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Posts posted by GreatSaltLuke

  1. For those with live feeds, I just noticed something that might get some conspiracy theories going. Go to today at 1:08 PM, Camera 1. Jeremy starts telling Judd about seeing Elissa coming out of a production door the other HGs aren't allowed in (dunno if this is the first time he's mentioned it). It sounded like he said as soon as he started questioning her about it production called his name and then the camera switches immediately away to the same stuff that is on Camera 3 & 4. If this story is just BS he's making up then why is production so obviously cutting away from the conversation instead of just telling him not to talk about production?

  2. First paragraph from "drugs.com"

    Adderall contains a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Both these medicines are central nervous system stimulants that affect chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

    Basically it is a central nervous system stimulant. When I was younger I took a similar medication, and I used to be zipping around for hours at a time.

    It initially has a calming effect, it enables you to concentrate DEEPLY and focus incredibly clear. Like I said I know firsthand the effects of this medication and I am completely floored that BB allows this. Do you know what an advantage this is in an endurance comp?

    Here's the worse part - when the medicine begins to recede after a few hours, there is a "crash" that occurs, you get a little sleepy, a little irritated, a little irrational, your whole personality kind of melts away.

    Also while under the effects, you feel kind of "bulletproof" and "superior" and that kind of sums up a lot of Aaryn's negative behavior.

    Interesting... yep sounds like Aaryn to me. She actually seems very intelligent and very focused to me but unfortunetely all the hatefullness and sense of superiority really sours her good traits.

  3. I feel a little sorry for Candice. She is pretty much the only one that has figured out that there is a super alliance of men but no one believes her and everyone blames everything that happens on her even though she is probably the most honest person in the house right now and always seems to take the high road. Unfortunately, people like that are boring to watch and don't belong in this game. :goof:

    I think BB is hurting the game by allowing the HGs to hear the audience cheer and boo their votes since that brings info from outside the house into the house which is against the premise of the game.

    I agree

  4. "Kaitlin: Tell me right now who told you to change your vote!?

    Judd: Well... I mean... uh... like who gave me the idea?

    Kaitlin: Who told you to change your vote!?

    Judd: Like... who did I talk to or like?

    Kaitin: Just tell me who told you to change your vote!

    Judd: Well I was... like... I was walking around... uh... before the vote... I'm sorry guys... I mean uh... I loved David and everything

    Kaitin: Just give me a straight answer, who told you to change your vote?!

    Judd: I mean... right before the vote... like I was walking around the house... and I saw some people... and they were sitting around and stuff... and I made a mistake... I can't bring David back... I mean... I hope you can... forgive me and stuff


    Judd: Well I was... walking around you know... and it was right before the vote... and I'm awful sorry guys... I hope I don't let you down again.

    Aaryn: You have broken my heart... into a million pieces... I have been betrayed... by my best friend... I don't know how I will ever get over this... like I am crushed and broken and broken hearted!

    Judd: I'm awful sorry, I don't know how this happened and I didnt' think he'd go home. I'd hate to think I let you guys down again this week. Hopefully that don't happen.

    Aaryn: It's cool Judd, just don't let it happen again okay? Hugs and kisses!"

    Okay this is exaggerated a bit but Judd cracks me up sometimes!

  5. But what if Jeremy decided that he would be the HOH instead of Aaryn?

    That was another reason they paired him with her I think. He certainly feels safe with her as HOH and wasn't going to put up a fight. He's in serious need of laying low after last week and is probably more than happy to give it to her.

  6. I think it's strange people are more upset by the cheating then they are about the really heavy HOH comp manipulation this week. Pairing up HOH players into "random" teams where the "random" team happens to be Aaryn and the person with the best body type for this comp? What kind of ridiculous crap is that!? This is pretty much as blatant as the Rachel/Jordan pairs veto of you ask me. Grodner wanted Aaryn to win this one and that's what she got. Yeah that will bring more drama this week but people have every right to complain about fairness in this instance.

  7. 1e8999d1-331a-454d-a31c-18614839ccbf_zps

    Monday, July 1 / 10:40 PM / Camera 1 & 2 / 1 Hour- Aaryn spends over an hour crushing David's soul with "well-intentioned" criticism and cruelty. Some highlights include his lack of ambition, his lack of personality, his lack of intelligence, his lack of confidence, his lack of self worth, her superiority over him, her interest in Jeremy over him, etc. And the poor bastard keeps begging for more. I don't know who I'm more disgusted with. On second thought, this is a depressing clip, don't watch it.

  8. 7213_zps1afe0d0e.jpg

    Monday, July 1 / 12:21 AM / All Cameras / 1 Hour- Buckle up for the best hour of feeds so far this season! After hogging all the wine for himself and getting drunk, Jeremy tells off half the house, leading to a series of various fights, drama and tears. Watch Camera 1 & 2 and then go back and watch Camera 3 & 4 because great stuff happens on both. You won't regret it.

  9. No I agree - Aaryn is over the top. I am not defending her. I live in Brooklyn - Aaryn is nothing compared to the filth that lives here.

    Deregatory remarks, slang, homophobic insults, I hear this stuff EVERY DAY. I am not saying it is right, but I have grown used to it. I have not become desensitized, just used to it. Pop culture is especially over the top. I will not list artists names here, but just about every rap song glorifies violence, drugs, abusive behavior towards women. Society reaps what it sows. As long as we as a collective continue to reinforce negativity by rewarding negative behavior it will never change. We can point a finger at Aaryn or Spencer and say "that's the bad guy" but tomorrow just brings another.

    It is a never ending cycle which must be corrected at a young age through education, and it will just never happen. For every kid you raise right there are twenty that are damaged goods. The cycle of shit just never ends. I am sorry to ramble on. This is an epidemic for which there really is no cure.

    CBS can only do so much as far as pre-interviews are concerned. They can't know what a HG will be like until they move in, and then it's too late.

    All we can do is change the channel, but then we'd miss the show!

    I agree and would also add that the filth some people are spewing is being recorded and viewed by millions of people. They will never be able to live these things down and that is a pretty fitting punishment. I live in freaking wholesome Utah (not Mormon though) and am not accustomed to the crude, nasty stuff they say in the BB house. It always takes a week or so for me to desensitize to it and remember that this is the norm in a lot of places. It makes me wonder how nasty these people get when they aren't playing a game where you vote each other out of half a million.

  10. I am going to lose it. Aaryn (what is this name anyway) just told Kaitlin that she shouldn't have talked to Jeremy the way she did. In other words don't tell your man what to do. She said that it must be a Texas thing but a female just shouldn't talk that way to her boyfriend or father.

    Here's the thing. It's not a Texas thing. It's a suppress your woman thing. And this just adds to the list of crap that makes me want Grodner to fix the game and throw some crazy new twist in so she can be evicted on Wednesday.

    Not to mention the hypocritical apsect that she has been treating David like absolute dirt beneath her feet all week.

  11. That's a fun little chart. I thought about doing something like that but it's done pretty well there. I think there is an innaccuracy though... Andy and Judd (at least so they believe) are in a separate alliance with Spencer, McCrae, Amanda and Howard and Helen is a fringe of that alliance.

  12. There's a problem here I don't see her winning anymore in MVPs! I don't want to see her go so she can't just rely on that! She's going to need to start being a beast in competitions!

    I dunno, I could see her winning it again next week. She's gonna have America's pity vote for having the house against her and there aren't that many people in the cast that stand out as likeable yet. McCrae might be but you can't discount the Brenchel army out there rallying votes.

  13. Jeremy either couldn't care less about winning the game and just wants to look tough on TV or he is the worst BB player ever! I don't know if I ever remember anyone making more mistakes:

    -Never dare people to put you on the block

    -Never promise that you are going to win every competition

    -Never consume alcohol yourself that was meant for the house

    -Never bully other HGs, especially women

    -Never make everyone uncomfortable

    -Never start a fight without a strategic purpose

    -Never tell the house you don't care what anyone thinks

    -Never tell the house you will dump your showmance with no second thought

    -Never run around bragging about who you slept with last night and what base you got to

    -Never spread it around the house that all the ladies want you

    Should I keep going?

  14. I don't get why she isn't going home over David.. is it just the numbers thing? I've only been watching the show and BBAD. Not that it's hard to accomplish, but she is the smarter player out of her and David.

    I think it's a smart move.. by the men's alliance at least. David WAS the only male physical threat that wasn't in the alliance (not sure if that is still the case) so getting rid of him meant they should win any comps where males have an advantage, which is a lot of them. Plus, he is aligned with the women and Elissa is enemies with most of the women so keeping her around is a good idea. Plus, if she keeps winning MVP, then they will know who the MVP is instead of it being a mystery person, which could be a big problem for them.

  15. most popular- Spencer

    funniest- GinaMarie

    most dramatic- Aaryn

    stupid- David

    nicest- Helen

    smartest- Helen

    cattiest- Aaryn

    most forgettable- Judd

    most unforgettable- Jeremy

    loudest- Amanda

    snootiest- Aaryn

    best vocabulary- Helen

    most limited vocabulary- Judd

  16. Elissa bothers me a bit. It's not that I don't like her but every time I see her it's like a super watered down version of Rachel. I love me some Rachel purely for the entertainment value but her sister doesn't have a fraction of her passion and screen presence. Rachel wasn't a much better player (she won due to a combination of mostly luck, production and her Brendon shield) but she was super good TV and Elissa is quite the opposite. I kind of wish she was going home this week because she's pretty much just being used by the whole house and I can't help but keep comparing her to Rachel and being disappointed.

  17. Thanks for this thread! I guess someone missed posting about Davids little reveil? 2:21)pm on 6/29 cam 3, rear shot on cam 4. (viewer discretion advised)

    Hehe I avoided that on purpose but thanks for posting for the ladies. Now if one of the multitude of pretty chicks this season could slip up, I'd be all over that!



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