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Posts posted by BBLuver

  1. BBCA: Previously on BB Canada, the HG's had to deal with the most difficult HOH challenge so far as they hung on in the icy cold for over 3 hours. When it was down to Topaz and Jillian, Jillian made a deal to keep Topaz and Alec safe for the week. But, once they warmed up, Jillian and the East Coast alliance cooled to the deal. Then, when BB called, each HG had to answer "Yes" to what was asked to ensure they were all Have's for the week. In the end, it was one big Yes as they all completed their challenge.

    BBCA: With nominations looming, Topaz re-confirmed her deal with Jillian while Alec & Peter tried to save The Shield. Alec's aggressive approached pushed Jillian to the edge, and at the nomination ceremony The Shield was put on the block, angering Topaz. Tonight, a house divided goes to war; it's the most important POV competition of the season and we'll meet an evil moose. It's all happening now, on Big Brother Canada!

    BBCA: From the DR, Topaz is shocked that Jillian broke her promise and now she's worried. Jillian tells us from the DR that her target is Alec this week. She doesn't like Alec lying to her face. Peter reminds us that he & Alec are crafty individuals. Emmett wants us to know that there is a line drawn in the sand and the house is now at war. It's him, Jillian, Andrew & Talla vs Peter, Alec and Topaz. Take Alec out of the equation, they will scatter. In the DR, Alec says that Emmett was with them since day 3, and now that he's on Jillian's side, they've drawn first blood. If he survives this week, he's going hard after Jillian and Emmett.

    BBCA: After the nominations, Topaz & Alec go into the BR to assess the situation. From the DR, Topaz scoffs about how Jillian's word means nothing. Alec tells us in his DR that Jillian is showing her bad side, breaking a deal with Aneal and now Topaz. Topaz tells us that it's nice having her showmance re-kindled and to have someone to comfort her; she doesn't want to lose Alec and wants to remove him from the block by winning the POV.

    BBCA: Jillian confirms with Peter that he is not the target after the nominations ceremony. In the DR, Peter says he wants to stay close to Jillian and Emmett in case Alec goes this week. Jillian tells us that she sees Peter as someone she could work with in the future. Peter tells us that he's considering taking Jillian to final 2 if Alec goes, because she's lied enough he feels he can beat her. Jillian meets with Topaz to explain things. She tells Topaz that Alec came to talk to her and was aggressive with her. Keeping him would have been the worst decision she could have made. In the DR, Topaz laments that everytime she fixes things for Alec, he has to go ruin it. Jillian tells us she's feels bad breaking her promise but she never would have stepped off the iceburg if the roles were reversed; this is a game- don't trust anyone.

    BBCA: Topaz tells us that Jillian had better keep her safe or she'll be gunning for her next week. It's time to pick players for the POV competition! Jillian goes first and picks Talla. Alec gets houseguests choice and picks Topaz. Peter picks Andrew, and Emmett is angry. He really wanted to play and make sure Alec doesn't win and remove himself from the block. Emmett is now the host for the veto. In the DR, Emmett tells us that not playing makes him feel useless. Peter tells us that "The Incredible Milk" has lost his mind, and is stomping around like a rhinoceros.

    BBCA: Outside, the "Bridge to Veto" competition is set up. Emmett is dressed as a troll, and there is a bridge. In order to win, each HG must build a bridge using pieces provided. The planks must be placed in the correct order of events that happened, from earliest to the most recent. Once all planks are in the correct order, HG crosses the bridge and hits the buzzer. Green light means right, red means wrong. HG to complete fastest is the winner.

    BBCA: Andrew goes first. He tells us that he really wants to win this for Jillian and keep their East Coast Alliance intact. He struggles in the middle, and the frustration is that you don't know what piece is off. It could be one, or more than one. He completes it in 17:32. Talla is next. She tells us that if Alec or Peter win the POV, someone else goes up as a replacement and she doesn't want it to be her. Talla tries putting the planks down in no particular order, just to get them down. She realizes quickly this was not a good strategy and tells us it looks a lot like her "1-9-1-9" situation and does not want a repeat performance . She doesn't complete the task and is stopped once her time exceeds Andrew's, having gotten 4 out of 14 correct.

    BBCA: Next up is Peter. Peter tells us that he feels this is his best shot of all the POV's to win. If it was physical, he'd probably be beaten by Talla. But it's mental, so he's confident. He beats Andrew's time, completing the bridge in 13:52! It's Jillian's turn. She tells us she really wants to win this so she doesn't have to go back on her word to Topaz. Jillian does not beat Peter's time and is stopped, having gotten 7 out of 14 correct. Topaz is up, and she tells the DR that she wants to take Alec off the block. Peter tells us Topaz doesn't move with any urgency and he thinks Alec is going to be insulted because he was counting on her to do well. Topaz also is stopped before completing, with 8 out of 14 correct.

    BBCA: Last up is Alec. Peter tells us that he's concerned about Alec and that he'll be as quick if not quicker than Peter. Alec tells us as long as you know who HOH was, you can figure out what happened each week. Alec decides last second to throw the POV and quits. Peter tells us he's disappointed in him, he didn't think that was in his character. In the DR, Topaz is angry and cursing. Peter wins the POV! He tells us he didn't really think he needed to win the POV this week, but it feels good to win. Alec tells us he thought it was better to let Peter take himself off the block so he can make his moves than the other way around. Alec will look back on this day as either a great move or a terrible move.

    BBCA: Topaz goes to see Jillian to confirm Jillian will stick to her word when Peter takes himself off the black. Jillian says she kept her word, but -- and Topaz stuck a finger up and reminds her she made a promise. Jillian tells her that she needs Topaz up so Topaz can't vote for him. Topaz says she'd vote to keep Talla instead of Alec if it avoids Topaz being put on the block. Jillian tells us she doesn't believe Topaz would keep her word for a second. If Talla goes up, it gives Topaz and Alec a fighting chance and there is no chance of changing her mind. Topaz tells us she thinks Jillian's word is worthless and that she is going up. Jillian tells Topaz she'll talk to Talla and then call them both up to talk.

    BBCA: Later, Jillian, Andrew, Emmett and Talla are in the HOH room while Topaz is in the kitchen. They are talking so loudly that Topaz can hear everything they are saying. Topaz tells us she gets the gist that she is the replacement nominee. She reminds that Jillian was ready to come down, shaking during the endurance comp but saw Topaz was firm in staying up that she had to make a deal. Jillian acts like she's a sweetheart, but she's playing a dirty game and if she gets put up beside Alec, Jillian will not like it.

    BBCA: Andrew calls everyone to the hot tub area and points out a new moose head to Emmett and Peter. He comments how creepy it looks and reminds them about a similar one in the hallway to the diary room. Peter tells us he's the only one to know about Marsha, the white moose, so he stays behind once the other two leave. The new moose speaks up; asks Peter for a smoke and a whiskey. Her name is Marge, and she says they are stingy with the booze. She tells Peter he has a mission; to mess with the HG's. He has to make them think that Tom is coming back into the house. If he succeeds, there will be a reward for the house. And remember, don't tell anyone Marge exists or he's roadkill.

    BBCA: In the DR, Peter tells us that he replaced the black and white picture on the memory wall with a colour one, add an extra chair to the table and bring his stuffed animal to Jillian's HOH room. All the tools were provided so "helpfully" by Marge. He days if he gets caught with the chair, or Jillian sees him on her spy cam, he was going to have a hard time explaining why he was carrying the dining room chair around. Later, as Peter is leaving the diary room, he is stopped by Marsha. She quizzes him on who he's been talking to, and sounds sad as he asks him if there is another moose in his life. He assures her he wouldn't do that and she can trust him. Once he leaves, she comments that he's cheating on her.

    BBCA: Peter tells us that the hardest task was getting Tom's stuffed animal to the HOH room so he created a "cleaning" mission for towels and blankets to take the laundry bin to her room and stuff the monkey between her pillows. Things lit up when Topaz and Talla saw Tom's picture not black and white anymore. The run screaming to the washroom area to tell Alec and Andrew, who are in the shower. Then they run upstairs to HOH to tell Jillian and Emmett. Topaz thinks he must have been given immunity for the past 2 weeks. Peter tells us the house is in complete disarray, Andrew is about to self-evict, it's hilarious.

    BBCA: In the DR, Jillian tells us that the cameras are being directed in weird ways. She finds the money behind her pillows based on the direction the camera is pointing. She thinks it's a game to find the most of his stuff and begins looking for more stuff of Tom's. Emmett notices the extra chair, and they continue to say "Yep, he's coming back." Peter tells us it was extremely hard not to burst out laughing as it went on. The HG's get called to the living room, and Topaz tells us she thinks this is where they are told Tom is coming back. Instead, Peter confesses to his mission and that the house earned a reward. Emmett tells us he was angry when Peter admitted it was only a mission. The reward was a luxury list of 5 food items to be brought into the house. The HG's chose lobster, beef tenderloin, sushi, ribs and a bottle of vodka.

    BBCA: Peter tells us that The Shield needs to convince Jillian and Emmett to get rid of Topaz and keep Alec. Alec tells us it's a matter of getting back into Emmett and Jillian's good books and it's a matter of if they trust him more than Topaz. Alec goes to the HOH room to talk to Emmett. He tells Emmett that Topaz dislikes Jillian. If Topaz leaves, Jillian and Emmett will be safe with the Shield. Emmett says he'll talk to Jillian. Emmett tells us he hasn't made up his mind; he'll have to see how the next few days play out. Emmett tells Jillian that Alec is a stronger player than Topaz. Alec is one of Emmett's biggest threats; Jillian suggests to Emmett that Topaz is one of her biggest threats. She groans aloud that she doesn't know what to do.

    BBCA: It's time for the veto ceremony! Peter asks Alec why he should use the POV on him. Alec tells Peter the POV necklace is cursed so he should use it on him; he'll bear the curse, Peter will be safe. Peter says he knows there is no curse and is using the POV on himself. Jillian must now choose a replacement nominee. To no one's surprise, she chooses Topaz. In the DR, Topaz angrily says Jillian should admit her word means nothing. Jillian tells us to put anyone else up would not have made sense. Alec tells us don't count the Shield out. Who will be voted out of the Big Brother House - Alec or Topaz? Who will follow them in another double eviction? Find out tomorrow night!

  2. 9:09PM BBT - Talla and Peter in the SR, Peter trying to sell Talla on keeping Alec. He tells her they've looked out for her over the past few weeks. Talla asks Peter if she thinks Emmett & Jillian have an alliance with (didn't catch who). Peter says if they do, they'll walk through everyone. I think Talla meant Andrew.

    9:12PM BBT - Talla says she's never been a different person with anyone who has been HOH. Peter says it's not about who holds power at this point in the game, it's about math. Talla says she doesn't trust Alec. Peter says if she trusts him, she can trust Alec. Talla is uncertain. Peter asks Talla why Alec would go after her, it's completely illogical. Talla says she believes Peter but doesn't trust Alec.

    9:16PM BBT - Jillian comes in, scaring both of them. Peter tells her he & Talla were about to make out. Jillian chuckles, goes to the fridge. Peter leaves, Talla tells Jillian about the conversation she had with Peter.

    9:18PM BBT - Emmett comes in, and both ladies fill him in. Emmett leaves, Jillian tells Talla she's caught Peter talking to 3 people today. She says Peter is digging himself a hole.

    9:22PM BBT - Emmett called to the DR. Topaz still cooking, Jillian comes back with asparagus to cook. She asks if live feeders are always watching, and that we must think she's the biggest lame-o in the world. Talla comes out of SR to ask when dinner is ready, Jillian says a few minutes. Alec and Peter playing a game at the dining room table.

    9:30PM BBT - Jillian is making garlic asparagus, Topaz will mash potatoes just before dinner is ready, Andrew is making a salad. Talla has moved to the dining room table with Alec and Emmett. Peter is on the KT couch.

    9:33PM BBT Jillian and Andrew in the HOH bathroom. "What would Dan do?" Jillian says they are asking. "Dan would go home this week," Andrew says smartly. Looks like they compare Alec to Dan. Jillian tells Andrew about Alec's earlier conversation with her, then her conversation with Topaz. (Never heard Jillian talk so fast before. She must be worried about burning dinner, or getting caught) Andrew says he told Alec to stop talking to him, and re-iterates his mistrust of Alec.

    9:36PM BBT - Emmett comes in, Andrew teases that he is taking a shower with Jillian. Andrew brings Emmett up to speed on the conversation. Andrew says no matter what, Alec's gone. He'd rather listen to Topaz than Alec. "How long has he said he doesn't want blood on his hand? I love blood! I want blood everywhere!" Andrew says. Now Jillian tells Andrew about Peter's conversation with Talla.

    9:41PM BBT - Andrew goes to make a salad, Emmett listening to music in HOH. Jillian washing up in the HOH bathroom. Alec and Talla playing the game in at the dining room table.

    9:52PM BBT - Peter and Alec in the BY. Peter tells Alec not to let Topaz in on what he's telling Emmett and Jillian but make nice with her. The boys are tossing a football.

    9:58PM BBT - Alec kicking a soccer ball around in the BY by himself. Talla at the table advising she's trying to maintain good posture, then says she has a ton of energy. Topaz set the table. Alec back inside, Topaz bringing the dishes to the table with his help. Andrew folding paper towels, with supervison from Talla. Everyone sits down at the table except Jillian and Emmett.

    10:02PM BBT - Talla going on that no one thanked her last night until after she thanked herself and how embarrassing that was. Andrew yells upstairs for Jill and Emmett. Talla goes on about being unimpressed, Andrew shuts her down and thanks her and says let's move on. Up in HOH, Jillian is still primping and Emmett stops listening to music to wait for her.

    10:05PM BBT - Emmett decides to head down without Jillian. At the dining room table, chaos is happening as everyone fills their plates and Talla lectures that they can't eat until Jillian comes downstairs.

    10:07PM BBT - Jillian comes down and it's chow time!

    10:26PM BBT - Not much to report. Dinner conversation consisted of Talla's quitting smoking, Jillian's love of avocado, the fact that Gary made amazing guacamole, and other idle chatter.

    10:36PM BBT - Emmett and Andrew cleaning up. Talla, Topaz, Jillian and Peter sitting at the table still chatting. Peter gets up to help the guys, as does Alec.

    10:46PM BBT - Topaz says she's going to go to bed in about an hour. Jillian thinks she'll go to bed now. The guys are still cleaning up, although Peter has re-joined the girls at the dining room table.

    10:50PM BBT - Jillian laying on the HOH bed, Emmett brushing his teeth in the HOH bathroom. Peter comes in, asks if the fan Jillian has on helps. She says it is blowing lukewarm air on her. Peter says he wanted to talk to them before going to bed; Jillian has changed her mind about sleeping and is going to workout with Emmett. Peter tells Jillian/Emmett about his conversation with Talla. He confirms Talla's instincts are right about Alec and that he would put Talla up. Peter says next week Talla and a pawn would go up if he or Alec won.

    10:52PM BBT - Emmett tells Jillian he is okay with it, Jillian says she is worried. Andrew & Talla in the BY by the HT, she's recounting her earlier convos with Alec and Peter, and is speed talking so is very hard to understand. Back in HOH, Emmett says he'll talk to Alec tonight and get a better feel of where he is at. Jillian says she talked to Alec and he pitched a good argument and she's not against the idea. As long as they can trust their word.

    10:55PM BBT - Peter says he's fine with F5 being the 4 of them and Andrew. He has no reason not to trust Andrew. Jillian agrees, Andrew's been HOH twice and never put Peter on the block. Peter re-iterates he wants Talla to go next week, but if they wanted Andrew gone instead, as a sign of good faith he'd do it. It doesn't matter what order Topaz, Talla and Andrew go, as long as the F4 is them.

    10:58PM BBT - In the BY, Andrew and Talla are discussing comp's. Andrew's won 3 to Jillian and Emmett who have each won 2. Also, Andrew's been more straight up to those currently in the jury house than Jillian and Emmett. Andrew wants Alec and Topaz just to leave him alone.

  3. 8:03PM BBT - Emmett, Jillian & Peter in the BY. Emmett & Jillian areworking out, Peter seems to be spotting him. Talla and Andrew in the KT.

    8:05PM BBT - Andrew and Talla are cooking a tenderloin BB gave them earlier. Emmett and Peter go into the hallway by the HT to get some cool air. They discuss the lack of plugs.

    8:07PM BBT - Emmett asks if Peter has seen Topaz yet. He says yes, and she's mad that Jillian broke "all 3" promises to her. Topaz is the replacement nominee; she is hoping Alec is going home but prepared either way. Her demeanour is fine but Peter thinks she's fuming inside.

    8:09PM BBT - Alec & Topaz in the SR. Topaz thinks Jillian wants Alec gone, but Jillian isn't voting. Andrew might vote to keep Alec, Topaz thinks. Alec doesn't think Andrew would rock the boat. Topaz says the only one she sees voting against Alec is Emmett, although she thinks Talla is iffy; she's a wild card. Topaz thinks maybe it could be a tie and Jillian breaking the tie.

    8:12PM BBT - Talla tells Topaz she has 43 minutes to go in the HT and pool and "get ready" for dinner; hurry up! she tells Topaz. Talla cleaning the KT, Peter, Emmett and Jillian still working out. Alec on the KT couches watching. Talla is making lobster too.

    8:13PM BBT - Andrew in the pool. Emmett telling him he is missing a good workout. Andrew says oh well.

    8:25PM BBT - Talla comes outside to the HT where Topaz is. Topaz feels betrayed after how long she stayed up during the endurance comp. Talla says she feels they are not on the same page anymore, Topaz assures her she's always had her back.

    8:29PM BBT - Talla tells Topaz that showmances on BB don't last that long. (Topaz is not wearing a mic and is very hard to hear) BB tells her to put on her mic (Thank you, BB!). Talla tells Topaz she's not over her, and Topaz says she's not. Talla says Topaz has her vote.

    8:31PM BBT - Topaz is upset Jillian thinks she doesn't trust her, because she did. Topaz feels the guys are closer than the girls and the girls need to stick together. Talla takes over the conversation, telling Topaz that she is going to lie to Alec. Topaz is mad she stepped off the iceburg. Talla tells her she could've been gone last week and don't worry about it this week. Topaz tells Talla to let Andrew know she's not gunning for him.

    8:37PM BBT - Talla is going to tell Jillian about their convo, and all of their friendships will get stronger from this because that's how a friendship gets strong; through rough patches. She tells Topaz she loves her and runs back to the KT to check dinner.

    8:40PM BBT - Talla jokingly accuses Emmett of stealing a pack of her cigarettes and tells him to sleep with one eye open. He tells her Jillian is a light sleeper. Talla asks Jillian to make a salad, they discuss what kind and what a carnivore is (because Talla doesn't know).

    8:42PM BBT - Peter was in the KT and Talla offers to make him a caesar salad without croutons. He's going to have chicken and fries as his dinner. Talla sets the table.

    8:45PM BBT - Jillian goes for a shower. Discussion in the BY turns to food loves. Emmett loves swedish berries, Peter loves salty stuff like chips. Alec asks Peter what would happen if he woke up one day and hated chicken nuggets. Peter says he's been eating his way most of his life. Peter takes multi vitamins.

    8:47PM BBT - Talla goes screaming for blush to the HOH room. Once inside, she starts telling Jillian about her convo with Topaz. Jillian tells Talla that Alec is campaigning hard. Jillian takes her mic off to get into the shower and it's running, so hard to hear. Talla is talking so fast, she's also hard to understand.

    9:08PM BBT - Topaz in the pool, Andrew & Talla cooking in the KT. Everyone else in the WA (or HOH bathroom in Jillian and Emmett's case) getting ready.

    9:10PM BBT - Talla orders Topaz out of the pool. Topaz comments she needs a wax; Talla agrees and Topaz freaks that Talla saw it.

    9:15PM BBT - Andrew putting wine glasses out, saying they are going to share the vodka evenly. He warns Talla she is going to be careful this time. Talla goes off "You think I can't handle my vodka?" and then starts sputtering in anger. Andrew grins, "You can't even get a sentence out thinking about it!" Alec pipes in that smaller amounts of alcohol get him drunker quicker in the house.

    9:34PM BBT - Andrew, Alec and Emmett teasing Talla about the last time she got drunk. After a few comments, Talla loses her cool with them about how she embarrassed herself on TV and how she's done with them and not going to eat with them or drink with them. She storms out of the KT.

    9:36PM BBT - Talla in the hallway by the HT, ranting about how rude they are and how she was the one who had ruined her night. Talla says they can have her alcohol because they are savages and they can call it even. She wants a cigarette, or gum.

    9:38PM BBT - Talla tries to get in the DR; gets in. Andrew, Emmett and Alec commenting about how Talla blows up at the drop of a hat. Alec says surely she can see what they are talking about. Andrew agrees, and thinks she should chill out and just laugh about it.

    9:43PM BBT - Jillian comes to the KT, Alec asks her if she heard the blow up with Talla. Andrew is fired up because of Talla and ready to snap. Dinner is minutes away from being ready.

    9:49PM BBT - Jillian and Talla in the SR. Talla ranting about the jokes the guys were making. Jillian tells her they don't realize they're bothering her; they're just joking. She tells her to just enjoy her drink. Jillian reassures her that they do want her around and they are just teasing her. Talla searches the SR for the nicorette gum BB told her is there.

    9:51PM BBT - Andrew goes into the SR to see Talla. He makes her look him in the eye and asks her to come out there and cut the meat. She says no, so he says he'll carve the tenderloin. Talla begins her rant all over again, and Andrew gently tells her he understands and that they care about her and don't want that to happen again to her. He tells her they are family and she can tell them these things.

    9:53PM BBT - Alec & Topaz in the WA, Topaz doing makeup, Alec telling her about Talla's breakdown.

  4. 9:33PM BBT - Emmett and Peter in KT. Peter starts to recount his convo with Jillian with him, but Talla comes through. She decides to go put her feet in the pool. Topaz comes down full of tales about Alec smelling like a tomato now. Within a minute, Talla changes her mind and decides to go to bed. Emmett decides to get ready as well. Topaz tells them that he's going to have a bubble bath. Emmett asks her if she's going to sleep in the same bed as him, and Topaz says she was going too but now not so sure. Tomorrow he is going to go into the HT and pool.

    9:37PM BBT - In the HOH bathroom, Alec asks Jillian if she's decided yet. She says no and says they should have a convo agian with Emmett involved, and Peter. Topaz comes back and mentions washing all the towels and the fish smelling stuff.

    9:40PM BBT - Peter, Jillian, Emmett and Talla in the WA. Jillian getting ready for the DR. Talla telling Emmett she wasn't allowed to pick a girl for her part of the comp. Emmett says Andrew has no hair on his legs anyway. Jillian tells Emmett she can't believe he is going to bed. She feels like the night is still young. She complains her arm is swollen and bruising.

    9:47PM BBT - Jillian and Emmett on the KT couches, alternatively making out and Jillian recounting her respective conversations with Alec and Peter.

    9:52PM BBT - Peter and Emmett in the BY. Emmett says he'd be worried if he was Alec, but Peter doesn't have a reason to be worried. Emmett is trying to dissuade Jillian from putting Talla up, or making Talla the target. Talla hasn't crossed Jillian like Alec has. Peter says he doesn't know what's wrong with Alec.

  5. 8:02PM BBT - Alec calls out to BB that his mic pack reeks of fish and pleads with them to change it. Topaz and Andrew chime in with the things they need for the bathroom; body wash, bar of soap, hand soap, etc.

    8:05PM BBT - Not much going on. Andrew & Talla sitting on the KT couches. Topaz refilling soap in the WA. Alec joins Andrew & Talla. Peter, Jillian and Emmett nowhere to be seen.

    8:10PM BBT - Topaz now cleaning the bathroom; they got more hand soap. In the KT, Andrew & Alec discussing the comp. Saying that Peter said he'd try to do what he was required to do, but would probably throw up (and did) but at least he tried. The competition for them to remain off slop for the week consisted of each HG doing different tasks. Talla had to speak another language and chose not to talk. Peter had to fake choke on a salad. Emmett drank 5 glasses of milk and threw up.

    8:13PM BBT - Jillian has to wear a pregnancy suit and lick Alec's chest (?), Alec has to take a chum bath every hour (hence the fish smell), Andrew has to wear the French maid outfit, Correction from last post - Talla had to wax Andrew's legs, it was Topaz who couldn't speak English.

    8:15PM BBT - Andrew tells Alec there are baby wipes under the bathroom sink; Talla rouses long enough to tell Alec to make sure he closes them after so they stay moist. Peter joins them in the WA, he's brushing his teeth. Brief discussion about bed soon; Topaz says it's supposedly light out.

    8:17PM BBT - Jillian and Talla in HOH; Jillian is saying she is putting up Peter and Alec and that Alec thinks it might be Talla going up. Emmett's not happy that Alec is turning on them, Jillian says. Emmett wanted Andrew and Talla up, but Jillian says this is her decision.

    8:20PM BBT - Jillian goes down to the KT where Alec, Peter and Andrew are. Emmett in the DR. Jillian complaining about how uncomfortable her pregnancy belly is.

    8:27PM BBT - Talla listening to music in the HOH room. Jillian and Topaz cleaning out the fridge. Alec helping the "pregnant woman".

    8:31PM BBT - Alec says it's cool that there's only 7 people now so it's easier to clean. Peter says it's insane that there used to be 15 people in the house at once.

    8:33PM BBT - Jillian complaining how tired and uncomfortable she is. She's waiting to go in the DR. She's envious of Talla, who did the DR and got to take her outfit off. Jillian laughs that the result of her challenge was awkward for Emmett, seeing her with the pregnancy belly.

    8:37PM BBT - They woke up this morning to no food but slop until the phone rang and Peter answered the phone and Andrew got asked to do Emmett's laundry. Andrew gets distracted to complain about his outfit, especially the lace. Peter & Jillian in the SR; she suggests going to HOH room. More comfortable to chat there.

    8:40PM BBT - Talla sees Peter & Jillian coming and pretends to be asleep. Jillian "wakes" her and gets her to leave. She tells Peter she is in the worst possible position and asks him what he'd do. Peter sees it as him, Alec, Emmett and Jillian so she needs to decide who to put up with the last 3. Jillian says she will honour her promise to Topaz to keep her safe this week because of how hard she worked last night.

    8:44PM BBT - Jillian has been concerned because no one has discussed F4 with her except Andrew. Jillian feels Emmett is her #1 and Andrew is her #2, not that they've made a deal, just based on the discussions they've had. She feels like she has a close bond with him; they made a deal if she won HOH this week that she wouldn't put him up. She would have loved to put up Topaz but she felt she had to make the deal before she slipped. Same as the last time when she made the deal with Talla. Jillian doesn't feel the need to hold true to deals she has made with Alec and Talla. She feels she needs to use Talla or Peter as a pawn. Emmett's not on board, she clarifies.

    Peter reassures her they can change the fact that she hasn't been included. Jillian re-iterates her gut telling her not to put up Andrew and Talla. She also felt the sincerity of who cheered for her to win HOH and who didn't. She felt Alec didn't want her to win. Jillian couldn't understand why he was so scared, because if Topaz had won, she was his showmance and if Jillian won, she's in his F4 (supposedly).

    8:50PM BBT - Jillian says for her game, she doesn't want to touch Andrew. She would rather put up Alec & Talla, with the target being Talla. Peter asks her who is the most capable to win veto over Alec and Peter. The answer is obvious - Alec, because Peter is horrible at challenges. Alec wins veto, and now Jillian can put up Topaz, Peter says. This way, she's essentially honoured her deal. She can tell Topaz that she's a pawn and they'll all vote Talla out. Peter is hearing that he needs to build more trust with her independently, not via Emmett. Jillian agrees with everything.

    Peter wants the F4 to be him, Alec, Emmett and Jillian because they are very strong players. Topaz and Alec come into HOH and Topaz says they need to make Alec a tomato bath, as if he'd been sprayed by a skunk because he reeks. She asks what they're talking about and Jillian jokingly says "You!" and Topaz asks if they need more time. Jillian says no, they're good.

    8:55PM BBT - Topaz and Alec head into the HOH bathroom to use the bathtub and try and soak the smell out of Alec. She is dumping the tomato juice in the water. Peter says he wants to cut the people out of the house who don't deserve to win (Topaz and Talla) and then play to win. He says this way, whomever goes after that can shake hands and go out the door, no hard feelings.

    Peter recognizes he's been largely terrible at challenges, but he's come in 2nd or 3rd sometimes. He believes he plays a great social game, and Jillian agrees. They make their way down to the KT. Andrew says HOH has it perks and Peter chimes in but great power has great responsibility.

    8:58PM BBT - Talla and Emmett by the HT with their feet in the HT; Talla smoking. Emmett thinks it is guaranteed that one of "them" are going to go home this week. (He means Alec & Peter) Emmett laments that he used to like them but now he feels betrayed by Alec and he heard Alec was coming after him anyway. Talla says she liked Alec, but after how he was this week, she's fine with him going. Especially cause he won $10,000. She points out that it has to be all game, not about who you like as a person.

    Emmett says once Alec goes, Andrew is his biggest physical competitor. Emmett wants to play the veto and is only guaranteed if he's on the block, which is very risky. Then he can take himself off once he wins. He wants to stay closer to Peter and Alec and pretend to be angry at Jillian for putting them up so he can get picked if it's HG's choice for POV.

    9:06PM BBT - Alec & Topaz in the HOH; Alec in the tub. Topaz is going to try to convince Jillian to keep showmances until the end. Alec agreeing with her.

    9:09PM BBT - Jillian and Andrew on the BY couches whispering. She's recounting the conversation with Peter to him. She also recounts an earlier conversation with Alec to Andrew. Her expressions make it obvious she is going after Alec.

    9:20PM BBT - Andrew says the best scenario would be F4 of Talla, Andrew, Emmett and Jillian, as long as Talla doesn't win HOH that week.

    9:23PM BBT - Jillian and Andrew head inside, Jillian complains that she wants to use her bathroom. Just as she starts peeling everything off to go to the WC in the main WA, BB calls her to the DR. She yells back that they should call Andrew because she's going to the bathroom. Production calls over that it's fine, Andrew can go to the DR. Andrew helps Jillian out of her outfit and heads to the DR.

  6. 6:10PM BBT - Andrew, Topaz, Alec and Gary (dressed as a woman, complete with a wig) in the HT. Gary has his legs dipped in. Talla and Peter in the KT. Jillian comes in, she & Talla are now going to join the HT group.

    6:14PM BBT - Correction: Emmett in the HT. Wherever Alec is, he's told to put his mic on. In th HT, Gary swears he was born a girl. Andrew tells Gary he looks like a model, he says he's more into acting.

    6:23PM BBT - Gary (who is nicknamed Zoe while a woman) calls out to BB that they should have a wig party. Talla, who thinks she's fat, makes everyone close their eyes while she gets into the HT.

    Updates from earlier in the day:

    Jillian feels bad lying to Andrew, but thinks it's time Andrew picked a side and stuck to it. Emmett asks Jillian who she would take to F3, Talla or Andrew? She says Talla at first, but changes to Andrew. Jillian doesn't want to see Peter win because he throws all the comps. Emmett wonders if he should pretend to fight with Jillian so they open up to her more.

    Alec & Topaz had an intense chat. He sees Andrew's shadiness finally. Topaz rehashes the vote, and how everyone tried to make her think Alec was against her because he voted to keep Andrew. Alec says he trusts Emmett and Jillian way more. Alec says he thought he could trust Andrew more than AJ, but now realizes he cannot. Alec tells Topaz the whole house wants her out next week, especially Emmett and Jillian, so it's important they don't win HOH. They agree Gary doesn't know where he stands. Andrew told them he wanted Emmett/Jillian out but put Topaz/Gary up.

    Alec was tricked into voting out AJ, he says. He wants to keep working with Topaz and rectify that, but doesn't want anyone else to know because then they'll get on the block together. Topaz says with people leaving every week, they'll eventually get found out and targeted. Topaz says she trusts Alec and its ok (his voting out AJ). They agree how much they trust Talla and want to work with her.

    Topaz asks if she should tell Gary that he's leaving; Alec says no. Elsewhere, Emmett carries Talla across the yard and throws her in the pool. Alec finds Jillian in the bathroom and warns her when F5 happens with Jill/Emmett, Peter/Alec and Andrew that Andrew will make the pairs go after each other. He tells Jillian a very different story than he told Topaz, alluding to being fine if she goes home.

    After that, the house meets Zoe, who introduces herself to the house, to the DR and then spends time telling stories about herself.

    Back to now ....

    6:39PM BBT - Peter in the SR looking for batteries. BB asked him to change them for everyone. Alec comes in, tells Peter he told Jillian about the F4 deal with them and Emmet/Jillian. Says she is on board to put up Andrew. Peter tells BB he is leaving the SR again since he can't find the batteries. He wonders where everyone is, Topaz comes in and says they are all in the HT.

    6:41PM BBT - Andrew, Jillian, Emmett in the HT, talking about how it's all about numbers. Feeds abruptly switch to Peter and Topaz, talking in the SR. Neither has a mic on, so you can't hear what they are saying.

    6:43PM BBT - Mic is on, and Peter is telling Topaz he thinks they have common enemies. They are talking about "she" jumping, sounds like Talla? Peter prefers Andrew go, Topaz agrees.

    6:44PM BBT - Zoe and Talla in the pool. Peter going through the house changing batteries. Alec & Topaz in the WA, cuddling and making out.

  7. 9:59PM BBT - Emmett shaved the BBC off Gary's head.

    10:02PM BBT - Jillian doing laundry, Talla and Gary horsing around. Andrew, Topaz, Alec and Peter in the KT.

    10:07PM BBT - Talla is off to bed. Jillian doing Emmett's hair in the WA.

    10:13PM BBT - Talla and Gary join the Jillian and Emmett in the WA and Gary does some male impersonations.

    10:15PM BBT - Jillian waxing Gary's chest in the WA. Topaz comes running in to watch.

    10:16PM BBT - Gary tells Jillian he's bleeding. Topaz and Jillian tell him that's normal to ensure the roots are out. Gary says it's a ton of pain and cries when the second strip comes off. Topaz runs from the room laughing. Gary says he's not sure if he wants to do the whole chest but it looks so good.

    10:17PM BBT - Emmett wants to do a heart on Gary's chest. Jillian says she's going to wax his entire chest. On the next strip, Gary upgrades to screaming. Jillian tells him not to move after so she can put pressure on it so it won't hurt so much. Andrew comes in to watch and cringes. Gary says it's worse than giving birth. [Although not sure how he'd know - BBLuver]

    10:19PM BBT - Emmett suggests putting multiple strips on at once and pulling them off at once to get it over with, but Gary refuses. He wants to look fashionable while he's doing this. Alec slides past everyone to the WC. Talla helpfully points out likely 10 more strips to go. Gary whimpers.

    10:20PM BBT - Peter on the WA couch watching as well. Topaz says she can't stop laughing and says this might even make the show. Emmett wants to do a strip, Jillian coaches him through it. Gary says he'll tweeze the stray hairs. Gary says it feels like a school project "Let's wax the black guy!" Talla coaches him to take a deep breath as she's about to pull the strip off.

    10:21PM BBT - Emmett encourages Andrew to let him wax his back. Topaz coaches Emmett through it. Andrew doesn't even flinch as Emmett pulls the first strip off. He kind of shrugs. Gary mutters that Andrew's hairs are baby hairs.

    10:25PM BBT - Andrew has a huge red area from where Emmett waxed him, he didn't make a sound the entire time. Gary is frantically protecting his nipples and begging to take a break.

    10:26PM BBT - Emmett has moved onto Alec's chest. Alec doesn't flinch and grins when he sees his bare chest.

    10:35PM BBT - Talla tells Gary how good he looks. Jillian asks Gary to go get the tweezers, Gary whimpers that he'll do it tomorrow. Jillian says no, tonight. Talla heads to bed. Jillian puts Gary in the hallway outside the bathroom to see better and starts tweezing.

    10:36PM BBT - Emmett, Alec & Peter outside in the BY whispering. Alec would rather have Topaz on their side than try to guarantee she doesn't win HOH. Emmett says she doesn't trust them anymore so that's risky too.

    10:37PM BBT - Emmett doesn't want to risk Gary knowing, but Alec points out the 3 votes to evict Gary are right there; who cares if he knows? Peter says if he is planning for his HOH he obviously thinks he's safe.

    10:40PM BBT - Alec says if worst case Andrew wins, then he becomes their 4th. Peter would prefer Jillian, but worse comes to worse, then Andrew it is. They head back inside to tell Andrew what's going on (or their version of it) because they think it looks funny. Inside, talk turns to the waxing.

    10:46PM BBT - Topaz telling Talla a bedtime story. Appears to be scary bedtime story about mermaids being extinct.

    10:48PM BBT - More to the bedtime story....It's kind of a love story but involved an evil dolphin. Talla tells her it was a disgusting story and she needs to work on it before a sequel.

    10:49PM BBT - Talla thanks her, saying she is tired now but also disturbed. Topaz chuckles that she did her job. Talla says when she is sleeping, she is going to whisper crazy stuff in her ear.

    10:50PM BBT - Jillian cleaning up from waxing, Topaz comes in to chit chat. Gary in the shower with the shaver. He is shaving his armpits. Jillian decides to wax her nosehairs.

    10:51PM BBT - In the HOH room, the boys are discussing Talla. Peter: "Even I can beat Talla in a physical comp". The wild card, they agree, is Topaz. Topaz could put up Emmett and Alec if she was vindictive, they agree. Emmett says she's likely kicking herself for not putting him and Jillian up last Sunday.

    10:53PM BBT - Andrew says he doesn't like BD tactics because it appears it never works the way you want it to. Andrew says there are lots of different scenarios. Emmett remembers joking with Aneal one day about putting him up and then the next thing you know, he was put up. Andrew asks why, Emmett says he was saying a bunch of crap. Paranoia, Andrew asks. Emmett says he was spreading lies.

    10:56PM BBT - Alec says he would not win an endurance in cold water. Emmett asks if they would want to play BB if every week everyone could play for the veto. Andrew says it would suck if you were on the block, but everyone agrees it could be interesting.

    10:57PM BBT - Talk turns to Frank in BB14 and how he was either on the block or HOH until they finally BD'd him. They discussed the jury order and how Frank went in the Joe double eviction. Andrew reminds them about how Dan was on the block and got Jenn to use the veto on him after putting his hand on the Bible. She wanted to make a big move, and she, Ashley and Joe were the biggest floaters. Alec says Ian and Dan did most of it. Peter points out Shane didn't win much after the beginning.

    11:00PM BBT - General re-hashing of the competitions that have taken place thus far.

    11:01PM BBT - Alec says he wasn't thrilled when Jillian won HOH because he didn't know her. Andrew says how could he? His tongue was down Topaz's throat!

  8. 9:02PM BBT - Alec, Emmett, Andrew & Talla eating steaks at the big table. Topaz with them. General chit chat about flossing while looking in the mirror.

    9:07PM BBT - Andrew says the steaks are old and don't taste as good as when they're new. He compares it to frozen bread once it's thawed out.

    9:14PM BBT - Gary wants a wax, Emmett wants his back waxed. Talla offers to wax Gary for him. Jillian has joined the eaters as well.

    9:18PM BBT - Jillian forces Emmett to try feta cheese, and he spits it back out.

    9:20PM BBT - Jillian says she wants a bikini wax tomorrow. Topaz asks Gary where he wants to be waxed, he says his chest. She persists for more parts, but his reponse is drowned out as 2 other conversations start. Hard to follow a specific one.

    9:23PM BBT - Discussing the movie they watched the other night. Talla and Jillian jumped into Emmett's lap at the same time during a scary part. Jillian had something on her face that no one noticed, and she was embarassed once discovered and mad no one told her.

    9:30PM BBT - Jillian is hoping they get creme eggs for Easter. Alec asks her if she likes them better than mini eggs. Talla tells her Easter passed already, Jillian asks if she's sure. Jillian asks if anyone has tried the creme egg McFlurry.

    9:34PM BBT - Talla takes a dirty, wet cloth and wrings it out in a glass with pop and tries to get Andrew or Alec to drink it. Topaz and Jillian vehemently beg them not to, as Andrew contemplates it. They tell the boys it will NOT be funny.

    9:38PM BBT - In the WA, Emmett is shaving Gary's head. He did a design in the back of it.

    9:42PM BBT - Gary's hair spells out BBC. He comes to the KT to show everyone. Peter and Alec on the KT couch, Gary plops down beside them. Topaz walking around, hanging out. Jillian, Andrew and Talla cleaning the KT.

    9:56PM BBT - Talla and Andrew head to the HT area for a smoke. Talla talking about working out her core, and now is a good time of night to do so. Talk quickly changes to game, but Talla is talking quickly so hard to follow. Jillian telling her alliance that Talla is committed to them. Feeds 2 and 4 keep freezing and going black, so hard to follow the conversation.

  9. 9:06PM BBT - Andrew and Alec playing air hockey, Emmett and AJ watching, doing commentary. Alec loses, AJ's turn. Seems Andrew is losing to AJ. In the KT, Jillian cooking. Gary sitting at the bar, Suzette and Peter on the KT couch.

    9:08PM BBT - Jillian jokes that she's been slaving over a hot stove all day. Gary moans that he's been aching over a toilet seat all day.

    9:22PM BBT - Suzette and AJ playing air hockey now. Emmett, Alec, Jillian, Peter, Topaz, Andrew and Gary in the KT. General chit chat over stuff for dinner.

    9:25PM BBT - The HG's discuss Smarties and M&M's and their slogans; BB tells them to stop talking about name brands.

    9:30PM BBT - Suzette in the HT area muttering about the last time she saw someone get mad about a pinata and not getting their way was at her kid's 6 year old birthday party. She chuckles.

    9:33PM BBT - Suzette heads back to the KT where everyone else is, remarking how hot it is when she does. The KT crew are talking about eye colours and Andrew is attracted to Emmett's colour eyes.

    9:36PM BBT - Emmett and Andrew back to the air hockey table. Andrew thought that the air hockey table was going to be used in a veto comp this week. Emmett tells Andrew that he thinks Gary is coming after him (Andrew).

    9:43PM BBT - Emmett, Andrew, Peter & Alec all in the HT. Andrew states no one has beat Emmett yet at air hockey. AJ comes out and joins the boys. Gary, Topaz & Suzette in the KT. Gary saying Emmett is threatening him that he has to use the veto on him if Gary wins it. Emmett told him "If you want to beat the best, you have to play the best".

    9:47PM BBT - Discussion turns to a pinata, and Gary picked it up once it fell so he won it. Not totally sure what they're talking about, maybe part of why the feeds were off?

    9:48PM BBT - Topaz explaining that After Dark doesn't necessarily mean they show that the HG's are doing at 2am. They tape a continuous timeslot, ex 9pm-12am and show it, with no editing. BB comes on and tells them to stop talking about production. Gary finishes cooking and says he's not even going to eat, he still has tummy cramps.

    9:53PM BBT - Suzette says Andrew made a good steak and lobster. Jillian says they were a really good team in the KT. Suzette comments how spotless the KT was by the end of it.

    9:54PM BBT - Gary decides he is going to have a little bit of the jerk chicken with potatoe, onion and brown rice. Jillian asks him to talk in a Jamaican accent; he does briefly. Gary decides against eating. Suzette asks how to make brown rice, she says she's too lazy because it takes too long.

    9:57PM BBT - Topaz leaves to put a load of laundry in and take a shower. Gary says he's going to bed soon.

    9:59PM BBT - AJ comes inside. Discussion turns to celebrity couples and whether or not they are together.

  10. 8:04PM BBT - Gary tells Jillian it's a tie game, but Emmett corrects him; it's 7-6 Team Alec.

    8:05PM BBT - Just like that, the game is over. Everyone claps hands, "Good game!" They are all out of breath and sweaty.

    8:07PM BBT - Emmett hurt his ankle. Jillian says she is the sweatiest person ever. They are all downing water.

    8:11PM BBT - Emmett puts ice on the top of his foot to control the swelling. Peter and Alec in the pool, Emmett and Jillian on the BY couches.

    8:13PM BBT - AJ gets in the pool as well. Suzette last seen in the KT, doing her nails.

    8:22PM BBT - Topaz asleep in the BR; Gary in the pool too.

    8:34PM BBT - Emmett in the pool. The guys are joking around about the slop pass, and other aspects of production that earn them an admonishing from BB.

    8:36PM BBT - Discussion turns to Reality TV and what they watch. Many watch Survivor; talk changes to what seasons of Survivor they've watched.

    8:41PM BBT - Sleepy Talla and Topaz in the KT. Neither saying much. Emmett now in the HT along with Alec. Peter is going to shower and get something to eat. AJ still swimming. Gary inside.

    8:43PM BBT - Andrew comes out to talk to AJ. Topaz tells Gary she heard everyone screaming up a storm. Topaz says she wants some chips, then changes her mind to oatmeal.

    8:48PM BBT - Gary joins Alec & Emmett in the HT. Andrew goes into the WA to talk to Peter; they're discussing Suzette and how she doesn't really ask anything about the other HG's personal lives. Suzette in the KT making something. Andrew is going swimming with AJ.

    8:51PM BBT - Topaz patiently trying to explain to Suzette why some of her comments set other HG's off. She constantly mentions leaving her kids, and Topaz says after awhile everyone doesn't feel bad because they left things behind too. Suzette says its her way of coping. Topaz says it felt like a guilt trip.

    9:00PM BBT - Topaz comes to the HT and recounts the conversation with Suzette. Alec says not only are they saints, but the people back home are saints for listening.

    9:11PM BBT - More talk about Suzette. Comparing her attitude to a lottery. Can't bet your family's money on winning a lottery.

    9:16PM BBT - Gary and Topaz in the WA. They are happy Kat left, she would've been strong and a threat.

    9:18PM BBT - Gary says this is like Danielle x2. He got unexpectedly close to Suzette. He's also sick and is upset he can't spend the entire day sleeping to get rid of it.

    9:24PM BBT - Talla is in the KT doing dishes. Gary & Topaz meander that way and Gary thanks her for cleaning. Talla wishes it would stay like that for a couple of days.

    9:26PM BBT - Alec tells Emmett that he stopped trusting Tom completely when Tom tried to make an F2 deal with him, even though he had a deal with Emmett.

    9:27PM BBT - Alec says he has no plans to take Emmett to F2, he has a deal with Peter. Emmett says he doesn't expect Alec to. Alec says maybe F3.

    9:30PM BBT - Alec says he no longer thinks production is against them because the competition was physical in the veto (the most recent one) and not mental, which means Suzette would have had a better shot of winning. Emmett says she could've done better because there wasn't much turning which would've hurt her knee.

    9:37PM BBT - Emmett takes Jillian into the SR for a brief makeout session. Jillian tells him she was asked about their kisses in the DR today. Jillian grabs some stuff to cook.

    9:39PM BBT - Topaz aggravated Talla and a brief argument broke out. Talla is supremely annoyed by how messy the other HG's are. Talla is in the WA, bad mouthing Topaz just to herself. She mutters that they should get a maid. Talla laughs that Topaz dares try that attitude on her. Talla goes into the BR and tells Suzette she just broke a bunch of glasses.

    9:44PM BBT - Talla comes into the KT, hears someone say "Shhh" and freaks out that someone must be talking about her and why can't they get over it. Topaz comes at her and says she was talking with Gary.

    9:47PM BBT - Talla says it's funny how when Topaz is upset, everyone goes to her rescue but no one came to Talla's when she was upset. It's good to know where everyone stands. Emmett and Jillian both try to defend themselves, Talla shoots them down.

    9:51PM BBT - Talla goes to the HT, Topaz follows and Talla says she doesn't want to talk about it. Topaz giggles and says she was just teasing and she's bored so she decided to tease Talla. Topaz was explaining to Gary what happened when Talla came into the KT, AJ was the one who said "Shhh" cause he didn't want to offend Talla. Talla says she reacts when she's mad, and if that puts her on the block, then so be it. Topaz says that has nothing to do it.

    9:53PM BBT - Topaz says she understands teasing can be mean, and she admits it was bad timing to tease her. She reiterates she was bored. She'll use better timing going forward.

  11. 7:34PM BBT - Liza and Tom in the BY. She's tired, changing and stuff felt like work. Topaz and Alec cuddling on the couch in the LR, Peter splayed across another one.

    7:36PM BBT - Tom mutters about how annoying Talla is.

    7:37PM BBT - Liza says she has no plans, she doesn't even know what she would avenge if she stays. Tom said he'll put Peter up since he lied to Liza (if she goes). Liza asks who to go after to avenge Tom. Tom says everyone lied to him, so there's no one person. He says start from the top - the first person that broke their word and keep going.

    7:39PM BBT - Tom thinks it will be a 5-4 vote, with one person being the swing vote at the last minute. He is not going to go suck up to Topaz or Suzette, even though Emmett and Alec are encouraging him to. Tom says it's crazy, one week you're sitting pretty on HOH thinking someone is going home 10-1 and the next week you have a 50/50 chance of leaving. Tom wonders if this is a double eviction. How cool would that be if they both walked out within 20 minutes together? They could go hit the hotel with some wine and 72 hours of decompression together. [You might just get your wish, Tom! -- BBLuver]

    7:42PM BBT - Liza decides to go for a hammock nap, Tom puts on a talk show host voice and tells her to ignore the heavy grunting while he works out.

    7:43PM BBT - Talla decides to go for a nap. Topaz tries to talk her out of it, saying she'll wake up at 2am like she did the last time and be up all night. Alec asks if Talla thinks Topaz has a problem opening up. Talla spins an "Oh no, you're perfect" sort of answer to him. Alec says if she ever wants to ask anything, he's there.

    7:51PM BBT - Jillian talks to Gary about how she put him up as a pawn. She admits she put Gary up because she'd heard a lot of talk that Gary and Danielle wanted her out, and then she heard Aneal wanted her out too. Gary says when Danielle tried to "mend" bridges, it wasn't real and Danielle wanted Jillian gone so she could have Emmett.

    7:57PM BBT - Jillian and Gary establish a bond of sorts, stating if they hear someone bring each other up, they'll give a heads up and try to steer the person in another direction.

    8:04PM BBT - Jillian and Gary talk about DR sessions. They can't wait to see Aneal's, Gary wants to see Emmett's.

    8:13PM BBT - Andrew and Gary have a friendly disagreement about the word hocus pocus and what happens when you die. Gary says he believes if you disagree with someone else's beliefs, you need to be more gentle. Gary believes everyone has a soul and he believes in Jesus. Andrew thinks when you die, you don't have a soul and your light is snuffed out. He's agnostic.

    8:20PM BBT - They have a contest to see who can sit the longest without talking. In the LR are Alec, Topaz, AJ, Gary, Andrew, Peter, Jillian and Emmett.

    8:23PM BBT - SoTH

    8:28PM BBT - Feeds are back. Tom & Liza in BY, Liza telling Tom that Emmett would've put her up. Tom said he knows that now, Emmett would've back doored her, putting up Suzette and Talla first.

    8:30PM BBT - Tom tells Liza Peter is fake and has his eye on her. They both are positive he is playing the game. Talk turns to participating in The Amazing Race Canada. Liza tells Tom Jeff & Jordan did it, Rob & Amber from Survivor, Brendan & Rachel. Tom says he can do BC and AB, but he barely knows ON. This is the most amount of time he's spent in ON.

    8:35PM BBT - Everyone is off the couch except Topaz and Gary, who are still mouthing to each other. Andrew tells Gary he's out, meaning Topaz won but neither Topaz nor Gary are listening to him.

    8:39PM BBT - Update! Peter and Topaz are both left in the game - might be awhile to see who won because they both look pretty determined.

    8:41PM BBT - Andrew comes out with a bag of milk, joking that it is Emmett and Jillian's baby. Topaz rocks it, and then Andrew takes it back, pretending to rock it too. It appears Emmett is still in the game as well. He & Peter are at the dining room table, playing a game back and forth.

    8:43PM BBT - Jillian seems to be in the game, but AJ and Andrew tell her she's out because she left the game. Jillian ignores them, but still not talking. Alec, Andrew and AJ are being obscene, joking about anything and everything to try and get them to talk.

    8:46PM BBT - As Jillian walks around, Alec pretends he's "thinking out loud" for her. "Hmmmm, I'm hungry. What can I eat? Oh, that's right - only slop. Now, where's my spoon?" AJ is doing a crazy dance, and Topaz is trying hard not to die laughing. She buries her face in Jillian's shoulder. Andrew comments that this is awkward.

    8:50PM BBT - Alec takes the chip bag from Topaz as she walks by and inhales the smell. He then gets Topaz to kiss him. Gary comes back in and asks about Jillian, and Andrew says she's disqualified. Jillian now takes the chip bag from Andrew and inhales. Alec tells her that Topaz's is better and she inhales that. Emmett called to the DR and Gary guffaws and tells him he has to speak in there and tells the rest of the HG's that should count. Jillian speaks, saying how good the chips smell and is truly out.

    8:52PM BBT - Emmett comes out of the DR, Gary and Jillian try to get him to speak. Jillian whines about how she's not kidding and she needs food.

    8:56PM BBT - Gary decides he wants a pop. He opens the fridge doors, gets one and does not close the doors.

  12. 7:07PM BBT - Jillian and Emmett trying to figure out how many calories he eats in a day. Gary wants to photograph for a living, Jillian enourages him.

    7:11PM BBT - Gary is excited to be on slop. Suzette and Liza in BR; Liza is changing. Suzette complimenting her pictures that Gary took.

    7:17PM BBT - Talla says she needs to work her triceps. Gary jokes to pass the pizza, that's how he'll work his. Talla laments that she can't open the fridge because she can't eat the jerk chicken marinating.

  13. 6:06PM BBT - Alec chugging a protein shake in the KT. Andrew making fun of him, joking about him getting fatter and faster as he drinks.

    6:14PM BBT - AJ primping in the WA.

    6:15PM BBT - AJ goes into the BR, Liza sees him and asks him if it's time for POV. AJ says no, he just wanted to wear the shirt. He can't wear it again because it doesn't work with the cameras. He says he doesn't have any other clean shirts. AJ goes back to the WA to change into another shirt.

    6:18PM BBT - AJ changes into another shirt. Production tells him that one won't work either. AJ tells them he's worn the shirt already once before, they tell him flat coloured ones work best (it's a solid grey this one. The last one was blue striped). SoTH.

    6:31PM BBT - Feeds come back to Gary on the phone, talking to BB. He gets a task.

    6:33PM BBT - As quickly as that happened, the feeds went down briefly and came back to Topaz by herself in GoH.

    6:34PM BBT - Alec and Suzette in the WA, chatting about what's going to happen today. Alec tells Suzette the BY is closed.

    6:35PM BBT - Talla in WA with Suzette. Nothing really going on, only Suzette watching Talla primp. AJ, Topaz, Peter and Jillian in the KT. AJ making Topaz laugh by talking with an accent.

    6:42PM BBT - Alec prepares another protein shake and tells us feeders to grab a beer and get ready to chug. He counts down from 3 and chugs. (This is in honour of St. Patrick's Day)

    6:43PM BBT - Alec says Canada surprised them this time by not giving the Have Not's everything. He laments about how horrible slop life is.

    6:45PM BBT - Jillian makes herself a protein shake while Talla sweeps the floor from an earlier mess she made. Emmett and Suzette have also joined the crowd in the KT.

    6:47PM BBT - Topaz primping in the WA mirror. Emmett comments on how horrible slop is and that they should sell it on ebay. He is now making himself a smoothie.

    6:48PM BBT - Correction: Alec is making the smoothie. Emmett gets out some frozen maple syrup on a stick. He says it's pure sugar and he feels like it's going to give him cavities. Talla has the loudest sneeze ever.

    6:50PM BBT - Alec wants to perfect the chugging of slop smoothies. Emmett tells BB they need more polysporin. They can't find it and Jillian will have a scar on her forehead if they don't get more soon to treat it. Jillian tells Emmett she's starving and craving sweets. Emmett smirks at her and Jillian laughs/cries that this isn't funny anymore.

    6:52PM BBT - SoTH

    6:57PM BBT - Feeds are back with everyone just hanging out in the KT. Topaz is trying to play "soccer" of some sorts in the KT.

    7:03PM BBT - AJ muses about why women obsess about their eyebrows. "We men, all we care about is that there are 2 of them."

    7:10PM BBT - Jillian telling Topaz being a Have Not is so much harder without anything extra like the beaver tails and poutine they got last week.

    7:14PM BBT - Everyone gathers in the LR. Gary asks if everyone is wearing their bracelets. Alec says maybe if they are, then they win the task. Gary says he's wrong, not everything he says is right. Gary reads that as everyone knows Talla, Jillian, Emmett and Alec are HN. HG's Canada has voted to give all Have's a very special priviledge. They are all being treated to pedicures! The Have-Nots will get their own pedicure station and will perform the pedicures on the Have's.

    7:18PM BBT - Gary tells the Have's to gather on one side of the room, Have Not's on the other. Gary pairs each HN up with a Talla will do Peter and AJ, Alec will do Suzette and Tom, Emmett will do Gary and Topaz, Jillian will do Andrew and Liza. Jillian says she's too weak to do this from being on slop, someone (missed who) volunteered to do it for her. Jillian goes to lay down while BB told Gary that's good and they'll tell them when.

    7:19PM BBT - Emmett follows Jillian into the HN room and tells her to give them a crappy pedicure; it's what he's going to do. He tells her they wanted to torture them, they're getting their way (think he means production). Jillian says they never give them just slop, she wants something. She is starving.

    7:21PM BBT - Talla comes in to reassure her too. She says she understands, they were supposed to get 2 more food items 3 days ago. Emmett says he doesn't think they're getting anyone else. Gary tells Jillian he was just reading a script, Jillian replies that she hasn't eaten in 10 days and is having a hard time being told to be a good sport. Gary retorts that someone had to be a HN.

    7:27PM BBT - The conversation about Have's and Have Not's continues and Jillian pipes in that it would be better if they had the 2 food items. Talla distracts her by asking her how to do a pedicure.

    7:29PM BBT - The BY lockdown is over and all HG's called outside where the pedicure stations are set up.

    7:31PM BBT - Gary runs upstairs to GoH to complain about Jillian's being upset about the pedicures. Topaz and Talla follow, and Topaz lectures him about not forcing someone to be happy when they are not. Gary says she's ruining everyone's pedicure and everyone feels that way. It was her initial reaction, Topaz says. Just let her have it. Talla backs Topaz up.

    7:33PM BBT - BB comes on and reminds the HG's that they are watching and expect to see the full and proper pedicure.

    7:34PM BBT - Gary has instructions that he reads to the HG's about how to do a pedicure for each person.

    7:36PM BBT - Topaz, Peter, Suzette and Andrew are sitting down and ready for their pedicure. According to BB, each spa treatment should be 60 minutes total per person.

    7:39PM BBT - Andrew tells Jillian he can appreciate that she's fired up. She asks him what colours he wants on his toes, he says red and blue.

  14. 11:00PM BBT - HG's talking about Emmett's HOH room; he hasn't received the key to it yet.

    11:02PM BBT - Talla & Liza on the hammock in the BY, Suzette sitting on the ground beside them. General chit chat. Peter, Emmett, Jillian, Gary and others (can't tell who yet) in the KT cooking and eating.

    11:05PM BBT - AJ and Andrew also in the KT. Tom comes strolling out of the DR.

    11:06PM BBT - Tom feels like Canada really hates him. He thinks Alberta loves him, but Canada overall hates him. Emmett points out that Suzette has radio fans from the company she works for. Tom says Canada would have only been able to vote as of yesterday once it was revealed AJ was the replacement nom. Tom says his family better wake up and get on the computer at home now.

    11:08PM BBT - Topaz and Alec join the KT crew, and conversations become far too many to follow.

    11:09PM BBT - Emmett says "They're being so obvious out there" about the people in the BY. Then he talks too quietly to make out.

    11:12PM BBT - Tom & Emmett go into the BY to toss the football. Tom is relieved that anyone but Suzette won it. Alec reassures Tom that this move made Andrew 'in line' with them.

    11:14PM BBT - Tom says Peter has to pick his socks up. Says Liza doesn't know anything and she thinks she is close with Peter, they should send Peter in to get info from Liza. Emmett agrees.

    11:15PM BBT - Emmett wants to focus on Liza and Talla because he feels they want to break Tom & Emmett up. Tom tries to defend Liza, but Emmett says she's a wildcard. Tom says she voted to save Aneal because they are friends and he respects that. SoTH.

  15. 8:13PM BBT - The HG's discuss another Canadian "treat" - donairs are big in Halifax.

    8:15PM BBT - What else is Canadian? Nanaimo bars.... conversation trails off to the tasks they've had to complete since BBC started.

    8:22PM BBT - AJ wakes up and comes into the KT. Andrew tells him to get comfortable, he made him his "Last Supper" before he gets voted out on Thursday.

    8:30PM BBT - Liza begins discussing all the musicals she's seen on "Broadway" over the years. Everyone else chimes in as to what they've seen.

    8:32PM BBT - The pasta Andrew was cooking is ready; it's chow time!

    8:40PM BBT - Tom out in the hallway by the HT. Emmett comes out to see Tom. He tells Tom that Suzette came to talk to him about keeping him in the game. Emmett told her she's a bigger threat than AJ. Tom says that's so frustrating.

    8:42PM BBT - Tom & Emmett go back into the KT, where Peter, Jillian, AJ, Aneal, Andrew, Liza are.

    8:43PM BBT - AJ jokes around that maybe he should start cursing like Suzette and beg everyone to keep him like Suzette is. Topaz asked Tom about their options, Tom told her, "There is no options. Suzette goes".

    8:46PM BBT - Jillian and Liza in the HOH bathroom; they are going to spray tan each other.

    8:48PM BBT - Liza tells Jillian she is going to be naked for this, Jillian says she will too, she just didn't want it to be awkward for Liza. They get in the shower and just as Jillian goes to take her bra off, the feeds go down. They come back a minute later, to Gary sleeping.

    8:54PM BBT - Tom & Emmett playing catch in the BY with the football. Peter in the hammock. The boys are talking sports and being a pro player but not liking the amount of away games.

    9:01PM BBT - In the KT, Andrew, Jillian, Aneal and AJ are discussing making a puppet show in the house.

    9:28PM BBT - Liza tells Peter about spray tanning naked in the shower with Jillian. Peter, who has already heard the story from Jillian, smiles and says he could listen to the story a million times.

    9:40PM BBT - Andrew doing his dinner dishes.

    9:42PM BBT - Emmett and Jillian staring at the memory wall. Jillian says she was told to close her mouth for her smile in the picture.

    9:43PM BBT - Tom, Liza and Aneal on the LR couches. Aneal thinks Kat's picture doesn't depict her well enough. She was more punk than her picure depicts.

    9:48PM BBT- Jillian is changing her pants and going to bed.

  16. 7:05PM BBT - Tom says he'd have to be back doored in order to be evicted because if he plays in POV, he's going to win it. He thinks Andrew is the same way. They both feel he has an anger he wants to let out. All Andrew has is AJ.

    7:08PM BBT - Tom feels AJ and Topaz are the weakest players in the game. Liza tells Tom lots of people talk around the house, but she's not one of them. Tom is cursing how hot the house is and how BB should at least give them climate control, considering it's Canada.

    7:13PM BBT - Liza lets Tom know how much allegiance Gary feels not only to Tom, but to Tom and his alliance. She enlightens Tom that she told him not to, and only have Tom's back.

    7:18PM BBT - Tom mentions that Peter & Alec have the brains and the brawn to protect each other. Liza says she knows how it feels to be protected by brawn. Tom says if Liza leaves the game, it's not by his hand, that's for sure. Tom doesn't want Andrew in jury house. Tom doesn't want to be in an alliance with Topaz and Alec. He does not want to be in a final with Gary and Talla.

    7:22PM BBT - Tom recounts to Liza about Jillian's conversation from the day before and how afraid she is of Gary. Tom thinks maybe telling Gary that would be good so he will backdoor Jillian if he wins HOH. Then Emmett would get angry at Gary, and no blood was on their hands.

    7:30PM BBT - Emmett, Jillian, Talla, Topaz and AJ in the KT talking about universities they've attended and sports there.

    7:33PM BBT - Back to the HOH room, where one conversation is easier to follow. Liza is now sitting on Tom's back, massaging his back.

    7:40PM BBT - Liza moans about how sweaty and hot she is. Liza finds the speech for the nomination ceremony on a BB card. Tom starts reciting it.

    7:44PM BBT - Tom feels like this week was a very successful week for the house, for the two of them.

    7:48PM BBT - Talla, Emmett, Gary and Alec in the BY. Gary is riding an exercise bike, Emmett is in the hammock. 2 separate conversations going on between Alec & Gary, Talla & Emmett. Alec is coaching Gary on the bike ride, not sure what Talla & Emmett's conversation is about.

  17. 6:25PM BBT - Talks turns to how angry Suzette made them. Even her apology didn't turn everything around. She also follows them everywhere they go, which annoys them.

    6:26PM BBT - Alec is very pleased with the self tanner. It has a very nice colour and a very nice smell. Most spray tanners smell, Liza tells them. They are all impressed with it.

    6:27PM BBT - Andrew tells Liza today was his dad's 70th birthday if he was alive. He's making dinner tonight. Alec asks her if she's joining games night, she didn't know about it but she'll join. Liza goes back to the HOH room.

    6:29PM BBT - Liza and Tom in the HOH room; Liza recounting her conversation about their relationship with Alec.

    6:31PM BBT - The bottom of Tom's feet and palms (as well as Alec's) are orange from the spray tan. Liza starts laughing and says maybe she won't do it.

    6:33PM BBT - AJ & Alec on the BY couches, talking about how they feel they are intruding when hanging out with the couples from time to time, especially Jillian and Emmett. Liza re-joins the couch and tells Alec about Tom's palms being orange too.

    6:36PM BBT - It is very hot in the BB house. All the HG's are complaining about it, and how it is worse this week than last week. AJ says because BB won't let them prop the doors open anymore and Alec tells her it's gorgeous out. Tom, Gary, Talla and Topaz are now moving in and out of the BY.

    6:40PM BBT - Andrew called to DR. Topaz tells the group when Emmett gets up he wants to play dodgeball. Alec and Tom discussing when to shower after their spray tan.

    6:42PM BBT - Tom called to the DR. Topaz tells them that the HN is just as hot. Andrew and Jillian go to see if it's getting dark yet.

    6:43PM BBT - Gary and Talla smoking outside. Gary tells Talla he's a gemini and his mood goes up and down and he's down right now. Gary thinks Aneal is too up and down and not sure if he can be trusted. Talla agrees. Gary is happy Tom is taking him off the block; that has earned Tom Gary's trust till the end of the game and he has his back. Gary says "Whatever he needs, I got him". Talla says she's good with Tom too.

    6:44PM BBT - Gary feels Aneal is mooching off his identity, borrowing Gary's clothes and always where Gary is and with the people Gary is with. Gary says in real life, that's understandable but that in this game you need to be unique. Gary says if he wins HOH, he'll put up whomever Tom wants but one of them needs to be Aneal because he really wants him gone. Or AJ, Gary adds. Talla agrees with everything he is saying.

    6:47PM BBT - Liza joins the conversation and tells Gary that he owes Tom nothing. All Gary owes Tom is not going after Tom next week. She tells Gary not to become another puppet on another string in this house. If Aneal goes out, Liza tells Gary that he is shortly after. There is a pecking order in the house, and people on the "lower end" of the totem pole need to stand up and knock a level off the top or the bottom will leave.

    6:49PM BBT - Gary suggests going after Emmett and Jillian, Liza says not necessarily right to them. He suggest Alec and Topaz, Liza still looks hesitant. Gary says he owes Tom for saving him, and Liza tells him that Tom might change his mind during the week. It's a numbers game, and Gary needs to not go overboard with his thanks.

    6:51PM BBT - Liza says she gets how horrible it is to be up on the block and how indebted you feel when you're taken down. But an allegiance should be only for one week, and also shouldn't extend to Tom's posse. The allegiance should only be to Tom and only for one week. Liza also reminds him not to assume things are going for a certain way.

    6:53PM BBT - Gary really wants to win to get pictures and a letter from home. It will be very uplifting. Liza says Aneal told her that if it was down to Aneal, Gary and Talla in an HOH competition, Aneal would throw it to one of them. Alec and Peter are closer than Alec and Topaz, Liza spills. She says Tom has told her he'll take Emmett to the F2.

    6:54PM BBT - Alec joins the outside group, saying it's like a sauna inside. Alec says again how they can't prop doors open. Liza said she heard the SR, but not the outside door. Talla agrees and suggests they ask BB to be sure. Alec wants to be a rebel and prop it open, but Gary and Liza discourage it and tell him to ask. Liza leaves to go find out.

    6:56PM BBT - Alec laments that he cannot go into the HT. Talla finds out what Andrew is making for dinner and decides she should go tell him she can't eat bacon. She doesn't really care, she'll make her own dinner if she has to. Everyone heads inside because now they're cold. Alec decides to hang out in the hallway between the house and the HT, Gary and AJ join him.

    6:59PM BBT - Plans change and everyone heads back to the BY.

    7:01PM BBT - Gary tells Alec and Topaz the entire conversation with Liza. Gary thinks Liza is throwing comps.

  18. 6:17PM BBT - Andrew, AJ on the BY couches. They are bashing the showmances.

    6:19PM BBT - Alec comes out and tells AJ he was called to the DR. As he gets up, AJ spills water on his shirt and goes to change first. Alec and Liza come to join Andrew on the BY couches. Alec jokes with her that she's insatiable when it comes to napping.

    6:21PM BBT - Alec asks her what's going on between her & Tom. She starts laughing and says she didn't walk in here and fall in love on the same day. Alec asks if they've made out, she says no. He asks if they've kissed, she says no. Alec asks why they are a showmance then. Liza says that's TV. She says likely because she has shared a bed with Tom since day 2.

    6:23PM BBT - She reminds them that this is national TV and that Tom left someone behind (Shannon). Alec asks if Emmett and Jillian have ever made out, Andrew snorts and ask "Are you ever awake?" Alec is surprised he hasn't seen them making out. Liza confirms that they have.

  19. 2:30PM BBT - HG's in the KT discussed Jersey Shores, Hip Hop music.

    2:46PM BBT - BB tell's the HG's that there will be a punishment for an HG that was sleeping in a bed outside the HN room yesterday. The punishmnet is that all the bedding from the main bedroom and the HN bedroom must be put in the storage room. The HG's will not have the bedding returned until BB feels the punishment was served. Maybe because Jillian fell asleep in the BR yesterday?

    2:48PM BBT - Jillian is unhappy as she collects the sheets, stating she was not sleeping.

    5:11PM BBT - Andrew answers the BB phone but we can't tell what his mission is.

    5:20PM BBT - Cameras are following Andrew around while he mutters to himself, asking how he is going to complete his mission.

    5:25PM BBT - Andrew, Peter, Alec, Emmett, Jillian and AJ in the KT. They are teasing Andrew about his age and other general chit chat.

    5:27PM BBT - Andrew looking through the pantry and muttering that "it has to taste bad".

    5:34PM BBT - Andrew goes into the BR and claims it is his dad's birthday. He is going to make a carbonara pasta as a special dinner before games night.

    5:43PM BBT - Andrew setting the table for dinner, Alec & Peter in the KT talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

    5:47PM BBT - Suzette comes into the KT to ask if they are having family dinner tonight. Andrew tells her it is his dad's 70th birthday and he is making dinner.

    5:52PM BBT - Gary is doing laundry, which he mentioned doing around 1pm.

    5:56PM BBT - Andrew, AJ & Suzette in KT/LR. Suzette tells them most of the HG's are in the HN room.

    6:01PM BBT - Gary wants to own a fashion boutique. He asks what everyone misses most, they say family.

    6:13PM BBT - Gary in the WA, telling Talla & Topaz he is going to be famous and become a star. There are people telling him he doesn't have any experience, and he doesn't know what it will be like. Gary wants the chance to experience it.



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