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Everything posted by duchmo

  1. Joe's a wimp...all mouth...typical schoolyard bully.
  2. This is an example of being bullied and then reacting and yet being blamed because you reacted. Again, I would never condone physical violence, but what the others did to Willie was uncalled for and we all have our breaking point. We react with sympathy when someone who has been bullied hurts themselves...yet lash out at them when they physically go after the bullies. Double standard perhaps? I'm just glad I'm not the only one that sees Willie's side of this...
  3. After watching the show tonight I agree with those who were saying Brit was the cause of a lot of what happened. Willie was trying to explain to the 3 of them that he was going to take the heat off of them and they (primarily Brit) wouldn't let him finish a sentence. That was frustrating to watch let alone if you were the one it was happening to. I still maintain Willie was absolutely wrong in his ultimate actions, but he is not the villian these idiots are trying to make him out to be. I actually think he was trying to be fair and save Shane and JoJo from what he thought was the lynch mob coming after him. Joe once again, in my humble opionion, appears to be the biggest bully in the house. His comments in the HOH room when Willie came in were uncalled for (when someone is apologizing the proper thing to do is accept and move on - not goad them) and then he continued the bully behavior in the kitchen which at that point is what Willie was looking for as his exit strategy (again, I don't approve in any way, shape or form - but Joe is an a%^hole!). Brit pushed this way beyond where it needed to go and she as I looked back was indeed the instigator originally with her comments about the coaches keys. Hells bells, in hind sight, Willie may be the first one to realize that they all need to be playing their own game and to hell with the coaches
  4. It doesn't excuse the behavior in any way, but I think he did it thinking he was saving Shane and JoJo. If you noticed, he immediately did as he was told by production (go to the back bedroom and then go to the DR) without any problems what so ever. If he had been out of control, I think they would have had to come in and remove him. He knew exactly what he was doing and he had a purpose in mind.
  5. This old fart needs to go! I would love to see someone give him a taste of his own medicine!
  6. After watching the show tonight I agree with those who were saying Brit was the cause of a lot of what happened. Willie was trying to explain to the 3 of them that he was going to take the heat off of them and they (primarily Brit) wouldn't let him finish a sentence. That was frustrating to watch let alone if you were the one it was happening to. I still maintain Willie was absolutely wrong in his ultimate actions, but he is not the villian these idiots are trying to make him out to be. I actually think he was trying to be fair and save Shane and JoJo from what he thought was the lynch mob coming after him. Joe once again, in my humble opionion, appears to be the biggest bully in the house. His comments in the HOH room when Willie came in were uncalled for (when someone is apologizing the proper thing to do is accept and move on - not goad them) and then he continued the bully behavior in the kitchen which at that point is what Willie was looking for as his exit strategy (again, I don't approve in any way, shape or form - but Joe is an a%^hole!). Brit pushed this way beyond where it needed to go and she as I looked back was indeed the instigator originally with her comments about the coaches keys. Hells bells, in hind sight, Willie may be the first one to realize that they all need to be playing their own game and to hell with the coaches!
  7. Totally disagree with how Willie acted - no excuse for behavior like that. Kuddos to Joe, Frank, Janelle and any others who continued to push the right buttons with him to get him to explode. However, I still maintain that Frank, Joe and Janelle are the biggest bullies in this game. I mean seriously - mocking Wil?! If you look at that clip, there is no mocking going on at all. Frank doesn't come across as a bully because he says everything with a smile on his face - dangerous person for the other houseguests. Joe is just a loud mouth jerk. Janelle is certainly playing the game well so far in terms of going to the side with power at the right time and managing to hide her tracks but she is so damn self absorbed it drives me crazy. Does she ever stop playing with her hair?!
  8. How many shows and I'm just now figuring out her name...either a great strategy or a big pile of do nothing!
  9. She seems to be a nice person, but she really sucks as a coach for this game!
  10. Unless they put in a new HOH with the removal of Willie Shane and JoJo have just gotten the shaft by BB!
  11. With Willie gone we need a new HOH with new nominations please!
  12. No way should Frank get to nominate and evict someone now. Is Janelle running the show?!
  13. Exactly, Willie is far down the list of bullies from my point of view! Or a boring one... Seems like Janelle has her little robots all in a row doing her bidding right now. Even Boogie seems to be falling in line.
  14. Unfortunatey I think you may be right. I would love to see these two go at it!
  15. Hes playing way too many sides and he's not as good at it as Shelley was. He's bound to get caught sooner rather than later. Wish he stop double dipping with the chips too -disgusting!
  16. If Brit wins the coaches challenge she needs to save Shane and then hope Willie can pull off a pov win. It would force Frank to put up two people that really aren't targets and might change the game again.
  17. I really like this guy (and I'm not liking Joe and Frank much). Am I alone here. Seems to me Joe and Frank with Janelle's help have blown things way out of proportion and Willie's now paying the price (didn't look to me like he was mocking Wil - just repeating what he said). If Brit wins the coaches challenge I think her best bet would be to save Shane and then hope that Willie could pull off a pov win. That would force them to put up two people they really don't want to put up and it becomes a whole new game.
  18. OK, I started off disliking her because of her inflated ego, but as time goes on she is starting to grow on me.
  19. I couldn't stand Janelle when she played before but I also didn't get to see anything other than the edited show on CBS. I was always baffled by how much others liked her and I am looking forward to seeing what it is that I didn't see since I will be able to what Showtime this year and can read the updated on the boards.
  20. I thought I was going to like this guy but wow...not so much. While he is certainly more entertaining than Kara, he needs to go!
  21. I think he as cast as the "Jeff" of this season.
  22. I think she was cast as the "Jordan" for this season. (Shane would be the Jeff.)
  23. Seems more likeable thus far than Russell was - although Russell was definately interesting and that's what this game needs - some interesting characters. Time will tell.



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