for Dani.

    Dani thinks she was meant to meet Dan. Dan asks her if Shane was meant to be evicted. Dani says yes, she thinks that just won Shane America's Choice. Dan teasing Dani about her showmance with Shane. Dani gets riled, and says she won't miss this side of Dan.

    Dan comments BB hasn't said "That's what she said" a lot. Dani testing the chicken for Dan.

  8. 4:37PM BBT - Dani brings her plate inside and washes it. She refills her drink and heads to the WA to squeeze out pimples. [Her third eye has moved from her forehead to her chin now -- BBLuver] Dani lays out clothes she's going to wear after her shower. Dan comes into the WA and gives her a big hug "You look like you need a hug today."

    Dani asks Dan if he thought she was evicted today in the DR. He says he waited in the AR for like 45 minutes. She says she scared them last night, because she kept waking up an FoTH.

    4:44PM BBT - Feeds are back, Ian is inside. He asks if Dani is in the shower. Dan says she just went in. Ian asks if she tried to start anything, Dan says she is losing it. Dan tells Ian she is trying to start stuff by implying Ian will win if she takes Dan. Ian bashing Dani and Shane.

    4:46PM BBT - Ian heads back to the hammock. Dan cutting up steak for dinner.

    4:49PM BBT - Dan is cutting the steak into really tiny pieces with a butter knife.

    Dan is making his carne quesida

    4:51PM BBT - Dan mentions he is cutting up steak. Would we like to join him for some carne quesida? Dan tells us his recipe: buy eye of round steak. Cut it up into tiny, tiny pieces so you can sear it. How is that for Dan love cooking? Dan love cooking, where you have to throw the final HOH to win a half million bucks. Or win it to win 50.

    4:52PM BBT - Dan shooes a fly away and says, Please fly don't bother me. He whispers that he is going to start smoking these flies.

    4:56PM BBT - "Man, I'd better hurry up and cut up this steak, I have so much to do tonight," cracks Dan. He comments he'll have to make it for Chelsea, he never has before and he thinks she'd like it. "My dog Frank will get all the leftovers, all the fat." Dan calls him a rat, and then tells Chelsea Frank better not be sleeping in their bed.

    4:58PM BBT - Dan comments that he's only just finished chopping one steak and there has got to be an easier way. He puts the next 2 together and cuts them and says, There, that's using your head, Dan.

  9. 3:05PM BBT - Dan asks if the feeders hate them (the HG's) right now because they are so boring. Ian says maybe, but what else are they going to do?

    3:09PM BBT - Ian talking about a glaze he made the other night for chicken. It doesn't match the quality that Joe could make, but it's not bad for a 21 year old. Conversation turns to what a po'boy sandwich is.

    3:10PM BBT - Dani is in the pool now. The only discussion she's had with the boys was a brief dinner discussion with Ian over making steak.

    3:11PM BBT - Ian thinks they rushed to get the BY empty because they knew he was waiting for it.

    3:13PM BBT - Dani back to laying out in the sun on her towel.

    3:19PM BBT - Ian asks Dan if he's ever gone to The Best Site in the Universe: http://maddox.xmission.com/. Ian tells Dan he loves the Sims. Dan asks what his favorite profession was. Ian says he would typically do the journalism or business careers. Ian wanted to be a weatherman when he grew up (when he was younger).

    3:22PM BBT - Dan and Ian talking about buzzers that didn't work in comps in prior season's. They had to do a redo in one season, which was explained. Talk turns to BB13, and how Ian wanted Porche in the F2 - she had more finesse. Rachel had a lot of game play, won more comps. He could go either way but he was leaning towards Porche.

    In 12, Ian was rooting for Matt, then Enzo. Once he was gone, he was rooting for Lane. For BB9, he rooted for Adam the whole time. In 8, he was rooting for Eric. Once Eric was gone, he was rooting for Evel Dick. Anyone but Erica for season 7.

    3:31PM BBT - Dan asks who Ian's favorite was in season 1. Ian says Chicken George. More talk about previous seasons.

    3:41PM BBT - Dani heads inside to the WC. She washes her hands and heads to the KT to poke around in the fridge.

    3:45PM BBT - There's some whispering going on in the pool, which is weird since Dani is inside making a grilled sandwich.

    3:51PM BBT - Ian says he will vote America's Choice based on whomever entertained him. They go over past America's Choice wins.

    3:54PM BBT - Dani comes back outside with her sandwich, tells them it's almost 4pm.

    4:00PM BBT - Dan and Ian discussing naming their kids after elements on the periodic table. They ask Dani w, she says "Carbon". Dan thinks Mercury Murphee would be a good porn name.

    4:03PM BBT - The guys are out of the pool and Dan joins Dani on the BY couches. She said 3 people talked to her since last night about the HOH comp and FoTH. (Ian is, of course, on the hammock)

    4:04PM BBT - Feeds are back and Dani is talking about taking Xanax. She mentions that production doesn't want her to feel like an outcast, so they were trying to talk to her even though she doesn't want to. Brief FoTH.

    4:07PM BBT - Dani hears a noise and asks Dan if he's making the noise. Ian saw a mouse yesterday. Dan finds a hole and Dani says she knew she heard something.

    4:09PM BBT - Dani chuckles at Dan giving out his P.O. Box because people couldn't find his house from that, they can only send letters. Dan says he uses that address for his business. It's why a lot of companies won't deliver to a P.O. Box because it's not an actual address, Dani says.

    4:14PM BBT - Dani tells Dan she knows he'd rather have Memphis there than her. Dani is acting weird, according to Dan. Dani says she is just thinking, retrospective. Says Ian and Dan didn't have to be weird.

    4:16PM BBT - Dani confirms that Dan had 3 days with just him and Memphis in the house. "Best days in the house," Dan confirms.

    4:18PM BBT - Dani asks Dan what he's thinking. "About cutting a steak up for dinner," Dan replies. He then tells BB they left some lights on in the BY.

    4:19PM BBT - Dan asks Ian what he will do without a hammock in real life. He says he can stimulate other ways, like going outside and stuff. Dan asks Dani if she thinks Ian could be trained no to move. Dani says she thinks he has too much going on in his head.

    4:20PM BBT - Dan and Dani see some hawks. Dani calls them vultures and says they only circulate when something is dead.

    4:27PM BBT - Dani asks Dan if he thinks his father is coming out for the finale. Dan says no and Dani asks why. Dan says producers discretion who they invite out. Dani says they told her that too but why? Dan told them his Dad is the biggest BB fan, but thinks since he's never come out they won't invite him. BB: "You are not allowed to talk about production." Dan says he can't wait to see Chelsea. Dani asks if they come out the day of or the day before. Dan says the day before, but that was when BB had a ton of money to spend on things like the party. FoTH.

    4:31PM BBT - Feeds are back, and Dani is talking about her mom and Christie coming out. Dani's mom works from home so she can take as many days off as she wants. Dani asks Dan again what he is thinking. "Nothing." Dani tells him he's lying. Dan gets up to go cut up the steak.

    4:33PM BBT - Dan goes to the WC, Dani pensive on the BY couches, Ian on the hammock.

    4:35PM BBT - Dan washes his hands, goes to the SR briefly, then goes to the DR.

  10. 6:06PM BBT - Ian in the WC for the 5th time, washes his hands, checks himself out in the mirror and goes back to the KT table for more rocking.

    6:20PM BBT - News alert: Ian changed his shirt.

    6:28PM BBT - Ian goes into the WA and says that area stinks like "asshole". Gotta wash the towels, but need a washing machine to do that. He's pissed off. Ian heads back to the KT, repeating the name of the HG's who won HOH in order. He likely thinks the next competition has something to do with that.

    6:47PM BBT - Dan is called to the DR. He seems to think it's the start of the 2nd part of HOH. Dani gets out of bed.

    6:51PM BBT - Dani finished in the WC, washes her hands and goes to KT. Pours herself some water. Ian tells her it's probably time for part 2 of HOH and Dan is likely getting briefed in the DR. Dani asks Ian what time they went to sleep and what he's been doing. Ian says "3" and doesn't answer her other question. Ian tells Dani he's so bored. She asks what he's been doing. "Playing slinky," he answers.

    6:53PM BBT - Dan comes out of DR. Hey Dani and Ian, it's time to do part 2 of the HOH competition! "Yay!" Dani responds. Someone else says, "Hello house." Dani replies with "Hey Heath" and FoTH.

    6:54PM BBT - Trivia

  11. 5:03PM BBT - Ian pacing, muttering HG's names to himself.

    5:18PM BBT - Ian back at the table, rocking. Playing with the slinky.

    5:22PM BBT - Ian goes to the WC again, washes his hands, checks himself out in the mirror and heads back to the KT. (Note: Ian totally walks on his toes)

    5:25PM BBT - Ian pacing again.

    5:40PM BBT - Ian goes to the WC again; washes his hands, checks himself out in the mirror and heads back to the KT. He paces, belching loudly. [Trying to emanate Frank maybe? -- BBLuver]

    5:50PM BBT - Ian walks to the WA, points to something and says "That's what stinks." Resumes his pacing.

    5:51PM BBT - Ian knocks on the door of the WC, even though the other 2 are sleeping, and goes in for the 4th time. He washes his hands, checks himself out in the mirror and resumes pacing.

    5:59PM BBT - Ian tries hiding up against the memory wall but the camera finds him. He says "Ha!" and goes back to the KT table. "Sorry state of bored, kiddies."

  12. 6:50PM BBT - Feeds are back. Ian is talking about someone named Sarah not being his type. Dan jokingly warning him to stay away from Chelsea. They head to the KT to play cards. Dan asks how Ian knew they lost power. Ian says first the microwave, they don't know what time it is. Dan says the fridge is back on. Ian says they would've lost all the meat they just got.

    Dani in the WA. Dan goes to the SR, sees all the restocked food and goes "Oh yeah! Restocked city."

    6:56PM BBT - Dan asks Dani if he can have her "California pizza" from her basket. He tells them that he is going to make a "bomb ass" omlet in the morning if Ian and Dani want in. Ian mentions he's never seen BBAD with only 3 people left.

    Dani begs BB for some form of entertainment. i.e. music.

    Dan says they should all get a final 3 blog. He asks if the others think they give all their old food to the jury house. Ian says they must donate it to a food bank. They must, or he won't be happy about it. Ian misses Brit.

    Dan wonders if the feeds are back. Ian says maybe, Dani says she doubts it as the lights are still out. Dani staring at the memory wall; she can't believe they beat all those people.

    7:01PM BBT - Dan doing a card trick on Dani and Ian. Dani tells Dan he's done the card trick before and he is terrible at it.

    7:04PM BBT - Dan playing solitaire in the KT; Dani and Ian watching. Ian saying if Frank had left first, Boogie would be in jury instead of Frank. They mimick the comments Frank made the night Boogie left. Dani feels bad for yesterday's life show; they yelled some profanity out loud. Ian says, "Who hasn't?"

    7:11PM BBT - Dan gets up and walks away from the table. Dani asks if he's leaving and Dan quips that he is going for a walk in the park. Dani asks Ian if he thinks they'll tell him what time it is. Ian says no, maybe he should ask in the DR. Dan comes back with one of the toys Ian got from Pandora's Box. Dani takes over Solitaire. Dan cleans of the KT table so they have room.

    7:18PM BBT - Dan calls Ian out for farting in front of a woman. [Why did no one call Frank out for all his disgusting habits?!?! - BBLuver]

    Dan asks Ian if BB offered him a job as DR producer, would he do it as his career? Ian says yes, it would be fun. Dan starts mimicking what Ian would do as part of his job and FoTH.

    We come back 30 seconds later to Dan asking if that would be on the live feeds or would they cut it? Ian says they cut it.

    7:25PM BBT - Dan gets tired of the toy, walks away from the table saying he just wants to blow something up. Dani takes over the instructions. Dani asks Ian why men don't like to read instructions. Ian says they are men, they don't like being told what to do. Dani comments, "So men just think they are know it alls." Ian says basically.

    Dan says they should play baseball in the house.

    7:28PM BBT - Dani tells Ian she would've taken POV from whomever had it during the Candy Counter POV comp. She would've considered not taking it from Ian, but that would've revealed their alliance.

    Dan goes back to Solitaire; Dani continuing to put together the toy. Ian rocking, reminising about the comp. He asked Dan if he would've let Jenn keep the trip to take the dog costume. Dan says probably not.

    Ian is glad they got the volcano (the toy) out tonight because they have nothing else to do. Dani asks Ian to go find out what time it is. Dan asking Dani for advice with his card game. Dan tells Dani she is putting the volcano together way faster than he could have. Ian comes back and tells them it's 7:33 and sets the clock on the microwave.

    7:37PM BBT - Dan gets stuck on his card game, so Dani tries to help him. Dan's pizza is ready, and Ian is trying to set the clock on the stove with no success. Dan tries to help, also with no success. Dan asks if they know the best way to fix the flashing "12" on a VCR: put a piece of tape over it. Dani offers her assistance with Dan's card game. Dan asks for a hint.

    Dan asks what they want to do for dinner. (Apparently the pizza is just an appetizer) Dani says "Ohmigosh, I just won you the game."

    7:40 PM BBT - Dan asks who wants to pull an all nighter with him tonight. Ian says "Fuck no". Dan says he is going to hit them over the head with pillows all night. Dani says "Don't you dare". Ian says he can't imagine what it would be like with just two people in the house, like Dan was with Memphis. But they had the BY, Ian points out. (Does this mean no more BY for them? -- BBLuver)

    Dan is continuously uttering the phrase "That's what she said" after random comments Ian and Dani are making.

    Dan offers Dani a piece of pizza. Dani refuses, saying she gained weight while in the BB house. She ate nothing but grilled cheese and fattening food while in sequester.

    Dani is going over dinner options. Cereal, because it's easy. Dan reminds her they just got re-stocked. She is tired. Ian is too, but it's only 7:30pm. Dan offers to cook for Dani, but she declines. He points out that there is nothing else to do. Dani is grouchy because they've been locked down since Monday. Ian agrees, he can't deal with it. Dan asks if they want to do anything for BBAD. Ian says there is only 3 of them, what can they do?

    Ian says this is where the boredom sorta sets in. "Sorta?" Dani groans. Dan says they can always find things to do. Dan wants to play guess the card. He randomly starts guessing cards as Dani turns them over. He hasn't gotten one right yet. Ian working on the volcano now. Dani looks totally exhausted and bored.

    7:48PM BBT - Dan gets one right gets one right and goes "Yes! I'm done." Dan tells Dani and Ian he is going to pull an all nighter. Dani says she could pass out for the night right now.

    Dan looks at Dani's pic on the memory wall and tells her she looks nothing like her picture. Ian says he doesn't either. Dan asks if they'd rather look good in pictures or in real life. Real life, both Ian and Dani say in unison. Dani asks if she looks better in person or in pictures. Dan says in person. Dan comments about how much weight Joe lost.

    Ian on the LR couch; the lights are still dim in there.

    7:57PM BBT - The volcano is put together; Dan and Ian thank Dani.

    8:01PM BBT - Ian starts talking about history and this LFU completely gets lost.

  13. 3:02PM BBT - Shane & Dani in the KT, Shane eating. Dani commented on how much fat was in something that was in her HOH basket. Dan and Ian packing.

    3:08PM BBT - Trivia

    3:10PM BBT - We're back to the same as before except now Dani is trying to find something to eat. Dan comments that time flies when you're sleeping. Ian donnes his dog hat from earlier in the season and goes to bug Dan with it.

    3:13PM BBT - Dan asks Dani if she'll shave his neck after lunch. She says sure.

    3:14PM BBT - Ian finds Dan and says "Buzz. Your girlfriend, Woof!"

    3:15PM BBT - Trivia again.

  14. 10:45AM BBT - Jenn sitting at the table in the KT, staring at the memory wall.

    10:51AM BBT - Jenn's eyes moving over the wall is the only sign of life.

    10:55AM BBT - Dani back from DR. Jenn jokes that she put her fingers in her cereal. Dani jokingly tells her to shut up. Dani says she "went off" in there, FoTH.

    10:56AM BBT - Dani says it's so weird seeing Frank's picutre B/W, and Joe's too. Jenn comments on Frank's hair. Joe's hair has a light blue hue; different than everyone else's.

    11:02AM BBT - Dani and Jenn discuss their weird dreams from last night. Jenn dreamt all the other HG's were back in the house. Dani goes "no no no".

  15. 9:00AM BBT - Jenn and Dan are in the KT. Dan eating cereal, Jenn moving around. Shane and Dani still sleeping in the SBR. No sign of Ian.

    9:05AM BBT - Dani was up long enough to go to WC, then back to bed. Ian called by BB to change his batteries. Ian comes down and says good morning to Dan. Dan asks him if he knows how early it is. Ian says he does, and he plans to go back to bed. Jenn back in bed.

    9:08AM BBT - Dan tells BB he is staying awake for them and don't make him regret it. He settles on the couch with his comforter and says "Let's watch some TV."

    Dan does shout outs to his wife, sister, parents and others. Dan does a shout out to Joker's Updates. Says he doesn't look like he's happy but he is. He's just tired. He eventually falls asleep on the couch. He wakes himself up and heads back to bed.

    9:44AM BBT - Shane gets up, washes his face, changes his batteries.

    9:53PM BBT - WBRB

    9:54AM BBT - Dani now up. She heads to the WA to go put makeup on.

    10:00AM BBT - Shane in the WA with Dani, commenting on how early it is. Jenn called to the DR. Shane asks if Dani is going to take a shower right now. She says no and asks if he is. He says no and heads back to bed.

    Jenn went to the WA to primp before going to DR, so Ian gets called instead.

    10:07AM BBT - Dan called to DR. Ian done in DR, goes back to bed.

    10:12AM BBT - Dan out of the DR, goes back to bed. Dani done her makeup, working on her hair now.

    Jenn making a protein shake in the KT.

    10:15AM BBT - Hair and makeup done, Dani sits on the couch in the WA staring off into space. She is mouthing words; practice for her DR session?

    10:17AM BBT - Jenn called to the DR.

    10:31AM BBT - Dani still waiting on the WA couch for her turn in the DR.

    10:40AM BBT - Dani pours herself a bowl of Fruit Loops.

    10:42AM BBT - Dani finally called to the DR. Jenn comes in and jokes that they are interrupting her Fruit Loop time. How dare they?

  16. 8:02PM BBT - Dani has decided on cereal for dinner. Jenn goes for a nap.

    8:08PM BBT - Shane joins the KT.

    8:13PM BBT - Ian/Dan talking about past HG's, Shane eating cereal. Shane is aggravating Dani, saying payback is a b1tch.

    8:18PM BBT - Dan encouraging Dani to play rummy with Shane. Shane says she doesn't want to because she'll get pounded. "That's what he said," Dan quips. Dani says she is exhausted and Shane is getting on her ever loving nerves. Shane blames Dani for starting it.

    Dani offers to play a hand with Shane, who says he is already playing with someone (himself). She'll have to wait her turn, Shane says.

    8:23PM BBT - Dani goes up to the HOH room to listen to Ian's CD. She starts randomly laughing and then says: Why am I laughing? I am losing my mind. She is quiet for about 2 minutes, and then bursts out laughing again. She's watching the spy cam, and Shane is eating all her Fruit Loops. She tells BB to look, Shane is mad she one upped him and got on his nerves.

    Dan on the couch in the LR, reading his letter from Chelsea.

    8:28PM BBT - Ian comes upstairs and chuckles when he sees Dani saw Shane eating her Fruit Loops. Dani said Shane is pissing her off and he is only doing that because she was bugging him. He is wasting the Fruit Loops, she says.

    Dani goes back downstairs and Shane goes, "Mmmmmmmm. 2 bowls down!" Dani asks Shane if he knows how many carbs are in 2 bowls. "I don't care, I'm chubby," proclaims Shane.

    Dani agrees to play a game of rummy with Shane. Ian alone in HOH.

    8:48PM BBT - Nothing new to report since the last update.

  17. 7:00PM BBT - Dani asks Ian if Jenn is still walking around mad. Ian tells her that Jenn is salty. Dani says Jenn snapped at her but Dani doesn't know why. Ian tells Dani they are still locked out, production is building in the BY.

    Ian says it's either win or go home. He begins going over past competitions from other seasons.

    Dan sitting alone in the KT staring at a picture of him & his wife. Dan is also studying the memory wall.

    7:05PM BBT - Dani washed Joe's sheets because no one wants to sleep in Joe's sheets. Dan moved his sheets to Joe's old bed and Shane will likely sleep in the "extra' bed tonight.

    Ian says he spent a long time looking at the memory wall tonight. Shane will do that later tonight too. Dani asks what the comp will be tonight. Ian thinks it wil be a face morph.

    Shane tries to make the extra bed comfy but said it is not working out for him.

    Dani asks if Shane is usually an affectionate person back home. Shane says yeah, when there is not 90 cameras on him. Dani asks why he signed up for BB if cameras bug him so badly. Cause there is money involved and it's a great experience, Shane retorts. Shane says he never forgets they are there. Dani does.

    7:14PM BBT - Dan and Ian whispering in the KT. Dan mentions something about the way the keys were placed, Ian said it was completely arbitrary. No matter how he did it, it didn't mean anything.

    Ian feels kind of bad, because nominations kind of draws a line in the dirt. He can say they were arbitrary, and Shane believed that, but it's not necessarily true. Ian is worrying about Dani taking down Shane, forcing Dan to go up and then someone flipping. Otherwise, Dan should be in the final 4. Ian said it was so weird doing nominations with only 2 keys. Dan says this is the last real nomination ceremony.

    Dan asks what Shane and Dani are doing. Ian says hanging out. Shane packed his stuff up "in case". Ian mentioning the feeds being down 2 days. Dan asks if they are on pace, and Ian says yes. Next week will be a fast week. Brit had told Ian she went out on a Tuesday, they aired it on the Wednesday. Dan asks if they can do the football jerseys later tonight.

    Ian telling Dan if there is a question with how many eviction votes there have been since the beginning of the season, the answer will be 60 as long as there is no ties this week. If there is a tie, then it's 61. Dan and Ian are trying to figure out how many minutes they have been in the BB house.

    Dan heads to get some snacks. Jenn comes into the KT to cook. Looks like slop burgers.

    7:25PM BBT - Dan comes into the SBR. He is laughing at Shane resting on the bed with no sheets. Shane says they are outside and they are LD so he may have to sleep without them tonight. Dan says "These are clean" indicating the sheets on Dani's bed, implying he should sleep with her. Shane asks Dan how it is in the KT, Dan says "awkward".

    Dani and Shane are talking about what would be shown on a recap episode.

    7:28PM BBT - Dan and Ian in the KT opening up some of the presents Ian got from Pandora's Box. Ian has a Mystery UFO and Dan has something to do with dinosaurs. Dani joins them in the KT.

    Ian recounting his experience with Pandora's Box. Dani says she'd be mad if Rachel came out and talked about her and Brendan. Dan wouldn't be, but he'd rather get a message from his wife. Rachel started talking about sequinned shirts and sequinned booty shorts, and Ian thought he'd have to wear them. She gave advice on how best to win.

    Dani in the arcade room playing a game by herself.

    Dan asks Ian how he thinks the table ranks up to other seasons. Ian doesn't really like it.

    7:41PM BBT - Dani and Dan in the SR. Dani complaining that Jenn is making her time miserable. Dan asks if she is there to have a good time or win half a million dollars? Dani asks Dan to get Jenn under control. Dan says Jenn is pissed at the world. Dan says she needs to cool down. Dani says she doesn't know what she did. Dan says she didn't do anything. This game is about understanding people. Dani asks what happens if she wins the next HOH and puts Jenn and Ian up. Dan says don't, put Dan and Ian up. Dani doesn't want to put Dan up ever. Dani says its sad that they have to tiptoe around Jenn. Dan says for half a million dollars, he'd do whatever he has to. Dani lamenting she can't even hang out with Dan. She has to hang out with Shane. Dan tells Dani to keep Shane awake.

    Dani can't decide what to have for dinner. She pesters Dan, but he only wants to snack. Ian making rice and a turkey sandwich. Dani goes back to SBR and Shane comments "That was a long bathroom break." Dani asks Shane what he wants for dinner. She leans down to hug Shane, telling him she'll be so upset if he doesn't hug her. He says she's obstructing his microphone and she says she doesn't care because they hate her anyway. Shane asks why she is so cold, Dani says she is anemic.

    Shane has leftover salmon and tuna from last night for dinner. He is going to put it on a salad because he doesn't want to be chubby. Dani bugging Shane "just because".

    Dan, Ian and Jenn in the KT. Akward silence and general chit chat about the food they are making.

    7:49PM BBT - Dani starts hitting Shane with a pillow. "Quit hitting yourself," she repeats. "Did you just have a whole bottle of sprite or something?" Shane asks. Shane pretends to suffocate Dani, who is giggling uncontrollably. He trabs her under his legs and then tells her he feels a fart coming on. She screams and says to let her up.

    In the KT, Ian is upset because the rice didn't turn out like it was supposed to and he made it exactly as the directions called for.

    7:55PM BBT - Shane asks how much Dani's boobs weigh. She doesn't know.

  18. 7:45PM BBT - Shane asks Ian if he thinks they will have HOH tonight. Ian says of course. Ian and Dan explain the game from season 10 to Dani and say they think it will be that one. Dan comments that Jenn is likely blowing off steam in the DR.

    Dan told Frank he was a great competitor. Ian wanted to shake his hand. Dan tries to get into the SR and was unable to at first but gets in. Ian re-fills his water bottle and begins pacing again. Shane is spinning a basketball on his fingers.

    Shane hopes Jenn won't be awkward with them. Dan brings soup out to heat. Shane repeats Dani's comment that they have to cook for themselves now. They were all very stunned when they found out they were doing a 2nd eviction. Shane's heartbeat went up by 10 beats per second from that point forward.

    Ian of his 2 HOH's: Last time I hit a doe (Ashley), this time a 12 point buck (Frank).

    7:51PM BBT - Ian wants to be called into the DR soon; he has a lot to say. They all realize they don't need to pack Joe's stuff since he was the second nominee tonight and was already packed. Ian: Did you feel that? That's a 1 in 5 shot at half a million dollars.

    Dan asked Dani if she went barefoot for POV. She said yes. She adds that Dan was jumping around like a bunny rabbit after HOH. Dan gives Dani some of the soup he made. Dan says its crazy how empty the house is now. He mutters: what the hell is wrong with Jenn?

    Shane comments that they'll have enough beds now. They figure one of them will be HOH, the other 3 can have Skid Row and Jenn will likely stay in the MBR. Danielle looking forward to finally being able to cook. Dan asks for Almond Joy with his goldfish and Cheezits in his HOH basket. Shane wants pizza tonight.

    The HG's are talking about not wanting Jenn to win HOH tonight and Ian remembers that on Dan's season, that's exactly what happened when Jerry won HOH. Dan asks if they think Jenn will come out of DR with guns blazing or calmed down? Shane and Dani think calmed down. Ian says first ever season to have two double evictions in one season. Dan compliments Ian on founding the QP.

    Dan asks if they have any idea of what Chelsea looks like in their head. Dani begins to describe her. Shane says she is stacked in the upper portion of her body. Shane finds Joe's water bottle and asks if they should mount it as a trophy.

    11:01PM BBT - Ian, Shane, and Dani begin jedi training the different days and what happened.

  19. 7:05PM BBT - Dani and Ian were talking in the arcade room but whispering and couldn't hear what they were saying.

    7:06PM BBT - Shane and Ian in KT. Shane asking Ian what he thinks the HOH will be tonight, Ian tells Shane about the HOH game Jerry won in season 10 where they had to roll the balls towards the number of days corresponding to the question.

    7:07PM BBT - Shane joins Dan in SBR, thanks Dan for not using him as a pawn. Shane says if he wins HOH he is putting up Jenn and Ian. Dan says they need to steam roll to F3. Ian joins the SBR, and Shane repeats thanking Dan for not using him as a pawn. Shane said the puzzle sucked. (Veto puzzle)

    7:09PM BBT - Dan tells Ian he took it a lot better than Memphis did (going up as a pawn).

    7:10PM BBT - Shane joins Dani in the arcade room. Says Jenn is on fire right now because Frank got voted out.

    Dan sends Ian to go talk to Jenni. Dani is now in the KT staring at the memory wall. Ian hugs her. He whispers to Dani that Jenn is not happy. She wanted Ian out the door more than anything in the world. Ian is pacing, Shane comes out and sits at the bar. Shane says, "One more POV and you got me beat". Ian mutters, "Wish I had 2 of these jokers," mimicking Frank when he took himself off the block the last double eviction show. Shane says "Well, you can't say you haven't been on the block now."

    7:15PM BBT - Jenn sitting by herself in the MBR. Shane asks if Dani is alright. She is still staring pensively at the memory wall. Shane and Ian begin re-hasing the POV. Ian went to the left in the beginning, Shane to the right. Ian explains his logic for the game to Shane. Shane asks Dani whats wrong. She says nothing. Shane tells her she looks pretty, Ian says she looks gorgeous. Shane tells Ian his mom is proud; collared shirt, Ian.

    Dan comes into the KT. Ian was hoping they weren't going to get wet during POV. Dan says Joe is a good guy, but he would never have been able to work with him in this game. Shane says he was a good guy but was making deals with the whole house. Dan asks if he can talk to Dani, and they head to the SBR.

    7:18PM BBT - Dan asks Dani if she's mad at him. Dan tells Dani he knew she had the votes to stay. Dan asks Dani why Jenn is mad at him when he didn't put her up. Dani says Jenn has a bad temper. They start whispering so low they can't be heard.

    Dani has to win HOH, she says. Joe told Dani he was going to put up Dan and Shane. Dan told Jenn Dani talked him out of putting someone up - Jenn maybe? Ian came to Dan and asked if it was him vs Shane, would Dan vote to keep him? Dan said yes. Dan tells Dani to talk to Jenn first. Dan had time to tell Ian that it was his turn to be a pawn before all that went down.

    Iand and Shane in the KT. Ian re-counting the POV competition for Shane, from start to finish. Jenn comes into the KT and starts doing dishes.

    7:28PM BBT - Jenn gets called to the DR. She says "I got a lot to say. Let's do it."

    Dani and Dan still whispering in the SBR. Dani has her back to us, and they are barely audible. Sounds like discussing possibly putting Shane and Ian up if Dani wins HOH.

    Dani heads to the KT, asks who is cooking. Shane says Jenn is pre-heating the oven, in the DR now. Says Jenn is going to burn the house down. Ian and Dani surprised. Jenn is so mad that Frank got evicted. "Was she really surprised?" Ian asks. Apparently right before the live show Jenn went to tell Joe that she was voting to keep him and she'd see him at 9pm. Shane and Ian think they should just tell Jenn she's next.

    Dani asks Ian what he thinks HOH will be. He's not sure. He is still pacing a lot. Ian asks where Dan is, Shane tells him he's in Skid Row. Shane building a tower with the cards. Ian quips that if he had been evicted tonight, he was in his Sunday's best. Shane said it's all about the Quack Pack.

    Shane asks if they saw Frank's face when he was evicted. He was shocked, Shane says. Ian was not a fan of Frank's leaving without hugging anyone but Jenn or shaking hands. Shane agrees, Frank played all summer with everyone, not just Jenn. Ian asks if they ever thought they'd see Frank's picture black and white, Dani and Shane agree. Dani wasn't expecting a double evict again.

    Jenn's probably a little salty about Dan's vote to take Frank out, Ian says. He will tell her it wouldn't have mattered. Shane thinks she's upset because she has no one. Shane asks Ian what his mom is probably thinking. "Holy shit," Ian responds immediately.

    Dani says now at jury are Britney, Ashley, Frank and Joe. At least Frank and Ashley will be back together, Shane cracks. Dan joins the KT and asks if they are on track now. Ian starts trying to figure out what else is next. Dan asks if anything funky is going to happen before finale. Dani asks if anyone else was expecting a double evict. No one else was, especially since the LD didn't start till 4am.

    Dan thanks Ian, Shane and Dani for trusting in Dan and his decisions. Shane says it shows a lot with how they voted, and Jenn can't win. Dani says 11 people have left. Janelle's whole team is gone. Dani reminds Dan that he gets pictures and a basket. We get to see Chelsea, says Shane. Look what your man did for you, Chels!

    Joe got a bigger applause than Frank. Dani asks if he got booed - no one else heard that. Shane thinks that Ian is America's Favorite, he got a big cheer when he won POV. Shane asks if that quote type of comp was new, Ian says yes. Shane can't believe everyone could remember who commented in their eviction speech. They re-hash the comp and who said what.

    Dani remarks that they will all have to cook for themselves now.

    7:43PM BBT - Ian begins to re-hash his logic for how he won the POV.

  20. 7:01PM BBT - Frank says he thinks he deserves 6th place more than Joe does. Ian says he deserves a higher place more than a lot of people. Ian says "So I either go with you, Jenn and me or.... Joe." Frank reminds him Joe will not win anything.

    7:06PM BBT - Frank tries one of Jenn's slop cookies and likes it. He then goes to see Dani and Dan in the arcade room, telling Dani her hair looks lighter. Frank laments that it has been a long day.

    Dani goes to get some chicken nuggets. Dan asks Frank for an update on the house. Ian heads back to the BY. Dan says slop cookies are as close as they will get to the real cookies.

    Frank re-counts his conversation with Ian to Dan. He worries about everyone telling him that he is safe because everyone was telling Janelle that too. Dan and Frank count possible votes for tomorrow. They go over what if scenarios on how to get an extra person out to be down to the final 3 by the timeframe.

    7:15PM BBT - Jenn and Dani on the BY couches. Chatting about Frank and his attitude again. Dani doesn't know what she did to Frank to make her not like him. Jenn re-iterates what she told Frank earlier. Dani thinks Frank can tell that she "runs away" whenever he comes around.

    In the AR, Dan confiming the finale date with Frank. "We're sure its the 19th, right? Not the 22nd?" Frank confirms that is what they were told. Dan says they don't want Survivor and BB to overlap, and that's Survivor time. Dan asks what week they are in. Frank says they are in week 9, tomorrow is day 62. Dan says the first time he played, he felt overwhelmed because there was so many smart people. They discuss past HG's.

    7:19PM BBT - Frank asks Dan if he liked Russell. Dan did, he liked that as soon as he came on, you knew what he was about.

    Jenn asks Dani if Joe has talked to her. "Same old, same old." Dani feels bad for Jenn. She is telling Jenn everything as honestly as she can, so Jenn will know what to expect. Dani has her back, she assures Jenn. Dani asks Jenn if she knows who the biggest kid in the house is. He's walking around with his puppy dog. "He's worried about crying on TV," Jenn says.

    Jenn's flight to the house was 5 hours, Dani's was 6 hours. Jenn's was a one way flight, which shocks Dani.

    7:26PM BBT - Dan and Frank talking about Survivor. Dan wonders how long the show will go one for. Until Probst is done, he surmises. Dan asks Frank if they ever told him to apply for Survivor. Frank says no. The community around BB is way bigger than Survivor, Dan says. Dan wonders why Survivor went from final two to final three. That's a big format change. He wonders if BB would ever try it. Frank says maybe it's happening on this season, but then they both shoot down the idea. They would have figured it out, Dan says.

    The only thing they have to do federally is make sure they explain anything to the HG's and make sure they understand it.

    7:30PM BBT - Jenn told Frank some of the things Dani told him. Like where Frank tried out 3 times and makes it sound like he deserves to be there more than anyone else. Dan tried out every season from BB6 before finally getting onto BB10. Dan can't believe he is in the house again; feels like he is in a coma or something. Dan tells Frank he'll probably come back for another season. Frank wonders in what capacity.

    Frank would want to come back to an All Stars season, with all returning players.

    7:35PM BBT - Dani tells Joe she is voting to keep Frank because he'll give her two packs of cigarettes.

    7:40PM BBT - Dan starts talking about production and WBRB.

    7:43PM BBT - Back, and Frank calls to Dani to ask her what everyone is doing. Just hanging outside, she says. Dan has to go to the WC. On the way, he tells Dani that Frank thinks she thinks he's arrogant.

    7:45PM BBT - Dani in the SR: I don't care if he thinks I think he's arrogant. Cause guess what? He is!

    7:46PM BBT - Shane, Frank and Jenn general chit chat on the BY couches. Ian in the hammock. Dani joins them.

    7:49PM BBT - Joe shares his private candy stash with Dan. Dan heads into the BY with everyone else. Joe follows and starts walking laps again.

    7:52PM BBT - Joe goes inside and comes out with marinated tuna and salmon for the grill. Ian inside chopping up vegetables.

    7:56PM BBT - Dani comments on the shoes Dan is wearing. His sister Kelly bought them for him, gives a shout out to her. They're Timbaland.

    7:57PM BBT - Ian is frying up some perogies on the stove with his vegetables.

  21. 6:04PM BBT - Joe and Frank in the BY discussing Ashley being in the jury. Joe said he ratted out that Ash had flipped to Jenn. Frank calls Joe a snitch. Joe says he saved Jenn by letting her know her BF stabbed her in the back. Frank asks why Joe didn't tell him that Ian was going to stab him in the back. Joe didn't know, he says. Had nothing to do with that one.

    Frank said as soon as the votes went down, he knew it was Ian. Joe says it was smart to tell on Ash; Frank cries out that it didn't help him any. Joe says it's done a lot for him in the game, but can't tell Frank what. Frank guffaws in disbelief. "We're both still up on the block, so it didn't do either one of us that good," Frank says.

    6:11PM BBT - Shane debating going for a nap; Dani trying to talk him out of it so he's not up till 5am. Shane making fun of Dani's clothing due to her "tater tots". He can't believe she can wear a small with them. She says sometimes she wears a medium.

    Outside, Frank thinks Ian teamed up with Britney and the QP because they were the 'cool kids'. Frank discussing who they could have put up if Brit had stayed and Dan had left last week. He is explaining that she said they would get Frank out in the next week or two, which is why he nominated her. He says Brit is one of the most untrustworthy people in the house. Joe still feels Frank should've taken Dan out; he would've. Joe says he can see Dan in the final seat winning it. "Not if I'm sitting next to him," Frank quips.

    6:19PM BBT - Dani wonders what they look like on camera. "Fat," Shane replies. "Me, not you." Dani: "Well, if you look fat, then I look like Free Willy."

    Joe said he voted for Boogie to go, which helped Jenn. Frank said no, the votes weren't there against her. Joe says, they would have been if Ian hadn't poked you in the back. "Poked? I have so many holes in my back this season, I can't sleep on my back."

    6:27PM BBT - Frank and Joe come inside. Frank doing dishes, Joe cooking. Jenn making slop cookies. Frank asks if anyone wants to play rummy. Dani will, in a bit.

    Dani woke Dan up from his nap in the arcade room, general chit chat.

    Ian, Shane and Joe outside. Ian asks Joe what's for dinner. Tuna and salmon. Ian might make some perogies. Joe and Shane have their feet in the HT, Ian on the hammock.

    6:44PM BBT - Joe walking laps in the BY, Shane on the lounger. Ian came into the arcade room with Dani and Dan, who are still general chit chatting. Realizing it's not game talk, Ian quickly leaves.

    Shane and Joe talking what if HOH scenarios.

    6:45PM BBT - Ian and Frank in HOH room. Frank wonders where Ian's head is at since he might end up with a vote tomorrow. Ian stammers about Frank not being able to play HOH tomorrow night but doesn't answer directly. He says the veto being used made it harder for him but he needs to sleep hard on it tonight. Ian doesn't know where the votes lie right now.

    Frank would like to work with Ian, but if he doesn't want to, that's fine. He is playing the game no harm no foul, meaning despite being put up by other people, he'll still work with them again. You have to have a short term memory in this house, Frank laments. Ian says there seems to be obviously coupling happening: Jenn/Dan and Shane/Dani - which leaves him with Frank or Joe.

    Frank doesn't think Dan/Jenn are working together. He knows that if he stays, Jenn will work with him. Most of their conversations aren't game, Frank assures Ian. Frank pitches an alliance of Ian/Jenn/Frank. Ian is non-committal, saying he needs to go over all available options. Frank just wants to make sure that Ian knows he isn't holding anything against him.

    6:55PM BBT - The conversation starts over again with Frank and Ian.

  22. 3:35PM BBT - Ian and Dan are on game 3 of their tournament. Ian appears to be winning. Frank inside for a nap and Shane watching the pool game.

    3:41PM BBT - The game is over; not sure who won. Dan is in the pool and Ian on the hammock. Joe eating lunch on the BY couches.

    3:52PM BBT - Shane working out, Dani and Dan playing in the pool. Ian in the hammock, Jenn laying out.

  23. 3:05PM BBT - Frank, Joe, Shane, Dani in the BY on the couches. Dan and Ian are playing pool. Frank telling the HG's about BB6. He was stoked to have met her in person this season. Shane asks if there is a Survivor on right now. Frank says no, One World ended about two months before BB. Frank and Ian start telling Shane and Joe about Survivor.

    WBRB; must not want them talking about another CBS show.

    3:11PM BBT - Talk turns to Willie, who was unable to control his temper. He was in HOH for 13 days, and the power went to his head. Of anyone, he stayed up there the most. Every other HOH comes down to hang with the others. Shane doesn't remember him ever laying outside. Joe comments that he came down only to eat, not to help cook or clean.

    3:15PM BBT - Discussion turns to the HOH comp for tomorrow night and when they will go on LD. Could be a crapshoot, or a double, Frank says. Frank says he doesn't remember them ever doing 2 double evictions in one season.

    3:17PM BBT - Shane asks Joe what the first fast food he wants to eat is when he's out of the house. Taco Bell, says Joe. Shane wants to know if you can order out from the jury house and production must be asleep because they did not FoTH us. Frank said Britney said they order out almost every night, and her first order was going to be Chipotle. Shane reasons it must save money on groceries and Frank confirms the cost of ordering does not come out of their stipend.

    Frank is thinking really hard about a nap and Shane is thinking really hard about working out.

    Shane, Ian and Frank discuss how boring it is and that's why they sleep a lot. Shane says they were hard on Kalia last season for the same thing but Ian points out she never worked out.

    3:25PM BBT - Dani and Jenn sitting by the pool, general chit chat. Dani saw that Frank cornered Jenn. She told Frank to be nice to Dani. Dani is real sour about Frank's behaviour.

  24. 6:01PM BBT - Dani & Dan in the SBR. Dani recounting her earlier convos with Frank and Shane (both separate conversations) to Dan. Dani doesn't know what to say in her goodbye video. Dan tells her to just be nice. He goes to take a shower, giving Dani a hug before he leaves.

    Jenn, Joe and Frank general chit chat in the BY at the HT. Shane working out. Ian in the DR.

    6:06PM BBT - Dani in the WA with Dan. She is whispering so softly I can't hear her. Something about F3 and someone saying they can beat Dan. Dan also is whispering too softly for me to hear. They talk about Jenn and how to explain to her why they are voting Frank out. Jenn comes inside, breaking up the conversation.

    6:16PM BBT - Dani goes to watch her bedding, Dan in the HOH shower, Shane working out, Joe, Jenn & Frank general chit chat in the BY. Haven't seen Ian, so I assume he is still in the DR.

    Ian out of the DR and back to the hammock.

    6:20PM BBT - Dani picked what look like raisins out of a bowl of cereal and is now sitting down and eating the cereal.

    6:23PM BBT - Jenn thinks it will be a FF this week. Joe and Frank agree.

    6:36PM BBT - Frank says he'll dispute it if they try to take things from him, such as the red veto from the double eviction night. He worked hard and put on a show from them. He wants to take Ted; he'll ship him home.

    6:41PM BBT - Joe and Frank talk about campaigning. Frank does it early in the morning, so it's always fresh on th minds of the HG's. Joe wants to get in another hour or two tonight before it's too late.

    Dani called to the DR. Frank tells her they are saying goodbye messages, and one for Ashley too since she never got one. Dani goes to put more makeup on first.

    6:43PM BBT - Ian goes to the HOH bathroom. Dan asks how it's going, Ian says it's alright, all is quiet. Dan says no news is good news. Ian thinks Shane is coming upstairs to take a shower. Dan asks Ian who to put up if he wins the next HOH. Jenn and Joe, Ian says. Shane comes up to use the shower.

    Ian tells Dan that Joe and Dani were chatting in the arcade room. Joe thinks Dan is voting Frank out and thinks Ian is breaking a tie on Thursday. Ian keeps telling him to lay low. Dan leaves, Ian and Shane keep chatting. Shane told Joe to walk around like he's leaving on Thursday so Frank doesn't get wind of anything.

    Ian wants to set it up so that if Jenn wins HOH next week, he nominates Ian and Joe and if Joe gets it, his will be Jenn and Dan. That would remove a floater, no matter what. Jenn wants a massage from Shane tonight, and Shane is unsure if he should because he believes that Jenn will nominate her. Dani should be close enough to get Jenn not to put Shane up, Ian says.

    Ian is really hoping that it's going to be something like "Swamped" for HOH this week. They go over what if scenarios.

    9:55PM BBT - Ian thinks this week is a FF/DE as well. More what if scenarios if it is.

    9:57PM BBT - Ian says if he ever goes, he just wants someone in the QP to win. Shane agrees.



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