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Posts posted by KyTallgirl

  1. No, Janelle's never called Danielle fat. Joho made bad remarks to Janelle about Dani's body/looks and Janelle told Danielle before Joho was voted out, then Brit started telling everyone that Jani lied on Joho. Brit's the biggest liar in there, constantly stirring sh!t to see how bad she can make it stink.

    Janelle complimented Danielle the other day, telling her she was very photogenic. Danielle turned that around to mean that Jani obviously doesn't think she's attractive IRL. (What a b!tch Jani was for complimenting her! lol)

    Thanks! I can't stand Britney now and didn't like her in her season either. She's one of the meanest catty girls to ever be in the house in my opinion. She always says the worst things about people in her diary room sessions, and then tries to say Janelle is the one talking about everyone else. I can't stand Boogie and it would kill me if he wins again...he makes me absolutely sick, but I hope he turns on Britney and her crew so fast it makes their heads spin!

  2. Thank you so much for clearing everything up for me! I feel much better now, knowing that I was hearing correctly. Danielle especially keeps saying Janelle was spreading lies about her, and I was thinking 'What lies is she talking about?' How sad. How very sad that they would do that to someone who is actually an ally. Everytime she asks one them if they're voting for her, and they say yes or let me talk to so and so about it, then bash her later, I want to cry because giving her false hope is beyond cruel in my opinion. Janelle will be fine I know, but the cruelty here is just horrible. If I were in that situation, it would really take a lot for me to associate with them after production. Especially Wil, because like you've said she won the coaches comp twice. Once to save Ashley, and one to save him, yet both are very ungrateful and are now refusing to save her.


    Me too...I don't have the feeds, but try and read everything on here so I know what's going on and I was also wondering what big lies Janelle's told. Also, has she ever called Danielle fat? Where did Danielle get that idea from?

  3. I have to admit that I did like Shelly in the beginning. The reason that I dislike Shelly so much now and especially after turning on Jeff and Jordan is that usually when a player goes in with their "game plan" of lying and scheming and backstabbing anybody they have to, they talk about it in their DR sessions and let the viewers know that is what they are doing and intend on doing. She didn't that I can recall...correct me if I'm wrong. She would say in the DR that she was with Jeff and Jordan, how much she cared about them, how much she was with them till the end even if they won the money, she was there to help them get to the end, AND how honest she is, that she doesn't lie, blah, blah, etc, etc. At least with people who let the viewers know what they are up to, love em or hate em, it doesn't make them out to be total liars/backstabbers when they do jump ship and do a total 180 like she did. With her proclaiming her honesty and integrity every 5 minutes and in the DR, it made her look 1000 times worse IMO.



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