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Posts posted by WOC

  1. 1 hour ago, Keepittogether said:

    It’s so odd that the feeds have been down all day. Either someone tested positive for Covid, a houseguest snapped or they’ve implemented some type of twist that they’re waiting for the live show tomorrow expose.




    I read that there is speculation that Day and Nic got in a fight, but I doubt it. That would be too good to be true. If it is Covid that person should be removed from the game and on it goes. If they ended it tomorrow would it be a loss?

  2. 18 hours ago, carmen said:

    Memphis needs to go and fast. He is just a despicable person who loathes people of color. The way he spoke to David in the HOH room made me ill. His body language, the tone of his voice, the heavy-handed way he offered the "deal" to David. All of it. Just sickening.


    I agree. I would love for David to win HOH and put him up. But only after David made a useless deal with him to keep him safe.  

  3. I don't like Memphis, but I don't hear what others seem to hear. I'm thinking "id" as in idiot. But no one is really sure. It's really unfair to say someone is racist by going on a assumption over what might have been said. If he sticks with his alliance(s) he'll have to nominate Day and Kevin. Didn't he and David say they wouldn't nominate each other last week or something?  

  4. 6 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    So, Day, David and Kevin have gone from 2 out of the 3 of them being nominated this week to being completely safe. That’s a big shift. More importantly, their eyes are now open to what’s going on in the house and the fact that they are targets and need to fight for their lives.


    They need to start working the cracks in the other alliances by using the Tyler nomination. I don't have much hope in David doing anything though. At least Day played the veto and showed she's ready to play and float by or get "blood on her hands." I think it would be great if she or Kevin won the next HOH.

  5. And this is why I prefer new casts every season.


    I wish they would pick a cast like this...


    4 Latinos

    4 Asians

    4 blacks

    4 whites


    Half those 16 people should be male and half female. Two males and two females in each racial group.


    And the ages should cover the spectrum... 4 of the people in their 20's, 4 in their 30's, 4 in their 40's, and 4 in their 50's. Each group having one of each age group and each age group split in two with males and females.


    I don't know how to get anymore even. I wonder how that would play out?

  6. On 8/5/2020 at 9:28 PM, Dade said:

    What is your strategy for winning the game?
    I want to get into a decent alliance and try to win the first HOH, just to make sure I don't get frozen out for being unpopular. Following that, hibernate. Towards the end of the game, I will ramp up and utilize my competition ability and take advantage of the game's structure.


    Didn't work out like he wanted.



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