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Posts posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. I hate her but she's someone I love to hate so I hope she sticks around a while because this woman is as bossy and confrontational as any BB player in recent memory and is going to start a lot of great fights. This woman has been seriously burned in her life or something because that is one hell of a chip on her shoulder.

  2. Last year, this post was called Live Feed Clip of the Day but I thought that was a bit restricting because some days have tons of exciting stuff and some days are so boring you’d probably be more entertained watching your cat take a nap. I’ll be posting clips I find entertaining whether it is significant strategy talk, a good fight, an interesting meltdown or something hilarious but this is a community effort so feel free to share clips you found interesting as well. If you haven't figured out how to access flashback on the feeds, you simply need to click the calendar icon in the feeds and enter the information listed in these posts. Here’s hoping for a season of great feeds!


    Thursday, June 27 / 11:02 AM / Camera 3 & 4 / 55 minutes - As the veto competition approaches, a desperate Elissa, finding herself being a target of the house, reveals her MVP status to McCrae and attempts to secure an alliance.

  3. Manipulated vs rigged...splitting reality tv hairs in my opinion!!

    Last year I don't think the game would have been re-set if Frank had not been on the block...I think someone would have been sent packing (rigged). Grodner might have tried to make nice-nice to Janelle after she was evicted but Janelle (and others) have said Grodner didn't really like Janelle. Last year Janelle didn't have the fan base she previously had so she was expendable to Grodner.

    Call it whatever you want but when Grodner brings people in on purpose (friends of her friends or Rach's sister or her stupid past hg's) you KNOW they are going to stay around a while.

    I think we're probably just confusing terms here. I think of rigged as competition/nomination/eviction results are predetermined by producers. I don’t think that is the case. I agree with you that the reset twist was timed deliberately to save Frank as Frank was bringing most of the drama to the house. I believe production was waiting to unleash this twist until someone they didn’t want to leave was going to be voted out and that happened to be Frank (and they would have lost a lot of great future moments if they lost Frank at that point). And no matter how many times I hear people say the schedule of competitions and twists is set before the season I don’t believe that for a second. The producers tailor the comps to the person they want to save and if they want to save someone that is lousy at comps then they will do something that’s all luck so at least they have a chance. It happens constantly if you pay attention. This doesn’t mean rigging though, it just means a good chance of a certain person winning.

    A couple prominent examples:

    -In BB12 after Rachel was voted out the producers obviously wanted Brendon to win HOH for the drama so they gave him a comp where you had to carry a very heavy pile of rope through an obstacle course. The only people strong enough to have a chance at this were probably Brendon and Lane and I think they figured Brendon was more brainy so they added a puzzle element too. Of course he did win the comp and brought lots of drama and ratings.

    -In BB13, Dani Donato had one foot out the door with all but one in the house targeting her so of course producers want her to win HOH so they give her a skiing endurance comp that was perfectly suited to her body type. Everyone thought Brendon was being whiny when he complained that the comp was made for a short, petite female but he was absolutely right.

  4. IMO the show is manipulated but not rigged. Returning players and breakout ratings boosters like Frank are of course given advantages to help keep them in the game. At the very least, I think producers try to convince other HGs not to nominate/evict them. At the worst we have blatant production interference such as the S11 Coup d' Jeff, the S13 Rachel/Jordan pair veto and the S14 forcing the coaches to enter the game and various tactics to keep Frank and Dan in the game like the double veto. However, in the end it is the HGs decision what to do with powers/votes. Shane even let slip that production tried to dissuade him from putting Frank and Boogie on the block but he did it anyways and Boogie went home.

    I think production does their best to help keep the ratings booster HGs in the show, which yes is unfair, but once they've given them one or two blatant advantages they realize that they can't do it anymore without viewer backlash and they have to back off. If they bought a couple extra weeks of boosted ratings then it was worth it to them. What can ya do? Ratings is money and money drives everything. Sometimes I wonder if the show would actually be worse without any manipulation because we might always be left with the most boring, unthreatening players left at the end of every season. Without any producer manipulation, the final three of BB14 would probably have been Danielle, Ian, and Shane (Dan would have been gone towards the beginning of the season). The final three in BB13 would have been Porsche, Khalia and Adam (UGH!). A lot of entertainment value could have been sacrificed for fairness.

  5. I am pretty sure your right that the MVP will be told in the DR as well as their special power. I have to wonder how this will work. If the MVP names the third nominee I would think they would have to do this in person in front of the whole house which doesn't really make it true that they can keep this a secret if they want. But based on the script that was released it sounds like the special power will be the one to make the third nominee so How will they do this. If it is done in secret where bb announces the third nominee it would open the producers to FCC complaints galore.

    I don't see why the FCC would care about this. I assume the MVP will simply be making this nomination on camera in the diary room during their DR session so as not to make other HGs suspicious. Then BB would just announce the anonymous nomination at the ceremony (they'd probably make it the first nom so that the HOH hasn't already used it). If the MVP had to do it in front of the house, then the MVP wouldn't be an advantage at all, it would be a giant red cross hair.

  6. She doesn't appear to have implants which is remarkable and I love it. I think that she is beautiful. I also think that she is there to be seen by those who can further her career. Ambitious.

    Yes! So sick of the ridiculously large fake boobs inundating us on TV these days. I'll never understand why most guys like women made of 20% silicone...

  7. She's probably the most intelligent person in the house and also seems humble, non-threatening and like a good negotiator. I think she'll do great if she can compensate for the age difference and can play down the fact that she's a mother and is a threat for sentimental jury votes.

  8. I thought it would be fun to see how everyone would rank the new cast according to their first impressions. I am ranking them in two categories, how much I like them (or how entertaining I find them) and how well I think they'll do:

    How I Like Them (from most to least)

    1. Judd
    2. Nick
    3. Helen
    4. Kaitlin
    5. Elissa
    6. Aaryn
    7. Candice
    8. McRae
    9. Jessie
    10. GinaMarie
    11. David
    12. Spencer
    13. Andy
    14. Howard
    15. Amanda
    16. Jeremy

    How Well I Think They Will Do (from best to worst)

    1. Helen
    2. Nick
    3. David
    4. Candice
    5. McRae
    6. Kaitlin
    7. Elissa
    8. Howard
    9. Aaryn
    10. Andy
    11. Jessie
    12. Spencer
    13. Amanda
    14. Judd
    15. GinaMarie
    16. Jeremy



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