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Everything posted by EpicWifey

  1. 11:09AM BBT: All feeds return. Jillian, AJ, Peter (and a sleeping Topaz) on the BY couches talking about bad customer service. Emmett and Andrew are in the pool generally talking about the game like how a lot of people there have never been up on the block. 11:21AM BBT: Emmett is out of the pool and going to take a shower. Jillian is doing laundry. She says she's so tried [she looks drunk]. The alarm goes off and Topaz sits up. AJ and Andrew are in the KT, Jillian joins them. 11:30AM BBT: AJ seems to complaining about anything possible this morning but tries to do it in his funny tone. Him and Andrew are in the KT. Topaz just left to go the hammock. Gary and Suzette are relaxing in bed. Gary says he feels sick and has a headache. Jillian now in the BR with them,, she tells Gary he was laughing in his sleep. 11:36AM BBT: Emmett joins Jillian in bed they start to cuddle and kiss. AJ, Andrew and Peter still in the KT just general talking. 11:42AM BBT: AJ says he passed the word around that Tom should go first before Liza. Now they are talking about if BB tried to save Suzette again and if it happened they will just keep putting her up. She played the wrong social game. They say she should of played more of the mother roll (cooking and cleaning), aligning more with the older people not the younger ones. 11:57AM BBT: The alarm sounds and wakes up Topaz. Then goes off in the BR to wake up Jillian, Emmett, Suzette and Gary. Talla is doing her hair in the WA. Emmett joins the guys in the KT. 12:01PM BBT: We get SotH.
  2. BBCanada's twitter just posted:There's something top secret happening in the house right now, and the live feeds will return later tonight. #BBCAN
  3. 9:00AM BBT: Feed 1 is following Jillian around the house while all other feeds are on SotH. 9:07AM BBT: BB says Alec to the DR. Jillian says "Mr Man do I have enough time to color my hair before nominations?" He told her not to. So looks like noms will be soon. 9:12AM BBT: Feed 1 joins the other 3 feeds in SotH. 9:30AM BBT: Feeds return for a second as BB saying "HGs this is your 30 minute warning. In 30 minutes you will locked in the BY." and feeds return to SotH. 10:13AM BBT: Still SotH, probably for awhile for noms.
  4. Sadly my 2 hour (10am-12pm) shift produced nothing but SotH FOUND THIS Big Brother Canada: " It's a busy day in the house, and the feeds will remain down until this evening. Thanks for your patience!"
  5. 10:30AM BBT: AJ and Talla go outside for a smoke talking about the HoH is a big win tonight and speculate what kind of comp it will tonight. AJ saying saying there's a slight influence of BBUK for BB Canada because Canada is so involved. They both agree that [believe] its Liza going tonight. 10:34AM BBT: In the KT Jillian saying she's gonna make lasagna when she can eat. She puts her mic to her mouth and asks BB for some ricotta cheese. Many of the HG's hanging out in the KT. Topaz alone in the BY almost asleep. 10:38PM BBT: Tom now in the BR packing. Jillian now talking about her weight. She now is 134 and her ideal weight is 135 so she's ok. 10:43AM BBT: Jillian is very hyper this morning, almost a completely different person. BB comes on and says "HGs this is your 15 minute warning. All HG's must make their way inside." 10:50PM BBT: Emmett and Andrew in the hot tub. Tom is out there with them. Tom says Gary was complaining last night that he lost a day of HoH. Andrew says "I also think the task he had wasn't really a task." [it wasn't, Gary lied] Tom jokes about having an STD. Then says "I've never had anything a little pill can't take care of." Feeds go off for a second. It comes back to Tom saying he thought about making Topaz go off on him and punch him in the face so she gets kicked out. 10:56AM BBT: Tom defiantly believes he's staying tonight, talking about HoH tonight and getting Suzette out (or trying again) will be an easy week. Liza now in the BR packing her stuff. Tom leaves the hot tub area to go finish packing. 11:00AM BBT: We have SotH
  6. 6:34PM BBT: Peter, AJ, Alec and Suzette in the KT talking about seasons of Survivor. Tom in bed says he is on BB Canada and he's laying in bed. He has headache. He doesn't want to be around anyone and have to be fake. 6:41PM BBT: Talla now done working out and comes into the KT. Suzette starting to cook dinner. Andrew at the dining room table cutting his nails. 6:45PM BBT: Feed switches to Talla in the HoH with headphones around her neck and you can hear the music so feed switches back to the KT. 6:48PM BBT: Tom and Gary in the BR. Its silently awkward in there. Both yawning a lot. Peter comes in and says "Shower time." Gary says "Peter do something." Peter tells him they made the game but now its destroyed and leaves the room. Gary says "I'm so fricken bored." Tom tells what he would be doing tonight if he wasn't in the house. Gary says "Next week I want to work on something concrete." Tom says "like alliances." Gary says "I know it sounds weird but I wan to be the next Liza." Tom laughs and says "I love it. I'm gonna do whats good for Tom and if that means for you too then ok." 6:54PM BBT: Tom says he was good in this game and then got blindsided and got caught up in what was being said. Liza comes in and Tom leaves. Gary says he's going crazy in there. Liza says hunny I'm on the block this b***h is cray cray. 6:57PM BBT: Gary says he's still got a cold and needs more medicine. Liza says she has some so they go to the WA to get him some.
  7. 3:56PM BBT: Andrew and Emmett talking by the pool. They both agree Topaz is the ultimate floater and wonder how hard it would be to get her out. Emmett says "I want to win HoH cause I wanna be the the one to put her out." Andrew says Everybody wants to in the game obviously but his goal is first make it to jury. "If it came down to you and I on the block I would probably campaign for you to stay." Andrew asks Emmett is he trusts Jill 100% and Emmett says "yes 1005 she doesn't really have anyone else." 4:02PM BBT: Emmett tells Andrew that Liza told Gary that Jill hates gay people and that she would vote to evict him because of that. She did that to try to get Jill up on the block. then they start to discuss Talla. Emmett says a bunch of people told she was thinking about putting him up. Andrew then brings up that he can control AJ. Next is Peter. Andrew says he's friends with everyone so not sure if he can be trusted. Emmett says he's good for right now. 4:06PM BBT: Andrew and Emmett now gonna chuck the ball around. Tom and Liza on the hammock. Everyone else generally talking on the couches. Tom telling Liza he's gonna play this game way better then he has been. 4:11PM BBT: Tom telling Liza about a friend that had a big problem (and points to his nose) and how the guy lived like a millionaire and lost most of it and that his dad was tied up in it also. They look to see how many cameras are on them. Tom says he wants to go to Phoenix with her because she would be the perfect person to go with. 4:17PM BBT: Talla talking about the guys shes dated and she numbers them. AJ says "You call them by numbers?" She says "Well cause I'm not gonna say there names on tv and I've only dated this many" and holds up 5 fingers. 4:21PM BBT: Tom tells Liza a girl smoking is his number turn off and he tells them its the smokes or me. He says "I glad you told me that (about owning the salon) cause that one thing on my checklist, A career minded women who doesn't need me." He then says "Andrew has some plumbing problems. The other night I was listening to him pee and it was like start and stop stuff, that's like prostate or liver problems." Gary asks if he can have the hammock and they decide to give it to him and go outside. 4:30PM BBT: Jillian, Emmett, Topaz and Alec talking about slop. Gary and Suzette in the hammock Suzette talking about her son. 4:38PM BBT: Outdoor Lock down is over. Andrew runs inside to pee. Tom, Liza and Talla also go inside. 4:44PM BBT: Gary and Suzette still in the hammock. They are talking about how the people or slop only ever want to talk about slop and when they get on slop they are gonna make them look like p***ys. Gary says "Its because they are used to all the rich healthy food." Suzette says: "Slop is like a poor mans rich food." Tom comes a talks to them for a second when he leaves Gary says "My a** hurts from him sucking it so hard. What do you think Liza is gonna do when he's gone." Suzette says "Her and Peter will get it on. They are always talking." 4:54PM BBT: Gary and Suzette leave the hammock. Feed changes to the BR where Alec and Peter are trying to make up a game to play. Tom was in there getting something but has now left. 5:00PM BBT: They come up with a game called "Space Disc Ball". They are now gathering up materials for it. Looks like it has to be played upstairs (By the front door). 5:08PM BBT: Andrew making dinner everyone keeps saying it smells good, Alec and Peter building their space disc (frisbee) using Kat's duct tape and foil that surrounds circle pot holders. Tom walks in the kitchen with a black shirt and complains how his muscles stretched the arms out with is now loose so he rips the shirt to look like a muscle shirt. 5:15PM BBT: Suzette, Liza and Tom in the BR. Suzette says she loves to bargain bin shop and thrift stores. Liza hates that and only likes to look at a manikin and pick it out in her size. Alec and Peter saying that Suzette is too friggen noisy and that it needs to go. Next week Liza and Suzette on the block. If Liza takes herself off then put up like AJ and Suzette goes. 5:20PM BBT: Alec and Peter agree they need to keep Gary on their side for while because he can pull out a win. They are finished building their space disc and head downstairs. 5:25PM BBT: They are really enjoying Space Disc Ball in the BY. As people ask questions they are making up rules. AJ is in the WC mumbling to himself can't make out much of the words.
  8. 2:04PM BBT: Feeds return and Jillian is back with Emmett and Andrew. Andrew says Gary is probably the most entertaining on the show. The hair, height, he wears makeup and all his alter ego's. and SotH again. 2:09PM BBT: Tallla, Peter, Emmett and Jillian on the BY couches. Talla is doing her hair and toes while talk about what kind of HoH comp it will be tomorrow. Alec and Topaz join them. Jillian says "I don't know where you get your energy Alec." He says "Me neither." 2:12PM BBT: Tom and Liza still talking about deaths. Tom says he shuts himself off everyday of the year that his step dad passed away on. He says this year he was in the house and it sucks that he didn't get the quiet day so when he gets out he will go to the grave. Liza says her family is very alternative he dad was cremated. 2:15PM BBT: Liza says "We took his ashes to the cottage and health hazardously dumped them. We didn't know what to do with them I said flush them down the toilet I didn't care." 2:18PM BBT: BB says "HG's this is your 15 minute warning, The house will be off limits in 15 minutes." They all wonder what its for. Some HG's go inside to grab stuff before the lockout. 2:26PM BBT: Andrew and Jillian chat for a second in the SR. Andrew asks if she knows who is going this week." She says "I don't know 100%." Andrew says he believes its Tom and he's super ok with that. He just doesn't think Talla and AJ know that and won't until last minute. Jillian gets called to the DR. 2:32PM BBT: Alec in the hot tub, Talla and Andrew have there feet in it. Talla is smoking her last cigarette. Tom and Emmett in the BY. Tom is complaining that someone spilled something sticky by the pool and left it. He says when he evicts someone he's gonna say its because you are a slob. 2:37PM BBT: Gary and Topaz in the HoH. Gary doing last minute things before the lockdown. Talla leaves the hot tub and AJ comes out. 2:45PM BBT: The hot tub group talking about sushi. Emmett and Peter having a shoulder work out in the BY. 2:47PM BBT: Emmett says to Peter "I'm not looking for good bye messages. Well I am one but not the other. Angrily says "Especially cause that one isn't getting played." Peter says "I know". Cam switches to Tom and Liza hugging in the WA. She says "What do you want me to say in there?" (She's going into the DR to record goodbye message.) Gary's Photos from the shoot yesterday have been released you can check them out here: http://bit.ly/YY5WZv 2:52PM BBT: The guys at the hot tub talking about how much Topaz sleeps. Alec says people are getting annoyed of it. Andrew says Talla naps like crazy too. And also Aneal did too. 2:55PM BBT: Still no lock down yet and its been 35 mins since they said the 15 min warning. We have SotH now. 2:57PM BBT: Feed comes back and the guys are closing up the hot tub and going to the BY.
  9. 1:30pm to 2pm 1:30PM BBT: Tom and Liza in the LR. Tom is in his self pity mood. The other cam shows Gary sleeping and then the very loud alarm goes off. 1:35PM BBT: Topaz and Talla were also sleeping in the BY. Tom and Liza move to the BY. Tom whining that he doesn't want to lose his hearing. Tom says "Do you think BB is saying Topaz is the most boring person." Liza says "I also think she is disrespectful and breaking rules." Andrew, Alec, Emmett and Suzette are working out. Jillian and Peter are in the KT. 1:40PM BBT: Liza is telling Tom how she became the owner of the salon. She says her dad died of lung cancer after 3 months of her becoming owner. She is tearing up. Tom's step dad also died of lung cancer. Tom asked "So what happened after he died?" She says "There's 2 types of depressions, I didn't have the isolate yourself depression because I had this new business to run." 1:51PM BBT: Emmett and Jillian on the BY couch. Emmett was annoyed with Gary for laughing about Tom going home [last night I think] . They talk about who and how many votes Tom has but feeds are going in and out of SotH so hard to get their convo. 1:56PM BBT: Feeds return Emmett is now alone. Tom and Liza still somber and talking about a lot of deaths that have been in the families and friends. 1:58PM BBT: Andrew joins Emmett and they are talknig about Suzette said she was listed on Ashley Madison Dating website. They thinks its weird "cause its a site for married people who what to cheat." Andrew says AJ was really heated about it. And we get SotH again. [All this cutting in and out makes me feel like I'm watching BBUS feeds. I hope they don't start that bad habit]
  10. 10:30AM BBT: BB says "HGs Please go to the BY". Gary is cooking and says "f**k that I'm cooking quickly." Tom comes out to the KT and tells Gary hes over Liza. Gary says "You need to do damage control. There still are people who hate you now." Tom says "I understand." BB tells them to go to the BY again. 10:37AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett in the hammock. Jillian asks Emmett "What do you want to happen at this point?" Emmett gives a long pause before answering "I don't know, I think I want her to go home. You?" She says something very quietly and I can't make it out then says "I can't trust her though but I also don't trust Tom 100% either." Emmett says "Me neither." 10:42AM BBT: Tom is working out. Peter, Talla, Topaz, Alec and Liza all on the couches with their eyes closed. AJ, Andrew, Gary and Suzette on the other couches but not on the cam. Jillian and Emmett in the hammock talking about running. 10:44AM BBT: Cam changes from the sleepy group to the other couches. Andrew and Suzettte are not with them they are laying on each sides of the pool. Gary and AJ talking about being at a Leafs Game or Blue Jays game. If its better to be in box or a bar. 10:51AM BBT: Door opens and a few of the HGs go inside to inspect if they got anything. Emmett tells Jillian "Don't tell her(Liza) anything." Jillian says "I think she knows she's staying." Jillian goes inside. 10:55AM BBT: Emmett goes to Tom. Tom says “I went to a different bed without Liza last night and woke up in the middle of the night to her in my bed. I told her Look only way I survive in this game is if I separate myself from you. She layed there holding me and I said Liza you need to wake up in your own bed." He then tells Emmett "Its not gonna be easy but its only days 1. Emmett tells him "Everything you do make sure your being sincere. That's the only way your gonna win anyone back." Tom tells him that he told Gary he hates Topaz. Emmett says "You can't look at that. I think you can still mend things with Topaz." Tom says Well not until after Thursday." Emmett says "You need to try before just do what you can." Emmett goes inside. 11:00AM BBT: Talla goes right out to Tom. She says "I wanted to talk to you last night but couldn't. I just wanted to tell you that you don't have to explain anything to me I know you have a heart and it wasn't intentional." Tom says "I can't take it back and he walks around like a playboy without a shirt so I didn't think it mattered." She tells him that her and AJ want him to stay not Liza. 11:08AM BBT: Alec, Jillian and Emmett in the HN. Alec is saying they have to let Tom believe he's staying. He says that the worse case scenario is if Liza wins HoH they don't know what she will do and that's why they need to get her out because no one can read her. Emmett asks Alec "Do you think Peter can convince her if she wants to stay in this house she needs to make peace with Emmett." Alec says "Well that would be in her best interest." 11:13AM BBT: Jillian ask if its a double eviction is Liza safe from being evicted cause she was just on the block? Alec says no she can come home, that would be the best case get them both out. 11:20AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett leave the HN. Tom and Talla still talking. They are just repeating the same thing and counted votes. AJ and Andrew walk to have a smoke once they are past the BY they are saying Talla should not be talking one on one with Tom. AJ says think thinks Liza doesn't just work at the tanning salon and that he thinks shes the owner. [He's right!] 11:30AM BBT: Talla goes up to the HoH and talks with Gary. She doesn't tell him that she just talked to Tom. They talk about working out later and other general chit chat. Talla goes to the KT where Andrew, Jillian, Emmett, AJ and Suzette are. Liza just took a shower and now Peter is showering. Tom is still working out. Everyone just small talking. 11:41AM BBT: BB playing the loud buzzer. Topaz wakes up (shes sleeping on the BY couch) looks around and says who is that. 11:48AM BBT: Andrew, Jillian, Emmett, AJ in the KT talking about Andrews knees and inspecting them. He says "I just got the medicine yesterday so its not gonna be better already." 11:52AM BBT: BB sounds the buzzer again. No one knows who it is but it's Topaz sleeping in the HNR. Gary in there with her putting on his sneakers. He's already to go work out. 11:56AM BBT: Gary in the BY takes off his mic and BB tells him to put it on he says "I'm running" and they reply fast telling him to put it on.
  11. 10:17PM BBT: We still have SotH 10:37PM BBT: Sadly we are missing whats happening as we still have SotH 10:45PM BBT: Feeds are back! 10:46PM BBT: Topaz and Tom in the BY. Tom saying that he feels bad. He felt that it wouldn't affect Alec because he's always walking around without a shirt out. He thought he was a comfortable man. Topaz now talking about Liza saying she's a b*tch and it was the whole house that wanted her up. Tom says "That's done to me my heart is heavy for Alec. If I go home Thursday I don't want it to be because what I did to my friend." 10:50PM BBT: Topaz tells Tom that he needs to tell Liza not to keep saying horrible things about it people. [Topaz changing the subject off of Alec because she said unless Alec wants to talk about it they shouldn't]. Liza in the BR telling Suzette that he was standing in the door of the bathroom and say nothing. She said shes not trying to make excuses what Tom did was wrong but she keeps trying to down playing it. She says what Alec said in the POV ceremony was disrespectful. And He's always walking around without a shirt. 10:56PM BBT: Jillian brings new batteries out to Tom and Topaz and joins them saying that Liza was just playing to hard to fast and she made final deals with everybody. Tom says "everyone does that in the house." Topaz says "The way she went about it was different." Jillian says "that she (Liza) is telling Andrew that she (Liza) wants Emmett out. She was going hard for to get me and Emmett out." Tom says "I'm just upset about what I did tonight." They all go inside. 11:00PM BBT: Topaz, Gary, Talla and AJ in the KT they all agree that they are just worried about Alec. They really hope that it wasn't caught on feeds. Tom joins Emmett and Andrew in the LR. Andrew asks Tom if he's alright. Tom says "Its just heavy." 11:04PM BBT: Jillian goes to the HN to give Alec a battery. Alec says "He just doesn't know why he (Tom) told everybody." Jillian says "Did he, I didn't know I was sleeping." She asks if he wants to be left alone and said "I don't know." She said "ok me and Emmett are coming into bed." She goes to tell Emmett she talked to him and Emmett says "Ok I'm going go talk to him." 11:07PM BBT: Emmett stops to talk to Tom says “That I thought cause he's always shirtless it would be funny.” He says “it wasn't voluntary but we all signed something that there might be nudity.” Emmett tells him the best thing is to not talk about it. Tom keeps giving excuses as to why he did it but after every excuse he says I shouldn't of done it. 11:15PM BBT: Alec goes to the WC and Andrew says “I just want you to know I'm here for ya man.” Alec asks Andrew to go to the SR for him and look to see if his sleeping pill is in there. Andrew goes to look and Alec says “I'll be in the HN.” Andrew comes back and says “there's nothing there.” Alec says “I'm more embarrassed.” Andrew says don't be, tears and being emotional is ok. Alec is crying again. Andrew trying to make him laugh. 11:20PM BBT: Andrew says “The guy (Tom) is shallower then a mouth of spit. Its just a game.” Alec says “I know its not the game stuff its the personal. I just don't want to get kicked out of my stuff. Its just a weird night and I want to put it behind me.” Andrew says “I won't talk to you about it again unless you ask me to.” Alec says “thanks man.” Andrew leaves. 11:24PM BBT: Jillian and Tom on the couch in LR talking about all they ways their alliance has broken. Mostly about Liza saying she would of put Emmett. Tom says “he would of been furious at her.” Tom says “If Liza goes home and I win HoH who would I put up? I cant put up anyone and I feel like I don't want to win HoH.” Jillian tells him that Liza is playing him hard and hes gonna see that when he watches. 11:28PM BBT: Talla and AJ go for a smoke. They are talking about Emmett being a backstabber because he wants Tom out. Talla says she doesn't like Emmett as a game player. AJ says “Whoever stays this week Liza or Tom and if they win HoH we are both really good. Liza has bigger fish to fry. We are good on both sides.” 11:32PM BBT: Emmett joins Tom and Jillian. Emmett says “he f**king hates [Liza] cause she took her best friend from the house.” Tom says "Your best friend isn't gone yet." Emmett telling him "I didn't want you up there but I had to show you, but if you won veto you would of took her off." 11:37PM BBT: Emmett tells Tom he doesn't know if he can save him now cause he's put such a big target on himself. "I told you to just lay low." Tom says "So because I tied myself to her on a personal level I get blamed, there was no game." Emmett says "But there was game." 11:42PM BBT: Emmett says "I don't know if I should just cut my losses. This stresses me out so much." Jillian says "Do you see what she did to our little clique, she ruined it." Tom says "If this blow up wouldn't of happened tonight I would of been confused up until Thursday but now I know that she is like this." 11:47PM BBT: Gary and Topaz are on the KT couch talking about how everyone is being so fake in there. Gary says "I don't want Tom to thinks this is why he's going home." Topaz says "He won't because he will watch the episodes." 11:50PM BBT: Emmett and Jillian still drilling in Tom how "poison" Liza is. Tom is realizing that she has been playing him. Emmett says "Tom you need to realize how much damage control you need to do in 2 days." Emmett says "Its bulls**t when people say they are voting for you to stay." Tom says "Why the f**k would they want to keep her?" Emmett starts to say something that Liza said and Tom cuts him off and says "I don't want to hear anything else she said, I get it." 11:55PM BBT: As Emmett is telling Tom to campaign to stay in the LR Topaz is telling Gary that Emmett wants Tom out.
  12. 8:58PM BBT: Suzette in the pool with Talla and Topaz laying at the side of the pool taking about the couples making out. Alec in the shower. Tom and Andrew are in the WA. Liza comes in and says the screen says BB After Dark does that mean they are watching us right now? Tom says "Lets see" and jumps up and opens the shower door to expose a naked Alec. Alec looked extremely angry. And we get SotH. 9:00PM BBT: Feeds comes back to Tom and Liza laughing about it saying Alec was stunned. Tom says "He deserved it". and they continue to laugh. Tom says "I'm just trying to be a shit disturber." He is now playing a camera trying to get it follow him. 9:05PM BBT: The girls at the pool talking about their measurements. Tom and Liza now in the KT snacking. The girls come inside Tom and Liza roll their eyes behind their backs. 9:10PM BBT: Tom and Liza now in the BY they are acting very childish. They said they should stay up all night then nap all day and keep getting the alarms to annoy everyone. They are mocking other HGs. AJ joins them. Tom says "He buddy come socialize. We come out here and everyone leaves." 9:14PM BBT: Alec comes out and asks Tom to talk.. Then walk away and Tom says "You mad that I flashed your d*ck?" Alec says "Yea a little bit, I didn't want that out there." Tom says "Sorry man I respect that." Alec walks inside goes to HNR. Tom goes back to AJ and Liza. Liza says "Did he just yell at you?" Tom says "Yes, coming from the guy that walks around with no shirt on all day." Tom says "whats the f*cking problem I will whip my d*ck out right now." Tom says "I thought he was gonna apologize about the not using the veto." 9:21PM BBT: Talla in the KT telling Topaz Alec is really upset. Alec didn't tell them why. But they know because. Tom was bragging about doing it. Andrew telling them all about it because he was there. Talla says "Why the fuck would he do that." They all agree that so wrong. [Alec is very upset about it in the HNR] Topaz says if that's why he's upset I will cuss him out. 9:25PM BBT: Topaz goes to find Alec but goes to wake up Peter and tell him the story instead. Peter says he knows and that Tom is a douche bag and its so rude and Alec has a career to worry about. Alec is now in the WC after just being in there. They speculate that he might be crying. Topaz wants to go cuss out Tom but wants to talk to Alec first. 9:30PM BBT: Tom now complaining to Liza and AJ about being called a Red Neck. AJ says it was probably bleeped out. [That made me laugh]. Topaz goes back to the KT. Alec is now in the DR. 9:37PM BBT: Topaz goes to talk with Gary in the HoH. She is now telling Gary about what Tom did to Alec. 9:41PM BBT: Alec comes out of the DR and goes back to the WC. Emmett seems to be waiting for him to come out. 9:45PM BBT Alec now in the KT. Everyone saying whats up to him but in almost a sad tone, like we know what happened and we are hear for you type of a way. 9:48PM BBT: Liza joins Tom in the BY. She's telling him she loves how her whole attitude has changed. She doesn't have to hold back anymore and play nice because she has stopping caring. She despises all of the other HG's. AJ comes back out to join them. 9:50PM BBT: Topaz and Alec alone in the LR. He says he doesn't want to talk about it. [His eyes are completely red] Topaz says Peter told her that Liza says she would rather punch Topaz out and get removed then be evicted out. 9:54PM BBT: Alec has to get up and walk away he is now crying. He puts his night mask over his eyes. Andrew meets him in the hall and hugs him and walks him to BR. Alec says "I'm just trying to get it out of my head. and we get SotH. [NO! Horrible timing BB]
  13. 10:30AM BBT: Jillian in the KT separating the slop to freeze it. Tom, Talla and AJ in the BY. Tom says he wants to spend a lot of time outside today. SotH 10:34AM BBT: We have feed 1 on Alec and Jillian in the KT. But The other feeds are still on SotH 10:37AM BBT: Tom goes over to Peter, Emmett and Andrew on the other couches in the BY grabs his cup looks around and Andrew says "clean up time?" Tom says "Just taking a look around, I got plans for later." and then walks inside. 10:46AM BBT: Tom outside by himself, Jillian trying to make slop pancakes. Topaz, Peter and Suzette in the BY. The rooster keeps going off as Topaz keeps going back to sleep. Now she is up going to make some tea. 10:52AM BBT: AJ and Andrew join Tom outside. Tom doing some working out while out there. Talking about how he has asthma. Suzette now out there with them. AJ says when they were driving up to the BB House he knows where they are because his sisters office is right around there. 10:59AM BBT: Tom now working out on the bike in the BY. Jillian says her slop pancake batter is delicious. Topaz says "are you just telling yourself that?" Topaz tastes it and says "it is good." Jillian says "I might have to make slop an everything thing once I'm out of here." Emmett seems to be having a bad day. He isn't talking much and is sluggishly moving around. 11:12Am BBT: Andrew telling Suzette, Topaz, Talla and AJ a story in the BY. Talla gets up and runs to the bathroom says "its the slop!!" Jillian still making slop pancakes and Emmett is relaxing/napping on the KT sofa. 11:23AM BT: Liza and Peter now in the BR. Liza says "last night was a horrible sleep. No one came to bed right away so everyone was prancing in and out. Suzette thought Tom and I were making out so he left to give us privacy. If we were making out stay and listen, watch if you can. Tom won't even kiss me on tv." Peter says "Yet he will run around naked." 11:26AM BBT: Liza says "I'm tired of looking pretty everyday, it takes so much work. I've looked pretty for 2 days now cause I thought the pov ceremony was yesterday." She looking at herself in the mirror saying "Liza is so cute." Peter says she can pose for playboy when she gets out. 11:33AM BBT: Liza says "I found us far more interesting them anyone else in the house. Also much more smarter." Peter agrees with her. Liza says "this is not the real me, I would of spit in many more faces in the real world." Peter says "I would of stabbed more people." Liza says "I haven't talked game with anyone. Tom talks game with me thats it." Peter says "That's expected." Emmett now eating slop pancakes. 11:41AM BBT: Liza goes to the WA to do her hair. Emmett not really eating more so playing with his pancakes. He says he's not feeling good. His stomach feels sick and he just wants to lay down. Jillian says "You gotta eat, you haven't eaten in 3 days." She goes to look for his protein. 11:45AM BBT: AJ is teaching Talla about sports in the BY. Topaz is curled up in a chair sleeping. Emmett now gone to lay down. Gary sleeping in the HoH bed. 11:50AM BBT: Suzette and Liza in the BR now. They are saying they want Alec to use the POV and put up a pawn that they can send home. Liza says "If but some miracle both me and Tom are here next week you are f*cking covered." Liza leaves to go the WC to change. Tom is in the shower. Liza comes out in a bra and pants and they talk about her boobs for a minute before she leaves. 11:56AM BBT: Liza now putting make up on her boobs in the BR and telling Suzette she wants to meet her family and how much she loves kids.
  14. 9:00AM BBT: No movement yet this morning. All HG still asleep. Looks like BB is starting to turn on the lights. 9:03AM BBT: Liza gets up goes brushes her teeth then gets called to the DR. She's only in for a brief minute then goes to the WC. I here Jillian and Emmett but see Liza on the cam. Emmett tells Talla she should get up so the alarm doesn't come on. She screams. 9:10AM BBT: Looks like BB told Liza to clean window/mirrors and do batteries. She tries to get into the storage room and says " You gotta let me in if you want me to clean windows and do batteries." [she doesn't sound impressed] In the WA Talla doing ADL's and for a brief second we hear Alec pee. 9:13AM BBT: The alarm sounds. Everyone gets out of bed except Gary and Topaz who are in the HoH bed. We get another pee sound leak this time its Andrew. 9:17AM BBT: The alarm sounds again but only in the HoH. Gary and Topaz have a dazed look but don't get up and the alarm isn't stopping. 9:21AM BBT: Alec, Emmett and Andrew in the BY. Andrew saying his knees are infected. He said "the guy" bandaged it twice and the told him he didn't need antibiotics and gave him cream. Now they are talking about how loud Gary and Topaz were being last night. 9:25AM BBT: Liza goes to the HoH to give them fresh batteries. Gary says thank you she says nothing and walks out. Gary says "Get over it b*tch". Topaz says "that sucks that BB chose her to do batteries, awkward." 9:30AM BBT: Gary starts to fall back to sleep and BB sounds the alarm again. He says "I'm just trying to stay warm." He waves after sitting up but the alarm doesn't stop until he gets out of the bed. When it stops he gets right back into bed. 9:38AM BBT: Topaz leaves the HoH, Gary says he's going to take a hot shower to wake up. BB is slowing showing all around the HoH which is a huge mess. 9:42AM BBT: Andrew comes into the KT where Liza whispers to him something about Tom. She says "I'm going home this week and there's a lot going on in this game, they're coming." Emmett and Jillian walk in so Andrew goes back to the BY. 9:48AM BBT: Liza catches Talla in the BR for a second and whispers "You need to stick with Tom and get Emmett out. The longer he's in the harder it will be to get him up." Tom and Tall now in the KT. Tom asks "Did Liza talk to you this morning yet?" He tells her that Liza went up to HoH to give batteries and the door was locked all Topaz did was unlock it and and got back in bed while Liza changed their batteries. [This isn't true I watched and they changed their own batteries while Liza stood there]. 9:55AM BBT: Liza has to clean windows in the HoH Gary not answering the door and Tom says "This f*cking guy is so rude." 10:00AM BBT: Liza and Jilllian talking in the HNR. Liza saying "you need to get Emmett out I know he's your man but you will not win against him. You've let him play you, that's how you look to Canada." Jillian says "I feel like I can trust him." Liza says "well you need to restrategize." Jillian says "I don't think Emmett is conniving." Liza says "Omg Jillian, I need to leave you with one thing in the game you need to get him out." 10:07M BBT: Jillian tells Liza "I don't think you are going this week." Liza says "You think?" Jillian says "I think you were the original target but now that Alec won POV there's a different move." Liza starts to count the votes. 10:11AM BBT: Liza is very mad that Topaz went to Tom and threw her under the bus. "For someone to go to my man." 10:13AM BBT: Liza keeps calling Topaz a c*unt and saying she can suck my d*ck. Liza also saying she's stopping playing her own game now and is just feeding certain people all her info. She tells Jillian "Tom tells me everything, that's a showmance not some dairy farmer playing you." 10:18AM BBT: Liza says Gary had no right to tell Alec if he uses the power he will do this. "This is not a dictatorship, it's not Glitter Nazi Germany." Emmitt walks in so the talk breaks and Liza goes to the HoH to clean the windows. She says "hug me" and then Gary gives her a bracelet. 10:23AM BBT: Talla telling AJ and Andrew that she sleeps in a bra here because she's worried she'll have a nip slip. They tell her to borrow a t-shirt from one of the guys. 10:28AM BBT: The morning alarm clock sounds again because Topaz was sleeping on the chair in the BY. 10:33AM BBT: Gary in the HoH doing his makeup. Liza twirling on a KT chair while talking to Peter and Alec. She sings "I'm going to sing" and we get SotH. 10:47AM BBT: Feeds come back for a brief second and Liza and Peter singing "I'm gonna starve" before feeds cut to SotH again. 10:55AM BBT: Still SotH
  15. Sadly I got nothing. 2:00PM BBT: SotH for about 5 hours now. 3:00PM BBT: Still SotH. 6 hour mark.
  16. [Quiet morning for me.] 11:00AM BBT: Feeds are on SotH. (For about 20mins.) Possibly doing the Have Not Comp now. 11:45AM BBT: About an hour of SotH now.
  17. Not much of updates for my hour. 2:30 to 3:30 was SotH
  18. 10:38AM BBT: Still general chit chat in the KT and BY. 10:40AM BBT: The alarm sounds again and no one appears to be asleep. Tom says they are ruthless this morning. 10:52AM BBT: Jillian, Aneal, Emmitt, Peter, Topaz, Gary, Tom and Suzette in the KT. Emmitt telling everyone that goldfish freeze and come back to life when thawed. Topaz wants to try it to see if its actually works. 10:58AM BBT: AJ is in the WA shaving and mumbling to himself. Cam changes to Talla sleeping in the BY and the alarm sounds her eyes open and close again. BB sounds a different alarm and she says f*uck and gets up. 11:06AM BBT: Emmitt and Tom in KT talking about a pond hockey tournament in New Brunswick. Emmitt says there's like a 6 years waiting list to play in it. Tom says we should use our celeb to get it. Everyone except AJ is now in the KT. 11:11AM BBT: Big Sister tells Tom he has 1 hour to get his stuff out of the HoH. He says No the new HoH sleeps downstairs! 11:16AM BBT: Gary seems to have made up his own way to sing with a strange humming kind of language. You can't hear words but you can tell what song it is. BB hasn't said stop singing yet so he may be allowed. 11:20AM BBT: Andrew in the hammock talking to himself. "My brother is probably saying what are you doing by yourself. If I'm not by myself I'm probably gonna say something stupid." 11:25AM BBT: Alec and Andrew in the BY tossing the football back and forth. Emmitt comes out and joins them. 11:32AM BBT: Gary and Jillian in the WA. Gary saying that he doesn't hold a grudge about being on the block as long as he doesn't go home. Aneal comes in and Jillian leaves. Suzette shouts from the WC "I want to do a hot tub sess." Gary says he'll do that. 11:36AM BBT: Gary is now dancing all over the house. Alec and AJ talking about the Blue Jays by the pool. 11:44AM BBT: Emmitt, Jillian and Aneal in the LR looking at the Memory Wall. Aneal is telling them which pictures used to be where (they have changed). 11:49AM BBT: Aneal gets up to leave and Jillian say thanks for that. Then jokes saying Aneal is probably lying about all of it. He laughs. The BY baseball convo is heating up. AJ and Andrew getting snippy with each other over the topic. Andrew tells him don't be the guy where you always have to be right. SotH.
  19. 2:30PM BBT: Talla vs. Gary (round ? I lost count) go at in the KT about people not cleaning their dishes when they are done instead of leaving them in the sink. After the convo goes in circles a few times they hug it out and say love you to each other. 2:33PM BBT: Emmitt, Peter and Alec working out in the BY. Suzette swimming. Liza and Tom up in the HoH. Talla, Gary, Aneal, AJ and Jillian in the KT. Jillian is making pastries for everyone and Gary is making some kind of pita. 2:44PM BBT: Peter leaves the workout for a second and Alec says to Emmitt "I'm starting to think more and more about getting Liza out if I'm HoH they (I'm thinking he means Peter and Liza) are getting too close, But I'll probably need your help getting this together." Peter comes back are they talk workout. 2:50PM BBT: Talla telling everyone in the KT about and idea she has for a movie that she could see herself directing. Something about a news crew trying to find a story but end up driving in Compton in a lexus and everyone laughs at her. The girl news women meet a hood guy when asking for directions. He gives her his number and she calls him from the hotel later, then they meet at a pub. The next day the girl goes looking for a story and they goes back to the hotel and there was a black and purple rose delivered to her room. People interrupt and Talla says I just want to tell me story.
  20. 3:36PM BBT: Jillian and Aneal at the hot tub. Aneal is telling how AJ told him that Tom wanted to put him and and he took the bullet to save Aneal. Jillian laughs. Now they are laughing about Tom and how hes playing so personal and hes so stupid. Aneal says "I'm glad I can talk to you. " 3:43PM BBT: Emmitt comes out to the hot tub and a few mins later Jillian goes in. Emmitt asks Aneal what his game plan was coming in. Aneal say he wanted to align himself with 3 or 4 people but that didn't work out for him. Aneal feels alone and has no one in the game. He thought Suzette was gonna be his go to girl but the week he was on the block she didn't even console him, she voted to evict him. Emmitt says "so whats your game plan now?" Aneal says "To win." 3:48PM BBT: Aneal says He thought Gary was going this week and he was wrong about that. He's the last to find out everything. Aneal is just complaining a lot about being alone and not in the loop. 3:52PM BBT: Aneal asks Emmitt if he has plan if for this week. Emmitt says "To win for sure." Aneal asks to you have an idea of how you would put up? Emmitt says I'm thinking more about who we don't want to live with. Aneals says "So you're thinking more about the house and not strategy." Emmitt says "I think its to early to thing strategy." 3:55PM BBT: Their talk ends and they leave the hot tub area. Feed now on Alec, Tom and Gary talking about working out. 3:57PM BBT: Tom called to the DR. Gary is gonna go nap. Everyone else is either in the LR or KT, not much going on.



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