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Everything posted by Trancutie

  1. 1:01AM BBT: Talla and Dan is now talking in BY ( Talla is actually than she was playing) She told Dan she never shake anyone hands but Dan. Talla said she told Jillian they have to start playing the game, Dan told her to talk to Emmett to tie the game and asks what can Tall do to get his vote. Talla said Emmett told her he would tell her what he is going to do. 1:07AM BBT: Talla said her mother brought her to Canada for a reason to be better, Talla said she is busy right now. She is a twin she is the bad one of the twin. Talla is now telling a storey about a ticket she got in Detroit ( Talla is now tipsy Talla) TAlla is now happy and she is very loud. Dan is now showing Talla how to throw the football. 1:13AM BBT: Talla said she is very happy to be here playing football with Dan. Jillian is now out of the DR all dressed up. Jillian is asking Dan for her headband. 1:20AM BBT: One of the rewards was 1000 no one know who won. The party is now in the Kt ,Dan,Talla,Andrew and Jillian all drinking< Gary cannot drink but making fun of Andrew for drinking his beer a long time ago. 1:35AM BBT: Dan is now changing his batteries Jillian is now in the SR with Dan. Jillian challenge is dancing she have to pour juice while dancing, Dan did asks Jillian if she love to dance Jillian replied No. Dan leaves the SR and Jillian said she hate her life right now. (Jillian look like the pro she is )starts dancing while doing her task and Dan run to her and give her the red bandana. 1:46AM BBT: Talla told Dan she doesn't care if the other HG think she's "dumb & ditsy". Dan asks if it's all an act? Talla says no, she's dumb and ditsy. Dan told Jillian that she does not look like a teacher, 1:54AM BBT: Dan is now explaining the funeral to the Hgs. Dan quote the Ian and Frank fight last season. Talla and Jillian asking Dan to stay. Emmett is now in the KT, Lots of talking going on. Dan really liked Jillian dance. Gary is complaining that he cannot eat a mint. 1:59AM BBT: Gary said he have to stay up all night, Lots of general chit chat tonight.
  2. 12:02AM BBT: Gary is in the Hoh looking at everything and dancing to music. Emmett and Dan is in the pool Jillian and Andrew is looking on. Andrew just told Jillian that her a** look good in that pants. 12:09AM BBT: Dan keep on saying Newfoundlind but Andrew corrected him that it is Newfoundland. Jillian said to picture it a little dot on the East coast. Andrew said we are like the New yorkers. They are now explaining to Dan about all other Hgs and where they are from. 12:11AM BBT: Dan just ask Jillian how much times she lied in the game she then repeat how much you think Dan said 5 times, Jillian then said she have to confess something. Conversation switch to BBAD( Big Brother After Dark) Andrew explain the time and BB said please stop talking about production. 12:15AM BBT: Gary is now outside by the pool he explain that when they told him he was coming back into the game no one wanted to hug him, and he was wearing a black underwear. Jillian is now dress to go into the pool. 12:18AM BBT: Gary is talking very loud that he came into the house very young, Dan told Gary that he does not look his age he looks older. They are very loud compare to Dan voice. Dan asked who called Jillian Jillbot she said the two evil people Tom and Liza. 12:25AM BBT: GAry is talking very fast he said he would walk out the door if he had to cut his hair. Lots of laughing they are fully awake tonight. Jillian ask Dan if he was forward in his game. Dan said he played the game where he does not have to win a challenge, but he said a mental game is the best. Jillian was called to the DR. Dan was asked how late can he stay up he replied as late as he can. 12:30AM BBT: Talla is now out of the DR. Dan is talking about movies, Dan is called to the DR, Dan is out of the pool now. Talla is screaming see you soon Dan. Emmett is in the KT making something to eat. 12:35AM BBT: Andrew is now in the KT talking to Emmett Andrew said he felt so comfortable when Emmett won the HoH but now Gary won so he have to be on the block with Talla. Emmett said it is so weird that BB brought Gary so late. Andrew said it is ridiculous bringing back Gary at this time. Andrew said that the task that Dan give was so easy for Talla jump in the pool and he had to kiss Jillian. 12:41AM BBT: Andrew said that Gary won PoV and he is not staying up with him tonight. Dan and Emmett in the WA Dan said are you ready for your bandana, Dan asks Emmett to imitate Gary voice ten times. Dan told Emmett I know you have been playing everyone in the game so far. 12:45AM BBT: They are all by the pool Emmett is inside trying to talk like Gary, Emmett is asking BB what he have to do again. Emmett is now outside Emmett is so silly he is telling Talla she drinks so much mother fu**** ( He does not sound like Gary) Emmett said Gary is buls** Dan said Emmett I will give you A for effort here is your bandana. 12:52AM BBT: Dan is talking to Emmett about what task to give Jillian Emmett said to make her kiss Talla because use to kiss the girls before. ( Topaz) Emmett said to get Jillian to fight because she never fight in the house before. Andrew came in and said Talla told him one of them is going home. Dan said they do have lots of food on his season they did not have much food. 12:57AM BBT: Dan told Gary he have a good one for him make desert for everyone. Dan said it is so much fun with nothing to lose. Andrew said Talla got both prizes in PoV.
  3. 1:05AM BBT: Gary and Talla in HT general chit chat about kissing. Jillian joins HT crew and they are now toasting a drink. 1:16AM BBT: Jillian said she may get a tattoo sometime. Emmett and Andrew still playing chess. 1:27AM BBT: Gary and Talla is now in the pool. Gary is singing his glitter song. Jillian is on the massage chair, 1:42AM BBT: Andrew and Emmett in HoH, Andrew said if they have a twist and Canada votes again Emmett said have faith my friend. Jillian looks very tipsy after drinking too much from the pitcher.Emmett said he is going to the Pov tomorrow and he does not care who wins. 1:50AM BBT: Andrew is now in bed. Gary and Talla still in pool Gary stop drinking because Emmett asked him to because of the PoV. 1:54AM BBT: Talla is now in the KT still drinking looks like she is forcing to finish her drink.
  4. 12:05AM BBT: Gary,Andrew and Talla in KT drinking, Gary is calling out to Jillian and Emmett to have their drink. Talla is begging Emmett for his drink. 12:10AM BBT: Jillian is trying to do the HG freeze game with everyone. Jillian is now talking about Andrew brother that came into the house, they are telling Gary all about everyone who came into the house. GAry is doing his dance routines. 12:24AM BBT: The Hgs talking in KT, Gary and Talla still drinking. General chit chat. 12:35AM BBT: Jillian is telling the Hgs about facts of life. lots of different conversation going on. 12:48AM BBT: Talla showing Jillian some dance moves. Gary is showing the girls some flava moves. Emmett is tired and going to bed. Andrew is going to play chest. 12:54AM BBT: Talla is telling Andrew that she cannot talk about talking with Talla because it is not part of the show. 12:57AM BBT: Talla and Gary is getting ready to go in the HT. Andrew,Jillian and Emmett playing chest in HoH.
  5. 12:05AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian still going over past weekly competitions. What the HoH was called who was nominated for eviction and what day. Who won it. Jillian is actually on target with the date. 12:28AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett look like very tired but they are still counting what Pov and HoH they won. Jillian and Emmett is whispering cannot hear them. 12:40AM BBT: Looks like Peter,Andrew,Talla are now asleep. 1:00AM BBT: All Hgs are now asleep. (Tomorrow will be a big eviction night, and look out we have a new face coming back in the house). We are always watching. Good night.
  6. 12:02AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian in bed going over past competitions. Talla,Peter, and Andrew in KT talking. 12:12AM BBT: Peter said he would ask Talla if she want to make out but he know the answer is no. Peter called Talla and ask her to tell him a bed time story. 12:19AM BBT: Talla bedtime story was Batman mobile and some castle. Andrew and Talla is now in WA getting ready for bed. 12:25AM BBT: Andrew said if he had poutine and beaver tails he would have a good slop week. 12:33AM BBT: Talla is complaining that it is hot in HN. BB asks Andrew to put on his microphone, Andrew said good night.
  7. 2:55AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian said they should evict Alec and pray Topaz does not win HoH. 2:59AM BBT: All Hgs are asleep now. Good night.
  8. 1:11AM BBT: Alec and Emmett is now out of the HT. Alec is now showering. Emmett is in Hoh shower. Andrew and Peter is in bed. Jillian,Topaz and Talla is the KT having girls chat. 1:23AM BBT: Emmett basically told Alec that Talla and Andrew would not give him the vote. Emmett said they don't want to get Andrew mad by keeping Alec. Alec said if you send him home Topaz and Peter would come after them. Emmett said because Alec have the 10 thousand dollars people see him as a threat. 1:29AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian is in bed, he is explaining all that Alec told him in the HT. Emmett was warned by BB to put on his microphone. Jillian said she feels bad when she talks to either one of them. 1:36AM BBT: Jillian asks Emmett if he thinks Peter would put up the two girls Topaz or Talla. Topaz and Talla outside Talla having a smoke she told Topaz she needs to go to Jillian push that the girls need to stick together to ensure her vote to stay. 1:43AM BBT: Topaz and Alec is now outside Talla went inside. Alec said he wish there is a double eviction and they both get voted out. 1:48AM AM BBT: Topaz said that they are officially not a couple Thursday. Talla and Topaz is getting ready for bed.
  9. 12:04Am BBT: Topaz in the WA talking to herself asking BB for more alcohol and please dim the lights. Topaz is now flossing and asking BB for a small bottle for them to drink. 12:15AM BBT: Talla and Topaz practicing a dance move in HoH. Topaz is really dancing and jumping on the bed. Talla keep on saying what the fu** are you doing Topaz. Jillian is now looking at them. 12:20AM BBT: Emmett,Andrew and Alec in HT. Jillian just join them conversation is about going to the bar. 12:35AM BBT: Talla and Topaz is still in the HoH listening to music. Topaz is giving the camera a scene to shot. 12:55AM BBT: Alec and Emmett in HT. Emmett is telling Alec he taught they were coming after them. Alec said if he throws HoH he hope Emmett can trust him. Alec said Talla would end up in a better position.
  10. 11:19PM BBT: The Hgs is now talking about drinking and playing hockey. 11:21PM BBT: Talks turn to drinking in the bar. Looks like they are going to do some drinking. Let the drinking begin, Talla said this is not like the other night when she got drunk. 11:35PM BBT: The Hgs is now writing down what drinks they would like from BB. 11:40PM BBT: No game talk just general chit chat. 11:59PM BBT: Peter is back from the DR, Talla said ten years ago she was 26 ( She did make a mistake)
  11. 10:03PM BBT: The Hgs is now having dinner, Talla is talking the most on the table. Andrew said today is his father birthday ( Again) Lots of chit chat about normal stuff no game talk. 10:17PM BBT: Topaz look very calm for someone who was the replacement nominee. No game talk at the dinner table. 10:38PM BBT: Andrew said he failed grade six math. Conversation is all about kindergarten to grade six. 10:45PM BBT: The lobster dinner is over. Jillian and Alec is cleaning up the table. 10:50PM BBT: The Hgs is now talking about Tom again. Lots of talk about past Hgs. Nothing much to report.
  12. 2:17AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett was told by BB to put on their microphone. Looks like the room is hot although they have a fan. 2:25AM BBT: All asleep are asleep now. Good night.
  13. 2:02AM BBT: One of the feed is on HoH with Jillian and Emmett still up talking but they are whispering. Another feed is showing the picture wall with Tom's picture in color.
  14. 1:08am BBT: Jillian is now in HoH with Emmett, they are talking about the DR BB said please stop talking about the DR. Emmett asks Jillian what Peter said, Jillian did not answer. Jillian is now going over all the things with Tom's name on it, the monkey and the chairs. Jillian thinks there is a Pov somewhere in the house. 1:10AM BBT: Emmett and jillian is now searching for clues to where Tom's items is hidden. Jillian is searching outside teh HoH and BB said stop that. Jillian told Emmett that the camera is following him and he must go back outside. Jillian is asking the spy camera to follow Emmett as he walk, Jillian is now asking BB tell her if they want her to stop telling Emmett anything. Jillian is asking spy camera to move closer to Emmett. 1:20AM BBT: Jillian is asking BB to show her where to go. They both walking around looking from KT to LR they are now in the BY looking. Jillian is now by the pool side looking. Jillian and Emmett is searching the entire laundry area Jillian said are we stupid and embarrassing ourselves. They are back in HoH. 1:28AM BBT: Jillian said she was in her room all day, Emmett said you have to look at what they have a monkey, a bag, and a extra chair. Jillian is asking if they should stay up please move the camera if they should stay up. ( Nothing move) 1:35AM BBT: Jillian asked what Tom is doing, Emmett said if Tom come back Alec would align with him. Jillian said she asks Peter question to make him think she is stupid. Emmett said it would be a good idea to send Topaz home because they would not have any enemies and it would make Talla hard to jump around. Jillian and Emmett . Jillian said dumb and dumber going to bed now. 1:43AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett is still looking for clues, Jillian is now looking in the washing machine. 1:49AM BBT: Emmett is in bed and Jillian just came back in HoH. Jillian is getting ready for bed, Emmett asks BB to shut the lights off. They are now in bed. 1:55AM BBT: Jill/Emmett is now making out in HoH. Jillian and Emmett repeating same thing over and over again about the monkey and the chairs. Mean while Tom picture is on the screen.
  15. 3:55AM BBT: Topaz is in the WA getting ready for bed, Topaz is now in bed with Alec there is no audio. 4:05AM BBT: All Hgs are asleep now. Good night.
  16. 3:37AM BBT: Talla is out of the DR she told Topaz that she have the option of going to the DR or go to sleep. Topaz said she would go now. Talla is now in the WA getting ready for bed. Talla heads to the BR and went to bed.
  17. 3:24AM BBT: Topaz is doing dishes in the KT. Topaz went back in BR and asked if Talla is in the DR. Topaz said she is the last one to go in the DR.
  18. 3:02AM BBT: Andrew just confirm the time for the competition. Peter had 13:54 Andrew had 13:52. Peter said it is weird how they going to play the PoV on TV. Alec, Peter and Topaz is now in the BR. 3:11AM BBT: Talla is out in LR looking at the memory wall she said that Ahh, I miss Gary. Jillian is out of the DR and Talla is going in now. Topaz is brushing her teeth in WA
  19. 2:30AM BBT: Alec,Peter,Andrew,Talla and Topaz in the KT talking about BBUS. Emmett and Jillian in the main Br lying down. BB asks Jillian and Emmett to put on their mic. Jillian said Topaz give up because she was tired. Emmett said he cannot believe Alec DQ himself. Jillian said Topaz have a different side to her. Talla came into the room and Jillian said let me give you a hug and she apologize for screaming at her in HoH. 2:40AM BBT: Jillian was called to the DR Andrew,Talla and Emmett in BR talking about Topaz Talla said if Topaz screamed at Jillian she would start on her. Emmett said to Talla if she does not start winning he would put her up (It was a joke) Talla said she is in power to win. 2:45AM BBT: Talla is talking to Emmett but he is falling asleep. Andrew said if it was not for the fashion show he would of won. 2:53AM BBT: Talla is dancing for Andrew and Emmett. Emmett said to Talla that she drink too much pop. Talla is now telling her night stories. ( I think Emmett is going to sleep) Peter comes over and take Talla up and put her to bed. Peter said good night Talla no more stories. Emmett said thank you Peter. 2:58AM BBT: Andrew is speaking in his british accent and telling Talla to fu** off. Talla does not get it and continues talking. Andrew sounds really serious. Talla left the room and Andrew and Emmett said thank god she left.
  20. 2:26AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett in HoH Jillian said she feels disgusted this week. Emmett is telling Jillian that she trust Andrew and Talla I trust them, I have no choice in putting You (Topaz) up but you are not going home we have the votes to keep you. Jillian wants to tell Topaz now but Emmett said do it tomorrow, because Jillian is very tired. Jillian wants to go down and tell the Hgs she would talk game tomorrow. Emmett said I don't want to talk game with you I want to make out and they start kissing.
  21. 2:04AM BBT: Alec is now in the KT with the crew. Looks like Talla was frustrated again with this competition. Emmett did not play in PoV. Alec was disqualified with a time of 9:45 . 2:09AM Emmett and Jillian in HoH Jillian is really upset that Topaz came up and talk her although she said she does not want to talk. Emmett said give me some kisses. Jillian said poor Alec he knows he is going home and Topaz asking questions. Emmett said Topaz was very close to beating Peter and if she won they would of been on the block and one of them would have walk out the door, Because Topaz would do Alec dirty job. Jillian said Topaz did not fight for PoV so she would have to go as a replacement. 2:14AM BBT: Jillian looks like she want to quit, Emmett told her everyone lie in the game. Looks like Jillian told Topaz someone said that she does not trust her just in anger because she could not remember who said it. Emmett confirm Talla said it. Jillian said she wants to go for a run because she is stress. Jillian wants to keep her word with Topaz but she have no choice to put up Topaz.
  22. 1:32AM BBT: Emmett,and Jillian in the shower, Talla is talking to them. Talla is telling Jillian that she made a good move. Looks like peter won PoV. Talla asks Jillian what did Emmett said to her, Jillian replied he said to be honest. Jillian and Topaz is up in the HoH Topaz asks Jillian if they are good. Jillian told her that she heard that Topaz said she does not trust her. Topaz said who did you hear that from, Jillian would not confirm. 1:45AM BBT: Jillian looks very confused she is asking BB why this have to be her. Emmett. Talla,Topaz and Andrew in the KT. Talla is talking about religion. Topaz looks like she wants to blow up on Talla. 1:49AM BBT: Topaz is making steak. Peter and Alec was nominated. Peter won PoV. So Talla and Topaz is worried they would be the replacement. Alec is in the DR. Jillian is in the HoH. 1:58AM BBT: Peter time was 13:52 Andrew told Talla that she forget to flush the toilet. They are making fun of Talla. No game talk going on.
  23. 1:19AM BBT: Andrew,Alec and Peter is up using the WC, BB remind them to put on their mic. Alec told Andrew tomorrow he would have a long chat with him and they can work together.



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