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Posts posted by KyTallgirl

  1. Britney was angry with Dan during the veto comp for not throwing it to her or Shane. Shane had zero points and she barely had what, like 4 maybe. You can't throw someone the ball if they can't catch it. Neither her or Shane had a prayer of beating Frank as they couldn't answer any questions/name the pictures in the veto. Dan had to take matters into his own hands and try for the veto!

  2. I'd like to take a swing at the difference of ED vs. Boogie:

    ED played this game with passion and an in your face strategy.

    ED is a brilliant strategist AND he really has a talent for assessing other players play.

    Part of my appreciation for ED comes not from just watching his gameplay (where he won the game using this strategy that he actually brought to the game AFTER Allstars),but also from his analysis of other players after his season (house calls, his website).

    He actually seems to be able to accurately assess other players strengths and weakness - not so with the Boogie.

    Mike gloats, misinterprets his surroundings and knee jerk reacts....while it might seem similar,it was different. Mike is no ED.

    Mike Boogie has made a couple of big moves....but they were bad for his game. His ousting of Jannelle to keep Frank was great for Frank but was very short sighted on Boogies part. He overplayed his hand too early, ousted a coach ally, created distrust with the other 2 coach allies and overtly manipulated every one in the house.

    Mike trying to keep Frank at all costs = shortsighted.

    ED trying to keep Dani at all costs = a dad,who albeit messed up, was doing whatever it took to protect his young.

    Boogie taking of prizes over HOH and his treatment of Ian for not taking a prize is an arrogance that only Mike Boogie could think was good gameplay.

    ED may have played with ego and arrogance too BUT he knew how to use it and used it to win the game. IMO the only reason Boogie was on AND won All Stars was riding Dr.Will's coat tails and having a built in alliance with a BB god. Who knows,maybe Boogie can pull off another save this week but if this happens it will be a Hail Mary and because of the other HG's failure/stupidity not to break up that alliance vs. Boogie's great gameplay.

    Great post! I loved ED and his gameplay, but I can't stand the sight of Boogie!

  3. Also, they need for Ian to be able to keep getting them information. I wouldn't tell it was Ian either if I were them. They need to just stick together and not let Boogie manipulate them. They should know he'lll do or say anything at this point to turn them against each other.

  4. I have always liked Janelle and I like her tweet. I'd be a tad bitter at him too when all she tried to do was get her team to the end while she was coaching them and then tried to play with them once she entered the game as a player. It's not that he should have "played her game" as he was always calling it, but he could have kept her and worked with her to get the strong side of the house out (Lord knows he couldn't win any comps on his own) and then gotten rid of her later if that is what he wanted to do. Not voting her out wouldn't have meant he was playing "her game." In the BB house you have to make smart moves at the right time and I don't think helping to get rid of her that particular week was a smart move. Look at where he's at now...on a plane back to Kentucky probably.

  5. Does he do that often? I knew he had a few little "things" going on, rocking, walking on tip toes, etc., but I didn't know he "zoned out" or whatever. Bless his heart. I'm glad Britney is there for him too. I like her so-so, but she's not one of my faves. She has been better this year about not being soooooooo mean. Her season she was a sniper with her remarks and cattiness. Turned me off big time!

  6. I didn't see Season 2 with Dr. Will and Boogie. I did see the Allstar season where Boogie won. I didn't like him then and I still don't like him...it has absolutely nothting to do with Janelle. I will say it again, he's a sleeze and I just don't like him, lol.

  7. I do like Dan a lot and hope he can stay, but I just admit a small part of me hopes he gets backdoored like Janelle did. Even if he couldn't do anything to change it, the fact that he didn't even tell her is what irritates me about the whole thing.

  8. Im just wondering what is really wrong with Ashley!? The poor thing cant walk, earlier on the feeds it was about 645am BB time .She got up took some pills and Jenn had to literally help her back in bed. She was dragging herself into the bed.

    I feel for her. How can she compete like this? And they just called her into the DR. I wonder if she will be able to go on like this.


    Is she hurt or something? What's wrong with her?

  9. Did anyone notice how this dumb@$$ thought those songs they played during the HOH comp were real songs? What an idiot! I can't stand him and I thought his goodbye message to Janelle was so stupid. I'm sure Erin and Will wanted that drug up....AND Will flirted with Janelle that season just as much as she flirted with him. It takes two to tango!



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