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Everything posted by EpicWifey

  1. 1:39PM BBT: Topaz tells Talla what she wants to know who is voting to get her. Talla says Andrew told her he knows what he wants to do and will tell everyone on Thursday. Peter is sleeping on the couch in the KT. Gary has come out to the KT. 1:46PM BBT: Topaz telling Topaz the best cause scenario would be to get Andrew to take someone off and put up Emmett. Emmett is a huge threat and after this week he will be able to compete in every pov and be able to take himself off. He is going to be impossible to get out. 1:55PM BBT: Gary, Jillian and Emmett in the KT. Talla and Topaz still in the HNR. they think they hear someone so Talla jumps down to hide beside the bed while Topaz checks. Gary drinks some of the water that Emmett put salt in. He spits it out in the sink.
  2. 12:33PM BBT: Alec tells Topaz he wants to explore his feelings for her but just not here. Topaz says "I still feel like you want me gone to make your game better." Alec says "I really don't want you gone. I don't know why you keep saying that." Alec says we will continues this when I come back from the DR. I wanna give you a hug and a kiss but I can't cause this isn't a showmance anymore." Topaz says well I will give you a hug cause I want one." 12:37PM BBT: The HGs in the HoH are speculating when the BY is closed. Gary is in the BR alone doing his makeup. 12:38PM BBT: We get SotH. 12:40PM BBT: Feeds return. HoH crew now talking about how Gary will reacts once he is told he is evicted. 12:47PM BBT: Its Gary bash time in time in the HoH, from how he acting when put on slop to how he says hes special and everything revolves around him. They feel he would blow the money if he won. 12:51PM BBT: The buzzer goes off in the HoH. Talla was sleeping. She says she wasn't (She has the music on) but we could hear her snore for a second. she gets up and dances outside the HoH door. 12:55PM BBT: Jillian goes to look to see if the BY is open and it is. Everyone leaves except Talla and Andrew. Talla talks to him about Topaz about flipping out on her yesterday. Emmett and Jillian start a make out session on the BY couch. Talla tells Andrew she will never turn her back on him. He says right now we need to know that there is the 4 Me, you, Jillian and Emmett. 1:02PM BBT: Talla tells Andrew Topaz told her last night that her and Alec showmance breakup is fake. But Talla feels that maybe Alec is just telling Topaz that. Andrew says we can't worry about that right now. Andrew says he can't put up Alec because he saved him. 1:07PM BBT: Andrew and Talla go downstairs. Andrew goes to the BY. Alec comes out of the DR and has to tell Emmett to go in. Alec tells Peter about talking to Topaz and what he told her. Peter says he thinks he is going to have a talk with her on Wednesday night maybe. Topaz comes in and Alec asks if she wants to continue their talk and she says yes. So they go back tot he HNR. 1:15PM BBT: Topaz and Alec don't really discuss any thing new, just rehashing from the convo before. She says I really want you to vote for me just in case. Alec giggles and says we'll see. She doesn't want to be evicted with a 0 vote. Alec leaves to go workout, they share "last kiss ever." Peter, Andrew, Talla and Jillian in the KT, everyone but Peter eating lunch. Topaz goes to the BR to tell Gary all about her convo with Alec. 1:27PM BBT: Talla pops her head in the BR and Talla says come to the HNR with me. They talk about posture and how they are supposed to sit. Topaz tells Talla her and Alec have decided to be friends. Talla says do you know how hard that is going to be. 1:32PM BBT: Alec is at the dining table with Andrew quietly talking about his convo with Topaz. [The way this is spreading they should of just sat everyone down and told them about it all at once.] Emmett sits down to eat and they talk about pranks they should do today.
  3. 11:33AM BBT: HGs now on IDL. Alec is taking a shower. Everyone else in the KT talking celebrities and models. Gary said his friend works for the ACC and Katy Perry said she wants this, this and this. Jillian said I think Katy Perry is the least biggest diva because she watched her movie. Topaz and Talla say you can't base it on that. 11:48AM BBT: Gary goes to the WA where is chats with Alec. Emmett goes to the HoH to chat with Andrew. Emmett tells him be careful of what he tells Talla. They start to talk about what ifs for next week. Jillian walks up the stairs and Andrew was waiting for her to get to the door to scare her but she walks back down. 11:52AM BBT: Topaz and Alec having a conversation in the HNR. Alec says he doesn't know why she is mad about the flirting with Talla. She said she was mad that they were sleeping in the same bed. Alec says "I heard something yesterday about a locket you were wearing. Topaz says "I don't want to go home and see I was being played in a showmance." [trying to change the subject] Alec says "So who gave you the locket?" She says "My sister." 11:56AM BBT: Topaz tells him that she tells Gary everything about her personal life. Gary came out yelling at her because he heard that the locket was from a guy from Alec and that she had told him that it was from her sister. Alec says "So a guy didn't give you the locket, your sister did but you lied to Talla and Jillian saying a guy did?" She says yes it was a stupid lie. He asks "So you do have a guy at home?" She says "No, I went on a couple of dates with a guy before coming here." 12:02PM BBT: Topaz says she feels that Alec always says he won't have time for a girlfriend. She hears all these things and doesn't know if he is just saying stuff to the guys. Alec says "But this doesn't explain why you lied about the locket." Topaz says "I was just trying to cover for my feelings and maybe being playing." She says yesterday she felt like his kisses and hugs were fake. He sasy "Yes because I heard about all that locket stuff." 12:07PM BBT: Alec says "This is a very hard place to nurture a relationship. Its hard to build trust in here." Topaz says she said coming in she didn't want a showmance and she tried to stay away from Alec at first. They continue to go over the way they felt hurt. 12:14PM BBT: Alec says "I think the showmance needs to need end. The best ting for us is to wait to get into jury house or out of this to sort things out. Its hard in here to separate the game from real life. Do you feel that's the best?" Topaz says "Yes that's obviously best but its just hard." 12:18PM BBT: Alec tells her she is probably going this week and he will probably go next week. She tells him she is hearing that she isn't going but they don't want to confirm that cause Gary will flip out. Alec says he is going to probably give Topaz a vote either as a sympathy vote or if the house changes then he will be with the majority. 12:21PM BBT: Topaz says she wishes that Alec would come to her if he is mad at her for something. Alec says "I always come to you." Topaz says "well when we do talk your not telling me whats up." he says "I always do." While these 2 have talking the rest of the HGs (minus Gary) are in the HoH just generally chit chatting. 12:26PM BBT: Alec says showmances can't break up in the house. Topaz says "OK so why don't you just say that why you want me to leave the house." Alec says "I don't know why you keep saying that. Here's what we need to do 1. Break up the showmance. 2. I'm going to go back to being friends with everyone."
  4. 10:35AM BBT: Talla and Gary laying in bed in the HNR. Everyone else in the BY having general chats. At the moment they are talking about if the like to talk on the phone or not. The alarm goes off in the HNR Gary sits ups for a second and it turns off. 10:40AM BBT: Talla asks Jillian if she has farted everyday that they have been there? Over in the HNR the alarm sounds again. Gary decides to go take a shower. Topaz "I'll come with you and maybe take one too." 10:48AM BBT: Andrew, Alec and Emmett are heading to the HT. Gary tells Topaz BB told him to stop being so careless with with mic and at the moment its swinging around. 10:52AM BBT: The guys in the HT talking about what they did while in sequester. Surprisingly BB hasn't told them to stop. Emmett talking about what books he read. Andrew says they told him to call when he wanted to eat. The phone only dialled one number. 11:00AM BBT: Talla taking hockey to Peter and Jillian in the BY that she is a Oiler and Redwings fan. They gets up and starts to run to the bathroom. "see you guys in 10." Jillian says "She's so funny." Jillian says to Peter "So you missed all the drama last night." Peter says that Alec filled him in this morning. Jillian says it was kinda her fault. Peter tells Jillian week 2 that Liza asked him who he thought was the biggest target an he said "As long as someone is in the house they are a threat." Liza told him she thought Jillian was the biggest threat. 11:05AM BBT: Peter tells Jillian he is going to watch the whole series in 2 15 hour sittings. Jillian said she will be sad when people say mean things about her but he will have to get over it. The HT guys (Emmett, Alec, Andrew) talking about real life stories. As huge piece of ice fell from the sky and scared them. 11:13AM BBT: The HT guys talking about BBUS and BBUK. Alec says he thinks Mike Boogie leaves right next to the BBUS house. Andrew thinks its crazy how people think Boogie is good looking. He says it shows that as long as you are a celebrity you can get laid. Jillian showing Talla dance moves in the KT. Topaz is also there. 11:20AM BBT: Emmett said the story he has to tell people for coming in the house was he was heading out west. Andrew says he told a girl that he applied for a job and she can't ask questions. He could be gone for 2 weeks or 3 months with the potential of making a lot of money. Alec's ex asked him if they could get back together and he said he can't cause he may not be here. She said to him your going on survivor aren't you. BB announces that this the 3 minute warning that the BY will be of limits.
  5. 10:46AM BBT: Feeds are back. All HGs are in the BY. 10:47AM BBT: Alec and Gary are playing air hockey. AJ, Talla, Emmett and Jillian watching on the sidelines. Topaz, Andrew and Suzette are watching from the couches. 10:52AM BBT: Gary beats Alec. Next up is Talla vs. Jillian. Suzette and Gary are going in the pool. 10:58AM BBT: Gary complaining that they guys always say best 3 out of 5 when they aren't on top. Feed changes to Alec telling Peter that Gary has got to go, he says Andrew said Gary told him Peter is a floater. He tells Peter he needs to win something even a veto just to so he's doesn't look like a floater. They break apart saying they will talk tonight. 11:06AM BBT: Suzette, Gary and Topaz talking about the pride parade. They say what if Slice had a float with the Real Housewives of Vancouver and all them on the floater. Topaz says her sister probably already signed her up for school so she will have to go to school right after BB. Gary and Suzette telling her not to go right away. She will have modelling requests and so many opportunities she should do first well everything is still fresh. 11:13AM BBT: Andrew beats Emmett at air hockey and is very happy. Alec tells Andrew and Emmett hes going to blow his brains out. Gary and Suzette are driving him crazy with talking about how famous they are going to be after the show. 11:16AM BBT: In the pool Suzette and Gary still talking about how famous they will be and how Suzette has connections. 11:27AM BBT: Alec and Emmett working out. Suzette alone in the pool now but Talla, Topaz and Gary on the loungers. They are talking about clubs. Feeds changes to AJ, Peter, Jillian and Andrew outside just as they were finishing talking about Suzette before Jillian and Peter go back to the BY. AJ walks over to Andrew who is in the HT. AJ says Suzette is gonna get ripped to shreds when she gets out. Andrew says he is over Gary. AJ tells him Gary told him he is giving his vote to Suzette. AJ says he doesn't care but he respects that he told him. 11:32AM BBT: AJ tells Andrew that if you want one person from a showmance out you have to put up both people from the showmance. Andrew says he doesn't and he doesn't care what the other half of the showmance thinks. AJ says he would rather keep Topaz around because she is useless. Andrew says he hates that because she slide to the end. 11:40AM BBT: Gary, Talla, Jillian and Topaz poolside generally talking about how they are in life. Suzette still in the pool. AJ and Andrew still at the HT speculating if who wins tonight who would they put up. 11:44AM BBT: Topaz tells them she never works out because she was super skinny in high school and was trying to gain weight. She says now she has what she calls "normal weight" but would still like to gain 10lbs. All 5 of them start talking over each other as they talk about insecurities and what they were like when they were younger. 11:48PM BBT: AJ tells Andrew they are gonna have like 20,000 followers on twitter after this. Andrew finds that hard to believe. AJ says the viewership for BBCan is in the millions. 11:55AM BBT: Andrew and AJ go back to the BY. Jillian telling Gary, Topaz and Suzette she is bigger (her weight) then she wants o be right now. She is 145lbs and she wants to be 135lbs. She keeps saying "I weigh a lot". Talla, AJ and Andrew on the couches talking numbers and weeks to come.
  6. 10:30AM BBT: AJ outside smoking talking to himself until Andrew comes out and ask him if he is nervous. BB tells the HGs this is there 3 minute warning and they need to go to the BY. Andrew goes inside. AJ telling himself he wouldn't mind leaving right now and also be happy if he was the first jury member to have the week alone. 10:35AM BBT: HGs get their final warning and must go to the BY. Talla and AJ are playing air hockey. We get SotH.
  7. 12:05PM BBT: Guys still working out. Topaz and Talla still doing yoga. Gary comes out and talks to Topaz and Talla yells at her that there is no talking in her class. Suzette and Gary go to play some air hockey. 12:15PM BBT: Gary and Suzette go outside so Gary can have a smoke. Yoga class is still in session. Jillian, Alec and AJ working out. 12:20PM BBT: Gary telling Suzette he's happy that he can finally be himself and be comfortable. He feels BB is just s stepping stone and there's still so much he can do. Suzette says she hasn't been guilt tripping anyone. She has mouths to feed and she determined and they don't get that. "I know so many peoples lives stories but as soon as I share mine its not OK. Yoga class has come to and end. 12:26PM BBT: Suzette says the thing that hurt the most was when they were waiting to do the glass house (HoH comp) she was pumping himm up then when she beat him he was mad. Gary says he was embarrassed. 12:30PM BBT: Andrew and Peter in the KT talking about real life stories. Gary goes in to make a salad. Suzette heads to the WA or BR. Talla is laying on a lounger by the pool. Jillian, Alec and AJ still working out. 12:41PM BBT: Emmett having fun teasing Gary in the KT. HG's being called into the DR for goodbye messages. Emmett came out and told Peter they wanted him, he said I'm just gonna put on a shirt. Emmett tells him no they want you shirtless they told me. When Peter came out he says "They didn't want me shirtless Emmett!" 12:47PM BBT: Suzette in the pool talking to Topaz. She's talking about what she's gonna do when she leaves the house. She can't wait to activate her Facebook, watch all the shows and see what all the fans are saying. 12:53PM BBT: Emmett and Gary now having the discussion about washing your own dishes and cleaning up messes. Emmett tells him he didn't clean up the stove from last night, Talla asks if she can use Gary's cutting board and he says no. Talla asks why and Emmett says because Gary likes to dirty as many things as he can. Gary says he feels like everyone is ganging up on him and he's sick and doesn't want to b***h fight. 12:56PM BBT: Emmett and Peter go to the BY. Gary and Talla going over the never ending discussion about the dishes and cleaning.
  8. 10:30AM BBT: Alec gets called to the DR and comes out with the camera. The theme of the pics are workout tips. Andrew beats Emmett again in air hockey. 10:35AM BBT: AJ and Andrew outside wile AJ smokes. AJ says he's going to make an obstacle course for the pics. They are taking about Suzette's nightmare and there goodbye messages for Suzette and the other that have left. BB tells them to stop talking about the DR. They talk about Suzette's lines she always says: Hey Boys and Hell yea. They joke that its a double eviction because they are evicting her sayings. 10:40AM BBT: Gary and Suzette go outside everyone talks about the weather and how sunny and nice it is. [Not for long it's cloudy where I am so it should get cloudy there within the hour]. AJ and Andrew go to the BY. Gary is all wrapped up in a blanket. He's still not felling well which mean we still have whiny Gary. 10:40AM BBT: In the KT AJ and Talla joke that someone needs to be on Topaz duty all the time to make sure she's all awake. Jillian and Emmett come in the KT and Talla telling Emmett to leave the dishes. The stove is dirty and Emmett says it was from Gary last night. Outside Suzette says its like Mob mentality in the house. When someone keeps on the block they are the black sheep and it like that with Tom and Liza too. She says she doesn't care if they portray Emmett to be the hunky guy he is really mean. 10:50PM BBT: In the KT its the daily no one does their dishes. Talla says she feels guilty for not cleaning but she has to stop doing other peoples dishes. Her and jillian feel its disrespectful when people don't clean up after themselves. Alec is starting to take the workout pics now. Talla is up first. 11:02AM BBT: First pic is of AJ jumping over the ball. Next was Andrew, Emmett and Peter doing pushups together. Then Talla with weights in her hands. Gary and Suzette doing there makeup in the BR. 11:09AM BBT: Peter takes a pic of Alec bronzing his chest. Then they take a pic of the difference in color between Andrew and Alec. Topaz tells Gary and Suzette she's not taking any pics. 11:14AM BBT: Alec now taking pics of Jillian doing yoga poses. Suzette now on the elliptical she's next for pics after Jillian. 11:20AM BBT: Jillian doing some pretty impressive yoga poses for the camera. All other HG's go silent as she does a few at the end. Topaz sitting alone on the BY sofas and watching everyone over at the work out area. 11:24PM BBT: Time is almost up so Alec quickly takes a pic of Topaz fake sleeping with a weight in her hand. Now a pic of AJ outside lifting a weight while having a smoke. To capture the story that after a workout he always goes for a smoke right away. They take a few more random pics of the guys. 11:35AM BBT: Suzette and AJ cleaning the KT. Talla and Topaz doing yoga by the pool. Talla is her instructor. 11:39AM BBT: The KT cam changes to Gary in the BR putting on some of the skinniest pants I've ever seen. He catches Alec as he's about to take the camera back so they go the BR to take Garys pics. Gary is in front of the mirror lifting his makeup brush instead of weights. 11:49AM BBT: I'm not sure Topaz is enjoying this yoga class. She's yawning and looking around. Talla gets impatient and tells her to pay attention. AJ goes and gets a can of mountain dew and stands across from Topaz and gives her some inspiration and tells her to reach for the dew. 11:55AM BBT: Emmett tells Talla she doesn't need to yell. [i agree. I thought yoga was supposed to be peaceful]
  9. 10:02PM BBT: Emmett, Alec, Andrew and Peter in the HT discussing who they would and would not want to talk to after the show. Gary, Suzette, Jillian and AJ hanging out in the KT. Gary gets called to the DR. We hear Gary say "Hi Big Brother" in the DR. 10:06PM BBT: Alec says what he realized about the double eviction is that they (the HGs) really have the power. Especially during the double eviction cause BB doesn't have time to intervene. Emmett tells the guys that Gary told him Suzette was running around saying that they rigged a comp. They are discussing how Tom didn't really win all the comps. Peter says he helped him in one and the veto hockey won they don't count. 10:11PM BBT: Emmett asks Alec if he worried about Andrew hitting the wrong bottom in the HoH comp. Alec says "I didn't want to screw him over. I just didn't want to eat for a night and then be back on slop. Andrew says he's just pissed he didn't get a letter. Alec tells him he can have his HoH room. Andrew says "Its OK." 10:14PM BBT: Gary now sitting down eating. Jillian joins him. Topaz comes down from the HoH she is going back up to take a quick cold shower, she is hot. Suzette went to the BR where 2 others were already in bed. 10:18PM BBT: Jillian is talks about her acne and brings up what Ragan said to Rachel. "The only thing real about you Rachel is the pimples on your face. Topaz eats something and Gary asks her if she's putting the fork back in the bowl. He was raised where you don't do things like that and double dipping. She goes back to do it and Gary yells "Topaz you know it upsets me." 10:22PM BBT: The HT crew talking about if Gary put up AJ and Andrew that Andrew would defiantly have their votes to stay. Alec says he doesn't want to be in the jury house a long time. Andrew says "Coming in he just wanted to make it jury. He doesn't want to be there but he would be OK with it." He knows that only 2 make it to the end and he's OK with it not being him. Andrew gets called to the DR. He says "Great perfect time for me to go now these guys are gonna talk game about me." 10:27PM BBT: HT crew talk about who they think needs to go in what order. Alec says he thinks Topaz needs to go next. Alec tells them Topaz said today "IF I get the house in s**t they will have to suck it up." Peter telling them maybe that;s could to keep her around as it's putting more a target on her, even if it sucks for them. Alec says "I'm actually more worried about Talla. He doesn't know what she would do if she won HoH." 10:31PM BBT: Gary cleaning up his KT mess. Suzette leaves the KT to go to bed. Gary says hes coming soon. 10:35PM BBT: HT crew going over so many what ifs and speculations. Gary brushes his teeth and heads to bed. Jillian in the WA straightening her hair. Emmett gets called to the DR. Peter decides to head inside he says he's really tired. Andrew comes out and gets back in the HT with Alec. 10:41PM BBT: Gary is worried that they aren't allowed to sleep yet because the lights are still bright. Alec and Andrew are talking about Gary saying that Andrew is a strong player and Topaz told him the Gary says he would put up Andrew. They talk about if Peter and Andrew were on the block next week Alec and Topaz would vote to keep Peter, Talla and AJ would vote to keep Andrew leaving Jillian and Emmett's vote. Alec tells him he would fight to get Emmett and Jillian to vote to keep Peter, he's sorry but that's the truth and he doesn't want to lie to his face. Alec says "Lets just make sure that doesn't happen." Emmett and Jillian join them at the HT. 10:49PM BBT: Emmett gets called back to the DR. He says "Oh its my pills." Jillian says "Want me to get them?" and she goes to the DR. 10:53PM BBT: HT crew (Emmett, Alec, Andrew) now talking about weather. Peter goes to the BR and gets in bed. Gary is laying on the bench and Suzette in her bed not much talking between them they are waiting for the lights to dim still so they can sleep. Talla and AJ appear to be sleeping already. 10:58PM BBT: HT guys discussing how bad Liza's game play was. How she would go around saying everyone was going after everyone and how she was trying to make final deals with everyone. Jillian comes back out with Emmett's pills. Alec's turn for the DR. 11:02PM BBT: Andrew now telling Emmett and Jillian that Alec said he would push for them to vote for Peter if him and Andrew were on the block. They said that Andrew would have their vote. the continue to speculate and reiterate that they just need to win. 11:06PM BBT: Topaz joins the BR and they are talking about the air hockey table. Andrew, Emmett and Jillian talking about their team/couples from earlier tonight and we keep going in and out of SotH. 11:13PM BBT: Andrew seems to be really "grumpy" and irritated about Gary saying he wants him out, he still continues to talk about it with Jillian and Emmett. Gary in the WA he's about to take a shower [his 3rd I've seen today] He's telling Topaz about a convo he has with [i think] Emmett but he doesn't have his mic on so its hard to get the whole convo. Topaz says she's going to change her load of laundry and then go to sleep. She's going to try to not a have grumpy day tomorrow. Earlier tonight Gary tells Suzette he won something where next week he can swap any one of the POV players with a player he wants. 11:22PM BBT: HT crew discussing previous showmances on other seasons of BB. Alec stops in the KT for a bite to eat. [He eats out of the dish that Gary made and exactly how Topaz was eating out of it that got Gary upsets. We get SotH.
  10. 3:05PM BBT: Talla and Alec playing air hockey. Jillian and Emmett at the dining table sliding something back and forth. The goal is to slide it right off. Emmett is sitting with his sore foot up. 3:10PM BBT: Andrew and Alec now playing air hockey. Emmett, Jillian and Talla sitting on the side watching and waiting for turns. Peter comes outs ans says "Hey sloppers, there's a slop thing in there (SR) full of mold and stuff." Suzette in the KT cutting and cooking some veggies. 3:24PM BBT: Air hockey games still being played. Suzette still cooking and cleaning. We saw Topaz getting dressed after her shower for a brief moment. 3:33PM BBT: Emmett and Jillian take a break from air hockey to have a little make out session by the HT. At air hockey its Alec and Talla against Andrew and AJ.
  11. 2:30PM BBT: Everyone back inside except Alec, Emmett and Suzette. Topaz asks Talla if she wants to go in the HT. Talla says "Maybe later I just got dressed." Suzette and Alec are playing air hockey. Talla seems to have cut her finger, Peter is looking at it. [its not that bad] 2:35PM BBT: Jillian puts grapes in her mouth under her upper lip and shows everyone. They all say she looks like a who. AJ says "Whats a Who?" Peter explains from Dr. Suess the whos that live in whoville. [she really did] 2:44PM BBT: HGs taking turns at the air hockey table. Talla got a little to competitive and threw something. She said she needs to calm down. AJ and Alec joke with her asking if the she broke anything or got blood on the table. She is putting away the dishes complaining about people not doing anything. 2:51PM BBT: In the KT Alec says he's a Blue Jackets fan. AJ makes fun of him and Alec says I'm not really a fan. They discuss sports a little more. Talla interrupts them and asks them to push in there chairs when they are done using them like at a restaurant. 2:54PM BBT: Talla asks everyone if they think her mayor knows who she is now. AJ says I hope not or Edmonton is in shambles now, he should have more important things to do. AJ goes to say the mayor of Edmonton but says mayor of Canada and everyone laughs. Andrew asks "have you ever heard of Stephen Harper the Prime Minister. Alec sends a shout out to Stephen Harper and says thanks for supporting us."
  12. 2:13PM BBT: Alec goes over to Topaz who is laying on the HoH bed kisses her and tells her he is proud of how she is handling the no napping. They discuss there date tonight and if they want to have a double date with Jillian and Emmett. Alec comes to the KT and gets called to the DR. In the KT Andrew was humping AJ and chasing him around. Jillian says "Can you 2 stop flirting for 5 secs so AJ can make coffee." 2:17PM BBT: Topaz goes in the BR and Gary asks her how she feels about the no nap rule and BB bringing out the rule book. She tells Gary and Suzette she's going to go to bed at 9pm and they better not buzz her then. Alec comes out of the DR and grabs a pot and looks for a spoon and tests them for sound on eachother. He then goes to BR and starts banging the pots yelling everybody go to the KT. 2:21PM BBT: Alec says "If you like prizes go to the KT. Hey HGs Canada has voted they have decided to stow upon us a pool table or hockey table. Lets go outside to see. It is a AIR HOCKEY TABLE." 2:22PM BBT: Everyone yelling with excitement and continuously thanking Canada. Talla and Alec against Peter and Andrew first. [The noise from the table is going to hurt my ears after a while, why did I vote for this lol]
  13. 1:45PM BBT: Feeds are back. 1:46PM BBT: They are still on ILD. Topaz sitting alone on the LR couch not looking very happy. Talla says "Did they ever let anyone nap in any other one?" Alec says "No one wants to see anyone nap." Looks like the SotH was to enforce the no napping rule and that would be why Topaz is mad. 1:50PM BBT: Emmett and Peter sitting at opposite ends of the dining table sliding something back and forth. Jillian, Topaz, Alec and Andrew making food in the KT. 1:53PM BBT: Gary and Suzette are having the make up sess they agreed to have this morning. 1:59PM BBT: Suzette telling Gary how she is always talking good about everyone in the DR and she's so over that. She says "I think it is time for me to leave." She telling Gary that she's going to go the states to do some shopping. There's a radio station there that she will do so adds for and they always put her and her family up in their penthouse. 2:02PM BBT: It's lunch time in the KT. Jillian still complaining there is no ketchup. BB took their ketchup when they had the bbq party and haven't given it back. They are going to try to make their own ketchup soon if they don't get some. 2:05PM BBT: Topaz now in the KT saying she is going to start going to bed really early. "As soon as I see it dark I will go to bed 2 hours after that." Andrew says "They might buzz you because of after dark." She says "If I go to bed at 9pm? That's a normal time to go bed." Topaz goes to the HoH where Alec is showering and says she is going to take one after him.
  14. 1:20PM BBT: Jillian and Talla making meatballs for dinner tonight. Topaz is confused as to why they need breadcrumbs for meatballs. We get SotH. 1:35PM BBT: Still SotH. 1:36PM BBT: Feeds return for a very brief second as Andrew is coming out of the DR and says "Everyone to the Living room" and we get SotH again.
  15. 12:08PM BBT: Gary is in the pool. Talla is lifting weights. Alec is also working out. HT talking about about what past BB players have a wiki page and imdb. Peter says he already has a imdb for himself because of his videos. 12:15PM BBT: Talla goes inside to use the WC. Emmett and Jillian leave the HT and go inside. Alec asks Emmett how his foot is as he walks by. Emmett says its not good. Jillian says its bruised all the way up his foot. Cam switches to Topaz sleeping in the BR and the alarms sound. She sits up and says it's so annoying that you can't nap and there's nothing to do. Suzette says "I know that's why I decided to clean." 12:20PM BBT: Andrew and Peter talking about how Gary and Topaz's vacation is coming to an end. Andrew calls her the "ultimate sleeper" literally and figuratively. Peter says he thinks Alec is getting feed up with her too. They agree Topaz has the f**k you attitude and doesn't apoligiza if she getst he house int rouble for something. Topaz lays back down and this time the alarm sounds throughout the house. Topaz now complaining that everyone else can nap but not her. Her voice is getting very loud [Hate to say it but she's starting to remind me of Chima] 12:30PM BBT: Peter and Andrew (At the HT) going over what ifs for the weeks to come. Gary still in the pool. Talla, Alec and AJ working out. AJ trying to decide if he wants/needs a haircut. 12:32PM BBT: BB: Attention HGs in 30 Minutes the BY will be off limits, I repeat in 30 minutes the BY will be off limits. Talla, AJ, Alec and Gary all yelling "Why" 12:36PM BBT: Cam 1 changes to Topaz sleeping in the BR with pillow over her face. And of course off goes the alarm. She says "This is bulls**t." Andrew and Peter still at the HT talking about the other HGs. 12:42PM BBT: Emmett goes back outside to the HT. Andrew asks "Do you keep napping? Is that why we keep getting buzzed?" They all joke about Topaz sleeping the game away. Now they speculate why the BY is closing. 12:45PM BBT: Again the cam changes to Topaz sleeping this time she is completely covered. The alarm sounds all throughout the house. She tells Talla "I was trying to hide." The guys leave the HT. 12:50PM BBT: Alec, AJ and Andrew in the BY speculating why the BY is closing. Alec says "What if its Canada votes and we get like a pool table or something." [My guess would be that they are putting the pool or hockey table] Topaz gets out of bed and staggers to the couch in the WA lays down and closes her eyes. Gary is in the shower. Alec and AJ in the BY talking sports. BB: "HGs this is your final warning, the BY will be off limits in 5 minutes." 12:55PM BBT: Gary and Talla having a conversation that is getting a little heated about gay people in other countries and what will happen to them if they come out. Gary wants to start a charity or something where he can go into other countries and help save gay people and bring them back to Canada. Talla and Topaz tell him its not that easy. 12:59PM BBT: Emmett and Peter in the KT talking about Topaz and the alarm sounds for Topaz sleeping. [They are all getting annoyed of Topaz and I think BB knows that, that's why the have started to play the buzzer all throughout the house. Hoping to start an argument.]
  16. 9:45AM BBT: Emmett shows everyone in the KT how bruised and swollen his foot is. They tell him he should see the doctor. He says he's OK and he's got some pills to help the pain. Talla and AJ in the BY. AJ semi-apologizing for something he did, and if it makes her uncomfortable he will not do it anymore. AJ goes inside to have breakfast. 9:51AM BBT: Andrew joins Talla and AJ comes back out with his cereal. They are discussing things that happened yesterday. Jillian cooking, Alec, Topaz, Peter and Emmett also in the KT. They are talking about Frank from BBUS. Alec and Peter can do a perfect impression of him. Peter is a huge fan of him and really wants to meet him. Jillian says “How old is he? The name sounds old.” 10:00AM BBT: Gary comes in the KT and asks if he can have some bacon and Jillian says “It's spoken for.” He says “The whole package?!” Emmett says “I thought you were gonna eat healthy today Gary?” Gary seems very annoyed and leaves the KT. Talla, AJ and Andrew talking about Gary and he flirts with people. They agree Emmett has a soft spot for Gary. Talla doesn't like Gary's attitude for last few weeks.
  17. 2:54PM BBT: Suzette saying she doesn't know what to say at the POV ceremony, "I know this is a reality show but can I get a writer?" Topaz and Talla doing their makeup in the WA. AJ out of the DR he's going to take a shower. Suzette called to the DR now. 2:57PM BBT: Looks like nap time is over for Emmett and Jillian, the alarm sounds in the KT. Alec making something to eat. Peter joins the KT and sits at the bar. Andrew also comes in and everyone compliments his hair cut Jillian gave him. 3:02PM BBT: Gary is putting makeup on Topaz. Talla comes in and says notice anything about me. They both are clearly annoyed they have to guess. Finally Topaz says "OK makeup I'm hungry and over that just tell us." I didn't even hear what it was before Talla left. Gary says "I'm still ignoring her." Topaz says "Why?" He says "She just annoying me." 3:10PM BBT: Gary says Emmett said something mean to Jillian and it was that bad that she thought it was a task and he couldn't react. Gary feels their relationship hasn't been the same since. Suzette now in the BR with them. Topaz says "After I s**t and washed out my bum I feel like I have to s**t again." Then feeds cut to SotH. [That's 3 times now she has talked about pooping and the we get SotH. Not sure if its a coincidence of they don't want us to know she poops.] 3:20PM BBT: Feeds return. Suzette and Gary doing their makeup. Suzette joking about if she had a diamond POV. Talla, Andrew, Alec (thats all I can see and hear) in the KT. 3:26PM BBT: The BR feed changes to the BY where Emmett and Peter are talking. Emmett says "I hope she sees it as constructive criticism." He hates how she always makes people try to feel sorry for her situation. [sounds like he was talking about Suzette and what he's going to say at the ceremony] 3:34PM BBT: Emmett and Peter working out with no talk now. Topaz getting some food. AJ, Talla, Andrew and Jillian also hanging out in the KT. 3:43PM BBT: Still very quiet at the workout spot. The KT crew talking about their pics for the wall. Jillian hates hers. And we get SotH. 4:00PM BBT: Still SotH
  18. 1:48PM BBT: Jillian and Emmett eating lunch in the KT. Alec doing a workout. AJ and Andrew in the BY talking with him. 1:56PM BBT: The guys talknig about food. It sounds like Alec fell but we didn't get to see it on the camera. Very quiet this afternoon. Everyone wondering when the POV ceremony will be. 2:00PM BBT: Andrew goes to take a nap. AJ and Alec talk about thinking that the bottom 4 of the HoH comp were going to be the have nots and Emmett would of been one but then he would of just used his slop pass. AJ says if Talla lived in the same city as him there might be something with them. he feels she is smart but scared to show it. He says "The 3 women excluding Suzette are the total packages." 2:05PM BBT: Emmett tells Jillian he's not using the veto, neither one on the block has come to ask him to use it. "If I used it you know who would go up?" Jillian points to her herself. He says "If I asked someone not use it and they did I would put up the closest person to them too." They move to the KT sofa to snuggle and kiss. AJ And Alec now talking about food and nutrition an how AJ has lost a lot of weight in the last 6 months. 2:11PM BBT: AJ and Alec now discussing how Tom opened the shower door. they say how much calmer the house is now that Tom is gone. He constantly talked game, had no real loyalty to everyone and had no problem throwing anyone under the bus. AJ says Tom called out Emmett for knowing that Tom and Liza were going on the block and didn't tell him. AJ telling Alec that Liza asked him about a final 4 deal with him, Tall and Andrew and then voted to evict him against Aneal. 2:17PM BBT: Big Sister says: "Attention HG's there are 3 hours until the POV Ceremony." Jillian says "Thank you, they never tell us anything like that." 2:22PM BBT: Alec and AJ now talking first impressions. Alec tells him that when he first met Andrew, Andrew told he got botox in his arm pits for a swearing problems. Alec says Kat told him that she was ok with being on the block and going but was annoyed that there was guys like AJ walking around the house making the girls uncomfortable with his sexual comments. AJ says he's asked the girls and they all said he hasn't done anything to make them uncomfortable. It wasn't fair for Kat to go around saying that. 2:27PM BBT: They are now discussing Suzette's life and how she makes money. All the things she does don't make money so her husband is the bread winner. Alec says "I'm not going to comment on her life because I don't know it. What it comes down to is we didn't align and our personalities don't match." Other 2 feeds showing Emmett and Jillian sleeping on the sofa in the KT. 2:37PM BBT: AJ says "If you voted me next week I'll still be your friend. You and Andrew I will have friendships with no matter what." Alec says that's the beauty and the curse of this place is not everyone lives in the same city." AJ gets called to the DR. Feeds switch to the BR where Gary and Suzette are doing there makeup. 2:48PM BBT: Looks like Topaz is up from her nap. Gary and Suzette still doing makeup with very little talking. Emmett and Jillian still napping in the KT.
  19. 12:11PM BBT: Topaz and Gary in the hammock. Gary doesn't know if he should talk to Talla he doesn't know what he did and says "Girls are funny." Gary asks if Topaz and Alec made up. He tells her to fake it she doesn't want to loose him. Then he says Emmett is going crazy cause he doesn't have anyone here now that Tom is gone he may attach himself to Alec now. 12:17PM BBT: Talla, AJ and Peter in the KT. Suzette comes in and is having a burger for breakfast. [Kind of lunch time maybe brunch]. They discuss what time they think it is. Peter says they have been up for 4 hours. Alec just getting out of the DR now. 12:20PM BBT: Alec goes to the BY and Gary is telling him that Andrew drank his beer and told him to get over it. [i didn't hear him say get over it, not to his face anyway] Gary says he's alwasy sick and his friends call him "Sicky D's" cause they always stop at McDonalds to get the napkins for his nose. 12:24PM BBT: Andrew in the hot tub Emmett with his feet in but laying in the sun just talk about people in their real life and relationships. Other feeds showing Alec snacking in his HoH room.
  20. 10:31AM BBT: Our only feed joins the other 3 in SotH. 10:38AM BBT: Feeds return. Jillian going to wash the dye out of her hair. Talla, Andrew and AJ in the BY talking about previous comps. Alec and Peter in the WA just random chit chat. 10:46AM BBT: Jillian isn't washing her hair yet she's adding more dye to the bottom half of her hair. Emmett lounging by the pool. Talla joins the guys in the BY and interrupts their convo to tell what she knows. They are talking about aboriginals and the treaty. 10:51AM BBT: AJ alone outside for a smoke. He does his usual mumbling to himself. He says "She's a lazy talker." He also says he had a bond with Liza, they were around the same age. Then we get SotH. 11:01AM BBT: Feeds return Talla, Andrew, Alec, AJ and Peter in the BY still talking treaties and discussing the mural on the wall of the BY as 1 cam showing the mural as they talk about it. 11:11AM BBT: Talla asks if she should run for Mayor. She's now talking about the keystone pipeline and all the controversy around it. 11:18AM BBT: The BY convo is getting into serious politics. Andrew is leading as the Historian. Most of the talk is about American politics. The alarm sounds maybe for Emmett by the pool. Talla also doing a lot the talking. [surprise, surprise]. Talla burps and says its one of her pet peeves. AJ laughs and says "Its one of your hobbies." 11:24AM BBT: Gary is in the shower complaining to Jillian as she puts on her makeup. Apparently someone drank his lunch beer. He says "Its really not fair, I really upset." Andrew comes in the WA and says he's sorry for the drinking the beer. Gary says "I'm disappointed in you." Andrew goes to walk away and Gary says "Are you going to let me vent and let get my stuff out." Gary says he had it in the fridge to have it at lunch as like a celebratory I'm feeling better beer. Andrew says "I apologize" and goes to the WC and gives Jillian a funny look because of Gary. 11:32AM BBT: Alec gets called to the DR. Peter, AJ and Talla in the BY just general chit chat now at the moment talking cricket and sports. 11:37AM BBT: Talla says she has a headache but isn't hungover. AJ and Peter telling her then she is hungover. Gary out of the shower now Jillian is in the BR doing her makeup and Suzette is laying in bed. 11:43AM BBT: AJ and Talla alone in the BY. Talla says shes so done with Gary. AJ can't believe he thre her under the bus. Talla thinks Emmett is controlling Gary. AJ doesn't think so, he says the only thing you're worried about is Gary winning HoH. She says "I wasn't until now." He's telling her to control her fate by winning HoH. 11:50AM BBT: Andrew and Peter in the KT. Andrew tells Peter about Gary beer. He's has a part of him feels bad but also he doesn't. AJ and Talla going over friendships and alliances in the house. AJ says Topaz is in the prime position and is sleeping all day. Talla keeps saying "I can't believe Gary." AJ says he doesn't have a problem being the pawn star as long as the person your are sitting against doesn't win veto your safe. Back to Gary they say he is arguably the strongest person in the house. 11:56AM BBT: Alec and Andrew talking about Topaz always sleeping [hot topic today] Saying shes gotta wake up cause someone is gonna wake her up soon. 11:58AM BBT: Andrew says "Yes its an individual game but its also who you are associated with." Andrew says Gary is one of those guys what he does is fine but when someone else does it its not.
  21. 2:54PM BBT: AJ an Talla in the KT. AJ tells her he is envious of her past and future relationships because of her lap dance. He tells her to "stop looking so pretty." Now he is making fun of her for ruining another chicken as she is butter it before putting on spices and cooking it. 2:57PM BBT: Emmett and Alec working out. They believe they are safe for the next couple of weeks no matter who wins. Alec says she a little worried of Topaz. She is getting a little close to Talla. If she did win he would just push for Talla. He says shes not gonna win it. Not that she doesn't want to, just she can't. 3:02PM BBT: In the KT we're having "Talking With Talla" AJ tells Talla that he thinks there will be no relationship for Topaz and Alec after the show. Topaz comes in and Talla says "clean yourself up and join us, just kidding." Topaz says "Don't forget we're cooking tonight cause Alec and I are going on a date." AJ tells her she's gonna be a trophy wife. She says "No, I'm gonna marry for love". 3:13PM BBT: Andrew and Emmett in the hot tub. they talk about Gary for a second and we get SotH. 3:30PM BBT: Still SotH 3:45PM BBT: Must be time for the POV Ceremony as we still have SotH.
  22. 1:21PM BBT: Gary tells Suzette he asked Alec if he could Suzette his vote. and Alec told him that could make him a target. Suzette says "Omg he said that? You're gonna be a target anyway, unless you're working with them." Gary says "Omg no!" 1:23PM BBT: Andrew comes in for water Suzette tells him there's pizza there if they want some. He says "No thanks, I gonna eat healthy and maybe jump in the pool again." Suzette calls AJ a 'Pawn' Star. Gary asks if she just came up with that. He says he said that in the DR a few days ago. Not much talk in the BY just a lot of moaning and groaning from the weight lifting. 1:31PM BBT: Talla was napping on the BY couch and the alarm sounds to wake her up. She moves around for a second and then drifts back to sleep so they sound the alarm again and she sits up and gives the camera dirty looks and says I'm up.
  23. 1:03PM BBT: The guys outside talking baseball while working out. Gary and Suzette are really having a b***h fest in the KT while Gary cooks. 1:06PM BBT: Suzette says they should hook her and her family up with a trip to Disney or something for the emotional distress for her being on the block 3 times. 1:13PM BBT: Suzette says that Emmett asked her if she was ok being like that (her weight). She says inner beauty is better. She gets that being healthy and fit is ok but there are people out there watching that are struggling with their appearance and they don't realize that. Gary says "I eat what I want and I live my life. I make sure I put fruits and vegetables in my body but I don't spend every minute counting calories.
  24. 12:55PM BBT: All the guys(except Gary) is working out in the BY. Suzette eating pizza in the KT. Gary throws out about 15 bags of chips saying they are all bad. Talla individually wraps all the muffins. Gary says "Omg Talla wasted wrap lets keep her in the house." He continues to complain about the wrapping of the muffins. 1:00PM BBT: Alec comes inside and says that Gary or Suzette can borrow his hat if they want. Suzette says "I ain't supporting the Marlins, Fuck that." She says Its bitch day. They are now saying these guys think they are tough by taking out Suzette. "Biggest move of the season, poor girl hobbling all over the place I had to take her out."
  25. 12:10PM BBT: Feeds return, Alec and Emmett tossing the football in the BY. Talla, Suzette and Jillian in the KT. Talla is trying to clean the KT and says she wants to keep it like that. Jillian says "We're obviously not getting out the dirty people". 12:17PM BBT: Talla complaining about the dishes and we get SotH. 12:22PM BBT: Feeds return, Alec talking with Andrew in the BY. Alec saying someone he knows volunteers at the Canucks and White Caps game to do the 50/50 draws. 12:26PM BBT: Alec tells AJ and Andrew that there are students that try to bully him in to get better marks and he doesn't do it. He says that sometimes he marks 200 papers and can make a mistake and that's when he will change the mark.



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