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Everything posted by Trancutie

  1. 07:41AM BBT: The buzzer goes off again, Gary took very long to come off his bed. BB announce to the Hg to make a trail to the stairs with the grocery's. From smallest to the biggest, no two items (speaking very fast eyes sleepy) All Hg have to participant, one word HG hustle.Topaz,Gary still standing. they are very confused. Gary has the iron board. All items are all on the ground also the HG is on the ground. Aneal is building only one HG to stand at a time. 07:50AM BBT: The time is running out, Andrew is making fun of Aneal. There is too many HG standing at a time. The HG is worried that BB is not saying anything maybe it is wrong. They all say BB please tell us if it is right please. They are all calling for BB to talk. 07:59AM BBT: .HG waiting to see if the wax paper is ok, feeds cut for two minutes I miss a little there. Looks like they are rearranging the big items. Emmett is passing the Tupperware,plates etc. Suzette said we need bigger forks around here. There is a single banana in the mixed. The kitchen is in a total mess. Feeds iis in and out. 08:15AM BBT: 08:12AM Feeds are back, They are still doing the task. They are working together feeds was cut so I did not hear what BB said to them. There is underwear passing,kitchen towel. Lots of talking going on but Jillian voice is over everyone. They need to pull more big stuff down. feeds are block looks like they had to do it again. Tom is making sure and checking over all items. They are taking very long to do this task. 08:21AM BBT: The HG is talking and not working together. BB announce three minutes. Topaz shouted out we are done, BB said one rule have been broken in the assemble line they have to fix this before the time is up. Aneal said a fork is bigger BB. Jillian is screaming, Aneal is standing all items should be touching. BB Announce HG are you confident they all reply Yes. Task is complete once every item is replaced, One HG have to assembly all the items back.They are crawling like babies. BB this is the last warning all HG must participant. (They were speaking to Gary) : 08:31AM BBT HG is really working together, only Gary was just laying around. Talla is really working hard she is the only one packing away the kitchen items. Talla puts her arms in the air hoping BB would say task complete. BB is still not saying anything. The HG is talking about Beyonce. BB announce HG the task is completed. they are so happy they give high five and go back to bed, AJ and Andrew are playing games about Gary they think he was late for school. AJ wants to kill Gary he said if Gary does this again he will ruin his ears. Andrew warn Aj to stop. Someone pooed in the washroom and did not flush. Andrew said to Alec we have to talk to Tom to get rid of Gary, apparently was very slow and complaining. 08:45AM BBT: Andrew is very upset about Gary lack of help for the previous task, and he letting everyone know to vote him out. 08:51AM BBT: We have Foth.
  2. 04:02AM BBT: Suzette is still up in the Wr doing her hair and makeup to go to bed. 04:06AM BBT: Topaz is in the KT eating looks like chips (Did she remember she was on slop). 04:10AM BBT: Topaz is off to bed with Alec all cuddle up. The HG is all asleep again. 4:39am BBT: Twice I thought I heard music then alarm sounded and the lights came on and the HG are all up and assembling in the LR so another task. 04:40AM BBT: BBT:Here we go Buzzer is ringing. All HG but Talla is up, They look tired and exhausted. HG BB annouce with a pause, I know you guys are tired, perfect time for a dance party. The music will start in one minute if everybody is not back there will be a penalty. I believe Talla said she does not have on bra. Peter started dancing without music. 04:46AM BBT: Let the dance grove start, they are all doing their move Aj is funny, Liza looks funny, Peter is doing the milk dance. Gary have some funky moves. I dont know what Andrew is doing, Topaz is doing the moon dance, Suzette is doing the mama dance. This is just a night for the HG. Who did the best move. Tom look like a drunk man. The music is going on and on. Peter have the best move (For me) The HG stop before the music stop. BB announce task complete. No water on this task. ( I hope the HG is taking note) 05:00AM BBT: BBT: All HG asleep.
  3. 03:00AM BBT: Feeds are back. The HG is brushing each other's teeth. Topaz is brushing Alec, now Alec is brushing Topaz. All the HG is in the LR BB announce HG task is completed. 03:05AM BBT: In the HN Aneal,Jillian,Alec and Topaz settling down lights went dark. Talla is in the KT doing nails, lots of jokes in HN (The HN is for couples) Aneal left the room. 03:26AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian is snuggling up. All HG asleep until the buzzer go off again. 03:35AM BBT: Aneal is up walking around he went back to his bed. 03:40AM BBT: The buzzer is on again. BB announced it is time for the slam dunk, but there is no basketball. Tom please stand HG have to do fifteen jumping jacks around the pool. then they have to get into the pool at the same time, Gary is taking his time to get up off the couch.The HG gather around Tom is directing. If they don't come in one minute there will be a penalty for 30 mins. They did the jumping jacks then jump into the water together. They are very upset, they look like kids. BB Task is complete. This is the second change of underwear for the HG. 03: 51AM BBT: The towels in the BB house is running out, Gary is sneezing and looks upset. Alec is in the shower again. Topaz in the WR, the floors is wet from previous assignment. Topaz is doing her hair. Alec thinks that they might make a veto challengeof this. Topaz Think BB may asked who was the last person to get to the challenge.
  4. 02:10AM BBT: AJ is coming alive. Talla and AJ having a smoke. AJ think that Suzette should go this week, but he want Gary gone. AJ said let us sit pretty, he also told Tom he can use him as a pawn. 02:16AM BBT: Jillian in KT about to make Slop chips, she announce slop chips coming up come and get your slop chips. But they went bad so she change her mind. Talla complaining that she ate too much food and it is going to be a long night. 02:21AM BBT: Tom and Liza are all wrapped up in HOH. Tom Hands is on Liza Bum. Jillian looks like she is making a new batch of slop chips. 02:30AM BBT: Alec,AJ,Gary,Talla and Topaz in WR. Gary said this is his last pop (Soda) Talla said she is a day farter, AJ said he cannot take Talla home to his parents. They are getting ready for bed. Gary is taking all his make up off. Alec and Topaz kiss and off to HN. Talla asked Gary if he will like to F*** her but she did not know AJ was in the shower stall. 02:38AM BBT: Feeds down (FOth)
  5. 01:03AM BBT: Peter is in the kT looking around the walls. Alec,Topaz join the conversation, They are questioning Topaz where she was at 5.30pm. Tom came out and told Peter to call on the Banana phone. Tom is keeping his HOHR very quiet. Topaz,Peter, and Alec have joined Tom in the room. 01:10AM BBT: In HOHR Peter,Alec,Topaz, and Liza talking about movies thet they like.Tom said AJ comes to his room and does what he wants, Tom said he have to start locking his room. Tom is giving away earplugs for the buzzer because it is too loud. Tom said the more you protect your ears the longer you have them. Alec is talking about Tree of life movie with Sean Penn. Alec ask who is your bigsuspect of the house. They all replied Big Brother. 01:16AM BBT: The lights are dimming in the house. Tom taight that BB would of give him PS3 in his HOHR. Tom and Liza looks very warm. Peter just fixed the spy screen and said Emmett and Jillian is making out in the SR and wish they had a camera to look there. Movie talk continue. 01:21AM BBT: The buzzer goes off again, Topaz fell running to LR, everyone is together. HG prepare to get close with your HG. Please head to shower alltogether. They all in the shower lots of noise. BB please take out your mics. Jillian is on Emmett back, Suzette does not want anyone touching her. They all fit. They are all wet, Awaiting instructions from BB. 01:30AM BBT: HG are making lots of noise, Gary said he is black and his hair is wet. Jillian voice is power over everyone because she is on top of Emmett back. They have been there for four minutes now. Aj is screaming at the top of his voice. There is eight people in one stall and five in the other. The buzzer went off but no one move yet. They are out of the shower now (Yay) 01:35AM BBT: The HG is back in the LR BB announce HG task number two has been completed. 01:36AM BBT: Alec and Peter in BR talking about Tom quote that he wants to be a millionare by 30 (They were speaking very low) 01:40AM BBT: Andrew is cleaning up WR while AJ,Topaz, Alec make fun of the Banana joke. Talla is eating again. Gary,Aneal,Jillian doing nails in the KT. 01:46AM BBT: Talla,Tom,Liza and Emmett is in the HOHR looking at the spy screen. Liza said to Peter if you did not know we were having intercourse. They are play fighting Tom got on top of Liza. Tom teddy bear is called Mr Jones. 01:51AM BBT: Tom is giving advice to HG, he asked for them to get Gary to come to HOHR to dance. AJ,Talla,Alec,Peter,Emmett, Tom and liza join the party. They are discussing beds looks like they want their own bed. AJ is the messenger to get Gary up to dance. 01:56AM BBT: AJ is trying to get Gary to go up tTopao the HOH as requested by Tom. Aj asked Gary are you a good dancer, we should have a dance off. AJ said he have the tooth brush dance. Talla came down to get Gary to dance. Topaz and AJ dancing BB said Topaz please put on your mic. Gary said he is doing his nails, Talla said I just want to do this F** dance. Gary caught on to them. No deal
  6. 12:03AM BBT: Talla,in KT making looks like pizza. Peter, Topaz,Alec talking about going to bed early. Andrew is folding his laundry and giving lota of jokes.
  7. 11:05PM BBT: We have FOTH. 11:35PM BBT: We continue to get FOth. 11:58PM BBT: Feeds are back.
  8. 01:03AM BBT: Tom and Liza continue in HOHR Tom said he gets blow job every night from all the girls (joke). Tom said sorry Suzette you have to leave the house. Liza think Gary is flandering, Tom wants Gary out. Even if Gary did not come after Tom Gary annoys him. Tom said Gary is very nasty. 01:09AM BBT: Tom, Liza checking votes for the f9 everyone except AJ,Aneal and Talla one of them will make the final 9. Tom said he is only male to win the first POV and HOH ( Too confidence there buddy) 01:12AM BBT: Liza is all over Tom rubbing his chest, Tom said i am very puffy. Tom look at Liza and said you are not 29 you look younger. Tom said that Liza is pretty. Tom look on his HOH screen and saw i believe it is Talla came in to talk. While Emmett and Tom is in the SR Tom said he have to tell the final 9 to stick to the plan. Tom said he does not want Suzette coming to HOH to take a (Poop) 01:21AM BBT: The couples are in HOH. Jill,Emm, Tom and Liza. Emmett want to be houseguest choice for POV. Tom asked Jillian who he should put up, Tom said if he put Suzette and Gary up and Gary wins he can take both Suzette and his self off. Tom want to pawn AJ. 01:35AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian leaves HOH and say good night. Liza say good night to Tom they share a big long kiss and went down stairs. Look like Liza is not going to share bed with Tom tonight. Tom is talking to Gary and Aj. Tom said he is locking his door no one should come up to his room. (Bossy Tom) 01:38AM BBT: Tom is in bed watching the pictures he got, Tom has blue and brown sheets. Tom is listening to music with his headset. 01:42AM BBT: AJ, Gary,Jillian and Emmett having snacks in the KT. While Tom reads his letter in HOHR. 01:50AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett is cuddling in bed. (Maybe tonight will be the night of romance as it is very dark in there) 01:54AM BBT: Alec and Topaz is in the HN all hugging tight, Peter and Talla have more space in HN since Tom move out.
  9. 02:06AM BBT: The game have just begin for Gary Glitters. Topaz wants to push Alec to get out Aneal,AJ and Suzette. She wants Jillian out. Gary wants to know if how Jillian will take what is about to happen tomorrow. 02:15AM BBT: Gary is upset and hopes he can play it off for the eviction. He wants to focus on his game. Gary said Danielle will be very shock when she get home. 02:23AM BBT: Topaz is thinking to tell Talla, Gary said no because she will tell Danielle. Topaz is telling Gary who have an alliance Suzette does not know what is going on. Andrew tells Tom everything. So we have a different game tomorrow. 02:29AM BBT: Gary looks like he will tell Danielle he keeps on saying to the camera Danielle I am sorry. Topaz said because Suzette is talking so much they are afraid of her. Tom is the only person that is talking allot. Topaz told Gary there is hope for you. Topaz explain it is not about rushing more playing the game smart. Gary said he wants a good life. Topaz told Gary to be normal be sad when he needs to be. 02:39AM BBT: Topaz advise Gary to calm down and be normal. Gary hates Talla she gets on his F nerves. They are now saying that they only have 1 hour sleep. They both think that they are the night crew. Gary thinks that they give the viewers a good show. 02:46AM BBT: Gary wants to go to Tom and say that he heard that Aneal is making deals all over the house. Topaz talked Gary out of spilling to Tom about Aneal leaving. Topaz went to check the time to wake up they have l45 mins. Topaz heads to bed. 02:55AM BBT: Topaz is getting her time mixed she think it is 4:47AM According to the oven clock. They really don't know the time. Topaz and Gary is in bed. The night hamsters is down.
  10. 01:05AM BBT: Talk continues in the WA Gary said that Topaz nipples get so hard he can see it. (Late night owls). They are both doing nails. 01:10AM BBT: Gary said he went to Hoh to let Jillian know that Aneal is playing. Gary asked Topaz to tell him who is getting voted off. Gary spi;;ied the nail polish remover all over his legs. Topaz said Alec really want to connect with her outside the house. Alec wants Gary and Topaz to come to Vancouver. Topaz really like Peter and Gary. Topaz told Alec that she is dating someone (she was teasing) 01:27AM BBT: I think Topaz really like Alec and playing a good game. Gary said how do we transfer this P**** in this jury house. Suzette said what can she do to get into the jury house to be with Tom. Topaz said she only want to kiss on national Tv. Gary wants to go on a road trip with Topaz when they get out. 01:35AM BBT: Topaz said she is not as book smart as Alec. They both think AJ is super rich. Gary said that he caught Tom with so many lies, Tom said he works at the bar and you can get a drink at 4am which is not true in Canada, bar close at 2am 01:38AM BBT: They are wondering why Suzette did not say she was divorce her game will be better played. 01:42AM BBT: Gary said that Tom let Liza Suck his private part. Topaz think that Alec looks like the Canadian player the way he acts. Topaz said that if i tell you something promise not to tell anyone. Danielle is going to be voted out. They promised to tell you before the show, you were not suppose to know. Everyone is on board to vote Danielle out (No secret) except Suzette. 01:52AM BBT: Topaz is really spilling the beans tonight. Gary is sad because he does not want Danielle to leave. Gary is overwhelmed with the information. Topaz said there is no strong alliance just play your game and and be strong. I guess Tom and Alec did not give her the information that Gary is next. Topaz said to act normal because if they know she is talking Alec will not tell her any more information. 01:59AM BBT: Gary promise not to talk and he will hit the gym more than ever. Topaz told Gary to play their game for a while to reach far in the game. Topaz said she is trying to get Alec on her side. Gary is happy that Topaz told him but he is upset
  11. 11:58PM BBT: We have Foth the past 10 mins. 12:24AM BBT: We still have FOTH. 12:27AM BBT: Feeds are back . HN is settling down. 12:31AM BBT: Gary is in the shower taking out all his glitter. While Topaz is in the KT making Tea. The noise in the KT sounds like the WA. 12:36AM BBT: Topaz in the KT she heard some noise form Hoh upstairs she is smilling. Looks like she is making Tea for Gary also. Gary is out of the shower and having his tea. 12:46AM BBT: Topaz told Gary that she is proud of him, Gary think BB was proud of him. Gary said that BB called him in make sure everything is ok, BB announce HG stop talking about Production. Topaz said that Gary is a very nice person and he cares about people allot. Gary starts crying because he feels so free in the house. 12:51AM BBT: Gary is very emotional. Topaz said he should stay true, Gary thank Topaz for being there for him. Gary think when he is in a good positive vibes everything goes fine. 12:55AM BBT: Gary told Topaz that she and Alec is getting very hot in romance. Topaz always make Gary think it is not a romance, Alec thinks Topaz have trust issues. Alec said get over it. They are now talking about Mike Boogie from BBUS and how he played Erica. Topaz think that Alec is studying her and may write a paper about her someday. 12:59AM BBT: Still late night with the late crew, Gary thinks that the age group is really good. They both think Suzette is cool for her age and she is down with it. Gary ask Topaz who is going to leave because Aneal look like he cut some deal and he is not sad again.
  12. 11:05PM BBT: Gary is in HOH talking to Jillian and Emmett, he said that Aneal is playing everyone. Gary said that it looks like Aneal is talking with everyone, Jillian is playing along like she is going to evict Aneal. (We know it is Danielle) 11:15PM BBT: Jillian asked Gary who he is close to, He said he talks to Suzette but not as good as everyone think. While in the LR Alec said he have a cuddle mance and he have to put his foot down. Liza,Andrew,Aneal told Alec not to get hurt by Topaz. Liza asked Alec if he want to do it ( Yes she was serious). 11:25PM BBT: In the BR Suzette, Danielle and Topaz talking about swearing on the show, Suzette think she should stop being negative because small children are watching. Suzette think that Gary fashion was a hit and he and Peter will make lots outside the house. 11:27PM BBT: Emmett,Jillian in HT looking very cozy, loud noise cannot hear much. But they are kissing and making out. 11:33PM BBT: Tom and Liza in BR,Tom is asking Talla where she want to sleep in HN room. The lights is dimmed, Tom kiss Liza good night and we have darkness. 11:37PM BBT: Tom in WA brushing his teeth he just advise Talla that Emmett want her out next. 11:40PM BBT: Peter,Andrew,AJ and Alec chit chatting, they are feeling for a hot dog. Making lots of jokes that AJ is a mama's boy. In the HN room Talla and Tom talking about votes. Talla said she does not trust Aneal and she is thinking about keeping Danielle. Tom said to her stick with the house and vote out Danielle. Talla is so confused she does not want the HG to know who she voted for. 11:46PM BBT: Tom tells Talla the order of votes Danielle, Gary, Aneal, Emmett. Tom said if he wins HOH he will put up Aneal and Suzette BD Gary. (they are talking really fast) I think the big target is Gary in the house. Talla welcome to BBCA. 11:50PM BBT: Conversation still hot in HN Tom told Talla never tell anyone who you vote for in this game. Tom asked Talla if she is going to stop smoking. Peter is in the HN room now Tom ssaid to Peter that Talla is going to vote Aneal out ( Tom is playing Talla) Talla said she wants Suzette,Gary out the house. Looks like they want Talla vote will go for Aneal so it will not look like a landslide. Tom want the house to be glitter free (No Gary).
  13. 02:03AM BBT: Topaz is the only one up. 02:15AM BBT: Not much going on, Topaz blow drying her hair in the WA. 02:39 BBT: HG fully asleep. Good night.
  14. 1:05AM BBT: Liza and Jillian in HOH talking game, Jillian said that all the guys have to go. Jillian said thay are all girl power. Jillian laughing while saying that Emmett is like her little brother. (why the kissing if he is a brother) Liza said she will put Topaz and Alec on the block together. 1:12AM BBT: Jillian and Liza thinks that Talla is very loud, Jillian said Suzette is a big liar she goes around the house and say fill in the blank. They both said that Danielle is going home they have the votes 3 to 8. I am guessing Gary,Suzette and Topaz will vote for Danielle to stay. 01:17AM BBT: Looks like the entire house knows that Topaz is playing Alec, Jillian and Liza just confirm Topaz using Alec, Liza is upset that Topaz is flirting with Tom. Liza wants to know what is Topaz plan. Liza said that Tom is a big target. Looks like Liza is jealous of the Tom/Topaz relationship. 01:22AM BBT: HOH conversation continue with Jillian and Liza, Liza said that Andrew will take out Tom for them. They both think that Topaz is sleeping too much. they are both bashing all the girls in the house. 01:30AM BBT: In the WA Topaz came out of the shower with towel wrapped and the Camera got a good shot of her private part. Gary said Topaz you did that unpurpose. 01:36AM BBT: Liza in the Hoh she thinks that Topaz is trying to steal her man ( Which is Tom). FOTH is on and off tonight. 01:43AM BBT: Gary, Alec and Topaz in WA talking about Cuddlemance. Topaz still have her towel wrapped up and showing all her body parts. Alec said that he and Topaz have a date on Friday. It is their second date. Topaz hands is all over Alec body, Looking into each other eyes. 01:50AM BBT: In the WA Alec and Topaz take their last kiss before they say good night. Topaz is still in the WA brushing teeth. 01:59AM BBT: Camera Zoom in on Topaz eyes no contacts it is real.
  15. 11:11PM BBT: The HG is getting warn from BB many times tonight. HG please stop talking about Production. 11:15PM BBT: Gary,Liza and Aneal in BR Liza told Aneal that is not going anywhere they are using him as a pawn. Liza said Gary and Suzette cannot be trusted. Liza is really the snake in this game, Liza think Alec has to go then Emmett because she is beginning to like Jillian. Aneal said he want to win HoH to prove his allegence. 11:21PM BBT: Liza and Aneal talk continue, Liza said she need Aneal, and Tom in Jury house. Aneal said by listening to conversation he was guilty by association. Aneal said to Liza he feels comfortable talking and crying to Liza. 11:26PM BBT: Aneal and Emmett in BR Aneal is up to no good. He told Emmett Gary is being mean to him. Emmett asked him how many votes he has Aneal reply 6, but Aneal wants Suzette and Gary out the house. Peter joins the conversation. All this time Aneal was crying it was a game to get to Liza and other HG. 11:32PM BBT: Gary,Tom In BY doing some jumping on a Tarp. Tom is out of breath. Peter is playing with Talla hair. 11:40PM BBT: HG in the BY Andrew said he is trying to be respectful to BB and not to piss them off. He thinks because he is older he does not get in trouble. Aneal asked Talla if she needs to wear Bikini all day. Alec and Topaz trying to do the Jump on the Tarp. 11:45PM BBT: Danielle and Suzette in BR Talking girls talk, Danielle was told to put on her Mic by BB. Suzette called Emmett and Jillian 2 fools. Suzette said she is a respective mom and they don't disrepect Andrew and they are around the same age. Danielle is wondering if she is not hot, 11:59PM BBT: Peter,Emmett and Jillian in LR, Jillian is looking for a hot drink. While Andrew plays in Talla hair. Lots of talking everywhere.
  16. 21:36PM BBT: BBT: Talk continues in HT with Topaz and Alec. Alec is telling Topaz not to mention what they discuss with Gary. 21:44PM BBT: Topaz spilling the beans to Alec in HT. Topaz said that Suzette tells lies to cover her back of being nominated and she plays the entire house. In WA Liza and Tom trying to change and hide with a towel in front the camera. Gary is scoping out everyone that comes in the WA. 21:48PM BBT: Topaz and Alec was counting votes to get Danielle out. Topaz, Liza,Tom, Peter, Andrew and AJ. 21:59PM BBT: Andrew and AJ in BY talking showmance. They both think Tom is controlling the house and again the nine thing came up again. And we got FOTH
  17. 08:32PM BBT: The party continues. However we have Foth. 08:40PM BBT: Feeds are back. lots of drinking, Danielle and Gary in WA complaining about Topaz being a B***** While all HG is in the HT. 08:48M BBT: All HG if not in the HT is wearing their Winter Jacket. Looks like they had Mac and Cheese and Poutine. Looks like a little cat fight between Talla and Tom. 08:50PM BBT: We have FOTH. On and off. 08:59AM BBT: Top secret going on. We still have FOTH.
  18. 03:23AMBBT: Alec is awake drinking water I believe (Who knows what is in that bottle). 03:35AM BBT: Check Check HG all asleep, No late night crew. Off to bed I go. Good Night.
  19. 02:13 BBT: Aneal is going over the Memory wall. Topaz is washing her hands and there goes BB Topaz please put on your microphone (How many times does BB have to say this).Her reply can a girl sh** in peace. Topaz leaves the WA and said good night to Aneal which is still brushing his teeth. Aneal is done but the hair dryer is still on (Careless Topaz.) 02:23AM BBT: Topaz is back and but stil forget the hair dryer on. BB zoomed the camera on the hair dryer it is orange just in case you are wondering. 02:33AM BBT: The fourth time tonight Topaz was warned to put on your Microphone by BB. I think Topaz will get a penalty for this behaviour. 02:39M BBT: I taught all HG was asleep Aneal and Topaz is very sneaky, they both was searching for what I don't know someone turned and they jump I believe they were looking for clues. 02:48M BBT: Emmett is up he went to the KT to have a drink and cheesies for Jillian. HN room consist of Peter and Talla on the Cot, and Tom and Alec on the round bed. 02:59BBT: Gary still have some movements in bed. All other HG fully Asleep.
  20. 01:05AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian in HOH doing their thing kissing and being very quiet. little game talk. loud noice cannot hear only action with lots of covering up. Jillian just said she is very sticky (Hmm) They know how to put on a show. they got disturb by the HG. 01:22AM BBT: Talla and Peter having a talk in BY about who to trust,Topaz just interrupted about some water problem. Back to game talk Talla asked Peter if he will save her Peter reply yes. The punishment really hurt because they are adults Peter said. 01:28AM BBT: HG is tearing the place apart. Gary,AndrewTalla in the KT trying to fix the sink Gary has a note around his neck that read (I love you mom) Nice way to advertise on Tv. Aneal look very comfortable. (No more tears). 01:39AM BBT: Talla and Gary having a smoke and game talk begin, Gary think that Andrew is playing everyone so Gary wants to bring him into his alliance. Gary have a great idea to get Aneal out and keep Danielle in. Tom and look like Peter in the BR they are trying to take out Emmett Jillian,Gary,Alec and Topaz they are the big guns in the house. Talk was interrupted by Talla. Tom is making deals with everyone. 01:48AM BBT: Aneal and Topaz LR having a normal conversation about mics and why BB is bothering her, as she explain BB announce Topaz please put on your mic (pure Jokes did you watch BBUSA) Topaz think BBCA wants her out the game. (Wake up Topaz) Topaz thinks that BB don't like her because she sleeps allot. Topaz also said they are trying to get at the crazy African-Canadian. 01:55AM BBT: Talk continue in LR with Aneal and Topaz, Aneal think Topaz has sexy eyes (Took you so long to see Aneal) Aneal wish the cast was the real world. (Wake up) They are both going over past competition, Aneal is really good if he stays. 02:00AM BBT: HN guest is fully asleep. Topaz went to the WR she turn the hair dryer on so her stuff does not smell (First time for me seeing this) she really needs help.
  21. 03:10AM BBT: Jillian is getting a massage from Emmett, Emmett asked if Jillian likes back rub. Jillian said she is tired it was a long day ( she did not change into any outfit). they are both cuddle up in bed. looks like Aj will be the replacement for POV. 03:22AM BBT: Let the love making begin lots of kissing in HOH.the lights are dimmed and the covers are rolling away, lots of noise with the mics Emmett whispers the I love you word (really). they both say we cannot do this but still continues. They are fully making out. Emmett ask Jillian to not let the other HG know what they did. 03:30AM BBT: The kissing pause for a bit they are discussing the POV competition it was throwing snowballs. 03:44AM BBT: The camera is up close on the love birds, Emmett is asking Jillian if she is sick of him lots of laughing going on. Emmett asked Jillian if she wants a showmance and her reply was that is what they ask us to do. Emmett think the camera is awkward. Jillian still have on her clothes. 03:51AM BBT: All quiet in HOH room I guess the love birds is really tired. All other HG is asleep I guess the POV have everyone bummed out. 03:59AM BBT: All HG fully asleep.
  22. 02:12AM BBT: Talks continue in the BY on Hammock with Tom and Liza, they both think Jillian really smart or playing. they are both going over all items in the BB house, they both agreed to write down items to compare. 02:22AM BBT: The HT crew is out (Thought they were never coming out). Topaz joins Jillian in HOH. They still believe that Aneal voted for Kat (It was Liza) Topaz is really talking allot about everyone, she said Suzette told her that Tom is bullying her because of the nomination. 02:33AM BBT: Topaz is really sucking up to Jillian in HOH. Topaz think that Aj is Jillian better bet to put up because he does not talk much. Emmett said that Aj think he have the best game play. 02:43 BBT: Emmett and Jillian in HOH shower with her bathing suit on very seductive couple we have here. Cannot hear because of the water running. 02:52AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian had towels all over the shower stall BB announce to remove the towels from the top of the shower. (Why are they hiding if they are in a romance). 03:00AM BBT: Jillian wants to wear an seductive outfit but does not want feeds to see she is hiding, Jillian is now brushing her teeth. Emmett said this year is going to be tough.
  23. 01:10AM BBT: Liza and Tom still on Hammock Tom is explaining that the girl he left behind he really like her but he does not want to settle down and his girl (Shannon) is still in school. Liza said she did not want to be in a relationship before the show, Tom ask if Liza family will think about her romance with him. Tom said he really like Liza from the start. 01:20AM BBT: Tom said if he is going to BD anyone it is going to be Jillian, Liza also explain to Tom that no one wants him in the game and Emmett was sleeping with Danielle before Jillian. Tom really want Suzette out he is out for her. Tom advise Liza that he want her to win this game and not be disposable. Tom said to liza I want you to be a rock and go far. 01:30AM BBT: Tom and Liza still on the hammock Tom said he wants Jillian out because he needs to control the game and Emmett, camera is on Tom/Liza and Jillian/Emmett game talk. Tom is laughing with Andrew he told him he is happy to have him (Andrew) in the house and he will keep him. Tom is called to the DR 01:40AM BBT: It is smoke time Gary, Emmett and Jillian out for a smoke Gary said he hope Arisa do not asked him about Andrew, they all making fun of Jillian and Emmett speaking in a funny voices, Topaz/Emm/Jillian in HT while Gary put on a show. 01:48AM BBT: Gary,Tom,Liza in BY on Hammock Gary confirm he is keeping his POV and Aneal needs to go. Tom is a very serious player he really studied the game. 01:54AM BBT: Andrew have join Topaz/Jillian/Emmett in the HT all kind of conversation going on it is very loud in there. Jillian told Andrew he is going to win HOH this week Andrew said he is not going to give up because his twin brother would say you **** up.
  24. 00:07AM BBT: Aneal in the KT making a slop shake while the others HG enjoy Topaz meal lots of noise on the table, Emmett refuse to try he said he had a sandwhich earlier at the dinner table Topaz, Gary, Jillian, Emmett Peter Aj, Tom and Liza. 00:11AM BBT: Suzette in the WA having a shower Aneal just join her he hates the slop shake Suzette is advising him to drink slowly and pretend it is a normal drink. 00:15AM BBT: Topaz is being teased about giving Alec a massage for his Birthday (this was a joke it is not his birthday)Gary and Topaz is drinking Liquor, Emmett and Jillian all cozy up, while Tom and Liza is on opposite end. 00:21AM BBT: Tom and Emmett at the sink in KT whispering about getting suzette on the block, Tom said to Emmett it is not going to be to long before they are both target 00:28AM BBT: Lots of noise tonight Peter,Alec and Aj playing cards that they made earlier, they are also making fun of the numbers on the card. While Liza cleans up after dinner looks like Emmett and Jillian are the only couple tonight they are hugging nonstop. 00:35AM BBT: Peter still playing cards with Aj and Alec making fun of the romance, Peter said he is in a bromance with Aj, Suzette join the dinner table, card game have stop (guess they are bored) slop talk peter is playing a great mind game. 00:48AM BBT: Tom and Liza in BY on Hammock talking about going to New York at her Nanna, Tom would love to do lots of travel, Emmett and Jillian is up in HOH talking about production BB warn then to stop, Jillian is high from the alcohol Emmett ask if she would love privacy. 00:53AM BBT: Emmett is bad mouthing Gary and Topaz dinner he said it was awful Jillian wants to go in the HT she explain to Emmett she cannot go Naked, kissing and hugging Jillian is worried what next week would bring Emmett is really riding her HoH. They are both going over who would put them up 00:59AM BBT: Emmett says Aneal is going to get evicted only way he will stay is if he win a power tool, Jillian think it may have a final four 2 boys and 2 girls (she is really high)



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