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Everything posted by Trancutie

  1. 01:05AM: Suzette, Alec in WA Suzette said all she can do is her best. Suzette is all happy. Alec asked her if she said thank you to Canada, Suzette replied yes I said thank you Canada. ( You are welcome Suzette) Gary just told Jillian I am sorry but I am putting you on the block. 01:10AM BBT: Tom and Liza having a night hug, Tom asked Liza if she have fake or real hair. Tom does not like the idea that Suzette is in the same room with him Liza said to focus honey. Suzette said you guys are adorable, Tom said do not say that in front of the camera. Emmett lay down in the tub watching Jillian take a shower in HoH and accidently turn the water on and wet his pants. 01:20AM BBT: AJ,Andrew and Peter out in BY, AJ said that Tom is looking out for everyone. Andrew said they are like the 4 stooges. Alec said the only reason he would not hang out with Andrew because Andrew is older. Tom in BR with Gary talking about Canada and why they don't like him. (Tom is taking this too serious) Tom is upset over the twist and production calling out showmances during the show. Tom told Gary that he is happy that he could not put him back on the block. Tom said his two nominee was taken off the block and this was a big HoH failure. 01:26AM BBT: Suzette said she is back and thanks to Canada. Suzette and Tom is having a conversation in the BR. Suzette said she and Gary is Emmett biggest fan. Suzette said she is creepy sometimes. She told Tom she sees him as a strong competitor. AJ,Alec, and Andrew said that Emmett won the HoH so quickly. 01:32AM BBT: Liza,Talla and Andrew in WA brushing their teeth. Tom said that he was in the DR and he mention Aneal and he could not change his mind. ( That was not shown on live show tonight) Then we have Soth. 01:39AM BBT: Tom and Liza in BR talking game, he told Liza it might be Talla,Gary BD Suzette. Talla Andrew BD Suzette. Liza said she can beat Topaz and Talla in the mind game. Tom said to Liza that Emmett is his bro and Liza is his hoe. 01:46AM BBT: All the Hg's is saying goodnight, Talla is very loud and interrupting conversations. Tom advise Liza that she need to talk to Emmett and to make it look like casual talking. 01:53AM BBT: Gary and Suzette in the KT having a good laugh, They are both saying final 2 is in the house. Suzette is the happiest person in the house ( Suzette is back) 01:59AM BBT: Jillian,Topaz,Gary and Alec saying good night they all want to get lots of rest for HN tomorrow. AJ is having a smoke and talking to himself again he repeats they should not try to BD Suzette. And he said that Canada hates him. He said he is not playing this game for Canada he is playing for him.
  2. 12:05AM BBT: Clean up in the KT everyone is participating in the washing of this dishes. Suzette is going over the chair dance. Talla is dancing while they clean up. Emmett and Tom is talking game Tom still talking Topaz name but Emmett said it will throw Alec off. 12:15AM BBT: Andrew,AJ having a smoke AJ said he hope that they don't BD Andrew, he said he will be f**king mad. The talk move to the pool tehy both think Aneal is a good kid he was very professional. Tom thinks that Canada hates him. Everyone is congratulating Gary on making dinner. Peter, Topaz,Tom and Alec is discussing Emmett letter from his mother, they now think they should stop swearing allot. Tom said to be very careful of Suzette because now Canada likes her and she has more confidence. 12:20AM BBT: Talla,Suzette, and Gary talking game, Suzette said Peter was so mad that she is still in the game. Suzette said thank you Canada I love you, Gary and Talla told Suzette to take it easy and don't say much. Peter asked AJ if he was shitting his pants on the block. The Hg's thinks that Canada rules the game. Gary is shock that Emmett's mom loves him. 12:29AM BBT: Tom, Talla,Liza in KT Tom told Emmett that white shows up on blue but you can wash it out ( I guess Tom is talking about having s**) Tom said he is going to bed early because it is a very important competition tomorrow. (The HN) 12:32AM BBT: Tom and Emmett in the WA talking about Suzette and they don't want her in the jury house. Emmett just confirmed that Tom is not going in the jury house. Talla and Liza in KT Liza said she would of get upset if Tom get a letter saying stop that showmance. 12:38AM BBT: Tom and Liza in BR Liza asked Tom if he is stress Tom replies yes I am Aneal was my friend. They both pretending they both have a date. The audio switch to Emmett and Jillian in Hoh Emmett is reading his letter again. 12:43AM BBT: Tom saidd from now on he is only loyal to 2 people. He did not say it but I think it is Liza and Emmett. Liza and Tom conversation is being cut on and off. 12:47AM BBT: Tom is very upset with Canada he said Canada do you hate me. Liza said that Suzette kept on saying that Canada loves her. Tom said if Canad votes for her again he will walk out the door because the game is fixed. Tom repeats all the names that Suzette called him redneck homophobes. Liza said that everyone will find out who Suzette is. 12:54AM BBT: Talla joins Liza and Tom, Talla brought him Topaz name to go up on the block, Talla want to go after the couples. Talla thinks that next week is endurance. Tom said this game is full of excitement. Tom wants Emmett to BD Suzette. Talla is suggesting that Peter and Alec go up on the block. 12:59AM BBT: Tom,Talla,and Liza in BR they think that the poll to save Suzette was over night. Tom told them to not talk game with Suzette. Tom said fu** the house they are puppets. Talla said she want the opportunity to do something. Tom said to Talla next time do not jump off for Hoh (He is talking about when she jump off for Jillian to win lumber jack)
  3. 11:42PM BBT: Emmett and Jillian in HoH, Emmett have very nice colors in his room. Jillian said she have told lies in the game and she feels very bad. Emmett is reading his letter from his family. Looks like Emmett mom like Gary because he clean up after himself. Emmett brother told him to go easy on the love making. The letter look very intense. Back to kissing and hugging. 11:45PM BBT: Emmett told Jillian he hope she can win and come off of slop so she can move up to HoH. Emmett is looking at his spy screen. 11:50PM BBT: It is dinner time, The HG's are all having dinner except the HN Topaz and Alec and Jillian. Tom said to Emmett he hope his mother like him because she did not call his name. (Looks like Tom is down to earth again). Suzette is all in the game now. Lots of conversation going on. 11:59PM BBT: Peter is in the shower. Jillian is making dinner and talking to Tom. Suzette explaining to Andrew that it is a game and don't worry about it. Tom and Emmett talking about game, Emmett wants to play in the HN competition Tom confirmed that he will be the host. Tom said that Andrew has the key to his heart.
  4. 7:45PM BBT: Still SotH getting closer to live show eviction.
  5. 6:45PM BBT: We still have SotH. 7:15PM BBT: Still on SotH.
  6. 02:06AM BBT: Feeds are back with Alec ,Topaz, Aneal, Emmett and Jillian fully sleeping in HN. Gary is now in bed. 02:30AM BBT: All HG is asleep now.
  7. 01:02AM BBT: Topaz went to the BR and announced that there will be a show tomorrow. Emmett is concerned that if Aneal,Gary and Liza win Hoh they will put one of them up. 01:14AM BBT: Andrew do not like Jillian because she sings too much. Talla is saying good night to everyone, they are saying this pop pop pop thing. Meanwhile in HoH Tom and Liza cuddling and talking game. 01:19AM BBT: Alec and Topaz having their chit chat about the game. Liza and Tom talking in HoH Liza said that Topaz can kiss her a** she also ssaid she is afraid of Topaz and Gary. 01:27AM BBT: Tom Said he is good with Emmett but Emmett has to win instead of wishing he did. Tom said he needs a strong secure woman in his life. Talla is not his type. 01:36AM BBT: Topaz,Alec is in WA, Gary is in the shower. Game talk continue. Tom said he is playing the game like BBUS Jeff. (Really Tom) Liza said Talla is like Janelle in BB6. 01:44AM BBT: Tom Thinks that he should win fan favorite like Jeff, he said he will be upset if he does not win. Gary and Topaz talking about Suzette they think she is campaigning too hard. Topaz left to get water and went to bed. Gary is still in the shower. 01:51AM BBT: Alec and Topaz is kissing and getting comfortable before bed. Gary is blow drying his hair and getting ready for bed. 02:00AM BBT: We have SoTH ( Silence of the House)
  8. 12:03AM BBT: Aneal is doing some funny dance in the Kt, Gary just join him. Topaz tried but almost fell. Gary said there is a club for the gay community that teach them to dance, it was originated from New York. 12:14AM BBT: Aneal,Gary,Suzette,Jillian,Talla and Topaz in the KT doing some dance, they are holding onto a chair while Aneal teach them to do a move. 12:22AM BBT: Peter,Alec and Emmett in HN talking game Alec is worried that Liza will put up Topaz. Peter said that Liza do not like the showmance in the house. AJ came in and the talk switch. 12:28AM BBT: The KT is turned into a rehearsal and drama class. Topaz is showing Jillian,Suzette,Gary to dance around the chairs. Alec,Peter and Emmett back at it again they think that if they keep some things from Topaz it will be good because she does not like Liza. 12:40AM BBT: Alec and Peter is going to react the Boston Rob fainting from the survivor episode from fainting. If Alec loses HOH competition. Alec will play Rob role since he is weak from the slop. 12:52 BBT: Jillian left the HN she is now back with the dance team. Alec said that Liza is trying to make the game exciting, Liza wants to get rid of Topaz because she sleeps allot. 12:57AM BBT: Tom and Liza going over all the items in the house. Peter,Alec and Emmett still in the HN Peter wish one of the BBUS can come and host a competition, because of the connection. He said that Will and Boogie promote the BBCA
  9. 11:35PM Talla,Tom, AJ in HoH Talla is dancing, The HG wants to get together after the show. Tom said he want to go home and see his family and then go back to Toronto. 11:39PM BBT: AJ said that there is 2 Talla in the house. Talla is talking about her twin sister, she said her sister is all about business. Gary join the HoH because he is bored. 11:45PM BBT: Talla,Gary,AJ and Tom talking about bouncers and how they overreact in the parties. Gary said the Government (A party place in Toronto) is the best place to party. 11:53PM BBT: Suzette,Aneal,Topaz,Emmett and Jillian in the KT snacking, Suzette said this is a perfect time to go for a swim. Suzette look very comfortable. Emmett is have his normal glass of milk Topaz said she is not going back on slop. 11:57PM BBT: Jillian is cleaning the slop bucket, Topaz is making her nightly tea. Topaz is complaining that her hair is dry.
  10. 8:08PM BBT: Suzette,Topaz,Gary in KT, Gary is having dinner while Suzette and Topaz talks about how she meet her husband. 8:18PM BBT: Suzette said she meet a football player (Sounds like Emmet Smith) They had a date and while she was in the car he picked up another friend and the person asked who is this sexy chick. Back then she had her ears pierce and was looking really good. They date for a while, but everytime he come to take her on a date it was a new car. She said one day she open the golf compartment and realize that the car was a rental vehicle. 8:20PM BBT: Suzette said they dated for 6 months. Gary is asking Suzette if she got a preview of Emmett Smith private part, They all laugh. 8:24PM BBT: Suzette said that she is ready to play the game. Alec told Suzette to talk to Topaz she is the wife and if she said yes we will vote for you. Suzette said if she stays they will have a good competitor. 8:30PM BBT: Andrew,Liza in the BY talking game. Andrew said he does not trust Jillian and he asked Liza to not run back to Tom and tell everything. Andrew wants to put Jillian and Gary up next week. Liza told him to put Tom and Emmett up if he win HoH. Andrew does not trust anyone in the house. Liza said Tom would never put up Emmett he trust him too much. Andrew said he is the oldest in the house they are all children. Andrew said he hate Jillian because she sings too much.. 8:38PM BBT: Jillian,Aneal in BY, Emmett is showing Jillian how to lift weight. Aneal is complaining that he is not feeling well. 8:48PM BBT: Liza and Tom in HOH. Liza went back to tell Tom all that Andrew said about him and others. Aneal and Jillian in BY Jillian told Aneal that Emmett will never use him as a pawn and he should work with him.
  11. 02:05AM BBT: Gary is now brushing his teeth and getting ready for bed. 02:18AM BBT: Gary is in bed now, All HG is asleep.
  12. 01:05AM BBT: Topaz does not trust Peter because he is always talking to Liza Quietly. Alec wants to pair Peter and Talla up so they can be comfortable. The talk stop for a bit they are kissing. Alec is trying to have Peter/Talla Alec/Topaz in final 4. They both agreed they like each other. 01:12AM BBT: Aneal join Alec and Topaz Jillian came looking for Emmett. Topaz went to change to go to bed. Emmett woke up to have his milk. 01:21AM BBT: AJ is still up in the KT he cannot sleep. Tom and Liza is very loud in HOH Emmett cannot believe Tom is still up. Gary,Topaz in the WA talking game. Gary is shaving his head. Topaz was warned to put on her mic again. Liza said to Tom that Jillian have a big front area wide open cli*, Tom asked if Liza had work done on her p***y. 01:29AM BBT: Gary and Topaz happy they have each other in the game. Topaz was cutting Gary hair, Gary said bit** that's a lot of hair you cut. Gary said Tom could have made such big move in the game. 01:34AM BBT: Topaz said good night, Alec joins her on the cot and they are making love. Emmett and Jillian just join them in the HN. 01:48AM BBT: Gary is still in WC. Emmett is softly rubbing Jillian while she sleeps. AJ is having a smoke and talking game yo him self. AJ said he is not going to make a big move in the house, Aj said he is the pawn of pawn. He is repeating what Tom said to him before PoV ceromony. 01:59AM BBT: Emmett left the HN and went to the BR, Aj is brushing his teeth.
  13. 12:12AM BBT: Tom is really talking to the feeds tonight. Liza wants the HG to go to sleep because they are to loud. In HoHR Liza jokingly said she is a virgin, Tom said Canada is laughing. Liza said she is waiting for a commitment and she ask Tom if he will marry her. 12:22AM BBT: Alec,Topaz,Gary,AJ,Talla in the KT all different conversation going on. Liza said she is looking for a good father for her children. Tom said do not talk like that in my bed. Tom said he is not interested in a relationship. Liza confirm she is not talking about him. 12:26AM BBT: Tom said if Alec came after you I will go after Topaz. Tom ask who would you put up Liza said I will put up Peter and Topaz, Because Alec will keep Peter instead of Topaz. Tom is preparing his goodbye message to Suzette, Tom said he will give a good message saying hope you have a safe trip home. Liza does not like the message. Tom confirmed that Topaz told him she have fake boobs and he love them. 12:35AM BBT: Liza hate Topaz and find she is very loud. Tom ask if she want him to say something. Tom went out and say 'nappers it is very loud. Gary said something rude to Tom, Tom private part was showing. Tom return to the room with Liza amd mention that his c**k was hanging out. Liza replied Topaz is trying to take my man. 12:50AM BBT: Topaz, and Alec in LR Topaz is having her nighly tea. Topaz and Alec is talking game. Topaz said Tom came to her in the KT asking her what the f**K is going you want to give Suzette a vote to stay. Alec said it is showmance to the end. Topaz is talking very fast. 12:54AM BBT: Topaz does not trust Peter and Talla, she thinks Talla sugar coats things but Gary tell her everything Talla say. Topaz said Tom was upset about the girl's alliance. Emmett ask Jillian about the girl's alliance Jillian denied it.
  14. 11:07PM BBT: Suzette,Gary,Andrew,Liza, Alex,Topaz and AJ, in the KT talking about food and movies. Suzette said she have watch lion king like 20 times. Gary looks like he is having tea. 11:12PM BBT: Liza and Tom in BY on the hammock, Tom ask what's up why were you coming to get me. Tom apologized to Liza for pouring water on her. Tom said he will not be living with a girl because his toothbrush is next to the girl hair brush. Tom said he hates women and he will not go to a guy, He totally hate woman and want them to leave him alone.(Angry Tom). Tom ask Liza why she think Alec is coming after her. She 'replied' I don't know. 11:24PM BBT: Liza said to Tom why do you think Alec and Topaz wan me out. Tom replies Topaz wants to be in the final 6. Tom said that Talla is kerosene, Tom want Andrew,Gary and Aneal out, because Aneal talks too much. Tom said Andrew has Liza back. Tom said Andrew cannot stand the fact that he is in the hammock with liza. Tom said he can have Suzette at any time, but we will throw up just thinking about her. Liza said she tell lies to Andrew about Tom. 11:31PM BBT: Tom and Liza talking about production and security, Tom said that they are not professionals BB announced 'stop talking about production. Then we have FoTH 11:41PM BBT: We still have FotH. 11:52PM BBT: AJ is preparing for what he is going to say on Thursday. He said he have to win. He said he is not far away from jury house. 11:59PM BBT: Tom and Liza in HoH Tom is using a funny voice doing a skit. He said this is late night with Tom and Sheila, They are looking up in the ceiling and taking calls. They sound really good (I guess they will get a acting career after this) They got a call from Dan from BBUS and Tom said Dan you told lies about your grandparents that is why you did not get a vote. Tom jump on top of Liza and pretend he is having s** and then he jump off. (Teasing)
  15. 02:08AM BBT: Tom said Canada does not know that he sleeps naked, the secret is out Canada I sleep naked. 02:16AM BBT: All HG is asleep now.
  16. 01:10AM BBT: Tom went to KT to get a snack. HN room is making all kinds of jokes about the door being close. The couples is settling down. Aneal slept all day now he cannot sleep. 01:15AM BBT: Tom and Liza the only ones up, Tom still going over who he wants out. Tom put a pillow between them because of the light that comes in. Tom want Topaz the next girl gone. Tom think he can persuade Alec to get rid of Topaz. Topaz apologies to Tom today that she is not talking game with him and she will get better. they are both talking quiet. Tom want to go week to week and let everyone think that they are in the final 9. 01:29AM BBT: Tom ask Liza who she want out the game she replied Gary. Tom asks Liza when last she got chapped. (I did not here her answer) Tom said he is not with Liza because his C*ck like her. Tom is always talking about "Shannon" Tom said to Liza do you think people like us Liza replied as a couple Tom corrected her we are not a couple. 01:49AM BBT: Tom is bashing Suzette he said Suzette called him a f*cking red neck. Tom said suzette is going home because of all the stuff she did, the vote will be 10-0 and he wonders why Suzette started campaigning today. Tom also said that Topaz told him that Suzette called him a racist homophobe. 01:59AM BBT: Tom and Liza still talking under the covers. It is very hot in the HoHR. Tom said I'm sweaty Canada.
  17. 12:20AM BBT: Alec,Peter still talking they do not trust Emmett so they will pull in Aneal. they are both trying to take out Tom but they going to use andrew,AJ to do it. 12:25AM BBT: Aneal.Topaz chit chatting in the KT. they are going over all previous challenge. Alec cannot find his mouth guard he lost it when Gary ask him for help. 12:35AM BBT" Tom,Liza in HoH Tom thinks that this is not a good week for Liza to win, Tom said that the Hg thinks she is throwing competition. Liza denies it. Alec is brushing his teeth and he is trying to talk to Topaz he said that he does not trust Liza. Topaz said Gary said to pick off Tom and Liza because they have the numbers. Topaz said her biggest problem is Liza because she put all this sh*t in Tom ears. 12:40AM BBT: Alec found his mouth guard in the WA. Talk continue with Alec,Topaz about Alec conversation with Peter. Topaz said Liza is playing this game and want to stick by Tom. Alec said he takes information from Topaz and pass it on to Peter. 12:43AM BBT: Tom said to Liza I don't like Topaz she doesn't deserve to be here, he also said that Topaz is riding Alec back, Liza said Topaz is sleeping on his coattails. Liza is so happy that she and Tom can be together this week. 12:49AM BBT: Tom and Liza going over competitions and how to win them. Liza said there is no way she can win endurance. Tom wants Jillian to put up Topaz and AJ and BD Andrew. Liza said that Jillian said that Aneal is her best friend. Liza said Alec is a smart player and he was her first target. Tom said he is not book smart but he can read people. Jillian and Emmett on cot, Topaz on round bed. 12:59AM BBT: Liza is lying on top of Tom while they talk game. Tom said he does not want to put Andrew up. Liza just blew a big kiss on Tom lip, Tom is complaining that BB needs to make changes to the food too much nuts. He said Andrew uses the knife for peanut butter then put it in the jam (Fussy Guy)
  18. 10:02PM BBT: Jillian is giving Tom a back massage, Jillian said that she is scared that Gary will put her on the block. Tom told Jillian that Liza will put her on the block. This is an intense massage. Tom ask Jillian if she think Peter is throwing competition, Jillian think that Peter is Canada player. Tom think Topaz is going to win this game Jillian said no she is not. Jillian said that Topaz wants Alec in the game to take her far.Tom said if Gary wins HoH he will put up Andrew and Aneal. Tom confirm the six, Tom,Jillian,Emmett,Peter,Alec and Liza. he wants Topaz and Gary out before the jury house. (What happen to the nine) 10:14PM BBT: AJ,Andrew,Alec in the BR discussing Tom they think Tom is controlling the game and they have to stop him before it gets worst.Talla came in and break up the game talk. 10:16PM BBT: Liza,Tom in the KT Liza is confused what to eat because she is on a diet. Tom went to the SR to change batteries. Topaz was told to change her batteries. 10:27PM BBT: Tom and Liza is complaining that Andrew do not like to do dishes and he is not a kid in the house. Tom said the pan is dry just put it away. Tom just broke a plate. Tom said the next time he is HoH he will nominate two people to do dishes and clean up. 10:38PM BBT:Tom still cleaning up, The HG is worried about Aneal he did not eat all day. The HG in LR chit chatting about school. 10:42PM BBT: Emmett,Andrew in the HT they are discussing AJ, they both think AJ thinks he is the king but he is not. Emmett said he knew this will be a long haul and he is trying to get along with everyone. Andrew think Talla is losing it. Emmett asks Andrew who will he nominate if he wins HoH he said Gary because he hate him and Talla. Andrew said Suzette is driving him nuts, he said after her speech looks like she was sucking up. Emmett said Aneal will put up Jillian and that will make be upset. 10:51PM BBT: Suzette,Gary talking in the BR Suzette said that Aboriginal people wish they can be accepted in the main stream. They both talking very low. 10:57PM BBT: Suzette,Gary still talking Suzette is advising Gary to stick with a group because AJ and Aneal will be gone. I guess they are using glitters as the HG. Suzette is really trying to help Gary go far, she ssaid she is rooting for her Vancouver boys. Gary reply you are such a good player. Suzette told Gary to be cool and get out the floaters. Suzette said the 3 boys Peter,Alec,Emmett is with Tom and Liza. 11:05PM BBT: Suzette know that she is going home so she is preparing Gary for the win. Liza came in so talk stop. Suzette said when she was HoH the entire house wanted Gary out, because they did not like the glitter all over the house.
  19. 9:03PM BBT; Topaz,Talla,Gary,Suzette in the pool, Topaz is showing her private part and they are all having fun. The conversation go from plucking hair. Talla is screaming while the others talk quietly. 9:08PM BBT: The pool crew is repeating Topaz's name, Talla was called to the DR. Topaz,Gary and Suzette is now out the pool, they are trying to do cart wheel. Suzette actually did well,Gary is very good at it. 9:13PM BBT: Andrew,Jillian,AJ,Alec,Emmett,Tom in the KT talking about food and calories. Alec thinks that they should wake up Aneal from sleeping for dinner. 9:20PM BBT: The HG is teaching Gary how to cook and eat healthy. Gary said how do you guys keep up with this f**king shit. 9:29PM BBT: Suzette looks very comfortable talking with everyone. Gary is preparing his dinner. Instead of pop Gary is having water. Topaz said Talla was suppose to wax her , Talla just came out the DR and told Liza she forget to tell her to go to the DR. Suzette is trying to find dinner. Chit chat about the pool is too short for them. 9:32PM BBT: Talla,Topaz in the HT, Topaz asked Talla when she is going to stop smoking Talla reply soon. Andrew,AJ in the BR Andrew said he wish he can talk to Pete his twin brother. Andrew said Talla is his target and she is gone. Aj said that Talla takes forever to tell a story by the time she reach 60 she will still be telling the story. 9:48PM BBT: We have FotH.
  20. 02:08AM BBT: Tom is doing some funny moves in the bed. Tom and liza is restless, cannot hear no sound. But Liza have her hands all over Tom. 02:22AM BBT: All HG is asleep snoring very loudly
  21. 01:03AM BBT: Talla and Gary out for a smoke. They both wearing each other shoes, Gary ask Tall if she want Tom d**k she said no. Tom told Talla to saty and she said it is okay. Gary said AJ likes you but he needs to upgrade. AJ just join them smoking, AJ apologies to Talla he taught he heard Tom say Talla go to bed. Looks like Talla and Gary both wearing AJ shoes. Aj said because you give a lap dance to a gay guy it is okay, however the HG is watching you and will think something bad of you. Gary said to AJ tell her tomorrow she is drunk. 01:12AM BBT: Lots of laughing in the BR. Everyone except Gary and Suzette. They are all screaming, Topaz said she will be have a threesome when is reach 60. 01:18AM BBT: Tom and Liza is asleep in the HoH. 01:22AM BBT: The Hg in the BR asked Peter if when he comes out of the house if he would get more attraction from ladies because he was on the show. His reply was "Maybe". Tom is restless he woke up and look at the spyscreen to see what the othe HG is doing. There is no sound coming from HoH. Tom and Liza is under the covers trying to hide, there is movement. 01:27AM BBT: Tom,Liza is making some funny noise like laughing. Pillow fight started. 01:33AM BBT: In the BR talk continues little chit chat here and there. Emmett asked Gary if he sh** in his clothes. Someone farted and walk away. Jillian is saying her prayers. Look like they are settling down for bedtime. 01:42AM BBT: Gary is scared of Emmett and what he will do to him while sleeping. HN is settling down. 01:51AM BBT: Emmett is sleeping in the BR while Jillian in the HN. Tom has his speakers on listening to music. 01:59AM BBT: Tom gave Liza the head set to listen and said he is going to bed.
  22. 11:56AM BBT: AJ,Emm,Jillian,Tom,Aneal,Andrew in the HT lots of laughing, the noise at the background is loud. Emmett said to AJ he wanted to give him all his beer. Suzette join the HT, Tom came out. 12:02AM BBT: Talk continue in the HT Alec just join lots of conversation going on. Peter and Liza in KT having chips. 12: 07AM BBT: Peter, Liza in WA brushing teeth. Liza kiss Peter and left. Liza heads to HoH Talla is lying on the bed, BB told Liza to put on her mic however Liza said I have it on and show it to the camera. Tom is telling a story about his family and then he switch to washing his face. 12:16AM BBT: In the HoHR Tom,Talla, and Liza getting ready for bed. Then we have FoTH. 12:20AM BBT: Feeds are back. Tom,Liza and Talla in the bed (looks like a threesome tonight) Lots of complaining about the room is hot. Feeds on and off. 12:27AM BBT: Talla is all over Tom, Tom is in the middle and the girls at both end. Talla left behind the teddy (Mr Jones) on her side of the bed. The HT crew is now in the WA cleaning up for bed. 12:35AM BBT:Tom is not comfortable that all the HG have to use his washroom. Tom is playing with Mr jones in Liza's face. We are seeing the other side of tom, the playful side. Tom pulls Liza on top of him smelling her neck. There is no sound coming from HoH. 12:39AM BBT: Topaz,Alec brushing teeth. Gary, Jillian Emmett having a shower. Jill/Emm sharing a shower stall with clothes on. They are having a discussion about Talla getting kick out from the HoH room. AJ is making fun of Talla. Emmett asking Aj to apologise to Talla because his statement was not true. 12:48AM BBT: Gary said he wants to eat healthy and no more pop for him, Emmett said you need to stop Gary and work out. Gary said he is going to wake up and go for a work out. 12:51AM BBT: The back yard is alive Topaz said to tell tom that she need to take a sh** in the middle of the night so leave the door open. Peter,Alec,Andrew talking by the pool. Alec said everyone abandon him. Topaz is still doing laundry. Gary thinks that Emmett will put something in his mouth, Gary is afraid if he wake up with a hard on. Talla and Gary talking in the BR Gary said AJ told them that Talla got kicked out of HoH because Liza does not want a threesome. AJ loves Talla. Topaz said that it is not fair for Tom to say he is lock the door. Topaz is really upset she said she is not in a camp where Tom have to lock the door. 12:59AM BBT: Talla is doing a dance for Peter, Gary thinks Peter is so hot. The HG is afraid of getting things thrown at them while sleeping.
  23. 03:03AM BBT: Tom just told Liza that he wants to win the game. Tom said everyone wants a final 2 deal with him, Topaz want Alec and Tom. Aneal want Liza and Tom, There is so much deals going on in the house. Tom just called Liza a devil. Tom ask Liza if she likes a weirdo she says no he said he is funny and charming. Tom really like Jeff. 03:21AM BBT: AJ and Topaz in KT still talking about dating. Aj said back when he was in his mid 20's he use to date allot. AJ said he goes to club with lot of friends, AJ said he want to get married but no time frame he is 32 now. AJ said guys have more pressure from parents to get married, he said in his last relationship he will of marry that person. AJ hope the girl is not watching so he is not calling the name but the girl is from Cuba. Topaz ask if he gets some (Sex) he reply 'yeah' Topaz asked if he is signed up to any dating site he said just one. Topaz said she never sign up to online dating. Alec came out and the talk stop. 03:32AM BBT: Alec is in the shower changing clothes, Topaz is having her late night tea. AJ comes out of the WC and did not wash his hands. AJ having a smoke break and talking to himself about Tom using him as a pawn. (No one can say AJ say) he is talking very low. He said danielle did not get BD she could of save herself in POV. AJ said he is a team player. Looks like he was prepping himself for the replacement nominee. 03:37AM BBT: Alec and Topaz is in HN kissing and settling down. Emmett,Jillian is fast asleep. 03:45AM BBT: All HG asleep.
  24. 01:05AM BBT: AJ said Peter is the best player so far, Tom said to Andrew i don't want to put you up because Andrew is competitive. Andrew said there is plenty of option we have to keep our eyes open. There is lots of alliance's going on in this house. 01:10AM BBT: In HoHR Tom and Liza discussing game, Tom said no one is volunteering to go up as a pawn so he have to pick someone. Tom said if they make it to jury house it is a plan, Liza said she is nervous Tom said Alec throw the previous competition. Tom is thinking of trying to get out Topaz and Andrew next. 01:27AM BBT: Peter,Andrew,Aj,Alec in the KT they are discussing Suzette, They all think Suz said they are bullying her but she dig her own grave. They are talking about Liza now and that she is playing Tom, Peter said Kat said that he has cockeyed let's get him out of here. they all wondering if Tom can see them on the spy screen. Tom in HoH he wants to talk everyone social game into account. Tom is practicing what he would ssay for replacing AJ. Tom said this is the only camera time AJ will get besides his tooth brush thing last week. Liza said if Andrew think he is going to take my romance he have another thing coming they both laugh.. 01:30AM BBT: Liza said she does not know much about Topaz, Tom reply reall we don't know anything but she is a Dentist. Tom and Liza told the spy screen to go to the KT they were trying to hear what the guys was saying. Tom said Suz said you get what you want Tom you F*** redneck. 01:34AM BBT: Peter,Alec,Andrew,AJ in KT talking about past BBUS competition and the contestant cannot say Coup d'etat, Andrew talk about Jeff famous word technotronics. Eric name was thrown in there also for being a nerd. They discuss Jessica was a hot number but her voice was very annoying. 01:42AM BBT: AJ said he was sleeping with Alec, then Kat and Emmett slept in the corner. Peter said he was with Danielle, Peter said Danielle slept on top of the blankets. the HG is afraid of the buzzer tonight. Liza is bad talking Topaz and she is using Alec and she does not like him. Tom said that he have seen Tall before because she is from the south side of Edmonton. Liza and Tom are discussing the province and where she is from. Tom want to know why there is no Montreal or Quebec people to represent. Liza said she is particular who she sleep with, but Topaz looks like she will sleep with everyone. Tom think that Topaz is playing a lazy game and at night she hangs out with Gary at night. 01:54AM BBT: Topaz,AJ,Peter in KT they are talking about saving money when both husband and wife is working. Topaz thinks that on a date not just the man should pay for everything when they go on a date.
  25. 12:35AM BBT: AJ,Andrew,Peter is in the pool playing water sports. Tom and Talla in Hoh talking about game Tom need Emm,Talla,Liza win Hoh competition next week. 12:46AM BBT: Talla is saying good night to all Hg, The pool crew is out the pool. Tall is in the BR now talking about her Farts. Gary is in the KT eating chips. 12:53AM BBT: Gary join Topaz by the pool, he is trying to tell a secret but they are whispering. BB ask Topaz to put on her mic. Gary said Alec is going to switch up on her now as the game is changing. Gary is giving relationship advise. Alec came out so talk was stop. Gary kiss Topaz on cheeks and he told her this conversation have to finish at a later time. Topaz is alone in the pool. 12:59AM BBT: Alec is encouraging Gary to work out with them to stay fit. Gary,suz,Talla in WA brushing teeth, Suz is making some weird noise while she wash her face. Topaz is now in from the pool. Andrew,AJ in HT talking about Tom using him as a pawn. Andrew tell AJ to ask Tom if there is another person he can use as a pawn. Andrew is now playing the game he said they need to stick together, Andrew said he is not worried about Liza they want Tom and Emmett gone in couple weeks.



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