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Posts posted by Kekila

  1. 9:00 PM BBT Brit and Dani on the hammock talking about her house and what they would do if Dani came to visit. Brit says a football game.

    Ian joins the girls at the hammock. Ian tells them that Frank told him that the more they think we hate each other the better.

    9:08 PM BBT Ian says had Jenn had to go first he would have pulled a switch. Brit says she knew something was up when she got to go 2nd.

    Ian telling the girls that Jenn wasn't going up before but she is going to now. Says Joe went from the top of his list to the bottom.

    9:13 PM BBT Brit asks Ian to leave and let them talk. Brit tells Dani that Ian doesn't want her out - he just wants Brit to stay. Brit says this is the worst possible block situation.

    Jenn comes outside and complains the others ate the cookies. Brit bashing Jenn, Frank and Dan. Brit says she is tired of trying to predict what things are going to be.

    Brit tells Dani that she isn't really mad at Dan - he tried the only angle he could. She says she can be made at the outcome but not that he made a last ditch effort to save himself.

    9:23 PM BBT Jenn/Ian and Joe sitting in the hot tub. Gen chit chat. brit tells Dani that she feels her fate has been sealed.

    Brit tells Dani that she can no longer trust Dan and has to beat Shane. Brit tells Dani that she should take Joe and then give Shane 50K after the show.

    9:31 PM BBT Brit says she called it 2 weeks ago about Dan not being a nice person. Brit is off to make some coffee for herself.

  2. 3:13 PM BBT Brit telling Dani that she (Dani) has stuck her neck out in this game. Brit says that she will be fine. Brit says that Dan knew they (Brit, Shane, Dani) were okay with him leaving then he went to the other side.

    Brit says Dan is a poor example of the Catholic faith because he took the bible upstairs to make a deal with Frank. BB:Ian - are you wearing someone else's microphone?

    Brit says she wants to bring his Arkansas t-shirt outside and burn it because is offends her.

    3:19 PM BBT Shane: we have brought Dan this far - he hasn't won anything" Brit: I know but he figured out we were okay with him leaving. Brit says she knew something was up when Ian's VETO had to go first.

    3:23 PM BBT Shane: I hope Chelsea divorces him because of this. Brit: He screwed people over in his season Shane:It would be funny if I lit his bible on fire but I wouldn't because it's not good for my religion. Brit: Dan says it's not personal after I tried to make him feel better last night? He says it's a game.

    Brit says she regrets not fighting in her season but she can't fight this time because it's going against the sweetest person she has ever met. It's not right to make Shane choose between the two of them.

  3. 2:33 PM BBT Ian is enjoying his second beer and playing in the pool. Jenn still eating in the KT.

    Frank and Ian talk about the costumes they have gotten to wear on the show. Jenn cleaning up in the KT and heads outside to enjoy the sun.

    2:44 PM BBT Frank and Shane in the KT. Shane tells Frank thanks for the heads up. Frank says right now everyone wants Ian out which is good for them. Frank says they need to have a convo with Joe. Says they will get Ian out and then go after Dan. Shane says with Brit leaving it's one less person for HOH.

    2:49 PM BBT Shane/Dani in the BY on the couches. Dani says Brit is still in the DR (she has been in there a really long time). Dani says that she can not campaign against Brit. Frank heads back to the pool so he doesn't have to wear his costume.

    2:53 PM BBT Shane asks Dani why Jenn didn't use the veto on her - wasn't there a "girl" thing. Dani says she told him yesterday that it ended when Ash left. Shane teases Dani that she would be in med school if she was home. Dani says whatever she would be doing she had to drop out to do BB.

    Dani confirms with Shane that Frank wants Ian and then Dan gone. Shane talks about hiking his pants up hides his belly fat. Dani tells Shane that her heart is broken about Brit being nominated. Shane says Brit is taking it very well.

    2:56 PM BBT Brit has emerged from the DR. Brit: Well that's that. Shane tells her he was looking for her. Feed moves and we have all four on pool. Can no longer see/hear Brit.

    3:02 PM BBT Brit telling Dani that she can win the HOH. Brit tells Shane/Dani that they need a stacked team that can win next win next week.

    SHane asks Brit why Dan would do this. Brit says because Dan is only looking out for himself.

    3:05 PM BBT Brit says if one of the 3 (Ian, Shane, Dani) then she will refuse to vote.

    3:07 PM BBT Brit tells Shane that she doesn't want him in a bad position with his vote. Brit tells him that his decision will not affect her feelings for Shane/Dani.

  4. 2:04 PM BBT The house has quieted down. sunbathing in the BY. Frank in the pool. Ian still rocking and Dani sitting by herself at the KT table.

    Dan and Dani whispering. Dan tells Dani that he would never cut her. Joe lying out and Frank right by him but in the pool. They have been gen chit chat but no game.

    2:16 PM BBT Dan and Jenn in the KT getting their slop burgers. Jenn says she has lost weight but no idea how much. She doesn't weigh herself.

    Dan tells Jenn that he is going to play salsa ball in the pool with Ian if she is cool with that - if not he won't. She tells him to go ahead. Dan decides to eat outside because Brit will be out of DR soon. Jenn asks BB if they will find out about America's Choice soon - she would appreciate it.

    2:27 PM BBT Jenn eating quietly. Frank/Dan plating ball in the pool.

  5. 1:36 PM BBT Brit and Joe talking. Joe tells Brit that Dan passed the buck on to Ian and told Frank that Ian was the rat. Brit says Dan is a piece of trash. Joe gives Brit her word and says it wont change.

    Frank asks Ian outside if they are not going to speak. Ian says no - he is just angry and needs to hammock it off for a bit. It's a game and they all need to let it go a little. He apologizes for swearing to Frank.

    1:50 PM BBT Dani is having an allergic reaction to something. Sunbathing going on in the BY. Dan tells Dani that he would like to know what is going on in her head. She just smiles. He asks her if she loves him, hates him or both at the same time. Dani tells Dan that if he gave her shingles...Dan asks if that is bad thing? She says it's terrible. Dani tells BB that she needs a Dr.

    1:54 PM BBT Dan tells Dani that he thought she would be upset that Brit is going home. She says she is but it's not her. Dan says and "It's not me". Dan tells her that some people buy that they are no longer working together anymore. They count how many people left - Dan tells her "almost there".

    Dan says he needs to calm down. He is getting cocky and that's when he will make a mistake but he should get until at least 3PM. Dani just smiling and laughs at him. Dan says "OK America - I'm done gloating". Dani tells Dan that she pulled Jenn out of bed at 3AM for him. Dan asks Dani what percentage does she have Shane's vote. Dani tells him 100%. Dan asks her if Brit is going to lie down and die. Dani nods.

  6. 1:28 PM BBT In the HOH room Jenn and Frank still enjoying their afternoon. Jenn tells Frank that she had him. Frank says he has her back. Shane comes into the side room with the girls. Comforts Brit. Brit says :Sorry to pull a Jani but someone could have told me to fix my hair". Brit wants her husband to tell her that she will be ok. She apologizes to her main twitter fan that he will be so pissed and will put a hit out on Dan (laughing)

    Dan goes to HOH and says "there is a new BB queen in town and it's Jenn" and gives her a hug. Frank tells Dan that he told Joe & Shane that Dan was still his target but that he tried to "create" an alliance with them for the future. Dan leaves to make Jenn a slop burger.

    1:32 PM BBT Jenn tells Frank that Dan took all the heat for Ian and now Ian is upset Brit is up. Ian outside rocking on hammock and Brit joins him. Ian tells Brit that she has his vote to stay. In the side room Shane and Dani talk. Shane tells Dani that Dan must have ratted out Ian. Shane tells Dani that they have each other. Dani asks: promise? Shane nods. He is going after Dan though.

  7. 1:16 PM BBT Joe tells Shane that Frank wants Brit to go home. Joe tells Shane that it was Ian who was the mastermind not Dan. We get FOTH

    1:17 PM BBT Brit telling Dani that she can beat Dan at anything - they have a 2 weeks pass. Whispering ad difficult to hear. She is crying. Dani is recapping that Dan threw her under the bus. Brit says she will vote for Frank over Dan to win this game.

    1:21 PM BBT Brit says that Dan held his own funeral last night and then went upstairs and made a deal with his nemesis. This is classic Dan Brit says. Ian asks Joe if he can talk to him. Ian says "here we are". Ian tells Joe that now would be a good time to pick a side. Ian tells Joe that Frank is on the opposite side. Ian spelling it out for Joe about the HOH comp. Promising Joe to keep him safe. Joe tells Ian to talk to Shane and he is already on Ian's side.

    Ian tells Dan they can go out an play salsa ball. Shane in WC with Dan. Says they will talk later. Dan says that Ian didn't own up to anything and now Brit has to pay for it. Dan tells Shane that HOH will be huge for them. Shane asks Dan if he worked out something with Frank. Dan tells him that no - Frank saw there were bigger fish to fry.

    Brit crying. Telling Dani that she is a beautiful beautiful person inside and no matter what in 3 weeks they will be friends forever. Dani crying. Brit telling Dani that she is such a good person and not to under value herself. Brit tells Dani that she deserves everything.

  8. 12:59 PM BBT Frank says he hopes the comp is physical since he and Shane both get to play. Says Dan is so scared of Frank/Shane. Discussion about why Dan doesn't work out.

    1:10 PM BBT Brit goes to Dan and tells him about Ian/Joes convo. Ian comes in. Asks Dan that if Dani is throwing the Veto. Dan says yes. Dan knows if Dani wins the Veto and takes herself down he knows he is going home.

    Ian leaves the room. Brit/Dan talk about how nervous they are. Frank is called to the DR. Brit tells Dan that she and Shane have talked about what they will take.

    1:14 PM BBT Brit and Dan talk about strategy with "dropping" and what order they need to drop in. Ian is rocking in the KT.

    1:17 PM BBT Ian and Frank talking in the side room. Ian telling Frank that Joe has to pick a side. He is tired of this. Frank wants Joe out but not this week.

  9. 12:34 PM BBT Ian goes to HNBR. Ian talking about Frank threatening to rat him out. It wasn't cool. Dan says he had Frank and Boogie yelling at him the HOH room. Dan says that if its him and Shane Dan needs to know Ian would keep him. Ian says it would be a tough call. Dan says not to tell anyone he is having the convo with him. Dan says that Ian will know if he is throwing it. Ian says it can't be a blatant throw. Ian shakes hands with Dan that he will vote for Dan to stay if it is Shane/Dan on the block.

    12:36 PM BBT Ian is lying in the MBR - says something about shouldn't have shaken on it. Joe says he hears a lot of drilling. In HOH Shane and Joe still pledging to each other and how to do certain comps.

    Frank tells Shane that both he and Brit went to Ian and told him not to use it. Shane says that he will play HOH for Frank. They wonder if Ian has to use his first or not. Frank says he has been meaning to ask that of BB

    12:43 PM BBT Frank tells Shane that Dan got to Ian and installed fear in Ian for his vote last Thursday. Shane says Ash apologized to him for her vote. Shane says he told her that he doesn't hold anything against her. Chatter about what Ash is dong right now.

    Brit putting on make up. Shane and Frank stilling talking about votes and who they would vote for if others got to the F2. Frank says they have won most of the

    12:48 PM BBT Ian in the WA whispering to Brit. Can only hear him say Dan - says that both Dan and Dani are throwing it. Brit doesn't have her mic on so difficult to hear what she is saying. BB tells her to put on her mic.

    12:52 PM BBT Ian/Brit talking about if it is the spelling comp. Ian giving her suggestions or words to spell. Ian says he told Dan he has to throw it. Ian now saying this crap has to stop as he can't take being put in uncomfortable positions. Say that with Dan it is never enough. He is getting really irritated.

    Brit still whispering and did not put on her mic - can't hear what she is saying to Ian. He says that this week will be a regular eviction and next week most likely a FF again.

    Shane tells Frank that the game is a lot more then just winning comps. He didn't think about the social aspect.

  10. 12:11 PM BBT We are back from the FOTH. Dan lying in the HN room. Shane/Frank/Joe in the KT. Gen chit chat about how hard it is to sleep. Frank called to DR. Joe does a call out to Sarah and that he loves her. Ian tells Joe that he is surprised Joe didn't get to host. Ian says it has to be the "How Bad Do You Want It" Veto.

    12:14 PM BBT Shane/Brit going over what they are will to take for the POV. Shane says is willing to do almost any of it. Brit tells him to let Dan/Dani take the prizes. Brit says she is willing to dye her hair pink. Brit explaining something about turing a ball over and we get FOTH briefly. Brit says that between the two of them they have to take the punishments.

    Ian looking worried and rocking at the KT table. Brit and Shane still going over scenarios.

    12:19 PM BBT Frank back in the KT looking for Shane. Frank heads through the bedroom looking for him. Shane wanders out of the side room. Shane makes his way to the kitchen . There is a discussion about the beers in the fridge and who they belong to. They belong to Shane from HOH room. Franks takes Shane to the HOH room for a talk

    Shane tells Frank that if he promises not to backdoor him then he won't really go for the veto. Frank says he wants to talk about further down the road. Frank discussing the F3. Frank says that he is not afraid to take Shane to the F2. Joe has joined Brit in the side room. Brit tells him that she doesn't think Ian is going to use his veto.

    12:25 PM BBT Brit says she can't even eat she feels so sick. She is called to DR. Frank still going over who would take him to F2 with Shane. Frank says he would take Shane and he feels Shane would take him. Joe calls Ian in to the side room to give him his two cents. Ian tells him that he can not use it on him. Joe asks him to not use it at all. Ian asks him what side is Joe on. He feels Joe just switches every week. Ian still it concerns him. He tells Joe he has to tall him before the meeting.

    12:30 PM BBT Shane tells Frank that he did not come here to not win this game. Frank agrees. Shane says most of the punishments he wouldn't care. Frank says he doesn't want to shave his head.

  11. 11:36 AM BBT Frank hope that neither Dan or Dani win. Frank would like to work with Shane but he doesn't know that he could get him to his side. Brit agrees that she would put Dan/Dani back on the block. Brit says she cab beat Dan in HOH if he stays.

    Dan is in the LR reading his bible. Frank and Brit talk about Jenn and that she won't vote against Dani. Frank tells her to rest easy and that if it comes down to Shane or Brit going home - he would rather Shane go home.

    11:43 AM BBT Brit explaining how the "What would you do" comp would work. Frank says he doesn't see anyone taking any prizes today. Dan sitting in thought in the living room.

    Brit explaining how in her season she took all the punishments etc for the POV - She was upset that all the guys took the prizes and left her out to dry. They talked her into that Matt took then and she nominated him. Turns out Matt didn't take any of them.

    11:50 AM BBT Brit heads downstairs. Says hello to Ian in the KT. She asks Joe what he made for breakfast. He made an omelet type of breakfast. Brit pulls at her hair at the KT counter and says she is going to lie down. Brit wanders to the LR couch to ask Dan if he is ok. Half eaten toast and empty glass still on the counter. Dan says he can read the writing on the wall. People are acting that way. Ian has told him that Frank threatened him if he uses the veto.

    11:56 AM BBT Shane joins the LR. Dan tells him about Ian not willing to use the Veto. Brit takes Ian into the side room. Ian tells Brit if the perfect scenarios comes along he will use it. Brit says Frank is a nice guy but they gave their word. Ian says he understands and he would rather piss off one person that can't play HOH next week then his group. Ian says that she needs to tell him otherwise. Brit tells Ian to go tell Dan.

    Ian heads to the SBR and paces. Dan goes to side room. Brit tells Dan that he will use it unless Dan or Dani wins it. Dan heads out to the SBR. Ian tells him if the perfect scenario he will be taken off. Ian says he gets scared when others are saying things. If Brit/Shane wins he will use it.

  12. 11:05 AM BBT Dan lying by himself in the HN room Dani/Jenn talking on the round bed. Jenn whispering to Dani - can not hear her. Now quiet.

    11:11 AM BBT Brit making breakfast. Joe talking to her about the POV. Brit nervous because she says she doesn't have the votes if she goes on the block. Joe talking about if it's the spelling comp - he can spell thermodynamics from Ian's shirt.

    Brit tells Joe that if anyone but Dan wins it - Dan is gone. Dan is reading his bible in the HN BR.

    11:17 AM BBT Brit asks Joe if he would have passed on prizes in veto comp. Joe says he wouldn't have until today - Frank says he is going up if someone comes down.

    Brit complaining that her toast is taking to long in the oven. Joe tells her she has to slip it - she doesn't want to. She put butter and sugar on top. She pulls it out as is. Using a napkin to eat off of.

    11:21 AM BBT Brit fills up a glass of milk and walks away leaving the sugar container open and Joe at the counter. She comes back and says everyone is lying down. Joe is stressing about the POV comp.

    11:26 AM BBT Brit leaves her half eaten toast and empty glass so the counter and heads to HOH. Frank is in the shower or WC so Brit takes a seat on the couch. Dan is still lying down in the HN room.

    11:28 AM BBT Brit tells Frank hat she can't believe the one guy is still in there - she counted him out a long time ago. Brit asks him what is on his mind. Frank says just to get the comp said and done so he knows what they are working with. Brit says she is concerned it's going to be a "who wants it more" veto.

    11:32 AM BBT Brit tells Frank she is stressed. Frank says he told Ian all they have to do is win 2 HOH's. Frank says this is past tense. He says Dan would be gone and one of the remaining 4 gone. Frank tells Brit he trusts her but he still has concerns. Brit tells him she doesn't blame him. Brit has resigned herself that Dan is going this week. Brit says Dan made his bed and now it has caught up to him. He made deals with several people.

  13. 9:34 PM BBT Ian and Brit rocking back and forth on the hammock. GOing over the possible comps and outcomes for tomorrow night.

    9:37 PM BBT In HOH Jenn talking about how Frank told her that the convo she had with Ash was uncalled for. Dani told them Frank cried during his convo with her.

    9:41 PM BBT Ash and Brit in MBR crying. Brit feels selfish that she isn't spending her husbands birthday with him. Brit says that jury starts tomorrow and now she will be gone for 4 more weeks. She wishes BB would let her call her hubby and tell him herself. Ash telling her that he knows how much she loves him. Brit says its exhausting how much she misses him each day. Ash: Every day it's something else - it's a never ending game. Brit: We are trapped - we are in purgatory right now.

    Ash says she is getting anxiety about playing the game in front of everyone. Brit tells Ash that she knows there will be 2 evictions tomorrow.

    Brit crying that tomorrow is her birthday and she will be stressed all day. Ash wishes she has candles for Brit. Brit: If I had a candle right now I would light myself on fire.

    Brit says she is in Hell - missing her husbands birthday for play doh and other games.

    9:49 PM BBT Brit is telling Ash that voting out Jani was a mistake. She wasn't coming after her. Brit says starting tomorrow - she will just lie in bed so she doens't have to talk to anyone and can't cause trouble.

    9:55 PM BBT Frank/Boogie/Ian in the BY going over scenarios and who to vote out.

  14. 9:03 PM BBT In HOH talk about Jeff missing out on the clown shoe and getting voted out.

    9:08 PM BBT Frank and Boogie talking. Boogie says he remembers packing all his stuff and being so excited. Says he is just going to hurry up and unpack when he gets home. He is going to put some stuff up on Ebay - says he has never sold stuff in his past seasons. Frank tells Boogie that Ash told him that the girls are not talking to her.

    9:14 PM BBT Boogie talking about how much harder it is to leave this time when he has so much more on the outside then he did in the past. Boogie is emotional.

    9:22 PM BBT Boogie/Frank in the BY . Boogie talking about how he has to have no regrets. Boogie feels maybe they should have reacted differently and thinks maybe he should have talked to Shane.

    Joe in HOH telling HG that Ash is wrapped around Frank. She is sure they will date on the outside of the house.

  15. 8:34 PM BBT Brit tells Dan that Ash won't even look at her. She says that Dani is at least getting the fake smile. Dan says he is excited for the comp tomorrow.

    Ian joins the HOH room . Ian says he feels bad about voting out Boogie. Brit tells him that he will look back and see how awesome it was that he made a move.

    Frank and Ash go off to the BR to talk. Frank asks Ash if she made up with Jenn. Ash says a little but Jenn being really hard on her.

    8:41 PM BBT Ian tells HOH room that it will be a FF tomorrow. He says since Shane go to practice that it will be the 2nd HOH. He says it will between the show and BBAD.

    Ian being quizzed on what happened each day in the house so far. Brit picking at her face and listening to Ian being quizzed by Dan. Brit asks why Ash is so upset at her. Ian says he has no idea.

    8:47 PM BBT Brit now yelling at Ian about they will be going home because Ian can't decide who he would nominate if he wins. Brit tells him that she doesnt want to be mean but that he has to nominate Frank because he is coming after them.

    Frank and Ash talking. He tells Ash that he tells her everything and then leans over and gives her a kiss.

    8:50 PM BBT Brit is practically beside herself because she can't get Ian to give the answer she wants. Ian feels he would have a hard time putting up Frank. Brit tells Ian if Frank wins HOH - Dan will be going.

    8:55 PM BBT Boogie is packing. Frank taking some of his things and says he will return them to him. We now have audio of BY but no video. In HOH there is a discussion about beer.

  16. 8:11 PM BBT Ian is practicing and doing well. The HG cheer him on. Frank tells him that he may be getting the HOH bathroom.

    8:20 PM BBT The rotation has ended and all HG head inside the house. Jenn and Dani head to the side room. Jenn telling Dani about a convo she had with Frank. They are whispering so difficult to hear but sounds like Frank was trying to tell Jenn why he had to work so hard.

    8:24 PM BBT In the KT HG prep dinner. In the side room Brit has poked her head in tot ell Dani she is going to HOH to take a shower. Jenn continues to tell Dani about Frank selling Boogie to hear and why others will vote for him to stay.

    Boogie and Frank are in the SR. Frank tells Boogie that Dan didn't do that well (Dan made it as far as Frank did). Frank going over how each HG did.

    8:32 PM BBT Brit is in HOH with Dan. She is explaining a comp from her season and how it worked. Brit insists this game will not be times but will be a knock out.

  17. 7:35 PM BBT HGs outside practicing for comp. Boogie inside eating dinner.

    7:43 PM BBT Frank makes it to the top on the game. Brit and Dani complaining that it is cold out. (It's in the 70's) Brit says she is last to practice. She is number 10.

    Shane and Ash go in the house for a minute. Ash give Shane some icy hot for his neck. She tells him she hasn't used it yet. Brit outside curled up freezing. Dani trying to hug her for warmth. Brit complaining how cold she is. Boogie in the WA flossing his teeth.

    Frank goes in the house to get dinner. Boogie tells him they did a food challenge like that in his season and he thinks he would be good at it. Boogie tells him dinner was great.

    Dan makes it to the top of the game. Frank going to watch how everyone is doing. Boogie tells Ian he is going to pass on his turn and to just go. Boogie says he is going to lie down.

    8:06 PM BBT DIscussion about if the game will be timed or not. Brit does not think so. Most of the HG think it will be.

  18. 2:29 PM BBT Now a discussion in the KT on how old they look in their BB pictures on the memory wall.

    Ian is rocking on the hammock. In the KT, general chit chat.

    2:38 PM BBT All 4 feeds on BY. Ian still rocking and Frank running laps.

    Dan/Brit are in the side room trying to ask for the clear box in the arcade machine. Pressing buttons etc.

    2:44 PM BBT Brit says working out is a pyramid scheme. She is going over how you go from eating junk to eating healthy and exercising.

    2:48 PM BBT Brit telling Dani what she would be doing at home for her hubby's bday. Dinner out at his favorite restaurant, make him a cake and end it with a mouth hug.

    2:55 PM BBT Ian and Dan talking. Ian tells him that Brit was getting worried. Ian says they have to cool their jets. Convo over and Ian leaves. In the BY Brit talking about her Christmas gifts. Her Santa gifts were not wrapped

    2:59 PM BBT Gen chit chat in BY about stock market. Dan doesn't do anything in the stock market.



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