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Everything posted by EpicWifey

  1. 2:50PM BBT: Suzette and Liza talking on the sofa in the LR Suzette saying "like damn when are the twists gonna start." Cam changes to the BY where Alec and Andrew are and Alec is called to the DR. 2:54PM BBT: Cam changes back to the LV. Suzette saying "how can I build an alliance if I don't talk with anyone. I see people are gonna go after Tom." Liza says "Andrew is going after him for sure. If Canada is watching and I'm the stupid girl that gets dumped." She rolls her eyes. Liza says Emmitt has already approached Tom for a final 3 with Tom and Jillian. 3:00PM BBT: Suzette says Emmitt and Jillian are so close it bugs her. She says Tom told her that he will have to pick Emmitt off cause he won't win against me. Suzette says she had to talk to Tom yesterday about how hard on Gary he is about what Gary eats. 3:01PM BBT: Gary and Topaz in the BY talking about going to Canada's Wonderland after. Tom comes out and asks hes interrupting talks and they say no come sit. Tom joins on the wonderland talk and another theme parks. 3:03PM BBT: Liza is now in the BR with Peter. He is telling her to be careful and he is trying to do damage control for her all week. She needs to lay low, and be a non player for the next 2 weeks. Not spend all her time with Tom. He says actually if you win HoH that's ok cause that shows your not throwing the comps. Peter says "This week was so easy and everybody is trying to play for next week." Liza says "So that's my biggest problem?" He says "yes and don't trust Gary and Topaz". She says ok I was talking to Andrew earlier." He says "That's not helping either. Talk in groups when people see you alone they think its game talk." 3:09PM BBT: Peter tells her to also start to to do stuff that they are going to play foil ball later and she should play. I walks Andrew and Liza asks if he wants to play too. Andrew says "If Liza doesn't play" They all laugh. He leaves and Liza asks anything else? How do you fell about me sleeping with Tom? He doesn't say yes or no and she compared them to Emmitt and Jillian. Peter says "But people don't think Emmitt is controlling Jillian." Liza says "Tom is not controlling me." She asks what if I but up Alec and Topaz? Peter says "That could potentially hurt me." 3:15PM BBT: AJ and Andrew talking by the pool. Andrew asks "Did you talk to Talla she is being nicer to me?" AJ says "No, Talla is just up and down." Then AJ says Tom doesn't understand how close im and Aneal are and Anel wouldn't vote against him. He says Tom wanted to put up Aneal but he convinced Tom to put him up instead. [Feed 2 and 4 (the BY) are cutting in and out which makes it hard to understand them.] 3:22PM BBT: Tom, Topaz and Gary on the sofas in the BY talking about married people shouldn't go to bars alone and that it just causes problems. Topaz says she doesn't want to get married anytime soon cause she wants to have fun still. 3:24PM BBT: Foil Ball about to begin in the LR. Peter is telling AJ, Talla, Andrew and Liza the rules. 3:30PM BBT: 1 of the rules are if someone asks the score you can lie and that will be the new score. Someone asks Andrew the score and he says 110-0 for him. To win the game you need to score 111. AJ takes his turn and somehow the score resets to 0 for both. Alec asks the score and Andrew beats AJ to say 110-0 again.
  2. 11:01AM BBT: Suzette tells Gary (about Tom) "I can apologize but it's still not gonna change the kind of person he is. Liza in the BR with them brushing her hair. Gary says Liza "you're too rough when you brush your hair ." She says "Its not my hair." 11:08AM BBT: Someone must be sleeping somewhere as BB is sounding the alarm clock. 11:20AM BBT: Everyone is just lazying around this morning. Small chit chat in the KT and BR. 11:25AM BBT: Aneal and Tom whispering at the KT table. Tom telling him if he wins HoH he should put up AJ and Jillian and tell AJ that he's the floater but ultimately they would all vote out AJ. 11:30AM BBT: Tom and Aneal whispering now about all possible scenarios about if who wins HoH what they would do and what would happen at veto. 11:34AM BBT: Tom and Aneals talk breakups feed 2 gives us a very dark look at the crew hallway. Now we are in the BY where Liza and Andrew are in the hammock talking about Rome and vacations they've taken. 11:38AM BBT: Tom is now whispering with Emmitt on the LR sofa. Tom filling him in on his talk with Aneal. Tom says he's more worried about Andrew down the round. Emmitt says he's more worried about Aneal. Tom says Andrew told him Liza was trying to make a final 2 deal with him. Emmitt says Liza is controlling you. Tom says no she's not. He says he called her out saying ppl were saying shes losing comps on purpose and he told her she better start to win. 11:43AM BBT: Jillian joins them in the LR Tom asks her if she wins HoH would she put up AJ and Topaz? She says thats not want I would want to do. Tom asks her who she would put up and before she can answer AJ walks over and joins them. Now Tom is asking what Aj would do if he wins and who would be a replacement nom. AJ says I haven't thought far enough for replacement. [Tom seems to be making his rounds and grilling everyone this morning] 11:48AM BBT: Aneal and Alec in the HoH telling Alec he feels everyone (in the 9) has someone and feels somewhat alone. Alec tells him he's gonna try his hardest to HoH and he doesn't want to see Aneal go so of course he will be safe. 11:57AM BBT: Tom now with Talla and Topaz on the KT sofa. Tom tells Talla he had a dream he had a date with Talla and it ended in them having sex. Talla leaves and Tom tells Topaz hes using her (Topaz) right now. She has how? He says to make Liza jealous cause shes in the hammock with Andrew trying to make me jealous and I don't play like that. 12:01PM BBT: Liza and Andrew in the hammock. Andrew's arm is on her legs and thigh. Liza telling him she has been in love with a guy for a decade and its time to move on. Andrew says that or time to be together and she says he doesn't want to be with me. He can have who ever he wants so he doesn't want to settle down. 12:07AM BBT: Tom now follows AJ to have smoke. Talking about who would go after who. AJ says Aneal has a legit reason to put up Jillian because she put him up. 12:09PM BBT: Tom tells AJ hes not even a pawn hes a seat filler. Aj jokes "Tom, I'm really worried about thursday." Now they are talking about what to where on thursday. 12:11PM BBT: Tom and AJ agree Liza vibes with everyone in the house. Tom says Peter is the male version of Liza. They agree both of them have no targets on them. 12:15PM BBT: Liza tells Andrew its annoying that everyone thinks shes throwing the comps cause she really isn't. 12:20PM BBT: Tom tells AJ that if him and Andrew wants to make it farther they need to make a better alliance, like talk to him, Alec and Emmitt. 12:25PM BBT: Tom and AJ still by the hot tub now talking about Talla and how she is so indecisive. Tom says Talla is very close with everyone in the house and she is very safe. 12:28PM BBT: Tom and AJ end their chat and head to the BY.
  3. 12:40PM BBT: In the BY Tom is telling Suzette about stories of being a firefighter. He says he wants to become a full time fire fighter, he doesn't care where just wants to do it. 12:49PM BBT: Suzette, Tom and Alec working out and talking about music. In the KT AJ, Andrew, Peter and Emmitt just random chit chat. Aneal comes in and asks someone to clean up the pizza. 12:57PM BBT: Feed 3 seems to be back up and running. Not a lot going on in the house this morning. 1:03PM BBT: In the KT Andrew tells AJ "you work the sweater vest with no shirt underneath better than anyone I know". Aj says he's going to go work out with a cigarette in his mouth while wearing the sweater vest. 1:10PM BBT: Tom is done working out goes to KT to make lunch. We get HotH 1:21PM BBT: HotH for 10 mins now. Possibly might be time for the POV ceremony
  4. 11:00AM BBT: Talla and Gary go to the KT and Talla starts telling Liza how frustrated she is with Andrew not doing anything and how Gary doesn't like him touching his butt. Liza says "Theres only one thing to do about that, win HoH" Gary whispers to Talla "Don't tell anyone else about Andrew." 11:05AM BBT: Talla and Liza go to the BY Liza tells Talla she doesn't like that Gary doesn't trust her and she needs to tell him her word is good. Talla and Aneal are in the KT she thinks about going to nap and then BB plays an alarm clock over the speaker. She says I guess I'm not going to nap. 11:12AM BBT: Emmitt and Jillian in the HNR Emmitt is telling her what she should of been doing in the HN comp. Tom and Andrew laying by the pool talking about how hot it is and there's no fresh air so its hard to sleep well. 11:15AM BBT: Tom gets up to get ready to workout. Alec already working out in the BY. Andrew starts talking to Alec about being nervous about Talla. Andrew feels she is a different person Alec says that's all in your head. They speculate about who Talla would put up if she wanted to make a big move. Alec says ok I'm gonna go workout. Andrew goes inside to try to sleep standing up as BB isn't letting nap. 11:20AM BBT: Silence on all cams as Alec works out and Tom is HoH listening to music. 11:25AM BBT:Liza come in By Alec says "Liza I've never talked game with you, does that scare you?" Liza "No". Alec "Its scares me". Liza "wanna chat now?." Alec "sure." Liza walks over the workout area. Liza starts off by saying "I don't really like the 9, I feel like part of is just steam rolling the house. I would love to see Gary, Aneal and Talla to win just to see what would happen." 11:31AM BBT: Andrew telling AJ that hes at the point where if he wins HoH he will put up Talla and Gary. Complains that they are so self centered. 11:33A BBT: Liza and Alec agree that they both have Peter so they don't need to talk game that much together. Tom comes out to the work out area so game talk subsides. 11:36AM BBT: Aneal pops his head out to the hot tub area and they tell him is pouring rain and they almost slipped out there. [es its a very rainy day here] 11:40AM BBT: Liza and Jillian on the BY couches. Liza telling her that Alec was grilling her about her "showmance", asking if they have kissed. Jillian whispers "I don't tell Emmitt anything the girls tell me." They agree that the guys tell them everything. 11:43AM BBT: Liza tells Jillian she thinks Peter isn't a real player and that he is Canada's player. 11:50AM BBT: Peter and Emmitt in the outside hallway. They both agree that Gary should be going this week and Suzette is useless. They understand that Tom needs to honor the deal and they respect that but they don't like. Peter says "Gary being left in this game for too long is dangerous." 11:57AM BBT: Emmitt says Suzette screwed herself by saying everything she did and flipping out after the veto comp. If she would of kept her mouth shut she could of just floated a long way. Their chats ends and Emmitt goes to lay on the KT couch. 12:06PM BBT: Liza goes into the BR Gary is there and she says "I don't think that you don't trust me." Gary explains that he completely trusted her but he told Talla that in confidence and he walks into to KT and tells someone right away. Now they start to complain about how Andrew really doesn't clean towels. Suzette comes in and Liza goes out. 12:12PM BBT: Peter and Emmitt are in the KT watching AJ in the BY running and jumping over the workout balls. Apparently he fell because they can't stop laughing. 12:18PM BBT: Tom, AJ, Alec and Suzette in the BY they are talking about what day they think finale is. Tom says he wants to stay in Toronto for a week. He wants to go to a Blue Jays game and hit up the Hockey Hall of Fame. 12:24PM BBT: Aneal is ripping apart a bed in the BR looking for a earring. Gary is really putting on a full face of makeup today. Andrew pops his head in and asks Aneal if he's making a fort. 12:27PM BBT: Feed 3 has been down all morning and just changed to say "OFF THE HOOK!" "The camera for this Live Feed is temporarily offline. Please check back soon and we'll have it up and running"
  5. 11:00AM BBT: Jillian laying on the BY ground while Peter tries to throw pillows between her legs like a field goal. He runs of of pillows and out walks Emmitt with more pillows from inside. They are going to use the pillows for a game of dodgeball. 11:07AM BBT:Alec, Andrew and Talla in the WA discussing about napping and who BB lets to nap while saying others can't. Gary has been napping in the hammock since he got up. Andrew leaves, Alec says he wants to hang out with the girls but they are just doing pedicure stuff so he will hang out with them later. 11:20AM BBT: In the WA Liza whispering to Talla about someone telling Tom she is a flirt she says "I'm a sexual person but I'm not promiscuous person, that's Topaz.She's all over everyone." Alec walks in so chat stops. When he leaves Liza says "This whole 9 thing is great but maybe its time to veer. We need to push the girl thing with Jillian." 11:28AM BBT: Peter is taking a shower. Talla goes to get Jillian and they go talk in the HNR . Talla telling her the girls need to stick to together , don't let your guard down. Jillian says "I know the boys have something". Talla says you gotta know what just incase of double evictions. Jillian says "No big moves until jury" 11:38AM BBT: Talla and Jillian talking about who they would want in there final 6. They seem to can't decide but want the girls for sure. Jillian keeps pushing that she wants Aneal to stay with them for a long time. 11:41AM BBT: Liza and Aneal in the HoH. Liza seems to be telling him that the guys think they have the power. She says " I have very specific ppl I want to keep safe" He says "who". Liza says "you, Talla. I think Gary and Talla are prepared to make some very big moves in this game and you need to get on board". 11:46AM BBT: Liza "I'm gonna to tell you something but if its comes back to me I will know you told. If Talla wins HoH she will put up Alec and Andrew with plan to backdoor Emmitt that way it gives him no fighting chance." 11:49AM BBT: They talking about the HoH comp coming. Aneal says if Andrew wins what would he does. LIza says " Gary and Tom probably" Aneal says "Tom?" Liza: "This week AJ and Andrew screwed themselves by trying to swing the votes to get for Suzette to stay so she can get Tom out. Suzette is the one who came up here and threw AJ and Andrew under the bus." 11:53AM BBT: Liza tells Aneal he is her number 1 and no one suspects it. Someone (sorry didn't catch who they went right to the WC) knocks on the HoH door and they change the talk to comps.
  6. 8:45AM BBT: Once the line had been completed BB announced that the task is not complete until every item is put back in its original spot still with only 1 person standing at a time. Talla puts everything away and BB announces the task has been completed. Everyone gets up and heads back to bed. Now we have HotH. 8:54AM BBT: Feeds return, someone is in the WC but before I can find out who the feeds return to HotH 9:10AM BBT: Feeds still HotH 9:45AM BBT: Still HotH.
  7. I was beyond excited when I heard they were going to do a BB Canada. To be honest I didn't expect it to be great and was worried it wouldn't make it past 1 season. After its aired now with huge ratings (for Canada) its looks like its going to stick around. I think the smartest thing they did was get the brick to sponsor and furnish the house. Think about someone watching and says wow I love that couch and then goes to the brick to buy it. The prize seems small but many average people would be more then grateful to win it. The only tiny issues I have so far are the camera work and mic sounds which seems to be getting a little better all the time. The feed masters are amazing and as long as they continue not to cut the feeds a hundred times a day I will look past there camera issues. Oh and one last thing I love is how they interact with viewers on twitter. That's something I don't think we will ever see with BBUS.
  8. 7:09PM BBT: Alec and Topaz are cuddling in the BR talking about 15 mins of fame. Gary comes in and says he has no clean underwear. Topaz says do laundry. Gary hasn't done laundry in the house once. Talla comes in and starts to talk about her poop. 7:13PM BBT: Tom and Liza are in the HoH bed playing with Tom's monkey. (His stuffed toy monkey!) 7:20PM BBT: Not much talking on the cameras. In the BR Suzette is painting her nails, Topaz and Alec relaxing silently on the bed. Gary blow drying his hair. Other cams showing Tom and Liza in the HoH Bed talking about how they are being portrayed to Canada. 7:23PM BBT: BR cams change to BY where Andrew, AJ and Peter are sitting on the couch talking about the Have Not comp. Andrew and AJ saying they are so happy Peter and Talla are not have nots again. Peter seems to have hurt his ankle in the comp and they are telling him he should have the doctor look at it. Peter leaves and Alec comes out. 7:29PM BBT: Andrew questions Alec about Tom saying he would take Gary off the block if you won veto. Alec says "something doesn't seem right". Andrew says "is it cause he just wants to make sure Suzette goes"? Andrew says "if I win veto I'm gonna have a hard time taking Gary off". Alec says "you don't have to, if you win you do what you want". Suzette joins them and the change the convo. 7:38PM BBT: Tom tells Emmitt that his replacement nom will be AJ or Andrew but he expects a 10-0 vote for Suzette to go. Emmitt asks Tom if final 6 was Emmitt, Jillian, Tom, Liza, peter and Alec who would Liza put up if she won HoH? Tom says "Jillian or Alex or maybe Peter, she takes Jillian as a threat she tells me this personally." Emmitt says Jillian will do what he tell her to do. 7:45PM BBT: Emmitt tells Tom Liza won't take Tom to the end cause he's won too many comps. Tom says I'm dumping her at jury anyway. 7:48PM BBT: In the BY Talla, Andrew talking with Suzette about maybe talking to Tom and she says "theres' no point, my fans are happy with me. There's all these showmances and bromances". Andrew jumps in and says "we all know what we signed up for" Suzette says "I know". She knew coming in that she wasn't a bikini model and has a husband. 7:55PM BBT: In the HoH Emmitt (to Tom) "I'm gonna tell this but don't say nothing, Jillian told me Liza says she's going after Topaz and Alec. Did Liza tell you that?" Tom says "Well she told me Jillian and Alec. She said when she first came into the house she thought Jillian was gonna be her biggest target. " Emmitt says "I think its a beauty pageant this between them 2". Tom called to the DR. 8:03PM BBT: AJ, Alec, Peter and Topaz are in the KT. AJ is singing a little meldoy he just made up. "Even if they give you beavers and poutine it really messes up your daily routine." 8:06PM BBT: In the BY Suzette, Andrew, Liza, Peter on the couches talking about what the ages of kids should be on the internet, playing video games and watching BB. We get an annoucemnet *Attention House Guests this is your 10 minute warning. In 10 Minutes you will be restricted to the Backyard.* 8:12PM BBT: Suzette leaves the BY, Aneal joins. Liza starts to bash Suzette right away. Telling Aneal that Suzette said 5 years old are ok to be watching the live feeds. Aneal says what does she think this is a motivational show. Liza says "who I should stop giving so many blow jobs then". 8:18PM BBT: BB announces a 2 Minute warning. Lots of last minute scattering inside. 8:20PM BBT: ODLD called and we get HotH. Looks like its time for Noms Ceremony.
  9. 2:00PM BBT: Feeds on FotH for an hour an half. Have not competition underway. 2:30PM BBT: Feeds still on FotH (2hr mark)
  10. 11:00AM BBT: Gary tells Topaz he needs to make a final 2 deal with Tom. He will tell Tom "I will stay on my side and you stay on your side, but I can do your dirty work so you don't get blood on your hands." 11:05AM BBT: Topaz leaves the hammock so it doesn't look bad. Jillian, Emmitt and Suzette are in the BR talking about Suzette's pregnancies. IDLD has been called. Everyone heads inside. 11:10AM BBT: Tom, Talla and AJ in the HoHR talking about the vote last night. Talla is explaining why she voted to evict Aneal. 11:15AM BBT: Tom asked AJ and Talla in case noms are today who do you want out? AJ says "Gary of course, Suzette second" Talla says I agree 100%. Tom says "that's what I'm leaning towards." Now they are discussing how negative Suzette is. 11:19AM BBT: Gary and Suzette are in the BR. Suzette says "I know they are going to put us, and if the house wants me out then ok" Gary says "don't give up". She says "I'm not, I'm going to fight for veto". 11:23AM BBT: Back in the HoHR Tom saying he's gonna to stick it to Suzette in his nom speech. He's going to say "This is 100% personal, I want you to prove to the house why you want to be here." 11:27AM BBT: Suzette and Gary talking about how they (mostly Jillian and Liza) say things about how much fat is in the food she is cooking or how much food Gary eats for a portion. 11:35AM BBT: In the HNR Topaz asks Alec what he thinks about Liza? He says "How do you feel about her?" She's worried Liza and Peter are too close and may have a sub alliance. She feels Liza is making deals left right and center. Alec says she's gonna play herself out. 11:45AM BBT: Feeds are going in and out of FotH 11:53AM BBT: Feeds come back after almost 10 mins of FotH. Topaz and Alec still in HNR discussing where they stand with all HG's. 11:56AM BBT: Tom, Liza and Talla hanging out in the HoHR just random chats. Talla leaves the HoHR. Liza puts the headphones near her mic and we get FotH 12:06PM BBT: Alec kisses Topaz and leave the HNR. Tom and Liza alone is HoHR not a lot of talking more starring into space. Topaz called to DR. She says "why when I always look like shit" 12:10PM BBT: Jillian and Emmitt join Tom and Liza in the HoHR to bash Suzette. They are annoyed how she is always saying no one knows what its like to be away from her kids and husband. 12:16PM BBT: Tom tells them its gonna get weird when there is only 8 ppl left, but at least jury house won't have glitter, whiny moms or annoying blondes, just pl who sleep all day and don't wear shirts. They all laugh. Everyone else hanging out in the KT. 12:20PM BBT: Talla pretends to give a speech for winning an Oscar to the KT crew. Every1 boo's and gives her the music because she isn't do very good at it. 12:25PM BBT: Liza leaves HoHR to go eat she's scared she will be a HN and won't get to eat. Tom says he's gonna stay up in HoHR as much as he can. Alec comes in and asks Jillian for a pre game pedicure. She says no, not before the comp.
  11. 10:35AM BBT: Gary still ironing, Danielle still cleaning the entire house. Liza, Jillian, Aneal, Alec and Suzette in the KT talking about slop. 10:42AM BBT: Danielle walks in the BR to Gary crying and says I'm not gonna go home, don't be sad. And if I do you'll feel better after you see my goodbyes to everybody. 10:45AM BBT: Gary goes DR camera changes to the BY Talla, Andrew, Peter and AJ talking about the World Juniors Hockey Tournament. 10:50AM BBT: AJ says if a girl tells him she has slept with a hockey player its hot. Andrew says he does not want a girl to tell him who she has slept with ever. 10:53AM BBT: Gary comes out of the DR, goes to the storage room and is full out crying and blows his nose on his shirt. He opens a pop and tries to calm down. 11:00AM BBT: Gary walks out of the SR every1 says whats wrong as he goes to the BR saying nothing,nothing! He comes out to Jillian and Emmitt on the LR couch and says I'm just sad I like the both. Danielle comes over and says I'm not going don't worry. She tells Jillian I'm not worried. 11:04M BBT: Gary telling Danielle maybe I shouldn't of taken myself off the block and I could of played game to stay. Or I wish I would of worked harder to get you to stay. [He seems to be dropping hints but Danielle isn't catching on - EpicWifey] They continue to talk about how much they hate Tom. 11:08AM BBT: Gary and Danielle continue to be talking quietly and very catty about the other HGs as everyone is in LR or KT with them. 11:16AM BBT: Danielle, AJ, Suzette, Peter, Jillian and Emmitt in the LR talking about Britney from BBUS. AJ brings up Amber and how much she cried on her season. 11:24AM BBT: Just general chit chat from the HG's 11:30AM BBT: Liza, Tom and Talla sitting on the KT sofa. Liza is rubbing Tom and Talla's legs. Talla whispers something about Danielle but I couldn't make it out as the other HG's chats are louder. 11:40AM BBT: Jillian is giving Emmitt a massage in the LV. Liza, Andrew, Alec, Talla and Tom(sleeping) in the KT talking movies and tv shows. 11:51AM BBT: Aneal hs joined Jill and Em in the LR (Peter seems to be asleep on the couch). The KT crew is still talking movies. 11:56AM BBT: Jillian and Emmitt go to the HoHR to clean up and pack up her stuff. 11:57AM BBT: Gary is in HoH saying ppl should be giving the HoH respect and vote as they want. Emmitt says you can't blame Jillian for ppl votes its out of her hands now. FotH
  12. 10:30AM BBT: Alec and Andrew in the BY talking movies. Topaz and Peter also there on the couches. 10:34AM BBT: Jill, Emmitt and Suzette in the KT talking about not getting enough sleep in the BB house. 10:36AM BBT: AJ and Aneal join the KT. Aneal asked Jill to cut his hair later. AJ says when he gets out he wants Emmitt hair. Forget Justin Bieber everyone is going to go into the barber shop and say I want the Emmitt. 10:45AM BBT: Jill says she hates getting her makeup down professionally. Even for her wedding she will do her own. Especially hated getting her makeup done for coming into the house. 10:51AM BBT: Just general chats happening in the BY and KT. Danielle is vacuuming in the living room. 10:57AM BBT: Gary is plucking his eyebrows in the WA. Talla is also there painting her nails. Gary says he talked to Aneal last night and said sorry things are going down the way they are. He just wanted to clear the air with him. He feels Aneal was making it his fault, I'm not HoH I didn't put him up. 11:03AM BBT: Gary saying he's not afraid to do anything drastic in the game. Canada wouldn't want us to sit back and take out floaters. Chat turns to pride. Gary says he wants his own glitter float for pride. 11:10AM BBT: Gary and Danielle now alone in the WA. Danielle says Tom and Topaz were whispering and starring at her earlier, "I was like wtf". Tom needs to be gone first. Danielle says she wants the power and can't wait to get it. [looks like we may have our first blindside of BBCan] 11:16AM BBT: FotH for a few minutes now. 11:20AM BBT: Feeds back. Gary and Danielle now in the BR. Gary talking about all the alliances Tom, Emmitt and Alec have. Danielle says why doesn't anyone like me? He says cause you won't give it up like the other girls and I respect you for that. Danielle says shes the pawn this week. Peter comes in and the convo changes to makeup. 11:23AM BBT: Peter leaves and Danielle whisper I hate when ppl come in when were trying to talk. They both agree Peter is just floating along. Danielle says I need to win HoH and we still need to get Tom out first. Gary now going to shower and shave. 11:27AM BBT: Jillian and Emmitt now laying in the HoH bed. She says is weird lying straight to someone faces. Lots of touchy feely going on now, afternoon make out session seems to be starting. 11:33AM BBT Jillian says Liza swears Topaz doesn't like Alec that its just game. More kissing in between talking. Emmitt says Tom hasn't set any ground with anyone so he's still able to float around. 11:38AM BBT: Aneal telling AJ and Topaz in the BY about his long distance relationship. His boyfriend lives and goes to school in Florida. 11:45AM BBT: As AJ and Aneal talk religion it the BY, AJ is giving a relaxing/sleeping Topaz and hand massage. Earlier she had a foot massage from Alec. In the HoHR Emmitt and Jillian chatting and cuddling. 11:50AM BBT: Jillian and Emmitt discussing how no one does their dishes. She says AJ is a free loading loser and she called him out on not doing his dishes. 11:55AM BBT: Peter and Alec in the BY at the workout area talking about common names and how Danielle is the most common name in BBUS history. Danielle gets called to the DR. 11:57AM BBT: Alec says he googlesd his name before coming in to see if anything of his leaked but another Alec came up and hes pissed about it. [i googled it and found this, pretty sure it was the guy he was talking about ]
  13. 10:30AM BBT: Everyone seems to be in the BY beside Gary and Suzette. Just general chit chat. AJ and Andrew discussing all the interviews they are going to have to do after the show. Everyone else talking about hairstyles. 10:40AM BBT: Topaz is asleep in the hammock. Alec working out. BY group talking about BBUS comps. Mostly the one where you have to shave head/burn clothes for points. Discussing who would do what for points. Jill says it would be fun to have to dye her hair pink. 10:46AM BBT Alec and Emmitt at the workout area whispering that if Gary won HoH Alec thinks he and Topaz could convince Gary to put up Aneal or AJ. Just as long as its not 2 from there alliance. Over at couches Tom and AJ saying how Kat was more of a bro and that's a big turn off. 10:52AM BBT: Em and Tom go to HoH room Tom: Danielle's been starring at me not in a good way, hope shes packs all her clothes cause shes going home. Chat turns to hockey, Tom says he sees a lot of players come in to the bar names: Hall, Eberle and Nuge. He just went to a Edmonton Oilers game vs The LA Kings. He said he's more of a Calgary Flames fan. 11:00AM BBT: Jill, Talla and Liza in the KT talking about the dishes back up of dishes since they have no hot water. Suzette walks in and says "Come on guys, I did them yesterday, I'm not doing them" 11:08AM BBT: Jill, Talla, Liza, Suzette joins Em and Tom in the HoH room. Liza suggests her Talla and Jill get matching BB tattoos. The other 2 girls think its a great idea. AJ, Peter, Tom and Aneal(sleeping) in the BY on the couches talking about NFL 11:15AM BBT: Talla telling Jill and Liza how her twin sister was so excited to be on tv. She said she was trying to keep her calm because she didn't want to ruin her chances of getting on the show. 11:23AM BBT: Tom and Em leave the girls to the HoH room and go to the BY to toss the football. In the HoH room Jill, Talla, Liza and Suzette chatting about school experiences. AJ, Andrew, Peter still talking football on the couches. 11:32AM BBT: Gary is trying to console a crying Danille in the WA. She's upset how everyone is fake and its getting to her. Gary: "Don't let them get to you" Danielle: "Its fucking hard, they are always around. " FotH cutting in and out. 11:37AM BBT: Danielle saying its the days that they don't do anything that's the worst. Her sanity isn't worth it. Gary says if you leave for selfish reasons who am I gonna go to. Danielle says Tom is so fucking mean and his ora is killing them all. She says I just need to win HoH. The crying has stopped (a loud nose blow) and now she says she feels better. 11:43AM BBT: Gary to Danielle "I wanna tell you something but I can't because of the mics. If I tell you you will leave" then he giggles. Danielle;: If its a mind blown then don't tell me." Gary: But I need someone to talk to or I'm gonna go crazy" Danielle: "Ok tell me" and then in walks Liza and talk turns Gary's make up 11:52AM BBT: Gary and Danielle alone in the WA He's saying this isn't the 24 hours Gary he's made a deal {with production thats why he's trying to talk about it without the mics} that he has to look a certain way and keep up his need of the deal. Of course we get FotH or a second.
  14. 10:46pmBBT - Everyone laughing and calling out Topaz and Alec for kissing in the BY tonight. 10:53pmBBT - Emmitt, Gary and Andrew in KT. Andrew talking about when he was younger how things were different, like cellphones being so big. In the WA Liza is picking/shaving Toms back. 11:00pmBBT - Andrew,Danielle,Gary in KT talking about where Danielle and Gary should go to make it big. Andrew (who's feeling no pain from the party) telling them to start in Vancouver. 11:02pm BBT - Tom, Talla in WA saying discussing who to get outif they win HoH. Saying they want Gary, AJ and Suzette out next. Talla and Jill stop to chat and speculate how many go until jury. 11:10pm BBT - Dani telling Andrew shes ok if she goes this week cause in her eyes shes already won. Jill having a bath , Emmitt showering in the HoH bathroom. Emmitt gets in bed and puts on music after his shower. 11:20pm BBT - Liza and Aneal in hammock discussing how the pawn always goes home. 11:21pm BBT - Em asked Jill if she told Liza about them making out. She says no. Tom feels Liza is putting pressure on him because of all the couples. Jill feels Liza is being super flirty with Tom. 11:26pm BBT Aneal says "Jillian sealed her fate this week by the nominations she made, she could of played it safe" In HoH Em and Jill have turned the lights off and started the nightly make out session. 11:34pm BBT Liza, Andrew, Dani in KT general chit chat. Liza talking about publishing books, asks Andrew what his dream job is he says "to not work" she says "then win" 11:40pm BBT - Andrew says he afraid to be alone, he wants a family. Liza says she WILL be married and pregnant in 2 years. 11:42pm BBT - Andrew tells Liza that Tom is getting on his nerve, Liza says AJ is getting on her nerves so that puts them in bad spot. 11:47pm BBT - Topaz,Alec,Peter,Aneal,Andrew in BY chatting about what life's gonna be like after BB 11:53pm BBT - In BY Aneal telling Alec and Topaz how all the couples are so cute. In HNR Tom and Talla discussing order of who needs to go after this week. 1st Gary, 2nd Suzette.



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