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Posts posted by WOC

  1. Nick has to be closet gay or bi. His constant fawning over Tommy and Jack gives it away. He was just saying Tommy is so cute he wants to kiss him. He was fondling Tommy's crotch with his foot trying to get him aroused the other day. He cuddles with Tommy. He seems to be smitten with Jack too, but Jack isn't having it like Tommy. I would never, ever try and play with one of my friend's crotch with my foot or anything else. Ain't happening!  

  2. 1 minute ago, straykat said:

    I don't trust her. She says she's not putting up a woman. But it seems to me that she has been trying so hard to be part of the now defunct 6 that she may try to use her HoH to get an alliance going with some of them, like Jack, Christie and Tommy. I really don't think she wants to associate herself with the outcasts and could possibly put up Jackson and Nick to appease both sides.


    She's telling Nicole, Kat, and Cliff that she is going to nominate Jack and Jackson, with Jack as her real target. But I agree with you. She wanted to be part of the "cool kid's" alliance for so long that she may be easily swayed.

  3. She is so full of sh*t her eyes are brown. She was absolutely plotting behind Jack's and Jackson's backs. Of course she denies this and shifts blame and the idiots in the house buy it. It reminds me of Nick and Bella believing everyone in their alliance when Nicole tried to tell them their alliance was plotting against them. Like anyone will admit it? Trust is something they should leave at the door when they enter the house. You can act like you trust someone, but if it's more than an act you're doomed.

  4. 11 hours ago, HeleneL said:


    I hope there are enough complaints about this year's show that CBS will start cleaning house.  Or is that wishful thinking???


    I don't think CBS cares. People are watching and that's all that matters. I stopped watching BB for a few years, only to return for Paul's second go around. If CBS allowed that fiasco to go on then this season is small fries.

  5. 2 hours ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

    Jess is too stupid to be in the game. She can't compete physically or mentally. A total zero in the game. Her presence reminds me of her stupidity, which annoys me.


    She may just make it to the end because of this. Who would award her a win when she has done nothing?

  6. 19 hours ago, Gram02 said:

    Liked her at first but now I think if she was nominated she would curl up into a crying ball saying I don’t understand I love and I love you and I never said a bad word about anyone


    You're probably right. She's a sneaky little tart, but she's wearing thin on a lot of people lately. So maybe we will find out sooner then later.

  7. Poor bottomless pit got a tummy ache and barfed. Holy crap this guy can eat! He spends half his time in the fridge, I bet he spends a good deal in the crapper too. Didn't he say that he was picked on as a kid for being fat? I don't understand how he's not fat now. 


    His nasty eating habits aside, and his farting, and his elephantiasis of the jaw, I don't see what Holly sees in him. The other women in the house seem to be hating on the guy now (in secret). And to make things even funnier, Holly seems to think some of the other gals may be flirting with him too much. At least that's the impression I get. He makes Jack look good, and that ain't easy.

  8. I think he should go back on the block for cheating. Is that what they do to people who brake the rules? I don't remember. I wonder if he was up tonight, against Jack and Bella, if the others would flip and vote him out. It seems like he is on just about everyone's sh*t list. But BB will just gloss it over. 




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