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Posts posted by Kekila

  1. 12:06 PM BBT Brit in HOH reading Dani's letter from home and listening to music. Movie talk in the KT. Dani comes out of DR and Jani asks her where Brit is. Dani says Brit is lying down in HOH.

    Dani reports to Brit in HOH that Jani is looking for her. Brit complains that she doesn't want to talk game all day. Brit says she is going to tell Jani that she will do what Dani wants her to do and Dani won't tell her until 5:45 PM tomorrow. Brit then changes gears and says that if they were in the real world she would tell Dani that Shane is a douche and she will never like him even if they stayed together for a long time.

    12:16 PM BBT Brit and Dani now have a discussion about Trey ("friend" back home) We get FOTH back and forth. Brit trying to give relationship advice to Dani.

    12:23 PM BBT In the KT talk about local places in the HG hometowns. In the HOH we still have the relationship talk going on. Brit giving advice on Dani's dating life and what she should do.

    12:26 PM BBT Brit tells Dani that she was in a relationship when she was on BB her season but she never crossed the line in the house. She doesn't feel the relationship would have lasted anyways and the house had nothing to do with the demise of her relationship. Brit thinks that due to the kissing with Shane, Dani probably doesn't have a chance with Trey back home.

  2. 11:43 PM BBT Brit goes to HOH and tells Dani that Boogie knows she is a nurse. Brit explains why Boogie knows and his thought process behind it. Brit says she played dumb.

    Dani says yes he got it - she is a nurse and a med student. Brit says he doesn't know she is both. Brit says she just played dumb and didn't agree to anything.

    Dani says she works 3-11 or 11-7 but never works the early shift. We then get FOTH.

    11:51 AM BBT Dani telling Brit that Shane told he was scared to have feelings because he can't have a girl who can't come to Vermont. Dani says the traveling isn't the problem. Brit says that if Shane is being a douche then just be friends. Dani says she tried and then Shane turned up the sweetness. Brit says it's an ego thing. Dani says she told him that if he can't be nice to just let her be.

    11:55 AM BBT Dani tells Brit that she is okay with not having a showmance or a relationship besides friends but he keeps being mean and then mixed signals and that is why she is upset.

    Jani has joined the KT group. No major talk just gen chit chat. Brit asks Dani why she has to go back to the DR. Dani says they did that to wake her up.

  3. 11:27 AM BBT Jani was called to the DR but wandered into the WA to do ADLs instead. Dani was then called to the DR. Brit and Boogie continue their medical convo in the BY about Dr. they know.

    Brit tells Boogie that she quit working a week before coming in but still had the company car and everything. Her husband had to return everything. She also tells him that she loves her chemical peels for her face and had one a week before coming to BB.

    11:37 AM BBT In the KT HG having breakfast and exchanging good mornings. In the WA Janie still doing her make up.

  4. 11:03 AM BBT On the BY Brit: It's hotter then balls - I'm going to have heat stroke" Frank tells Brit that Jani made Wil swear on his dog's life for her vote. Wil crossed his fingers behind his back. Brit thinks if Joe figures it out - he won't vote for her either.

    Brit/Mike/Frank talking about everyone wanting Joe out and that it is so early and things change. Concern if Wil wins HOH and Joe may not go up. Brit says that WIl is pissed off at Joe as well.

    11:12 AM BBT Brit/Boogie/Frank talking about Jani. Brit says she was asked if Jani was really that popular. Boogie says she won back to back 25K. Frank says that he thinks she has played a different game this time and doesn't deserve fan favorite this time.

    11:17 AM BBT Boogie telling Brit that he thinks Dani is either a med student or a nurse. He has caught her in situations where she has had medical knowledge. He feels mostly she is a nurse. She called Advil by its medical term. (Brit doesn't spill what she knows but agrees with Boogie)

    Brit says that Dani says that school starts this week and Brit tells Boogie that it's way to early. Boogie says she has way to much difficulty waking up in the morning to be a teacher.

    Boogie asks Brit if she learned a lot about the human body while she was studying for her line of work. Brit said she did - it is what kick started her to eat healthier.

  5. 8:28 PM BBT Jani telling Ian that Ash is a sweet girl and she will be able to trust some people but not all. Ian tells her to make sure Ash knows that.

    8:37 PM BBT Brit telling Dani about Jani wanting the wine and not wanting to wait for Dani. Jani didn't want to wait to drink it.

    8:45 PM BBT Jani says goodby to Ian and heads over to Wil and Jenn. Asks how much longer before the drinking. Jani comes in and asks where Dani/Brit are - says she wants some purple eyeshadow and heads to HOH.

    8:49 PM BBT It has cooled down enough for some working out. Shane/Boogie and Frank working out. Jenn counting down their reps.

    8:58 PM BBT Jani pulls Joe and Ash in to the side room and tells them Wil didn't do it. Joe doesn't believe it. Says that Wil did the same thing last week and he was the only one in the house that knew of the convo.

  6. 8:04 PM BBT In the BY couch area - most of the HG talking about movies and actors. Brit/Ian still on the hammock. Jani has left her wine bottle and heads to the WC.

    8:12 PM BBT Ian/Brit talking over voting out scenarios for future weeks. Still gen talk on the couches.

    8:19 PM BBT Janie comes over and sits by the hammock. Still movie talk. At the couches, TV talk. This is the excitement of the evening.

  7. 6:39 PM BBT It's almost time for family dinner. Some prepping in the WA before dinner. Dinner tonight is a seafood alfredo.

    Jani asks if the pink sauce is for dinner - turns out it is leftover milk with fruit loops from Shane. Everyone laughs.

    Family dinner time. Small talk about how good it is (to be followed by the usual complaining about Joe using all of the food)

    6:59 PM BBT Frank says he had a dream that he opened a cupboard and there all this food they didn't know they had.

    Jani tells the HG that she is still lactating and if someone pisses her off she will quirt them.

  8. 2:06 PM BBT Shane/Dani talking in HOH - Shane tells his version of the Jani talk. Ian playing badmitton int he pool.

    2:24 PM BBT Ian and Dan playing in the pool. Dani/Brit lying out and watching them.

    2:37 PM BBT Dani joins Wil in the HOH and tells him about Joe's visit to the HOH. And now about Jani's visit - just rehashing.

  9. 1:33 PM BBT Boogie and Frank nap. Still pictures in the kitchen.

    1:40 PM BBT Boogie and Frank nap. Still pictures in the kitchen.

    1:44 PM BBT Jani takes Dan into the side room. Tells him about her and Dani's talk last night. Jani says that Shane wants to keep her. Janie says she def has 4 votes.

    1:55 PM BBT BB announces over the house" Hello HG - it's going to be hot out there today. Don't forget your sunscreen".

    Dan joins Ian outside - apologizes for being delayed. Said he got caught in the blonde web. (Janie)

  10. 1:05 PM BBT HG split between prepping lunch in the KT and talking about music in the BY. Brit singing.

    More HOH camera fun! Jani has the HG head outside for pictures. Its more picture fun in the BY.

    1:17 PM BBT Just HOH pictures. Nothing else going on.

    Seems the picture taking go carried away - a pose caused Brit to be dropped. She is fine but says not to take a picture of her double chin.

    1:24 PM BBT Ash?Brit/Dani get on dining table to take picture. BB tells them to "Stop That" Jani "Sorry BB"

    1:28 PM BBT Frank and Boogie in the SBR - talking about the picture taking. Boogie is not a fan. Boogie wants a medal count.

  11. 5:29 PM BBT Now Jani has joined in the period math. Jani informs them that she bleeds every 25 days. Ian says he was trying to remember when Brit asked him to bring tampons from the SR.

    5:36 PM BBT Brit telling Jani/Ash that she eats Joe's fattening meals but then doesn't eat for the rest of the day. The girls are complaining about how fattening the meals are.

    5:41 PM BBT BB calls for an OLD. Everyone heads outside. Grumbling about how hot it is on their way outside.

    HG wondering why the OLD. Frank thinks it may be to fix the filter because Jani/Brit were complaining about it.

    5:50 PM BBT Ash/Dani having a discussion about Jani and why Dani did what she did.

    5:54 PM BBT On the BY couches an exciting discussion of if they put their phone on vacation status.

  12. 5:04 PM BBT Jani talking about past HG and how she knows them. Ian taking a shower. Boogie chatting with him.

    5:12 PM BBT Gen chit chat in the BY. Ian still taking a shower. All 4 feeds on the shower now.

    Brit and Jani complaining that the water is cloudy and they have nothing to drink. Jani says the filter is broken.

    5:23 PM BBT Frank/Wil discuss what tunes they whistle. Brit getting made up in the WA. Now Frank and Boogie discussing the unitard in the BY.

    5:28 PM BBT Brit discussing how much water she is supposed to drink per pound. And now announces that her period is due next Monday - Brit now trying to figure out of that is correct and discussing it with Ian if she is correct.

  13. 1:38 PM BBT Jani asks Wil to work out - she wants to work out inside because it is so hot outside. Frank asks Wil how his DR are. Frank says good.

    1:45 PM BBT We currently have FOTH - not clear why.

    1:48 PM BBT Feeds are back. Ian/Ash/Dan/Jenn in the pool. Ian talking about a pet turtle. Frank is looking for sunblock and does not have his spiritard. May be going in the pool.

    1:57 PM BBT All 4 feeds on the pool. Just splashing around and laughter. No real talk.

  14. 1:05 PM BBT Wil and Ashley talking in BY about Jani/Ash/Brit convo and counting votes. Ash says "she's gone"

    Shane/Dani in HOH rehashing Jani's visit to the HOH after the POV. Ash says that she is worried that Dani/Shane made a deal with Boogie to be safe next week. Wil says he doesn't think so.

    1:12 PM BBT Brit joins the HOH room. Dani telling Brit that she hadn't talk to anyone but Wil. Brit telling them about her convo with Jani. Brit says after the nom ceremony Wil said: That was shocking and then Ash said "I guess you shouldnt be so mean to people"

    1:18 PM BBT Boogie in the KT trying to remember what Brit wanted to ask BB for. Frank remembers "half and half" HG talk about how hot it is outside. Jani eating lunch and watching Frank and Boogie in the KT.

    1:22 PM BBT Jani is reading a spiral book - looks like may be the handbook.

    It is the BB manual - she doesnt say what she is looking for. Just flipping a lot of pages and then stopping every little bit and reading.

    1:28 PM BBT Jani washing dishes. Shane and Dani just sitting in HOH. Brit getting in her bathing suit to go lie out.

  15. 10:37 AM BBT "Good Mornings" as the HG move about. Wil goes into the BR to get something and wakes Jani up. She sits up for a moment and lies back down. Joe shaving and Frank says something about the spiritard size. Can't tell if he got a new one or not. Jani is now up and looking for clothes.

    10:44 AM BBT WIl and Jani getting ready in front of the WA mirror - not saying much. Jani not wearing her mic. We have trivia.

  16. 10:02 AM BBT ani practices her VETO speech on Wil on what she will say when she puts up Jani and takes him down. He thanks her for using it on him. Makes him promise not to say anything,

    10:15 AM BBT WIl/Frank/Jenn in BY couches. Talking about if they go out to clubs how they drink alcohol and then water if they know they have to drive. Other feed is on HOH WA with no one in sight.

    Wil/Jenn talking WIl tells her something about don't be surprised and she says "don't tell me" Boogie walks out and they joke about that they were talking F2. In HOH WA we can hear Dani taking a shower.

    10:24 AM BBT Boogie/Jenn/Wil are talking about weddings and how much alcohol is drunk. Talk about that bars should not be cash bars at weddings. It doesn't have to be top of the line but they should offer something or not at all. We are back and forth with FOTH. Wil says "she hasn't shut up about her damn wedding" We get a view of the MBR - HG still sleeping. Dan called to DR.

    HGs starting to stir and do ADLs. Brit called to DR. Ash heads to SR and takes some Advil.

  17. 9:11 PM BBT Frank and Boogie in the nom chairs in the LR. Talking about jumping to some side (whispering and can't hear). Dani walks in and tells Boogie about Frank doing a cheer on her bed. Frank asks if they asked her about the tickle monster - she said yes.

    Frank spins Brit around (Brit being upside down). Brit screams and screams laughing.

    9:16 PM BBT Discussion on the spiritard Frank has to wear. Ian ssays BB didn't go to a lot of effort. Discussion on how other's unitards were created.

    9:18 PM BBT The HG have received a whole pineapple. Joe cuts it open with the pizza cutter. Says if they had a grill he could grill it for them. Dani says she has never had fresh pineapple like this. Brit dispatches someone to wake Jani up from he nap.

    9:24 PM BBT Dan and Ian are in the pool. Difficult to hear due to water running near the mic but sounds as though Ian is talking about the POV comp. They are now whispering. In the LR Frank and Boogie talk...and talk...and talk.

    9:27 PM BBT You can hear Dan/Ian talking about a "she" and being a threat. Possibly talking about Jani since Ian was talking to Brit earlier about Jani needing to go. You can hear Ian say "Shane will go up and prob you as a replacement.

    Ian is definitely talking about Jani going up.

  18. 8:39 PM BBT In the BY Dani/Shane continue to talk about their lives and dating. In the WCA the HG giving Frank a hard time for saying to he would go to one more prom if the girl was 18.

    8:51 PM BBT We are getting FOTH a lot as the Hg talk about home lives. And now Frank sings and we get more FOTH.

  19. 8:05 PM BBT Frank and Boogie in the BY. Frank tells Boogie that he has noticed that Joe doesn't wash his hands after the bathroom. Boogie says that they better make sure he doesn't cook anymore.

    8:11 PM BBT Dani and Shane talking about the weight they gained in college and how it affected them. On the other feeds - Frank and Boogie - nothing has changed - just the same convo round and round.

    8:20 PM BBT Brit/Jani/Frank/Dan in the WCA talking about dating online. Frank says he has tried it but never met anyone. Brit offers that there is a difference between the ones you pay for and the free ones. Brit says that if you google Brit - one of the pictures that comes up is a man in panties with a porno background.

    Frank tries to offer that maybe it comes up because of the Haines underwear. Brit says it's spelled differently. She is explaining that there are ugly legs in the picture and it isn't her.

    8:26 PM BBT Correction - Ashley is in the WCA with the others. Not Jani. Discussing pictures that come up of them if you google them. Ashley says only two pictures come up of her.



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