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Posts posted by BBLuver

  1. 1:07PM BBT - Emmett and Tom discuss things Suzette is saying about Tom. Emmett warns that if they don't win HOH this week and Gary is still in the house, it's the perfect opportunity for someone to come after them. Talla will put up AJ and Andrew, Gary will put up AJ and Aneal.

    1:10PM BBT - Emmett says it's going to be crazy watching the DR's after the show. Tom swears he's never said anything back about Emmett and won't. He wants people to think he played a good game, whether or not he wins.

    1:11PM BBT - Tom and Emmett vow to avenge each other if either gets taken out. Tom says this week's evictee is for Kat. He's going to say that in his goodbye message for Kat. Emmett points out that they won't come after them directly, they'll backdoor them.

    1:15PM BBT - Suzette doing laundry, Alec and Andrew still working out in the BY. Liza, Tom, Emmett, AJ, Peter, Jillian and Aneal in the KT.

    1:21PM BBT - Liza and Tom in the HOH bathroom. He gets into the shower and strips down to underwear, clarifying that she is spraying tanner on him.

    1:27PM BBT - Emmett and Jillian on the couch in the WA, whispering very quietly. They are talking about Gary, and I can hear Danielle's name mentioned but can't make out exactly what they're saying.

    1:29PM BBT - Emmett needs a solid reason to go to Tom with to evict Gary this week. Jillian says they're the exact same type of person, but Gary is stronger than Suzette.

    1:31PM BBT - Jillian says Tom just wants to say he personally evicted Suzette after she nominated him, but that's not playing with his head, that's playing with his heart.

    1:34PM BBT - Gary and Aneal in the BR; Gary tells Aneal he is not gunning for him. He asks Aneal if he is gunning for Gary, Aneal says no. Aneal is still trying to figure out why he was nominated last week, as it appears he was the pawn all along.

    1:36PM BBT - Tom told Gary he was going to remove Gary from the block; Gary says "We'll see if he keeps his word". Aneal figures he'll be put back up again.

    1:38PM BBT - Jillian goes to visit Tom in the HOH room. Jillian says she hasn't really been talking game to anyone but she trusts Tom 100%, and that he won't go to Gary with anything she says. She knows he wants Suzette out big time, but Jillian is scared of Gary and that he'll be an incredible athlete and win HOH and POV and take everyone out. She's not afraid of Suzette.

    1:43PM BBT - Jillian tells Tom he should put his HOH cam on and see who's coming. Tom tries, but it appears BB has the cams off because no picture comes on the TV. Tom is 100% convinced that next week Gary will be leaving. Tom says after everything Suzette has done, she cannot stay in this house. She needs to leave as a 10-0 vote. Tom doesn't want Gary in the jury house, so he needs to leave next. And then after that, a toss up between AJ, Aneal and Talla.

    1:56PM BBT - Tom and Jillian complete their conversation, Tom decides to go work out. Jillian is going to go eat some poutine, but changes her mind and decides to have slop instead. Liza is emptying the dishwasher. Peter is eating at the table in the KT.

  2. 12:02PM BBT - Liza and Aneal in HOH. She's encouraging him not to be a sitting duck and to fight to get as far as possible.

    12:04PM BBT - Aneal says Emmett's a great player and talked Jillian into putting him up. Liza says he's playing a crappy game, and she can't believe they say they're in love and trying to figure out how to make it in the real world. She's annoyed because he's more concerned with not being on slop than playing the game.

    12:09PM BBT - Talla and AJ in the KT, general chit chat. Alec working out in the BY. Liza now listening to music in the HOH room, eating grapes. Aneal has left the room.

    12:13PM BBT - Aneal is back in the HOH room with Liza, they are now discussing who Aneal would nominate if he was HOH; he would nominate Emmett and Jillian. They're discussing what he would say in his nom speech.

    12:18PM BBT - Liza in the HOH bathroom, Aneal listening to music. Topaz asleep on the hammock in the BY, Tom asleep on one of the pool loungers. The buzzer sounds, and Talla screams, causing AJ to tell her not to scream again. Tom and Topaz wake up, Tom sits up.

    12:21PM BBT - Andrew had apparently been sleeping on the other lounger and sits up as well. He tells Tom they likely won't catch up on their sleep until they are out of the house. Tom says he's hungry though, and since he can eat, he will. He heads to the KT.

    12:23PM BBT - Peter, Emmett and Jillian join AJ and Talla in the KT with Tom. General chit chat. Liza also comes to the KT.

    12:25PM BBT - Suzette and Gary in the BR. Suzette is doing her make up and straightening her hair. Gary is laying in bed, complaining of a headache. He'll sleep it off.

    12:29PM BBT - Suzette smiles and wonders aloud what her tag line will be for Wednesday's episode: "Drama erupted when Suzette couldn't even stand her own self and started smashing things in the POV competition!" She asks Gary if he thinks that's funny, he says no. She thinks its funny, she tells him.

    12:30PM BBT - Suzette has asked Gary if he is going to play dodgeball today, if he wants her to throw some darks in with her laundry and other questions and he ignores her. Finally, the buzzer sounds repeatedly until he gets up. Suzette re-asks her laundry question.

    12:32PM BBT - Emmett and Andrew on the BY couches. Andrew asks Emmett if he thinks any of his brothers watches him 24 hours a day. Andrew says his brother normally would've watched it, but now that he has twin girls, he doesn't have time. He thinks his mom likely only watches the show. Emmett says his mom is his biggest fan and probably watches quite a bit.

    12:38PM BBT - Gary comes outside, Andrew asks him if he had been asleep in the BR. Gary says no [He totally was - BBLuver] and Andrew pauses and says ok. Gary says he can't sleep, he's too congested.

    12:39PM BBT - Liza comes out and tells Alec that she has a late birthday gift for him; BB gave them self tanner.

    12:41PM BBT - Liza is thrilled because they also got a scale, and a kettle for the KT.

    12:44PM BBT - Topaz and Talla in the SR; Topaz is eating a beaver tail. Hard to hear what they are saying but something about AJ and Andrew being close, it sounds like. And then we get HoTH.

    12:47PM BBT - Topaz wants to make sure she & Talla make jury week before anything happens to either of them. Topaz is now throwing stuff into a garbage bag and Talla has her head in the fridge, so it makes it harder to hear either of them. Talla leaves the room.

    12:50PM BBT - Jillian, Talla, Topaz, Liza, Peter, Tom all moving in and out of the KT. Too many conversations to keep them straight, but all general chit chat.

    12:57PM BBT - Feeds are intermittently HoTH. Emmett and Tom are eating out by the HT, enjoying the fresh air. Liza and Talla are in the KT, discussing that the Have's should be able to eat the poutine so it doesn't go to waste.

  3. 11:16AM BBT - Alec and Andrew in the BY on the couches. Andrew is fired up, Alec tells him he needs to calm down. Peter also there listening. Andrew is not used to living with 25 years olds all the time.

    11:18AM BBT - Tom, Emmett, Jillian in the KT. They are talking about being disciplined at their age.

    11:21AM BBT - AJ has joined the BY crew. Talk has turned to a competition. Feeds go back down again.

    11:25AM BBT - BB tells the HG to all go inside.

    11:28AM BBT - Talla mentions how her stomach shrank after being on slop for a week. Tom agrees that he can't handle much food right now. Peter begins to explain to Jillian how a stomach can shrink while on slop. Tom pipes up that you're always hungry and never satisfied, no matter how many slop shakes or whatever that you eat.

    11:29AM BBT -Emmett wonders if they're allowed to have a nap. He want to be well-rested before the POV competition this afternoon. Peter says the HN's can nap wherever in the house, but can only sleep in th HN room.

    11:32AM BBT - Peter talks about Greg from Survivor, he was a mystery because he refused to do press. The HG's think he must watch BB US. Talk turns to the Have Not's, and where they slept last night and how hard it is to sleep on the floor.

    11:38AM BBT - BB tells the HG's that the Have Not's are not allowed to sleep in the bedroom and they will follow up later. Peter tells BB he takes responsibility for that since he told them they could sleep there.

    11:39AM BBT - Buzzer goes off loudly to wake Emmett and Jillian up. Alec tells the HG's they are not allowed to nap in the UK version.

    11:41AM BBT - There have been no beaver tails or poutine delivered to the SR yet this morning. Jillian unwraps one she'd wrapped up earlier and points out all the grease on the napkin.

    11:42AM BBT - Jillian must be a Have Not, because she is talking about what a great night of sleep she had in the room. Emmett is told to put his mic on, he calls back that he can't, it's broken and it's in the other room because the SR room is locked. Gary and Suzette are thought to be sleeping.

    11:46AM BBT - Talk turns to how good Naan bread is, and Indian food. Butter chicken poutine! All think that is amazing. They then talk about Smoke's Poutinerie [Which is AMAZING -- BBLuver] and how you can't get poutine in the US. How can you make fat people fatter? Slap some cheese and gravy on fries!

    11:49AM BBT - BB tells Emmett he has a fresh mic in the SR. The HG's discuss making tortilla chips out of bacon and dipping it in salsa. They remark that they heard a sound outside that sounds like an elephant.

    11:52AM BBT - Tom & Liza in the HOH room. They are discussing all the tasks from this morning. Gary wasn't helping, both are annoyed at him. Tom wants Suzette gone this week, but it might end up being Gary because he is making everyone mad at him.

    11:58AM BBT - Liza reassures Tom that Aneal and Talla are with them.

  4. 11:20PM BBT - Topaz called to the DR. Liza, AJ, Aneal in KT. Aneal cooking and they are re-hashing the questions from the HOH comp. Gary & Suzette join them.

    11:22PM BBT - Peter and Alec in the SR; they assume next week's HOH will be physical.

    11:23PM BBT - Tom, Emmett, Andrew discussing the questions from tonight's comp. They discuss their methods for guessing how much slop batter there was. Not sure where they are as the camera is zoomed in on Tom. Think it's the BR.

    11:27PM BBT - Tom confirms they are in the HOH room. Tom says it's nice to be in the room and have it be his, and have his own pictures. They discuss who couldn't survive well on slop. They mention Talla, but they feel Peter would be the weakest. They discuss noms. Suzette's name comes up, but they feel Gary is a bigger threat.

    11:29PM BBT - Tom tells the camera that Danielle, if she's listening, she said she wasn't with Gary or Suzette but as soon as she was told she was safe, she ran back to Gary and Suzette and that was her undoing. Tom says Talla's vote was a sympathy vote.

    11:38PM BBT - Andrew tells the guy they'll all be on IMDB now that they've appeared on BB.

    11:45PM BBT - Tom, Andrew and Emmett discussing how the letters get updated from the family, how certain things work and get yelled at for talking about production. They talk about how smart Peter is, and go back to re-hashing the HOH comp.

    11:48PM BBT - This week is the week to decide if Talla, Aneal or AJ should complete their 9. Whichever one they decide is not part of them goes up against Suzette the week after Gary gets voted out. Talla so far seems to be the least liked, with Aneal the second least.

    11:51PM BBT - Andrew says "Boys, let's get to the jury house" and they can live it up together the rest of their journey. This is an experience that no one else is going to have, being the first cast of BBC.

    11:53PM BBT - They realize tomorrow their beds won't be made because Danielle is no longer there to make them. When they get down to F3, they'll be able to live almost separately because the house is huge.

    11:54PM BBT - FoTH

    11:55PM BBT - Andrew asks Tom if he thinks Suzette and Gary will come up and see him in HoH. Tom says they better out of respect to him, otherwise his nom speech will be super easy.

  5. 10:38PM BBT - Alec and Peter sitting on the floor outside the HOH room, whispering. Topaz told Alec that Tom was talking to Emmett about gameplay. They determine Tom has loose lips. Alec doesn't like Tom, doesn't work with him, doesn't agree with how he plays. Peter says they need to keep Emmett around, but they shouldn't tell him the plan to evict Tom until they need to.

    10:42PM BBT - Peter says they can't separate themselves from Tom because they don't want him to turn people against them if he gets suspicious. One day at a time, Peter says. Peter says a girl's alliance is a pipe dream.

    10:47PM BBT - Peter says the big mistake is making plans for week 8 in week 2.

    10:57PM BBT - Liza and Tom in the HN room. Tom mentioning everyone is thinking too far ahead. Tom is ok going F2 with Liza.

    11:00PM BBT - Peter goes back to the couch in the LR, Aneal joins him. Aneal interrupted his discussion with Alec. Aneal asks if he & Alec are thinking the same thing. Peter says yes and begins whispering that Suzette and Danielle would self destruct if put against him on the block and all he has to do is stay quiet.

    11:08PM BBT - Emmett, Gary, Alec, Topaz, Talla and AJ in the KT, Aneal on the hammock in the BY, Peter on the couch in the LR, Andrew still working out, Jillian called to the DR, Suzette in the pool. General chit chat everywhere.

    11:18PM BBT - Aneal goes int the BR with a roll of toilet paper and climbs into bed crying.

    11:31PM BBT - Talla, Alec (Topaz on his lap) and AJ are playing cards. Peter and Liza are talking in the HN bedroom. Liza is recounting Tom's earlier conversation, looking so far ahead. Peter shakes his head and again repeats that's everyone's mistake. Liza asks how Peter feels if offered money or trips as part of a challenge. Peter says he'd take money, but not trips or calls from home. Peter requested to not get a letter from home if he wins HOH and gave them pictures of Superman.

    11:36PM BBT - The discussion turns to showmances, and Liza is surprised that there is 3 showmances already so early in the game. Says the game is a cross of Survivor, BB and the Bachelor/Bachelorette.

    11:40PM BBT - Liza mentions Gary is a fierce competitor. She's about to tell Peter about how Emmett volunteered to go up when Aneal interrupts, still looking extremely depressed.

    11:48PM BBT - Talla comes in, she and Peter decide to go to sleep. Liza heads out. Emmett, Tom & Jillian are doing laundry.
  6. 10:04PM BBT - Tom moaning to Emmett about needing more than whey protein if he's going to be on slop. Emmett tells him to request better protein powder. He repeats this to Alec, who is also struggling according to Tom.

    10:10PM BBT - Topaz and Alec outside the bathroom area. He is feeling pretty weak and trying to decide what to do. Topaz volunteers to watch him work out, then to lay down with him. She tells him some HG's are making cars - arts & crafts.

    10:11PM BBT - Emmett & Jillian working out in the BY.

    10:15PM BBT - Danielle is in bed, Suzette is cleaning the BR. Andrew, Peter, AJ and someone else (can only see their feet) are general chit chatting on the LR couches - very loud laughter.

    10:18PM BBT - The feet belong to Tom. Topaz and Alec join everyone on the couches, where arts & crafts is happening.

    10:20PM BBT - Aneal and Liza in the HN room. Aneal is telling her how he was thrown under the bus, with people saying he talks to much. Jillian tells him that the house wants him out. He is getting conflicting information from different people.

    10:26PM BBT - Too much whispering to make out, except Aneal pitching his case to Liza to keep him over whomever he is campaigning against (assuming Gary uses the POV on himself). Liza says he needs to see who he is campaigning against before he worries. She tells Aneal that Jillian made a deal with Suzette, so it won't be her going up.

    10:29PM BBT - Suzette and Andrew have joined Jillian and Emmett working out. Suzette seems to have given up on this quickly and is more chit chatting than working out.

    10:36PM BBT - FoTH

  7. 9:51AM - Feeds back up; not the nomination ceremony. Aneal is by himself in the HOH listening to music. Emmett joins Liza & Andrew on the hammock.

    AJ called to the DR.

    9:58AM BBT - Jillian is making an egg white omlette, and offers to share it with Danielle. Peter is called to the DR.

    10:08AM BBT - Tom & Talla in the BY. Talla is discussing the huge salad she making for the 4 HN's for Thursday. Tom says he is glad his first meal off slop will be a healthy one. Tom takes credit for the group of 9 that was "created"; it was his idea. He reassures her part of the group, and when Talla persists, Tom tells her that it's not about her, it's about the other 6 that they need to get out of the house first.

    10:12AM BBT - Tom tells Talla that Jillian will put up Aneal & Gary. Talla says he's wrong, he offers to bet her. She backs down and asks why not Danielle? Tom says if Aneal goes up, the push is for Aneal.

    10:20AM BBT - Danielle approaches Jillian while she is washing dishes and asks if many HG's approached her about noms. Jillian says yes. Danielle says she didn't because she didn't want to put her own issues on Jillian.

    10:21AM BBT - BB lets them know that in 15 minutes, all HG's must go outstide and stay out there; it's almost time for the nomination ceremony!

    10:28AM BBT - Jillian asks the room if the HOH can nominate themselves as a pawn.

  8. 9:03AM BBT - Jillian and AJ in the HOH room (fully dressed; they must have been up for awhile). AJ mentions putting up Gary & Suzette, Jillian says she can't put Suzette up so AJ suggests Gary, which Jillian agrees to. AJ commits to doing whatever Jillian wants if he wins POV. AJ asks which one Jillian wants to go home; she wants Danielle gone.

    9:04AM BBT - AJ asks Jillian who she would put up if Danielle won POV. She says she'll deal with that if it happens.

    9:06AM BBT - Alec, Danielle, Aneal, Tom, Topaz and Liza are in the BY discussing alcohol. Gary doing ADL's. Suzette, Emmett, Andrew, Talla in the KT. Jillian and AJ join them.

    9:07AM BBT - Jillian takes Liza to the HOH room to discuss her nomination plan. Liza is worried about the showmances because she is convinced the guys will not take their shomance girls to the end. Jillian tells Liza she feels like she's her "core girl" in the house. Jillian says they need 2 more girls and suggests Topaz. They can decide on the final girl later.

    9:15AM BBT - Jillian takes Emmett up to HOH. She tells him AJ, Alec, Suzette are on board. Emmett says Aneal is not thrilled AJ is in their group. Her reasons for nominating them are a) She talks to them the least in the house B) they are probably the most underestimated as players and c) Other people have mentioned that they think she is a threat and want her out.

    9:21AM BBT - Aneal called to the DR. Andrew, Talla, Peter, Tom, Suzette, Gary, AJ, Danielle, Topaz and Alec all in the BY. All general chit chat.

    9:26AM BBT - Aneal goes up to the HOH. Jillian decides she'd better go eat something. Apparently BB told them the ceremony would be in an hour when they woke them up. Peter, AJ and Liza are in the KT making slop. Peter is giving Liza directions as she makes it.

    9:32AM BBT - Liza slept on the floor last niht. It wasn't too bad, because she made a bed out of pillows and blankets. Peter pipes in that they are going to rotate where they sleep in the HN room each night.

    9:34AM BBT - Jillian hears that Danielle is voicing her desire to get Jillian out. Emmett successfully talks Jillian into putting Aneal up with Gary to ensure Danielle doesn't win POV. Then, as long as one of their 9 does, they can remove Aneal and BD Danielle and evict her. Peter and Emmett coach Jillian to approach Danielle and make a fake deal with her. They tell her to obtain information from her, not give her any.

    9:38AM BBT - Peter begins coaching Jillian as to what to say in her nomination speech and what to tell them afterwards. Jillian can tell Aneal she's the only one he trusts to go up as a pawn because he won't go home, Peter tells her.

    9:40AM BBT - Jillian starts freaking out, saying she has a really close connection with Aneal and he's never going to trust her again if she doesn't give him a heads up. She starts second guessing the nomination change and Peter tries to reassure her.

    9:41AM BBT - Emmett, Liza and Andrew reassure Jillian to listen to Peter; he's smart and he knows what he's saying. They also coach Jillian to let Danielle come to her, and then pretend she's got her back and propose a deal based on the fact that the house thinks they hate each other and never would suspect they're working together. Then, they can easily BD Danielle.

    9:43AM BBT - Liza and Andrew continue to try and convince Jillian to stick with the change of plans and that Aneal will be okay once she talks to him after the nomination ceremony.

    9:49AM BBT - Feeds go down. Nomination ceremony starting?

  9. 9:37PM BBT - Andrew and Emmett go to the HOH room. Andrew tries to use the spy cam, Liza tells him only the HOH should have access to view the house (as decided by Aneal) and Emmett pipes up about locking the door like they do in the US version. "We're in Canada," Andrew retorts.

    9:45PM BBT - Aneal and Jillian discuss how they would vote for anyone against AJ in the final 2. Aneal thinks he has money, he doesn't know how to do anything for himself. Jillian says he bugs everyone for food. Emmett interrupts and they decide to go to the HT.

    9:47PM BBT - Emmett says it's been dark out for like 5 hours, it's at least 11 or so at night. (He's wrong, it's only 9:46pm) Emmett mentions Peter fell asleep on the lounger by the pool. Danielle and Tom are in bed, a couple down in the KT.

    9:48PM BBT - In the BY, turns out Peter is awake and chatting with Alec. Alec is worried that he & Peter will be targets because they are a strong duo. Peter is trying to move the heat off him and onto the showmances that are starting.

    9:50PM BBT - Alec tells Peter he likes Emmett but doesn't really like Tom. Peter says Liza is pretty smart. Alec feels they should bring her in so she is their 7th, and then they could cut Jillian before Topaz. Peter says Tom is super paranoid with Jillian/Emmett's showmance.

    9:51PM BBT - Alec says Topaz is cutthroat but not yet making any strategic moves. She does like Gary and Talla though. Alec thinks Gary was the lone vote to keep Kat. Alec thinks he wanted to be unique and prove he won't be pushed around in the game. Alec says Tom is a good socializer and has lots of people wrapped around his finger, but some people don't realize how conceited he is.

  10. 9:14PM BBT - Alec tells Topaz he is going to go to bed soon if everyone else does. Tom and Talla are sleeping, he tells her. She asks him to bring her the foot scrub, he asks her if he can take a shower first. They rock scissor it out and Topaz wins, so he has to bring Topaz the scrub before taking a shower.

    9:15PM BBT - Aneal and Liza on the couch in the HOH room. He's mentioning he wouldn't want a full letter, more paragraphs like Suzette's. Something from his mom, his BF. They discuss when they think noms will be; they decide all comps and ceremonies will likely be in the afternoon, so tomorrow afternoon. Aneal said they removed a chair, Liza is shocked and didn't notice.

    Liza and Aneal are both tired but wanting to stay awake so they can get a good night's rest. They mention they both connected to each other the best, but know each other the least. Liza says the heat is probably off them more that way.

    9:18PM BBT - Aneal mentions Talla by her nickname "Lala". He & Liza are watching the spy screen, mentioning she's been sleeping for the past 4 hours. Topaz pipes up and mentions all the slop at the bottom of the tub; Liza tells her to shower after.

    In the BY, Emmett recounts his earlier conversation with Tom about locking the HOH door. Jillian asks Emmett if his sneakers smell cause she smells stinky feet. They decide to go in the pool or HT and head in to change into their bathing suits.

    9:26PM BBT - Liza and Aneal - general chit chat in the HOH room. Alec and Andrew in the showers. Tom in the WC.

  11. 7:11PM BBT - Gary doesn't bother Tom; he's a good guy in Tom's opinion.

    7:17PM BBT - Jillian doesn't know what to believe when it comes to Aneal; he's constantly lying. She's telling this to Emmett in the HOH room.

    7:31PM BBT - Emmett & Jillian going over possible noms, counting votes. Jillian is leaning towards Gary and Danielle.

    7:34PM BBT - Gary complaining that someone tried something in the KT without using a spoon and he is grossed out.

    7:39PM BBT - Gary tells Peter he is going to get at least a 1 minute segment on the next show for the games he's making. Gary has made 8 pieces of the game for Peter so far.

    7:41PM BBT - Talla promised Jillian she won't nominate her if she wins next HOH, Emmett says Tom is the same with him. Emmett says they have to make sure their side wins the comps so they won't have to choose between each other.

    7:45PM BBT - Andrew, Liza, Tom, and AJ in the BY talking about showmances. Tom says "You have protein, slop and the butt whisperer all in the same room" and they all burst out laughing. Talla will get the bed, Tom the cot the first night.

    7:57PM BBT - Andrew examining his nair'd legs, everyone else re-hashing the earlier HN comp.

    8:10PM BBT - Danielle, Gary, Emmett in WA doing ADL's. Tom comes in and joins the general chit chat.

    8:23PM BBT - Topaz and Jillian in the HOH bathroom; Topaz is taking a bath.

    8:32PM BBT - Aneal joins Jillian and Topaz in the HOH bathroom. Jillian is picking through Topaz's hair, removing more slop from it. Jillian jokes about picking for lice.

    8:34PM BBT - Liza comes to chat with Jillian in the HOH bedroom. Liza tells Topaz she's looking good; Topaz has been in the bath for 3 hours. She asks Aneal to pick through it again after she gives it one more wash and then dries it.

    8:38PM BBT - Jillian lets Peter and Tom know of her nom ideas. They are all in the BY; Jillian plans to work out. She has been stress eating. The guys tell her not to talk to everyone else in their "group"; it will look weird. Jillian goes to workout and notices all the old equiment isn't there. Peter tells her the "dressing" and "undressing" of the comp's may have made production forget them since they were a lot of work. Apparently the washer and dryer aren't working either?

    8:40PM BBT - Tom, Jillian and Peter start whispering, with the odd word being clear. Jillian is worried that whomever she puts up against Danielle will target her. Tom suggest being a pawn [thereby showing that he's never seen BB US, where pawns are always the one evicted - BBLuver]. They begin to toss around a ball so they don't look suspicious.

    Jillian is worried that if Danielle wins POV, she'll come after her. Tom encourages Jillian to start locking the HOH door. He says if he wins, he'll be locking it and no more open door policy. He reminds her it's locked often in the US version.

    8:45PM BBT - AJ comes outside; conversation ends and Tom & Jillian begin doing push ups.

    8:54PM BBT - AJ, Gary and Danielle in the WA discuss when they were interviewed and their bios were written. Gary can't remember when his was done, or what he said. Danielle is still doing her makeup, btw.

    8:58PM BBT - Alec comes into the WA to get Danielle and Gary to change their batteries. Danielle says she is going to brush her teeth and go to bed. Alec was in the HT and says it was nice. Danielle tells Alec she looks like an alien and doesn't want anyone outside to see her. [Maybe we shouldn't remind her about all the camera's then. Or the millions of viewers watching. -- BBLuver] Gary tells her to flush her face with hot water before going outside to close her pores.

    9:02PM BBT - Liza on the bathroom floor in the HOH room, general chit chat with Topaz. Aneal on the HOH couch with headphones on, listening to music.

    9:04PM BBT - Andrew and Suzette in pool. Peter on the side with his feet in. Alec still changing everyone's batteries. AJ working out now with Jillian. Emmett moving around, chatting with everyone. Just general chit chat.

    9:11PM BBT - Alec comes into the HOH bathroom to finish his battery changing, and Topaz laments about how long she's been in the water to get all the slop out. He tells her he was in the HT with Andrew and Suzette.

  12. 10:12PM BBT - The feeds are back! Suzette, Topaz, Gary and Tom are in the BR, interspersed conversations about the challenge and about being hungry and needing to eat. They discuss how well Talla did, how much pain the guys were in and Topaz says her final straw was the top peg on the tree where they could only use their left foot.

    10:15PM BBT - All the HG's convene in the LR, KT. Some are cooking, the rest are discussing their craving for Pizza Hut.

    Jillian called to the DR.

    10:19PM BBT - Only one camera is on right now, with 9 HG's in the LR. Just general chit chat. NEWS! The middle bed in the BR has been removed.

    10:25PM BBT - Camera switches to Danielle and one of the guys in the BR. Can't see who it is as only his back is showing. Danielle is thinking of suggesting putting Gary and Danielle up (she'd be a pawn). Or Suzette and Danielle up. Our gentleman HG leaves and Danielle lays on the bed, pensively thinking her next move.

    10:30PM BBT - Aneal and Tom in the KT. Aneal tries to get Tom to confirm he has no other F2 deals. Tom is vague and quickly exits the KT. Tom goes to tell someone (can't see who he is talking to, can only hear audio. Whomever it is in the shower; can confirm it is male though) and mentions Aneal asking him about F2 in the KT.

    10:31PM BBT - Camera is on the empty bed Danielle was laying on. Audio seems to be on HG's in the LR. General chit chat there. And, the feeds go back down.

  13. 8:59PM BBT - The feeds are back! Frank from production comes out and tells them they must move up to the next step and they can only use their left foot on that step. He asks if they understand and once confirmed, asks them all to move to the next step.

    9:01PM BBT - Danielle is down on the bench with Suzette, Liza and AJ. HG's are struggling more now, and are reminded again by production they can only use their left foot on this new peg.

    9:03PM BBT - After getting the third reminder about their feet, BB tells them they will be disqualified if not standing correctly. Aneal has dropped, Andrew just dropped.

    9:06PM BBT - Topaz drops. Gary drops. This leaves Jillian, Tom, Emmit, Peter and Talla hanging. Before we can confirm this, the feeds go down again. Rest assured, we will stay right here and get whatever updates we can as the feeds are up!

  14. 8:30PM BBT - Feeds have slipped on with all HG's hanging onto trees. HOH comp?

    8:32PM BBT - The HG's are hanging off trees with pegs, general chit chat. HG's still on are: Gary, Jillian, Tom, Topaz, Liza, Peter, Danielle. We'll keep watching to see who else is hanging, but for now, it looks like Kat was evicted. HG's are asking BB what they can take off while hanging (i.e. Boots)

    8:36PM BBT - Alec & AJ have been spotted hanging, as has Aneal.

    8:41PM BBT - Liza drops off. The HG's ask her to stay by them and motivate them. Jillian and AJ seem the least affected by this comp.

    8:45PM BBT - AJ is now down and joins Suzette and Liza on the bench.

    8:47PM BBT - Suzette encourages HG's by reminding them of family pictures and luxury items. Andrew has now been spotted hanging.

    8:50PM BBT - The dropped HG's asking BB if they can go inside and get some water. No response from BB, now or from earlier. Suzette offers to go inside and start making dinner. And with that, the feeds are FoTH again, peeps. At least we got a peek!

  15. Ian is live on the BB live feeds. He quips about not having been this whole time.

    As a super fan, this experience lived up to his expectations. You cant get anything like that anywhere. Ian gives huge shoutout to fans; he didnt expect it and he is pumped by all the support. He cant wait to hear what they have to say.

    Ian hesitates when asked if he is a villian. He doesnt think he is a bad guy. Ian came up with his speech on the fly, it was completely unplanned and he is glad it worked out for him.

    Spicy teases Ian about the squeak the hammocks made. Ian apologizes for all the squeaks but Spicy tells him we enjoyed it. Spicy mentions the first week and how unreal it was. Ian says it was a sensory shock and was really cool because he didnt expect to be in there. Frank was his biggest competition for the money. Ian took Dan all the way because he thought he would be easy to beat since Dan scumbagged everyone.

    Ian comes up with his hashtag for his BB experience: TulaneTerryWins, QuackPack.

    Ian is going to the True Holloywood party.

    Ian took Dan out in the greatest way possible; beating him in F2; 6-1.

    Ian wasn`t jealous of Frank, he was more worried about the game. Ian had heard they kissed, and wasn`t impressed with some of the conversations. Spicy invites Ian to Seattle for Big Brother Live Feeds.

    One word to describe:

    Frank: Funny

    Dan: Slimy

    Britney: Sweet

    Ian considers Brit to be like his sister. Ian said she was probably the most faithful of the QPers.

    Mike Boogie was the hardest to evict from the BB house. Ian felt like a terrible person getting rid of him.

    Ian thought for sure Dani could beat him in F2 because Dani is a sweetheart and Dan scumbagged her a ton. He didn`t know he was being scumbagged too. He thought she was a legitimate threat. Ultimately, he took Dan to honor his word, even if it meant losing.

    Ian is going to use his money for a student loan and a paint can full of sunglasses.

    Ian thanks fans for their support and he can`t believe he won.

  16. Dan up next. Spicy comments he has `duck` shoes; they roll up.

    Dan tells her to hit him with the hard questions. Dan said he couldn`t come here and play the same game. Dan is going to tell his students whenever they do something do it to the best of his ability. You gotta do what you got to do to survive. Spicy says she is getting misted. She tells him he`s been compared to Dr. Will this season; Dan says that is the ultimate compliment.

    He played against Will`s best friend and couldn`t play against the best and that is a compliement. Dan asks if there is such a thing as a dirty game in BB. He did the best he could with the tools he was given. He didn`t come to win 3rd place, he came to win. He knows he played the best game he could, and he can go to sleep knowing he gave it his all. Dan gets the invite to the True Hollywood party.

    Dan asked Chelsea if she was ok first thing; that`s all that matters. She is an amazing woman, and is a role model to young girls. He hopes he didn`t deface her or defame her, that`s all he cares about.

    Biggest regret in the game was not knocking Shane out when he had the first chance. When Dan`s funeral worked, he was surprised. But that`s how he played his game, and solitary was the best thing for him. He wanted them to disarm the HG`s, and he did.

    Fan quesiton - Dan doesn`t plan to have a career in acting, but maybe politics one day.

    Season 14 was tougher than season 10. Frank, Shane and Ian were given specific mentions.

    Dan gives a shoutout to his fan. Know at the end of the day when he walks out of the game, he is the same guy. Reach out to him on Twitter, he`ll try to reply.

    Dan didn`t hear the audience cheer when Ian called him a dirty player. Dan doesn`t think Ian is a villian and is super well liked. If he had to lose to anyone, he is glad it is Ian. They just need to keep Ian out of Hollywood. Dan doesn`t have a problem with anyone in the game. When Jordan one, he reached out to help her adjust. He thinks the 14 HG`s will need help with that as well.

    Dan picked Jodi to leave because Kara and Dani wanted to go to war with each other; they picked their own team. Jodi caused tons of chaos in 6 hours so he doesn`t regret his choice.

    Dan will miss hanging in the pool with Ian, the comeraderie. Last time he didn`t want to leave the BB house, but this time he is married and he can`t wait to leave. He`ll try to keep in touch with the Quack Pack (as long as Shane doesn`t try to kill him). Dan`s future is going home to his wife and reconnecting with her. He will make up the fact that he missed their one year anniversary. He will also just enjoy life.

    Dan says its a little much to consider coming back for an All Stars. He won once, and came in 2nd place. Never say never.

  17. Danielle makes her way over. Dani thought Ian deserved the win; she only voted for Dan because she stayed loyal to Dan the entire time. There was too much stuff to process what was real and what was fake.

    Dani stayed so loyal to Dan because she is a loyal person and she had given him her word in the beginning and she had no proof that he had ever hurt her so she went with what made sense.

    Dani felt being a teacher would be better so people couldn`t use her memory against her.

    Fan question - Dani feels she would have naturally gravitated towards Shane even if Boogie was her coach. She`s not sure about Dan. She would probably have been loyal to Boogie if he had been her coach and been loyal to her.

    When Shane was evicted, Dan whispered that Dani was playing Shane the entire time. This is news to Dani, who`s mouth drops open. She is flabbergasted, and asks if he really said that. Spicy confirms and Dani asks if they can talk about something else.

    Dani and Shane`s date with the Olympians was amazing. She loved the date and felt fortunate to go.

    Dani wasn`t too worried about her health issues while in the BB house as she knew there were staff that could help her if needed.

    Dani didn`t tell Shane that Ian and Dan were trying to get him evicted to further herself in the game because she`d seen the wrath of Dan.

    Dani regrets throwing part 1 of the HOH to Dan. (She says this very firmly)

    Dani will miss spending time with Shane most in the BB house; she wasn`t playing him. She believes there will be a future with him. She will attend the wrap party tomorrow.

    Spicy brings up zingbot. Dani still gets heated about that, hates the zing - what else do you want to know.

    Spicy asks what qualities Dan has that makes you want to trust him and believe him. Dani says he mystified her. She hasn`t had a chance to see it, and this is a lot to take in but she thought she could trust him.

    Dani thanks her fans, she loves them and hopes she didn`t disappoint.

    Watching Jeff`s interview with Ian. Hard to hear, planes going overhead and people standing in the way.

    Ian says when they said the first night someone is going home, he went pale. It`s such a huge shock that he won, such a socially awkward guy.

  18. JoJo is the spiciest in the house, Spicy says.

    JoJo is not really disappointed in anyone`s gameplay this season. She was impressed by Dan & Ian; great F2.

    Shoutout to live feeders; she loves us and we`re the best because we know all the truths, not just the edited stuff.

    Aligning with Willie was JoJo`s downfall. If Willie hadn`t done that, he may have won the veto and Shane would`ve went home. Willie played way too hard, way too fast and that was his downfall. JoJo says when she comes back on for another season, she`ll kill it.

    JoJo did have an attraction to Shane, it was a strategy. It was easier with Shane because he was the best looking guy. She`d never date him in real life.

    JoJo has her lip gloss hiding in her clevage.

    JoJo doesn`t know if Shane and Dani`s showmance was real. She pushed Shane to do it in the early weeks, use it as gameplay. Towards the end, she thought it was real and she wants them to be happy. She says Shane will be surprised to see all of the internet stuff about Dani and if he wants to date such a liar, go ahead. Her own dating life is good.

    Smoking with Ian was fun. JoJo gave relationship advice. How to get a girl. Some of it was uncomfortable, such as what he would do if he got HOH. JoJo reminded him that there was cameras everywhere. JoJo is leaving for Vegas tomorrow so won`t be at the wrap party.

  19. Kara is next. It was fun to watch the game from home. She was in sequester for 2 weeks before going home, but she enjoyed watching from home.

    Fan interaction on twitter is amazing. She is floored by the fan base. BB has the best fans ever and she can`t thank them enough. She loves them and tried to tweet them all back. She gives the feeders an update. The hardest part is not being able to talk to family and friends. The boredom gets you a bit.

    Fan question - Instead of Jodi, Kara would have rather seen Willie go out the door on day 1. Hands down.

    Willie self-evicted the day after Kara left. It ticked her off because she would have wanted to come back and there are so many people who wanted to be on BB and Willie took that away from someone.

    Kara says everyone has different game play so she can`t say that she was disappointed in anyone`s game play. She doesn`t like floaters, but that`s part of the game. America`s Choice if left up to Kara was Ian. He was her favorite. She has the most respect for Dan as a player.

    Kara is going to miss the wrap party because she is flying to Canada to work.

  20. Next up, we have Jenn City!

    Spicy introduces herself. Jenn thanks everyone for watching; live feeders made the season so great.

    Jenn is proud of Ian, he may not be her favorite person in the world, but she heard different things tonight that she needed to hear and his speech was very compelling. She wanted someone to win who hadn`t won before.

    Jenn lost 20 pounds being in the house. The PB&J Julie gave her was the best sandwich she`s ever had in her life. Slop is very bland. Supposedly there are nutrients in it, but she doesn`t taste it. It doesn`t taste bad, just bland. She is grateful for the taco seasoning and stuff she could use.

    Fan question - Using the POV on Dan helped her game because it allowed her to make a huge move in the game. Dan returned the favor the following week.

    If Jenn could change one thing about the game, it would be more alliances early on.

    Jenn asked why she didn`t spill her F3 deal with Dan and Dani earlier; she didn`t feel the need to. She didn`t trust Ian to stay true to his word.

    Her favorite coach was a toss up between Dan and Britney. Britney did a really good job this season, and Dan was in F2 so give credit where it is due.

    Jenn won`t be attending to wrap party as she has a lot of music things in NYC happening. Spicy hands her an envelope and Jenn says maybe she`ll stay.

  21. Jodi is next, she is thrilled to meet Spicy finally.

    Jodi got friggin gypped. She wants to be the nice guy about it, but she`s tired of being the nice guy. She was angry. She was in sequester for a week, and was under the impression of going back in the game. It made it worse to find out she wasn`t going back in. She spent the week planning her next move when she got back in.

    Jodi thanks the fans from Twitter and FB as her fans made her summer wonderful. She thanks her fans for their support and says BB fans are like no other.

    Jodi`s strategy going in the game was to be taken for granted. She was there, but they would think she`s not that active. Jodi was not going to be a floater, she wanted a secret alliance like Willie, Jenn and Shane (in her head). Jodi was going to win comps when she had to, lose when she had to but no floating.

    The HG that gave her the worst first impression when she first came into the house was Joe because he made no effort to connect. He wasn`t mean, but distant. She had no idea how loud he was.

    Jodi is going to the finale party and then the Vegas bash.

  22. Boogie is up next; Spicy interviewed him a few weeks ago.

    Boogie thought Frank played the rest of the season well. He hung in there but when everyone is after you, they`ll eventually get you. He is very happy Ian won, he played a great game. Ian is such a super fan and to see him so overwhelmed and elated warms Boogie`s heart.

    Boogie weighs in on Dan`s game being called dirty and controversial. Boogie says there is no such thing and Dan just has to own it on the outside. He played a great game and deserved to win as well.

    Boogie didn`t play the game as anticipated. He was a coach and got thrown in as a player and didn`t work as well.

    Boogie thinks Ian really is a villian.

    Since going home from BB, Boogie is back at work and spending time with his son. No offers for a Sunday School teacher.

    Chef Joe was a good cook and his favorite dish was turkey burgers.

    His kiss with Ashley was hot, and was very spontaneous. He liked it, it was cool. Spicy confirmed that everyone on the feeds saw it, Boogie doesn`t think it aired.

    The highlight of his time in the BB house was evicting Janelle and getting everyone on board with it. It was satisfying for their rivalry. They are friends again now.



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