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Posts posted by Kekila

  1. 5:40PM BBT     In the HOH BR, Dani, Memphis and Enzo talking. Memphis says he almost died during the comp. Memphis asks who they send home. Dani first says Kevin and then says they can get Tyler to use the veto. Memphis doesn't think it will get used. 


    5:50PM BBT Nic and Cody talking about how Memphis hates people that talk too much. Cody tells Nic that Tyler is the bottom and Nic is 5th on Memphis' list. He also tells Nic that Memphis wants David out of the game. Cody tells her in his season he had to kiss Caleb's backside. Nic tells him that it is good that she knows where she stands on his list.

    6:10PM BBT In the HOH BR, Memphis and Tyler talking. Tyler tells him that Day lied to him about voting to keep him. Memphis tells Tyler about the deal he made with David to keep him off of the block. Tyler tells him that Dani never says anything negative about Day but does all the time about Kevin. 
    6:20PM BBT Tyler tells Memphis that he didn't want to win the veto to change Memphis' plans. He is competitive and wanted to win it to win it. He tells Memphis he can act annoyed about him winning it if he wants. He tells him about Nic's plan that she would go after Bay and he would go after Day.
  2. #BB22 5:02PM BBT Memphis and Kevin talking. Memphis tells Kevin that since Day used the veto on him last week, it made it easier on him to nominate Kevin. 


    5:40PM BBT Day and Kevin agree not to campaign against each other. They say there is no reason to.


    6:15PM BBT Tyler, Cody and Dani talking. Tyler asks Cody why he pees sitting down. Cody says his dad taught him to so he and his brother wouldn't make a mess like they were. Tyler tells him his dad taught him to be cleaner but forgot to tell him he would be made fun of for it.


    7:00 PM - 8:00 PM BBT No game talk. Enzo and Dani trying to think up Zings for the hosue. Enzo thinks of one for Nic. That she has dated as many guys as Dani had to nominate. Memphis, Cody, Xmas and Tyler talking about football in the LR. Nic trying to get some quiet time and hiding in the KBR. Xmas goes into the KBR to check out a bit. Nic pops up to let her know she is in there. She tells Xmas she just didnt want anyone to talk game not knowing she was there. Xmas wants to read the Bible.

  3. 2:00PM BBT NIc and Tyler in the SR. She says that the 5-3 vote caused Day and Dani to fight about it. Nic says she didn't know it would cause a fight but she feels bad. Nic says it was a game move. Tyler says that Day is throwing David under the bus. Nic says they need to make sure David stays in the house this week.


     2:09PM BBT Xmas and Day talking about their birthdays. Day says her's falls on Mother's Day often so she can't celebrate that day. Xmas talk about how close to the holidays her's is. They talk about how shopping will be different this year for Black Friday.


     2:16PM BBT Day and Dani are talking in the PBR. She says she doesn't know who didn't follow through with their vote. She says she questioned Kevin and Nic and both said they kept their votes. Day thinks it was David and she has to figure out why. Dani says she just feels that David is really bad at this game. Day says she hates that she is getting caught up in the cross fire of his bad game play.


    2:29PM BBT Memphis, Cody and Enzo talking about waxing your back. Memphis goes often. General talk about restaurants in the KT.

    2:43PM BBT In the LR, Enzo, Nic and David talk about it being Halloween as soon as they go back. David says Halloween is a Sunday this year because it was Saturday last year. (It was a Thursday last year and with Leap Year it is a Saturday this year). Enzo talks about having his kids for the weekend when he gets home. he is excited.


     2:49PM BBT Dani and Cody talking about the HG being messy. Cody says that Enzo has his stuff everywhere. Dani says that Nic left a glass that had milk in it in the WCA. Dani says that she doesn't understand how people are so messy. She and Cody talk about him taking a comforter up to the HN BR. She says Xmas has taken 3 so far and is raiding all the rooms.


     2:54PM BBT Kevin and Day in the WCA. They are talking about things that people eat. Day has eaten chalk and a match. Kevin says that he has eaten paper. Day is giving him trouble that he ate paper. Kevin says that as an adult, he has had a cricket because it was served to him. Day says she is sure she has eaten an ant in the house by accident.



  4. 1:40PM BBT Kevin talks about that he enjoys his simple life. He is happy to be home with his husband and his cat. He is happiest watching Star Trek and eating ice cream. He says he was attracted to reality TV because he wants to show that he is not shy even though he is insecure.

    1:55PM BBT Kevin's birthday is celebrated. Xmas has made him cupcakes and Memphis has shared his sushi. He thanks everyone. Kevin says it has been a really special birthday.
  5. 12:36AM BBT Tyler asks Day if they can talk. They had to the BR. Day congratulates him. She asks him who he thinks his votes were. She tells him she kept her word.  Day tells him she had heard there was a plan to make it a tie so Dani would have to break it. 



    12:05PM BBT Memphis is talking to David in the HOH BR. He offers him a deal to stay off of the block if David agrees to not use the Veto if he should win it. He tells him that if he shares the info to anyone, he will come after David and make him public enemy number 1. David takes the deal and shakes Memphis' hand. We get stars.

    1:20PM BBT Kevin and Day are talking. He tells Day about the 6 person alliance David is part of with Memphis. He tells her it is David, Memphis, Xmas, Cody, Tyler and Enzo.
    1:28PM BT The only talk in the house is Cody about his bowel movements especially now that he is on slop and Kevin talking about how he and his husband flirt in ther workplaces. No game talk.
  6. 1:10PM BBT NIc and Dani talking about votes. Nic says there are two powers out there. Nic says that they can blame the vote on someone using their powers. Nic says if Dani uses her power, it will expose them. Dani agrees. Nic leaves. She finds Ian in the KBR. She tells him that she doesn't trust the others. Ian says he knows but it's all he has right now. In the KT, Xmas is braiding her hair over the KT counter. 


    1:17PM BBT Kevin is asking Ian if he is getting an assurance that Ian will not put him up. Ian says that he is good. Kevin asks if he will go to F6. Ian and Kevin shake on it.Kevin says they are putting themselves out there. In the lounge, Day comes into Nic and tells her not to tell Xmas because she will tell the guys. Nic says she won't.


    1:25PM BBT Xmas and Nic talking. They are talking about Day, Kevin and David voting to keep Ian. Nic says that with them voting to keep Ian it will look like she voted for him but she isn't. They discuss that they need to win.



    1:38PM BBT Dani and Tyler are talking. She is explaining how Nic is voting and going to say. Tyler asks Dani is they want her to vote him out. She says yes. Tyler says it makes him want to win HOH even more. Tyler heads out to get ready. 


    1:44PM BBT Dani is telling Cody that if the vote is 3 for Ian then NIc is going to blame it on David. Dani says Tyler is going to call everyone to the room and give a talk. Cody says they have to win HOH. He tells her he laid it allout in his GB message. Nic comes in and tells Cody that it will be 5-3 and he needs to teach her how to act.


    1:51PM BBT Nic, Cody and Dani talking about HOH comp. Nic explaining an egg one. Cody says he won it. Nic explaining how Victor did really well. Talk changes to what Dani is going to wear tonight. Cody asks her what shoes go with it.


    1:58PM BBT Cody is telling Dani that ay has to go before Kevin. Dani tells him that Kevin is coming after him and he needs to go first. They talk in circles about what Day, David and Kevin doing.

  7.  12:06PM BBT Feeds return. We have Ian getting dressed. 


     12:15PM BBT Cams on Enzo working out and Xmas running laps through the LR.


    12:30PM BBT In the WCA, Nic is shaving Memphis'  back hair. Cody is finishing up Tyler's hair. Memphis goes to shake the hair out of the rug and Nic starts to brush her teeth. Cody has done his hair and is cleaning out the sink.


    12:35 PM BBT Dani and Ian talking in the PBR. She is asking him about if he had spoken to certain HG today. HE says he knows what he is going to do and they will find out soon if it worked. He tells Dani he got David to shake on hhis vote to keep him. Dani says David scares her because he hates her and he told Nic that he was voting Ian out to spite Dani. 


    12:39PM BBT Nic and ian talking in the KBR. Ian tells her about David shaking on his vote to keep Ian. Nic suggests asking Kevn for his vote because he and Day will most likley vote the same way. Nic tells him to keep her updated and leaves.


    12:51PM BBT Kevin walks in on Ian crying in the KBR. He tells Kevin that he really wants to stay and to please vote for him to stay. In the WCA, Cody is cleaning his ears. Nic tells him and Xmas about Josh telling her on her podcast that he flushes his down the toilet. 


    12:54PM BBT David is talking to Kevin. He assures Kevin that he will vote for Ian to stay. He wants a split vote so that Dani has to show her cards. Kevin agrees. 



  8. 10:10AM BBT Feeds bouncing back and forth between stars. We get Xmas and Enzo talking in the KT and then stars.


    10:13AM BBT Cams on HG resting. No talking.


     10:30AM BBT In the HOH BR, Enzo says 15 minutes until HOH LD. He finds a place to lay down. Dani is already in the HOH. HG starting to come in.


     10:43AM BBT We get stars and then puppies. HOH LD time!

  9.  8:37 PM BBT Dani and Day talking about Ian. Dani is scared for Ian.  She says that he is going to be embarrassed and she is worried he is losing it.



    8:41PM Dani says that she doesn't think BB will ever do All-Stars again because all they hear is "I am self evicting or I am going to talk to BB. Dani and Day watching the HOH BR TV. She is scared of Xmas. She jokes that Xmas would strangle her in her sleep.


     10:10PM BBT Nic and Dani are talking. Nic is upset that if she doesn't give Ian a pity vote, he will start saying things about them on his way out. Dani says that a pity vote may cause it to be a tie and she doesn't want that. She says Nic needs to make sure that Day, Kevin and David vote him out. Dani says she is going to yell at Ian that he is being selfish for threatening Nic. She says it is part of the game. She is also tired of Ian saying he isn't going to jury.


    10:20PM BBT Dani tells Nic that she is also tired of Xmas and how she goes into every room. She says it is annoying. She says she needs to sit down and act normal.

  10. 5:00PM BBT Xmas telling Ian that she is transparent. She says that she could have a strong ally in the house. She is talking circles. Ian says he is confused. Xmas says there have been several who have promised her safety and she says she didn't give them an answer. She says she just needs the house to calm down. She basically is telling him she has someone in the house without saying it. 


    5:04PM BBT Xmas has basically told Ian that she is working with Tyler. Ian has told her if he stays, she will be good. 


    5:07PM BBT Day and Nic talking. Day says that Xmas has been campaigning for Tyler. She says that Tyler basically stayed up in the HOH when Xmas won HOH. Nic wanted to get Xmas to vote to keep Ian. Day says she won't. Nic says the guys don't want to save him. Nic says she doesn't want to be blindsided because David will flip. Kevin told Day today that they do not have David. 


     5:19PM BBT Xmas goes to the lounge to talk to Nic. She says she told Ian that she didn't know at this time with everything that has happened. She says that Ian is laying it on thick. She says that she told him that if he stays, there is a group of 6 they can protect. Nic asks her if she will tell him later. Xmas says that she will She wanted to make him feel heard. 


    5:23PM BBT Nic tells her that David, Kevin and Day is voting Ian out. Xmas says that she really wants to be honest with him but she was shocked when he asked for her vote. Xmas says that she didn't say anythign because she was weighing her options. She says that she will tell him that there are key people not voting for him. Nic says Dani won't let her vote for him to stay.



  11.  4:30PM BBT Feeds back. Enzo talking about halfway. It is possible they got a halfway cake. Xmas talks about 6 more weeks in the house. She says 2 DE. She is singing "Chaos". All 4 cams on them.


    4:34PM BBT COdy and Xmas talk about the half way party is tonight. Cody says "she" told them not to party too much tonight. Xmas says she loves the PBR and wants to know if they can kick David out so she can move in there. Nic and Ian talking in the HOH BR. Dani comes in and Ian tells her what Memphis said to him. They tell him to talk to Enzo again.


    4:47PM BBT Xmas talking to Ian. She is asking his thoughts on David. Ian explaining that David is the top of his target list. Xmas talking about rumors she head before Ian went up as a nominee. They talk about David. Ian says that Xmas has never been her target.


    4:54PM BBT Kevin and Nic talking. It appears Kevin has told her he isn't voting for Ian unless NIc can get 4 confirmed votes. Nic says she has no pull in the house. She has people's word but it's stressful. They talk about who Ian would target.



  12.  1:32PM BBT NIc explains about how she felt in her seasons. Enzo asked her if it was fun to play with the coaches. She said it was. She says this season feels harder. Ian agrees. Cody making something to eat in the KT.


    1:40PM BBT Cody heads to HOH BR. Dani in bed. Dani asks if Nic talked to him. He said no. She starts to tell him something and we get stars. It appears Nic said that she would give Ian a pity vote and he told her not to. They talk about flipping something (not sure since we missed a bunch of the convo). Cody says he wants to talk to Kevin to see if Kevin said anything to Ian. Cody says that he is going to win HOH. And he will nominate Kevin. He says that it has to be Kevin and Day and not David and Kevin. Dani says that Ian told her that David is campaigning against him. 


     1:46PM BBT COdy says they have a group of HG in their alliance that are proven comp winners. He says that Day and Kevin have only won one each. Dani says that Tyler has only won one as well. Cody tells her she has to use her power and play HOH. She says she won't. COdy says then they only have 5 and Nic is going to be shook with Ian going. They get quiet.


    1:52PM BBT Cody is telling Dani that he is never in the good spot. He says Enzo is in the best spot in the house right now. He explains why they are going to be the ones who are not in the best spot because they go to each of the HG. Dani says that Cody and her know what is going on in the house more then anyone else. Cody says they have to do things before anyone else catches on.



  13. Nic and Dani talking about how Kevin keeps bringing up the first wall yeller. He can not give it up. Dani says that the wall  yeller ruined both of their games.

    1:10PM BBT NIc and Dani talk. Nic is looking for info they can use against Tyler. Dani keeps reminding her they need to be strong going into tomorrow and we get stars.
     1:20PM BBT Ian is in the PBR talking to Enzo, Xmas, and Nic. He is making his rounds. He says he has to do so. Xmas says he has too much respect for the game not to. Enzo tells him he has to come up with a slogan.  Ian practices a couple slogans. They are all joking around. Dani is listening to music in bed. 
    1:23PM BBT Nic asks Ian if he is going to talk to David. Ian says he has already laid out his pitch to Daivd and giving him all the info he is going to. He is done.  Enzo says the game is rough. 
  14.  11:04AM BBT BB comes over the speaker "What do you not understand about please. WAKE UP" and we get stars.


     11:09AM BBT Kevin and Ian cleaning the KT. Xmas is playing with a puzzle. Nic is chatting with her.


     11:23AM BBT Enzo and Dani is laughing. Xmas comes in. Enzo says he is done. Dani says she is hiding because everyone hates her. THey are laughing. Enzo dropping f bombs right and left with his usual "yo". Enzo says that Ian keeps asking him for his vote. There was some type of situation last night that they are referring to but not clearly stating.


    11:30AM BBT Dani calls Ian up to the HOH BR. Dani says she isn't angry about what he said last night. Everything he said was true and it is hard to hear. They tell each other they really care about each other. Dani is confirming with him that they have the votes to keep him. Ian says that he offered safety to David but David won't commit. Ian says that if he gets HOH, he is putting up David and Kevin. He has had it with both of them.



    11:43AM BBT Enzo and Xmas talking in the PBR. Kevin comes in. Enzo tells him he is hiding today. Not going into the war zone. Memphis comes into HOH BR. Dani asks Memphis what he heard. Memphis says he heard Ian got really mad and we got stars. Feeds return and Memphis is talking about hot dogs.


     11:51AM BBT Dani tells Memphis that she wants someone good to win All Stars. She is worried about HOH tomorrow night. She feels like the biggest target. Memphis says he feels the same. He says that Ian needs to f* off. He gets that he is mad but it's a game. He says Tyler gave a nice Veto speech. 


    11:55AM BBT Dani tells Memphis that Ian thinks he is still staying. Memphis is surprised. He says he will tell Ian he is not voting for him. He has no reason to lie to him. He says he only lies when it benefits him. He says Xmas told Ian she is voting for him. He says if Xmas wants to lie to someone that is on her. Dani says that it is better for them.



  15. 5:27PM BBT Kevin asks David how his talk with Ian went. David says that he is making him think he is leaning towards keeping him but he knows he is part of an alliance. Cams change. Dani in the HOH BR tells Xmas that she feels bad putting Tyler up. Dani says that Kevin has changed since the veto was used on him. Xmas says Day has changed after winning the Veto. She snarks "welcome to your third season". Dani says laughs and says she is mean. Xmas says that Day needs to remember that Dani protected Day.


     5:34PM BBT IN the hOH BR, Dani talking about how annoying everything is. Xmas asks her if she knows how Cody is doing. Dani says that they are supposed to hang out tonight. She says that he seems to be doing well about his grandfather. Xmas says doing nothing is exhausting. Dani says it sux.


     5:38PM BBT Nic and Memphis talking in the BY. Memphis wants the votes to be unanimous to send Ian out. Nic explains that she wants it 5-3 so that they don't think she flipped. She wants to blame it on David. Cody comes out and they talk about that he took a shower. All talk stops.


    5:47PM BBT Cody, Nic and Tyler talking. Nic says that she wants her to be able to vote for him. She says Dani doesn't want her to and we get stars.


    5:52PM BBT Cody and David are trying to do a pigeon mating call to try and get the bird to come into the yard. Tyler says he won't be able to get out of the yard. Tyler says these birds can't fly straight up. Cody continues to do bird calls.

  16.  5:02PM BBT, The shady ladies have an alliance meeting. Xmas says they have to win HOH next week. Dani says they have to protect each other. They talk about it's only the four of them left.


    5:13PM BBT The girls are talking about what time they got up. We get stars.


     5:14PM BBT Before Day leaves she jokes about if Dani saved her an alocholic drink for Wednesday. Dani jokes about it. Day leaves. Dani does a raspberry. She says she isn't saving her a drink since she used the veto. Nic says she doesn't want to have a meeting with her tomorrow. Dani says they have to.


    5:22PM BBT Ian and David talking. Ian says he and Kevin had a pawn pact. he says he has upheld his end of the deal. He says he was the first to give him his vote. David says that he isn't sure. Ian asks if it is good things for him. David says yes. He says when you come off of the block, he wants to not make the mistakes he has been making. Ian excuses himself for the bathroom. He tells David thank you.



  17. 4:16PM BBT Dani apologizing to David for not giving him a warning that he was going to be nominated.


    4:41PM BBT Xmas and Nic whispering in the CBR. Xmas says that she doesn't trust Enzo. Day walks in and says that Ian says today is the day. Nic asks what she is tlaking about. Day says the half way party. Nic says that sometimes they have had it before the half way mark and we get stars. 


     4:51PM BBT Xmas and Enzo are whispering. Xmas says that Day apologized to her about the Veto speech. Enzo says that Day twisted what he said to her about it. Enzo says that he told her that her speech was over the top. He told her to watch what she says. Enzo says that Day twists things. Enzo says he has never done anything wrong to Day.


    4:59PM BBT IN the BY Ian asks David how he is doing. David says from what he has heard he is doing well. David giving advice to Ian about being on the block. Ian says he appreciates David and reminds him that he voted for him to stay. In the HOH BR, Xmas and Dani talking. Xmas says that she is sure HG are planting seeds. Day enters the HOH BR, and talk stops. 

  18. 1:25PM BBT David and Cody talking. David wants to know where Cody is thinking. Cody doesn't really answer but talks about who else is voting. David says he is telling him he doesn't know. Cody says that he has to think about which person does he feel safer with.


    1:33 PM BBT Nic, Dani and Xmas talking about wedding colors and concerts. Memphis and Tyler chatting in the pool.


     1:45PM BBT Kevin and Day in the WCA, Day is taking out her braids. She says these people are driving her crazy and we get stars.


    1:47PM BBT Kevin tells Day that Cody and Enzo are voting for Tyler to stay. Day she doesn't know about that and we get stars. Cody and David talking. He says he is going to win this HOH. Cody says heck yeah! David says he has no trust.


    1:55PM BBT In the WCA, Ian, Kevin and Day talking about Day's wig. Kevin has tried it on. They talk about that it is realy hair. Kevin says his tangles. They talk about when they are going to lose the yard and we get stars. We come back. Ian is talking about he is doing ok on slop this time. He says the cot is better then the HN BR on his season. Day agrees. We get stars.

  19. 1:06PM BBT Xmas and Dani talking about having a meeting before HOH on Thursday. Xmas says maybe some wine. Dani says that Nic can not have her wine. (They are talking about Day). Talk changes to Xmas can't find her glasses and she needs to do her toes. Nic says she can hear an ice cream truck on the lot.


    1:11PM BBT All 4 cams on the three girls. Dani says they have to make Day believe 1000% that Ian is staying this week. Memphis comes over and they call him grandpa. Dani is hungry. Nic tells her she has to eat. Dani says she doesn't want to cook even though she wants to eat.


     1:22PM BBT Tons of stars for no reason. HG are all just chatting in the BY. They are talking about Vic. Nic says he wants to go back to law school.

  20.  11:43AM BBT Feeds are back. Kevin was saved and Ian is on the block. Ian hugs Tyler. He says they are good players and it happens. Nic is crying. She says that she feels bad. Xmas is trying to console her. Nic says that Dani says Ian is a pawn but she doesn't feel like he is. Xmas says that is how she felt last week with Bay.


    11:47AM BBT Ian and Dani in the HOH BR. She tells him that everyone loves him and she will campaign all week for him. Ian says it is ok. He says he needs 4 votes and she will break the tie in his favor. Dani tells him he has it. Ian says he will put a shirt and tie on and if he goes he goes. Dani is worried he hates her. Ian says he isn't going to hate someone over a game. He says you have to take your lumps.



  21.  10:03AM BBT Nic and Day talking in the lounge. Day says that Kevin has made it clear to her that if she doesn't save him then she won't have his vote in jury. Day says that she doesn't feel like she owes him anything.  Nic says she did not realize Kevin said all that. Nic says that she feels bad for Ian too.



    10:11AM BBT Nic and Day talking. Nic says that Kevin should consider the place Day is putting herself in by using it. She says Dani s trying to be understanding. Day says that she couldn't even enjoy her win. She says that people are telling her that she would be putting a target on her back. Day says people were saving people with the safety suite and it was all nice but she wants to use the veto and people are saying she is starting a war.


    #BB22 10:21AM BBT Veto meeting

  22. 3:40PM BBT Cody goes into the KBR to talk to NIc. Nic tells him that Day isn't going to use the Veto. She says Kevin is working for votes hardcore. Nic says it was a good game move for her to give up when she did. Cody says he didn't throw it that he could not hold on. Nic asks Cody why keeping Tyler over Ian would be better. Cody says that Enzo, Xmas and Memphis would want Ian over Tyler. He says then they have to wonder why they would want Ian of their alliance members.


    3:48PM BBT Day and Kevin talking in the lounge. Kevin says that he is just trying to get votes. Kevin says if hypothetically she puts Xmas up, then they have to hope there is a power to get Tyler off. He wants to know if there is a situation where they can get Xmas off. Day says Memphis isn't going to vote out Xmas. Kevin says they need 5.


     3:54PM BBT Day and Kevin continue to try and figure out scenarios. Day wants Xmas gone. She says she has to go after taking her shot at them. 

  23.  3:05PM BBT Day and Xmas cooking in the KT. Kevin telling stories about his husband to David and Ian (they asked for stories). 


    3:15PM BBT Xmas and Memphis talking. Xmas giving her take on what each the HG needs for working out. Explaining what Memphis needs and how Cody can become more lean. In the BY, Nic and Tyler talking about the house. Tyler says there is so much sexism in the house that it isn't fair. In the LR, Memphis now talking about Day using the veto possibly. He says he sent Cody to go ask Dani who she would put up if the Veto was used.


     3:25PM BBT Enzo in the lounge talking to Day. He is trying to get her to keep things the same. He says that he is ready to take a shot. Day says she is definitely ready to take a shot. Ian has moved to the hammock in the BY. Day has exited to the KT.


     3:34PM BBT Dani and Day in the KT. Dani says she wants to talk to her later. Day says definitely. In the KBR, Dani goes to talk to Nic. She says it's Operation Xmas tonight. Dani says they are going to work her over and make her do whatever they want. Dani says if Kevin isn't up then Tyler needs to go. If Kevin is up there then he can go. She says she is going to request bubbles for a bubble bath. She says she is going to make it a girls night. Nic asks if she is going to give her win. Dani says yes. Nic says that's the Dani she knows.



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