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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. 10:54AM BBT SAT Tommy and Jackson start a game of backgammon. 11:09AM BBT SAT The backgammon continues. General chatting. 11:22AM BBT SAT And the backgammon game continues. Nothing else going on.
  2. 10:07AM BBT SAT Jackson in the HOH BR praying. Holly and Tommy chatting about clothing. 10:20AM BBT SAT Cliff and Nicole having breakfast. Holly in the WCA putting on make up. 10:28AM BBT SAT Cliff, Tommy, Nicole and Jackson talk about the comp and Jess' dream of zip lines and a plastic bucket. Holly brushing her hair out in the T BR. 10:35AM BBT SAT Jackson drinking out of the chocolate milk carton and puts it back in the fridge. Nicole talking about a concert she went to where the performer looked over and waved at her. Holly putting in her extensions in the BR. 0:45AM BBT SAT The HG sit in the KT discussing if this season has good ratings or if there will be a new season of BB next year. Cliff says it's possible there won't be. Tommy says he is sure that they have good ratings. They joke about no jury house and the HG were just sent home.
  3. 9:20AM BBT SAT Tommy gets up from bed. He goes to the storage room to exchange his batteries then to the WCA and brushes his teeth. Cliff is in the shower. 9:33AM BBT SAT Tommy roaming a bit with a blanket and back to bed.Nicole in the HOH bed. She says out loud to BB that she is coming and just needs to pull herself together. 9:55AM BBT SAT Holly gets out of bed and crawls in to snuggle with Tommy.Tommy tells Holly it was good to just be alone (he slept in the HN room). Holly complains how hot it was in the Target BR and they didn't sleep well.Jackson went from the BR all the way up to HOH to use the WC.
  4. 11:24PM BBT TH Nicole is called to the SR to get her basket and pictures. Cliff helps her carry it out. She got unicorn slippers. She is crying over her pictures. She is pointing our her family to the HGs. The HG ae so happy for her. 11:27PM BBT TH Her letter: To my little peanut. Hi its mom and dad dropping you a line to tell you how proud of you we are. The accomplishments that you are making and the way you handle yourself make us feel that we did a good job raising you. We miss you a lot and we know it's hard being away from us for so long. It's like part of our familiy is incomplete without you.(she breaks down crying) I still go on walks to the store but it's not the same without you. I came to realize that this momma bird had to let the baby bird leave the nest and fly solo and you did just that. We miss you so much and can not wait to see you again. We miss your smile at the dinner table especially when Dad is eating corn on the cob. (she says she sits next to her dad at the table and when he bites the corn, it squirts all over her) You are always on our mnds and in our hearts. Do not worry, Dad and I are doing great and so is Meg and Ken. Take care and remember how much we love you and how you are making Long Island proud. Hugs and Kisses, Mom and Dad P.S.The animals says hello and ruff ruff ruff. I know they miss you. 11:38PM BBT TH Nicole is showing her family pictures to the cam. She is talking so kindly and positive her family.She calls them her best friends. She also has one of her grandmother and her dog. She is in tears being so happy.
  5. 10:05PM BBT TH Feeds are back. We are not sure who won HOH as Nicole is still wearing the key. No one is talking about the comp. 10:10PM BBT TH In the KT, Tommy asks Nicole if she knows when she will get her basket. She says tonight but not sure hwo she gets it. 10:15PM BBT Nicole comes in and chats with Tommy. He gives her a hug and says they just gave hm 5K more for getting at least 5th place. Nicole says she didn't even think of it that way. They talk. Nicole says she understands how he feels. She says she doesn't want to be a hypocrite talking to him since she sent Christie out. 10:21PM BBT TH Tommy and Nicole talking. Tommy says he needs a good night sleep for the comp tomorrow. He says he wants to see her basket when she gets it.
  6. 8:02PM BBT Jackson and Tommy talk about how much Jax appreciates Tommy etc. All of the HG congratulate themselves on making it through DE. 8:10PM BBT TH We have puppy reels
  7. 2:28PM BBT TH Cliff is telling Jackson what Christie told Nicole about targeting Jackson and Holly. Cliff says that Nicole wants this HOH so bad Jackson doesn't have to worry about Nicole not going for it. Jackson says he figured what Christie was up to. 2:35PM BBT TH Nicole and Holly talking about what to do. Holly wants Nicole to win HOH so she can see her family. Holly telling her that she appreciates Nicole. Nicole asks if she should go talk to Jess. 2:42PM BBT TH Holly and Jackson whispering. Calling Christie a b**tch and how much she sucks. Holly tells Jackson how Christie went after Nicole about throwing the HOH or going for it. 2:55PM BBT Jess and Christie in the WCA getting ready and complimenting each otheron their hair. Jess says she isn'tsure if she wants to go back to modeling after the show.
  8. 1:20PM BBT TH Feeds are back. Just HG packing up from HOH and cleaning up. 1:26PM BBT TH Christie is sweeping stuff from under bed. She says the guys make a mess (not sure what mess they made under her bed - kekila) 1:34PM BBT TH HG eating and getting ready. No game talk. 1:45PM BBT Jackson is telling Cliff and Tommy about when he was riding his bike in a pasture and picked up three different live wires until the third one blew him back. 1:51PM BBT Christie is taking a shower and washing her hair. She is asking Jess for help with getting shampoo open (she jokes she is so needy). The rest are in the KT eating. 1:51PM BBT Christie is taking a shower and washing her hair. She is asking Jess for help with getting shampoo open (she jokes she is so needy). The rest are in the KT eating. 2:11PM BBT TH Christie follows Nicole into the SR. She is telling Nicole that she really wants to get Jackson out and that Nicole is not her target.She tells Nicole that she wants to make Holly feel like she doesn't have to win it. Christie says that she feels Cliff and Jackson are both the same threats. She wants to put up Jackson and Holly and hopes that Jackson doesn't win veto. 2:16PM BBT THNicole says that she was told that Christie swore on her sister and the Bible that she wasn't gong after them. Christie says that was 2 weeks ago. She says that Jackson told her about how she promised she would go out 5th. She says she did say that but why would she stick to it. Jackson comes into the SR. Christie whispers somthing and leaves. Jackson asks Nicole if Christie was hounding her. She says yes but that she told Christie that she was keeping Cliff. Jackson says that he hopes she is gunning for HOH. She says she is.
  9. 0:56AM BBT TH Holly trying to fix the vacuum cleaner. Jess and Tommy telling her not to because she is sick. She tells the HG that her stomach still hurts. She tells Tommy that she wants to fix it because she doesn't like not being productive in the house. 10:59AM BBT TH Holly just pulled out a big was of hair from the vacuum. She says it's so gross.She says there was also a piece of tape. She is grossed out. 11:10AM BBT We have puppy reels - HOH LD.
  10. 10:03AM BBT Tommy and Jess continue to whisper about what she wants. They discuss that CLiff didn't sleep well. 10:05AM BBT TH Jess tells Tommy that she understands that Cliff and Nicole are very tight. Tommy says that he will talk to Nicole one more time.Jess says that he should tell her that Jess is the best for Nicole's game. 10:14AM BBT Jackson and Holly talking. Jackson says he spoke to Cliff. He wanted to make sure that Cliff wasn't going to thrown HOH. Cliff told him that with so few people that he wouldn't take the chance. He says Cliff gave him his word that he would fight for the HOH to have their back and hope that Jackson has his. 10:25AM BBT TH Christie, Tommy and Cliff chatting about the house being down to 6 tonight. Christie says or maybe 5. They are studying the HG pics. Holly and Jackson are cuddling in the HOH bed. 10:30AM BBT TH Tommy talking about how much he loves Nick. Christie says that Nick was annoying and she never wants to hear his name. Tommy says he loves him. Christie says she does too but not in that way. Tommy says that you love what you can't have. 10:33AM BBT TH Cliff goes to HOH and tells Jackson that Tommy/Christie are studying the wall. He says that he just wants them to know that he is going to play hard for HOH. 10:37AM BBT TH Holly/Jackson and Cliff continue to tak about Christie and how she wants Cliff to target Jackson and Holly.Clff says there is no reason not to take out Christie or Tommy. 10:41AM BBT TH Cliff leaves HOH and Jackson and Holly talk about how much Christie sucks.In the KT, Christie and Tommy continue to study the faces on the wall.
  11. 9:03AM BBT THURS All HG still asleep and lights are out. 9:24AM BBT TH Cliff if up and heading to the WA. 9:33AM BBT TH FOTH - Wake up time 9:48AM BBT TH HG up and doing ADLs. 9:52AM BBT TH Jess is snuggled up on Tommy. Christie comes in and tells them that her cycle has started so she feels so much better. Jess cheers that Christie has started. They joke about no BB baby. 9:55AM BBT TH Jess goes over what she wants to say in her speech. She doesn't want to beg. She just wants to be matter of fact. She says that she has been proud of her game and has no regrets. Tommy says he loves it.
  12. 5:19PM BBT WED Holly continues to bash Christie. She says that when she was on the playground as a kid, she probably stole other kid's candy. Holly wants to take a shower. They both tell each other they are happy they have each other in the game.
  13. 4:43PM BBT WED Holly laying in the HOH bed. Talking to Jess. She hurts everywhere. She is nauseous and sick. BB calls her to the DR upstairs. 4:50PM BBT WED Jess talking to Jackson. She says there isn't much of a campaign but she wants to talk to Jackson and see where his head is at. He breaks a tie. Jess goes on and on without making a clear point. She feels she has been up front. She isn't sure if she was Jackson's target. Jackson is just listening. 5:01PM BBT WED Cliff tells Nicole that he spoke with Christy and Tommy and neither would promise a vote. He says that he told Christie that if they won HOH and wanted to take a shot at Jackson he would not go after them. Nicole says she spoke with Jackson and Holly and that Jackson told her that he would still protect Cliff. Cliff tells Nicole that if she should win HOH he will support whatever she wants to do. 5:16PM BBT WED Jackson and Holly talking.Holly says she has always thought Nicole was great. She says that Christie and Tommy wanting to use Nicole now is dirt
  14. 4:06PM BBT WED Nicole just won a game against Jackson. Jessica is packing. 4:12PM BBT WED Ciff asking Nicole if she has a credit card and she says no. Cliff says he will loan her his card if she gets stuck with overweight baggage on the way home. He says she can pay him back later. She says she only brought cash. Tommy says he has one as well if she needs it. Cliff says it cost him $100 for overweight luggage coming out. He says he is hoping to fly Southwest home. 4:35PM BBT WED Jess and Tommy talking. Tommy telling her that Jackson studied law for 4 years. Says he isn't dumb at all. They are interrupted by Christie coming into the WCA.
  15. 2:33PM BBT MON All HG except Jess are outside in the BY. No talking. 2:39PM BBT MON Holly calls out to Jackson about a cucumber. Jackson asks for coffee.Holly inside making coffee for him. 2:48PM BBT The HG are discussing the dentist. Holly loves the dentist. She says she would like ot go into cosmetic dentistry. Christie talking abouthow she was a dental assistant and having to show people what they needed. 2:56PM BBT MON HG talking about flying and tickets. Jackson says when he moved to LA he dropped $1000.00 in 24 hoursat Target and TJ Maxx for his new place.
  16. 1:36PM BBT MON Jess and Christie talking. Jess wants Jackson out. Christie tells her that Jess is going to have to pitch a deal to Jackson about she is going to gun for HOH. She will then have to throw the HOH to Christie so she can take out Jackson. 1:39PM BBT MON Christie tells Jess that if she can get in Nicole's head then Jess won't need ot make a deal. Christie says Tommy and her are very close. Christie gives her steps on how they go about this. She tells Jess to keep on Nicole. 1:47PM BBT MON Christie goes outside and the others are discussing Vegas. Christie says that she heard that when you change your hair right before you go gamble, you have better luck. Jackson calls BS. Christie says no she heard it on snapchat.
  17. 1:07PM BBT MON Jess and Nicole cleaning up their areas. Jackson just hanging out in the pool. 1:14PM BBT MON Holly comes into the KT and is wearing Bella's bikini bottoms that she found. She and Jess have a discussion over how good they look. Holly says that they are a little big on her. She found them in the house about 2 weeks ago. 1:20PM BBT MON Holly tells the cam - Bella if you are watching, I am pretty sure these are your bikini bottom. I found them in the SR and I am pretty sure you would let me wear them if you were here. She then gets in a convo with Jackson and Tommy about her bottoms that were taken away because they showed too much cheek. hey then discuss how Kat had a bunch that showed way to much cheek. 1:28PM BBT MON Holly, Jackson and Tommy are by/in the pool congratulating themselves on making it this far. Jackson says that 1 of them has a 50% chance of wnning the entire season.They talk about ow they feel about watching the season at home.
  18. 7:20PM BBT SUN Holly and Tommy talk in the KT. Holly tells Tommy that she has had skin cancer and has had it on her lips. She says he mom has had it too. Tommy asks if the skin cancer is genetic. 7:24PM BBT Tommy tells Holly that he understands that she was upset yesterday but he missed everything because he was in the DR. She says they are all good now. Holly says that they did the math and because they have been together 24/7 for X number of days it is the equivalent of them dating for years. Jackson comes in and says that Jess is giving him dirty looks. 7:31PM BBT SUNThe HG get called inside for a BY LD. Production hasn't put on the lights yet outside and they get to see a sunset. They are still messed up on time because there was a power outage this morningand the clock is wrong. Tommy goes to HOH with Jackson and tells him he is going touse the veto. Jackson says that's fine. It makes it easier on him. CLiff is going up. Jackson says that Cliff nees to go after Jess. 7:35PM BBT SUN Jackson continues to tell Tommy that he feels better competing against Cliff/Nicole then Tommy and Christie. He says he doesn't care who goes up next to Jess. 7:42PM BBT Jackson, Holly, Christie and Tommy talking about threats in the house. Jackson saying how Cliff is a threat and has a resume. 7:52PM BBT Cliff has come into the HOH BR and talk changes to comps. Christie is piling HOH snacks into her mouth and talking a mile a minute and how clear everything is becoming. Cliff wouldn't mid BB Comic but is hoping they don't do morph.
  19. 1:31PM BBT SUN Jackson opens the fridge, eats watermelon while standing in the doors and then heads off to use the WC. He comes out and runs his hands under the water with no soap. Heads back to the fridge and repeats.He is standing with the doors open and slurping watermelon. He finally makes up a bowl and heads to the BY. 1:46PM BBT SUN Chatting by the pool. Nicole seems to be resting in the house.
  20. 12:59PM BBT SUN Holly is sitting on Jackson's lap talking about her hormones and how she is so proud of him when he won. Jackson says that they just need to figure things out when the show is done. 1:08PM BBT SUN Holly, Cliff and Jackson talk. Cliff says that he understands if he has to "fake" throw him under the bus. He says him and Tommy were talking and Tommy is wondering. 1:19PM BBT SUN Holly and jackson are in bed cuddling and rubbing each other's arms. Cliff and Christie in the pool chatting.
  21. 12:20PM FRI BBT Jess and Jackson talk in the HOH. She is aking her pitch. Jackson says that she is entitled to fairness. He doesn't believe in blindsides or backdoors. He tells her that if she is on the block she deservesto be able to fight for the Veto. He loves her and he doesn't have any ill feelings towards her. She understands. 12:29PM BBT FRI Jess tells him thank you for thinking of her as a big target to get out. Jackson tells her that last night's comp was a cake walk.He says it may be the last HOH comp he wins. He says it would have been very easy for him to throw it and we get FOTH.
  22. 8:20PM BBT TH Holly and Cliff talk. Cliff was hping Nicole would be able to hold on. She did so well. Holly telsl Cliff that Jess and him hung on longer then she thought they would. 8:32PM BBT TH Jackson is telling Christie (who is in the shower) that she is going up as a paw. She asks him "why me" and is shocked. He tells her that she is not the target and Jess is. 8:38 PM BBT TH Jackson and Cliff talking in the baot room. Jackson tells hm that he is putting up Christie and Jess. He says that Jess is better at mental comps and she is coming after them. 8:43PM BBT TH Holly telling Tommy that Bella and Sam saw her get out Nick and she is all concerned. Tommy tells her it's fine. They aren't in jury.
  23. 8:02PM BBT Jackson tells NIcole she is ok. He says that he didn't want Tommy to win but he didn't want to win either. He tells Cliff and Nicole they have a F4. Nicole is upset at herself. 8:05PM BBT THURS Jackson tells Cliff that it looks bad he won again. He ays that is 5 comps in a row.He comes out and tell Christe that 15 more min. and he would have peed on the wall. 8:12PM BBT TH Jess in the shower complaining about how far she had to fall. Holly in her pink leggings talking about how scary it was. 8:17PM BBT THHolly telling Tommy and Christie that it must have been hard on Nick going to jury knowing they were doing the wall. Christie asks how he knew it was the wall. Holly says speculating. Tommy says well he thought it might be endurance.



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