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Everything posted by duchmo

  1. I really like Frank so far and I think this team thing ruined his chances before he ever got started. I wish they would do a season once again where they just put players in the house and let them go at it without any manipulation from outside sources as to who they should align with, etc., etc.
  2. That's about all she would be good for...but that's certainly worth something - better to be entertained than bored to tears!
  3. So far don't like her. Seems to have an ego that is bigger than the house...
  4. I thought for sure the production team would step in and see that he kept the only AF- Am player - really surprised they didn't in light of how much they seemed to have their fingers in things in past seasons...What a horrible team he picked (or at least it appears that way to begin with).
  5. New here and just had to respond to something Brittany just said to Willie on After Dark. I think she just made a HUGE mistake in telling him she was counting on him and not Shane to take her through. That's the kind of stuff that gets repeated and causes problems. Wasn't necessary and will come back to bite her before this is over. A shame because she has a pretty strong team right now.
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