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Posts posted by Kekila

  1. 2:53PM BBT IN the BY, Memphis and Nic talking about the weather.  Memphis thinks it is 78 outside (it's 99 there right now). Nic disagrees.


    2:58PM BBT IN the KT, David and Tyler talk about doing dishes. David says when he is a HN, he won't wash the other's dishes but will wash the HN dishes (he cleans the KT often). In the BY, the HG talk about making raisins. Kevin says you can leave them in the sun. Dani and Xmas do not believe him. Memphis says that the ants will probably take them.



  2. 2:06PM BBT In the BY, HG in the pool and sitting around talking about movies. 


    2:25PM BBT The HG are still in the BY. Talk about actors and movies.


    2:36PM BBT Tyler talking about Netflix shows. Xmas and Nic playing backgammon. Others just lounging in the sun.


     2:43PM BBT Cody in the KT prepping food. David talking to him. In the BY, Tyler is lying in the sun.

  3. 5:30PM BBT Cody and Kevin have a convo in the HOH BR. Kevin tells Cody that he is exhausted by his (Kevin's) actions because he isn't that person. Cody says he understands. He has been on the block so much. Cody says he should have communicated better himself. Kevin tells Cody that he does think that Cody can see things from his perspective. Cody tells him that he is glad they had this conversation. Kevin says he just wants to clarify that he knows Cody wasn't out to get him. He tells Cody that he isn't out to get Cody either. He feels it was just the circumstances. Kevin tells him if for any reason he stays, he wants him to know that he is not a threat to his game.


    5:50PM BBT Memphis has come to the HOH BR to talk to Cody. They discuss Dani and Xmas. Memphis tells Cody that Xmas thinks he is coming after her to put her up. He has been trying to calm her down. Memphis says he isn't willing to throw any HOH. Memphis says he would just nom David and a pawn if he won HOH.

     6:00PM BBT Cody talks with Enzo, Nic and Tyler. He tells them about his convo with Kevin. he says it was nice to clear the air. He says it will be nice not to have any weirdness around them anymore.


    6:39PM BBT We get stars and then reels.

  4. 11:40AM BBT Nic and Xmas in the WCA. Xmas is loading her hair with an oil. She is now braiding it. In the BY, David and Memphis still talking.


    11:54AM BBT Xmas joins David and Memphis in the BY. Cams all switch to randoms shots of the house.


     11:58AM BBT Xmas talking to David about turning down 6 figures jobs. She says she was on food stamps when she started her gym. She says that she was a contractor and paid 6 figures tax free. David is talking about working.

  5. 10:37AM BBT HG still sleeping. All lights are out in the BB house still.


    11:08AM BBT We have stars. Maybe wake up time.



    11:21AM BBT Feeds are back. Lights are still out in the HOH BR. Cody is still sleeping. In the KT, David and Memphis are awake (kind of). All cams change to Cody, who lets one loose as he sleeps.


    11:29AM BBT BB calling different HG to get new batteries and go to the DR. David cleaning the KT and trying to make small talk with Memphis. Memphis finally talking a little but his face shows he is not thrilled.


     11:33AM BBT BB opens the BY. David and Memphis say thank you and head outside. BB has called Xmas to go to the DR for the third time. She hasn't moved in her bed. BB asks David and Memphis to lower the awnings.


  6. 5:07PM BBT Tyler in the HOH BR. Cody tells Tyler that he doesn't want the noms to change. He doesn't want to have to donate anyone else. Tyler says that he will gun for it. Cody says he isn't worried about it. He tells him that Dani is planting seeds that Tyler is coming after him.


    5:13PM BBT Tyler and Cody in the HOH BR. They are bashing on Dani. And how she tells them who is coming after them.  Tyler says that Memphis caught Dani talking to Kevin so Kevin has to go. (they were chatting in the CBR - not hidden away) We get stars.


    5:20PM BBT IN the KT, Kevin, David and Nic are talking about diets. In the HOH BR, Cody and Tyler still talking about the noms. Tyler gets called to the DR.


    5:27PM BBT In the KT, Dani, Nic and Kevin talking. Dani says somthing about 9pm. They say they can still hear banging outside. Kevin says maybe it is OTEV. Nic says but there are prizes. She and Dani head up to the loft.

  7.  4:09PM BBT IN the HOH BR, Cody, Memphis and Xmas are discussing Halloween and how kids will go trick or treating this year. Xmas says maybe they will do it in school. memphis talk about how he gets to golf for free in Palm Beach and go to the country club. In the lounge, Kevin talking to Nic. Kevin just talking about having conversations with others. 


    4:19PM BBT Kevin and Nic trying to have a conversaton. We get so many stars, nothing makes sense.


     4:23PM BBT Kevin and Nic talking about Ian and what happened in the hosue. We get stars every fre seconds. Xmas has crawled in bed and is laying there. 


    4:28PM BBT Kevin and NIc still talking. He is telling her how he and Ian had a pawn pact and then we get stars. In the KT, Memphis and Tyler prepping food.

    4:31PM BBT Kevin tells Nic that he will try to win Veto. he says if he doesn't he has to feel solace that it was in his hands. Kevin says that Cody admitted to him that he has been salty since week 3. He says that Cody told him that he never spoke to him. Kevin says he told Cody that he never spoke to him. Nic is just agreeing. We get stars.


    4:41PM BBT Memphis is telling Tyler about the movie The Beach and where it was filmed. He then goes on to tell him about snorkling and taking mushrooms before he went into the water. He tells him about sculptures he saw under the water. Tyler asks him if he has been to the Bahamas. Memphis says he has but doesn't remember much about it and laughs. 


     4:49PM BBT All 4 cams on Memphis eating huge pieces of cantaloupe and Tyler still prepping food. 


     4:51PM BBT Memphis tells Tyler that they are becoming the most boring show. Tyler says definitely and he has no idea why anyone would want to watch the lives feeds. he says that except for Love Island they are the only thing to watch so there is that. Tyler says it has become a ghost town. 


     4:55PM BBT Memphis says this is not good TV and it's only going to get worse. Tyler says he isn't going to do anything crazy to make good TV. They are discussing when DE is. They think it is in 2-3 weeks.





  8. 2:45PM BBT Memphis telling stories about his adventures. Memphis says that he can't tell others because the live feeders judge. Xmas tells the feeders to only judge on the nice things they do. Dani and Kevin talking in the CBR. Dani wonders if it is the punishment Veto. Kevin wonders if OTEV. Dani says it can't be.


    2:53PM BBT Cody and Nic talk about how Kevin needs to stay on the block. Nic asks him if he knew that Kevin knew about Dani's power. Cody says he didn't know. In the KT, Memphis and Tyler talk about Dani using her power.


    2:58PM BBT Xmas and Tyler do to the lounge. Xmas says that Dani won't go for the veto and then remembers that she isn't playing. Tyler thinks that Cody will put up Memphis, Xmas or him if one of the noms comes down. Xmas says they would have the votes to stay.

  9. 2:06PM BBT In the LR, Dani, Cody and Nic talking about how long Xmas has been in the DR. She wasn't called in. She is upset that she wasn't picked to play Veto. Nic says it wasn't rigged. Xmas comes out and says hello and heads to the KT.


    2:16PM BB In the KT, Tyler tells Xmas that if it makes her feel better, Kaycee didn't play in veto until near the end. Xmas says that Kaycee is a bigger comp beast. Xmas says that she is frustrated that she has only played in one Veto. Tyler says she won that one. Xmas says she just has had to watch all of them except that one. We get stars.


    2:21PM BBT Nic and Cody talking. Nic says she wants to gun for the veto. They talk about the convo Nic had with Dani last night. They talk about that Dani felt that Nic made her use her power. Cody says that he understands what Dani was willing to do for those close to her.


    2:30PM BBT Enzo and Memphis go to the HN room. Memphis says that Enzo has to go for the veto. He is worried Xmas is going up. Memphis says that he is worried the vote will be a tie. Memphis says that he thinks if Kevin is still up there is won't be a problem. Enzo says he will go for the veto. Memphis says going for the cash isn't worth it.

  10.  12:50PM BBT Cams on Dani sitting in HOH bed listening to music. 


    12:57PM BBT Cody and Dani talking in the HOH BR. We joined from stars. Cody talking about people going up on the block. Cody says with Tyler he would be an option. Cody says that he thinks Xmas will go after her first. Dani says that she thinks Cody is over her. They are disagreeing what order they will go in.



  11.  12:12PM BBT Tyler is doing dishes. Nic getting ready in the WCA. BB calls for Memphis to move his mic higher.


     12:21PM BBT In the KT, Dani, David, Cody and Tyler talking about holiday lights. How some people decorate so much you can connect to a radio station to hear music. Dani talks about the Rose Parade. Tyler asks what that is. She tries to explain it to him. Memphis says he doesn't know what day but thinks it's on New Years. Nic says she doesn't know what it is either. 


    12:27PM BBT Xmas called to the DR. The HG in the KT are talking about boat parades and grand marshalls. Cody and Tyler talking about when Cody played football.


    12:42PM BBT Cody and David talking about sports. Memphis working out. Nic doing her make up and is called to the DR.

  12.  4:01PM BBT Memphis and Tyler talking in the KT about how many times different HG have been in the house. Memphis says he wouldn't have done it after 5 years. He told his Mom to never let him play again. When he told his mom this time she reminded him. In the HOH BR, Cody talking to Dani. They talk about Day. Dani says that Day did have most of the stuff pinned down. Cody is trying to disagree.


    4:05PM BBT Dan says that Kevin will be the most bitter jury member. Cody says that Kevin will ruin the integrity of the game by being bitter. We go to stars.


     4:10PM BBT Dani and Cody talking about people not liking them but they don't know them. Dani says then people to know them and love them. Cody says that he told Memphis that he thinks he is a great guy but he is a jerk. Memphis told Cody that he is the guy that when he walks into a bar, people hate him all the time. Dani says that she has a lot of issues with Memphis. 


    4:17PM BBT IN the KT, Memphis, Tyler and Kevin are chatting about reasons people come into the house. In the HOH BR, Cody and Dani just chatting. No game talk.

    4:26PM BBT Feeds go to reels. Nomination time.

  13. 2:28PM BBT Kevin is in the loft and David is in the lounge. Both are talking to themselves. David is talking very loudly. Cams change and Xmas and Nix are getting ready to play backgammon in the KBR. Memphis and Cody in the KT getting something to eat.


    2:31PM BBT Cody goes up to HOH BR and Tyler is in there. Cody tells Tyler about Kevin venting to Enzo. He says he knows Kevin is going to come in and throw everyone under the bus. Cody says that  Kevin can't do anything for him. Tyler agrees.Tyler says if one of them goes out you have to put up someone the others won't vote out. 


    2:37PM BBT Tyler tells Codythat Enzo, Xmas and Kevin have had something since Enzo was HOH. Cody says it preobably isn't even true anymore. Tylr says it may be legit. Cody says he doesn't care. they are all trying to save themselves.


    2:46PM BBT Cody and Tyler still talking in the HOH BR. They are talking about Dani twisting things when she talks to different HGs. They are talking in circles. In the lounge, David still talking out loud to the feeds. Just going over things.



    2:54PM BBT Cody and Tyler still talking. Cody tells him that Xmas told Day that she was going home a few days before. Tyler says that Day's mind is made up right now. Tyler asks him if he is upset with him for taking half the money. Cody says he didn't win it so no. Tyler says he doesn't want any of the other HG to know. In the LR, Memphis and Xmas are chatting.

  14. 2:04PM BBT Nic is called to DR. We see her go in and walk down the hall. Feeds cut to Xmasin the KT saying she feels better and yesterday was just a day. We go to stars.


    2:09PM BBT Nic and Enzo talking in the HN BR. Nic says people are trying to pin her against other people. They talk about Xmas stomping around. Nic tells Enzo that Cody wants Kevin to go this week. She is going to go talk to Xmas. She wants to make sure Xmas isn't coming after her or Enzo. 


     2:16PM BBT Kevin is in the lounge. Talking to himself.  He is trying to figure out things. In the KT, Xmas and David discuss food.


    2:23PM BBT David is doing shout outs to co workers from the KT. Xmas is in front of the sink. They talk about when fans tell them that they have a family member who loves them. Xmas says she will face time them. She says people bother her all the time during dinner. She says people have no boundries. She says people lose their minds.



  15. 1:40PM BBT 1:37PM BBT Enzo and Xmas studying in the KBR. Nic and Cody talking in the HOH BR. Cody says that if Kevin comes down, he doesn't want David going up. He says he is going to put up Xmas. Nic says that Cody is doing Dani's dirty work. Cody explains that Xmas is the only one he can put up. Cody says that Dani is after him. Nic says that he won so it is up to him but she doesn't agree. They are discussing how things went down on their season.


    1:52PM BBT Cody says that he wants to win the Veto and is willing to take punishments to win. He says he won't take comp punishments or slop. Nic says that she doesn't want the comp punishments. Cody says that Kevin may take them but he doesn't expect anyone to take them. Cody says he would shave his head. Nic says she would dye her hair. Nic says she hasn't won anything yet so she is willing to take them to help him.



  16. 12:58PM BBT Cody is spelling out to his mom. He says to the cameras that spelling out Dominique to too long (he has it almost done) and he is being lazy. Wishes her happy birthday. he says to Kevin that he feels like an idiot and has to finish it. He works on it some more. 


    1:12PM BBT Xmas is talking to Enzo about the HGs and how she hasn't had conversations with certain people. Xmas says it will be easier to talk to Memphis since they are in the same room now. She says she loves her wise guys. Memphis and Cody talking in the HOH BR. They are discussing the powers. Memphis says he went for the power all three times. Memphis says that Tyler's story keeps flip flopping. Cody says that Tyler did flip flop but then admitted.


    1:19PM BBT Cody and Memphis are angry that Tyler didn't go for HOH last night. he told Memphis that if he could get some money it's better. Cody says that Xmas stomping around last night was absurd. They are talking about Dani planting seeds. Memphis says that Dani must think he is an idiot with what she says to him.




  17.  12:33PM BBT David and Cody finish their conversation and hug it out. In the WCA, Nic and Dani talking. Nic doing make up.


    12:34PM BBT Kevin and David in the KT talking about the mood last night. David said everyone was happy. There was a feeling of playfulness.  We get stars. We come back and all 4 cams on David flossing his teeth.


    12:47PM BBT Nic and David in the WCA. Nic has put on some fragrance spray. David says he loves that one. They discuss perfume and cologne. Nic says that she prefers lotion but can't really lather up in the house so uses the spray. 


    12:52PM BBT Kevin and Enzo talking in the HN BR. Kevin trying to tell him about Day knowing she was going because of the move she made. Enzo tells Kevin to talk to Cody but not go in hard. Just make some points. Enzo tells Kevin that no matter who goes on the block, it isn't over yet.


    12:55PM BBT Memphis and Dani talking about who won the prizes. They think maybe Tyler. Dani wonders if it was Xmas. Memphis says he doesn't think so. They both agree Xmas was agrey and stomping around. In the KT, Cody spelling out Happy Birthday to someone back home with cereal.


  18. 12:03PM BBT Cody is in the HOH BR moving his snacks around. Memphis and Xmas talking in the KBR. Xmas is telling Memphis that she cried in the lounge for a bit last night. Memphis says to America that our perception of him in the house is not true. David has arrived in the HOH BR. He and Cody discuss lotion. Neither like greasy lotion.


    12:07PM BBT David and Cody talking about the past in the house. Cody says that he and David are tight. Cody says that there is other stuff going on in the house that he needs to take care of first. He says there is another HG that has been saying his name. Cody is trying to tell David he is going up without telling him he is going up.  Cody says that he is not a threat to David. He keeps telling David that it is all smoke and mirrors.


    12:15PM BBT David tells Cody that he won the power first. Cody says he had a feeling. David explains how he won it. Cody says it was the best of the powers. 


    12:20PM BBT COdy keeps talking to David and explaining things. David just keeps repeating what Cody is saying. Cody telling David how he wanted to work with Day in the beginning. Cody trying to give David advice.



  19.  2:24AM BBT Enzo, Cody and Nic are in the HOH BR. Talking about if there will be a double eviction soon.



    2:30AM BBT Xmas is still talking in the lounge. She is still crying. She says she will lock in and dominate. She says she will do whatever she needs to do. She says she will go home and put this behind her but while she is here, she will fight. She says if they come after her it will be the most epic eviction of all time. She says she will blow everything up. She laughs and says she knows what she will do and it will be amazing. She says she doesn't want to be around anyone. She says imagine being locked in with 15 other people.


    2:38AM BBT Cody, nic, Dani and Enzo are talking about the comp. Cody explains how he hit a 6 and a 2 and then moved to the prize side. They are talking about how Tyler keeps changing his story on what he did.

    2:40AM BBT Xmas is still in the lounge. She thanks America for listening to her. She says they listen better then anyone else in the house.
    3:15AM BBT The HOH BR crew is talking about Xmas being a person who has to top others. Cody compares her to Caleb. NIc says both Caleb and Xmas have a huge heart though. They talk aboue Caleb's stories on his season and how they were fake. Dabni thinks a lot of Xmas' stories are fake as well. Cody goes on to talk about what to say to Kevin about putting him on the block. He knows Kevin has been talking about him. The girls give him advice.
  20. 10:04AM BBT Enzo, Cody and David are in the KT. Talking about eggs and just chatting. David asks Cody who he is voting out. Cody says Day. David says something about not being associated with her. Dani gets called to the DR.


    10:22AM BBT IN the PBR, Dani is sleeping under the covers while Enzo collects some clothing. Cody still cooking in the KT.


    10:29AM BBT In the KT, Cody, David and Enzo keep singing and BB keeps going to stars and telling them to stop. They continue on over and over and we get stars. They finally listen and talk changes to talking about the COVID tests.


    10:34AM BBT Enzo goes to HOH. Memphis is there. They talk about the comp. They think it is the slip and slide. Enzo says he told Kevin that he is voting for him to stay. All of the HG are slowly making their way up to the HOH BR. Xmas brings in her breakfast of eggs, peanut butter and apples. Memphis laughs at it.


    10:34AMBBT  Dani makes her way to the HOH BR. Kevin wandering the house. Feeds go to HOH LD.









  21. 4:17PM BBT Day and Kevin talking. They want to think on what to do to get Tyler to use the Veto on one of them. Kevin got HG in his season to flip on each other and they are hoping it will work. They rehearse what they will say.


    4:31PM BBT Day and Kevin still trying to create a plan. Xmas and Nic playing backgammon.


    4:41PM BBT IN the HOH BR, Tyler and Memphis are talking about coming to a decision on who goes. Memphis says that he is trying to think back to who made the decision to send Bay first. Memphis says that Dani can't say anything about his excuse. Tyler agreeing. Tyler says he is going to leave the Veto because Memphis may be angry with him. Memphis says they will get rid of Day. She is smarter. He says Kevin is a mess.


     4:50PM BBT Xmas is upset. She is talking to Nic.  She checked in with Day about being distant. Day told her everything was fine. Then Xmas states that she doesn't believe Day. She is upset that she was put on slop but says she isn't. Xmas says that you don't put people up or on slop that you are working with. She says that she keeps trying to squash it. She says that Day is lying to her. Xmas goes round and round about how Day is wrong. She says Day told her that she snaps. Xmas says that she doesn't snap. Xmas says what if she gave Day back slop next week. (Xmas hasn't been on slop since week 2 and is still upset).


    4:59PM BBT Xmas gets dressed to work out and then heads upstairs to the HOH. She can't get in so goes to sit in the loft. Memphis comes out and she smiles at him. He is gong to check on his laundry and then walk. He leaves. Xmas sighs and says she is frustrated (Day has gotten under her skin).



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