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Everything posted by Kekila

  1. 2:38PM BBT Cody is washing a glass and it breaks. He has cut his hand and we have FOTH. 2:44PM BBT Christmas telling her story about her foot and how she had surgery in December when she got home and her foot didn't stop hurting until last summer. Cody and David discussing that they still feel uneasy in the house and their stomachs hurt. Just some place new. 2:51PM BBT Enzo and Cody in the HOH BR. Cody tells Enzo he is good. Cody says the Nicoles came up. Cody says that Tyler is good but Enzo was loyal to the end and won comps. Bay comes in and breaks up the game talk. 2:55PM BBT Bay telling Cody that she knows what his girlfriend looks like and how cute she is. Cody starts telling her that his girlfriend was diagnosed with cancer and we get FOTH.
  2. 2:17PM BBT Enzo, Janielle and Memphis chatting about Matt lying about his wife having cancer. Everyone wants to talk to Cody but no one wants to be the first. 2:26PM BBT Janielle tells Enzo and Memphis that she will not be back. She is 40 and this is it. Memphis says they are established and it is different. He says they all live for a lot more now then they did before. 2:32PM BBT Bay and Day complimenting each other and how wonderful they each are. Kevin asking baout how they feel about not playhing in groubps. Day says she is happy not playing in groups.
  3. 1:28PM BBT HG sitting around discussing the COVID 19 virus. David asks if they got scramble due to someone testing positive. He said he got scrambled around. Cody is called to the DR. 1:44PM BBT Bay and Keisha talking about pageants. Bay tells her how she won first runner up and then she won. 1:56PM BBT Nicole A, Enzo and Kevin talk about nicknames and what they go by. In the LR, there is an excercise session going on. 2:07PM BBT Janielle and Memphis chatting in the lounge. Discussing who is most likely safe with Cody. They assume Nicle F is safe. They talk about Cody being a beast in comps.
  4. 11:28PM BBT Kevin telling the HG about Chima. She is married and has a baby. They discuss that one of the HG called Kevin a racial slur the first week. Really no game talk. Just general talk about the house and past HG 11:40PM BBT Bay, Tyler and David talking in the KT. Bay tells Tyler that she took the PB jar he used as a water bottle in their season. He says he thought he lost it. In the WCA, Cody and Kaysar talking about what time they are usually up to. 11:51PM BBT Christmas telling some of the HG in the BR about her life as a military contractor. She tells them she met a guy and came home with him but they couldn't make it work and went their own ways. 11:56PM BBT Nicole A and Kaysar chatting in the SR. No gmae talk. Just chatting. HG starting to prep food.
  5. 11:00PM BBT The feeds have switched over. We have FOTH. Welcome to Big Brother 22 - All Stars! 11:05PM BBT General convos. Tyler talking about how he liked his entire cast. Da'Vonne is brushing her teeth. 11:14PM BBT Bay is complaining to Day and Xmas. There is no champagne and no HOH room to look at yet. She is bored. She says what do they expect them to do. 11:20PM BBT Enzo and David wandering around the KT. Looking at things. In the BR, Day, Dani, Kevin and Bay talking about the competition. One remarks Christmas said something about her foot. They talk about how quick Cody did the comp.
  6. 9:42AM BBT WED Jackson and Holly are in the KT prepping breakfast. The dirty dishes are over flowing the sink. Jackson says he is disgusted with themselves. Holly agrees. Both say they aren't gong to bother washing anything. 9:47AM BBT WED Nicole and Jackson are dancing. Holly goes off to talk to the cams. Jackson drinks from a carton in the fridge. He the runs off to find Holly. 9:51AM BBT WED Holly is doing shout outs to family and friends. She says she hopes she made everyone proud and that she played with morals. She does a shout out to her best friend who shares her wit and sarcasm. 9:55AM WED Nicole and Jackson goofing around in the KT. Jackson sounds like he is mocking Christie. They then say they are not making fun of anyone. Holly is still doing shout outs in the BR. 9:59AM BBT WED Holly is still going on an on about this is the best thing she has ever done. Jackson is cooking an entire carton of egg whites. Nicole just chatting with Jackson. 10:01AM BBT WE get no actual good bye from the HG. Just Jackson cooking and poof - feeds are done. Thank you for joining us for BB21.
  7. 12:00AM -3:45AM BBT WED The three HG chat. No more game talk. Nicole goes to the KT and has some Sprite and looks at the memory wall. Jackson and Holly quietly chat. Finally all HG are in bed and lights are out. 9:05AM BBT WED We have FOTH. Wake up time. 9:17AM BBT WED Feeds are back. Lights are on and all HG still in bed. Jackson says he needs to get up. Holly talks about the random songs they just played. 9:29AM BBT WED Jackson is up. Changes his batteries and uses the WC.He grabs a blanket and goes to lay down in the RV room. They all joke about something may be going on today. We get FOTH. :34AM BBT WED While on FOTH, HG were told no more feeds. We get Nicole and Jackson talking about how exciting. We heard a voice over from production telling the HG there will be a LD and we get FOTH again. 9:36AM BBT WED Holly in the KT talking to the cams. Says the feeds will go off in 30 min. She says she has a lot to say and not a lot of time to say it. Jackson and Nicole in the RV dancing around to the beat of their clapping hands. 9:39AM BBT WED Nicole talking to the cams in the RV BR. She says that 99 days ago she came into the house as a girl. She says she has no regrets. She says no matter what place she finishes she feels it was an honor to play and looks forward to watching the show in the future.
  8. 1:30PM BBT HG are still sleeping. You can hear production walking around in the "walls". 1:53PM BBT TUES All HG still sleeping.
  9. 12:12PM BBT All HG still snoozing away. 12:38PM BBT Jackson still snoring,. Holly and Nicole sleeping. 1:01PM BBT HG still sleeping
  10. 10:32PM BBT SAT Feeds are back. Nicole is crying. Holly has won the comp. Jackson tells her how proud of her he is.
  11. 6:10PM BBT SAT Nicole is making a tye dye shirt for Cliff. Jackson heads to the SR and gets a watermelon. 6:40PM BBT SAT Nicole is dying white tennis shoes. Jackson and Holly snuggling on the LR couch.
  12. 4:35 PM BBT SAT Jackson and Holly continue to hug and Jackson grabs her breast. Nicole trying to joke but you can tell she is uncomfortable. Holly says they need a LD soon because there are a lot of lights out. Jackson jokes they need a LD soon. Nicole says she can stay out in the house and help BB fix the lights. 4:41PM BBT SAT Holly goes to get popcorn from the top of the fridge. She says she is glad the stool is there. Jackson wonders if the stool got its own segment. Holly says she hopes not. She says it was Jack's idea by the way. Nicole says that it's not her thing. Holly tells her not to knock it until she has tried it. 4:54PM BBT SAT Jackson trying to get out of tye dying. We get FOTH.
  13. 4:01 PM BBT Jackson and Holly continue to play chess. 4:12PM BBT SAT Jackson has picked up the shower stool and is touching Nicole with it. Nicole says to stop and she won't even touch it with a towel. She asks Holly to tell him to stop and Holly laughs and jokes about stopping. They are called to the SR. Jackson carries the stool downstairs. Holly gets foundation. Nicole says she didn't need anything so she asked for dry shampoo. 4:27 PM BBT SAT Tye Dye is beginning. All of the HG put on black clothes to protect their regular clothes. Holly puts on a Lulu jacket. Jackson has found one of Jack's shirts. They start to kiss and cuddle. Nicole says she will tyr dye by herself if they are going to get busy. They say they aren't. Holly says she just wants to do a black and white shirt.
  14. 3:01PM BBT SAT Nicole, Jackson and Holly feeds the fish. Nicole goes to get some food and asks if they can get rid of the stool (it's sitting outside HOH). Jackson says no it's the house stool and it's his favorite. Nicole says eww it's diseased. 3:14PM BBT SAT Jackson and Holly are playing chess. Nicole playing solitare. Holly is stuck and Nicole trying to suggest to her. Jackson tells "me-cole" to let Holly play. 3:20 PM BBT SAT We get FOTH. We come back and Holly is no longer with Nicole and Jackson. They are talking about Jackson just tries to make Holly happy. Now they are discussing solitare. 3:26PM BBT SAT Holly comes out of the DR and says she can't find her climbing shoes. They were for the wall comp and she got them later but never wore them. 3:38PM BBT SAT Nicole says she will be right back. She tells Jackson and Holly that Tommy had requested the couches in the hosue and they both said "yeah" She then goes downstairs and makes a playing card trail. She laughs and says she is entertaining herself.
  15. 9:43PM BBT TH Feeds are back. Jackson is in the shower. Holly looks winded and is walking around. No Nicole on cams. 9:47PM BBT TH Jackson and Holly chatting. The comp was a puzzle with chains and endurance. No clear winner yet. Nicole says that she is brusied and has ice on her knee. Jackson talking about he should have let Holly have it because they are worried about PT 2. 9:53PM BBT TH Jackson has won PT1 of the 3 part comp.
  16. 2:15PM BBT Jackson and Holly finally get out of bed. In the WCA, Jackson tells Holly that Cliff and Nicole haven't event touched the dirty dishes and they should have done them since they have been up but instead they are sitting there playing cards. 2:25PM BBT Jackson is cleaning the dishes. He is slamming things around. Jackson is complaining about food pans left from three days ago. He complains the pancake mix from 3 days ago on the stove (they were made this morning). Holly stands around and agrees.
  17. 1:33PM BBT WED Jackson and Holly continue to sleep. Cliff and Nicole talk about a cafeteria his family went to.They are talking about food they have eaten that they didn't care for but were trying to be polite. 1:44PM BBT WED Nicole and Cliff talk about Christmas time and taking the kids to see Santa and adopting families during the holidays. 1:57PM BBT WED Cliff and Nicole continue to chat about home and playing cards. Jackson and Holly continue to sleep.
  18. 7:30PM - 9:00PM BBT TUES Cliff talking to the cameras about his travels and things back home. Holly complaining that she doesn't sleep in the house (after Jackson said he was going to go wake her) but she was out on the sofa earlier. Nicole gets tea. Jackson plays solitare while Holly watches. 9:00PM - 9:30 PM BBT TUESNicole and Cliff chat. Nicole says she is disgusted being the third person with a showmance left. Cliff tells her it's just a game.General chatting and joking around about food and gross words with Nicole, Jackson and Holly. 9:30 PM - 10:00 PM BBT TUES Holly preparing dinner. Jackson and Nicole go to feed the fish. Jackson marvels at how bit the Michie fish is. Nicole reminds him to wash his hands after he feeds the fish. Holly yells at Jackson to come down and cook the steaks. #BB21 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM BBT TUES More chatter. Cliff talks about his family exploring caves. Cliff mentions his 30th wedding anniversary is coming up. Nicole mentions when she gets married, she would like to get married near the end of December.Cliff attempts to sneak Orwell past Jackson and Holly while they eat. No one notices. Cliff jokes that he can walk Orwell out on eviction night as long as Jackson has a steak in front of him.Jackson calls Holly "mom" when she says everything is ready for dinner.
  19. 6:39PM BBT TUES Cliff doing Cliffnotes. He talks about how he took a chance and it didn't work out and brought him down a notch. He says that if Jackson burns him on the promise, he will be giving his vote to Holly. He doesn't see that Jackson has 5 votes in the jury house. 6:43PM BBT TUES Cliff saying out loud that if Jackson does away with him, it's possible that Jackson is giving up the prize. He is counting who Jackson may have in the jury house. He is trying to figure out when he should mention it to Jackson. He says this is the only option he has left. 6:49PM BBT TUES Holly and Jackson cuddle on the sofa and talk about how they can't wait to see their friends and pets. Jackson mentions past HG knowing who they are. Cams change. 7:06PM BBT TUES Cliff is wondering if everything is okay at home. He is worried that if something went wrong and he was in the house playing.. He says he would feel terrible. Says he is responsible and would feel bad. He wonders what is happening in the outside world. 7:14PM BBT TUES Cliff says that even if he gets voted out, he doesn't hate Jackson. He just lost some respect for him. Jackson and Holly are now on the LR couch laying down. Jackson is laying on top of Holly. 7:20PM BBT TUES Jackson and Holly continue to nap. Cliff has decided to listen to music and Nicole is folding clothes.
  20. 6:50PM BBT MON The HG have gotten cards. Jackson tells Cliff and Nicole he requested them along with dominos and monopoly.
  21. 1:38PM BBT MON Nicole takes her cereal outside to the BY. She does a shout out to her family. She says that she is ok but getting tired. She says that no matter what happens she is going to be ok. Even if that means she won't be 1st or 2nd. 1:43PM BBT MON Cliff comes out to talk to Nicole. He says that he is okay with going but would like to stay. He says he feels bad for his family missing out most of all. 1:52PM BBT MON Cliff and Nicole talk about the jury house. Nicole says it's going to be awkward with her and Jackson/Holly in the house until the end. 1:56PM BBT MON Cliff and Nicole talk about the memories in the house. Cliff says he has to look at it as the experience it has been. As much as the money would have been nice, he has his family back home and they are his perfect world. 1:59PM BBT MON Nicole tells Cliff that Holly is guaranteed the F2. She says if she walks out then Jackson won it and if Jackson walks out, she won it. She still hopes Jackson will change his mind. Cliff says he doubts it. Cliff says the only thing that Jackson may be concerned with is votes. 2:07PM BBT MON Nicole tells Cliff if he wants to make one more deal with Jackson and offer him guaranteed F2, she would understand. Cliff says he will talk to him but not for the F2. Says he will talk to him about Jackson but about his saying that he wanted to be against people who played hard. Cliff says it's difficult to say anything to Jackson when his other person is his girlfriend. 2:15PM BBT MON Jackson comes to Holly in the bed. Holly whining that she has been awake all night and can not fall asleep. She has been up since they went to bed last night. She says her heart is pounding. She is upset. Jackson says they will talk to BB and see if there is anything they can do. 2:18PM BBT MON Holly complaining about the hard bed and how much it hurts her spine and affects her scoliosis. Jackson says the HOH bed is so much more comfortable. They get out of bed.Holly says that the KT is so clean. Jackson says a dirty KT is his pet peeve.
  22. 1:00AM-1:30AM BBT MON Holly and Jackson are asleep in their BR. Cliff is asleep in the HOH BR. Nicole comes out of the DR. Jackson gets up and heads to the KT. Nicole heads to the HOH BR to talk to Cliff. 1:30AM - 2:30 AM BBT MON Nicole and Cliff talk about Jackson going back on his work. Cliff said he should have told them before the Veto. Nicole says she is going to try and get Jackson to keep Cliff.She wants to suggest to Jackson that the jury will not vote for him next to Holly and that Holly going to jury is a vote for him. Nicole says she has nothing left to lose now if she says anything to Jackson. Their new plan is guilt.They say good night and Nicole heads downstairs and gets ready for bed. Lights out for everyone. 10:37AM BBT MON Nicole sitting in bed practicing what she wants to say to Jackson. She wants to talk to him about his word saying he wanted to go against people who played hard. Cliff played hard for them in the Veto to keep his word even injuring his knees. 11:00AM BBT MON All HG quietly dozing. 11:25AM BBT MON Cliff gets a bowl of cereal and heads to the BY. He says this may be his last morning in the BB BY because he made a mistake. He says to SKD he is sorry that they won't make it to the finale because of his mistake. Cliff says they anticipated more memory comps and that was probably his downfall. 12:30PM BBT MON Nicole moving around the house. Cliff back up in the HOH. Holly and Jackson are still sleeping. 12:41PM BBT MON Cliff and Nicole announce that BB said the Veto meeting will not be today. 1:15PM BBT Nicole is moving around the house. Jackson and Holly still asleep.
  23. 12:08PM BBT SUN Jackson an Holly talking. Jackson is getting out of the shower. Talking about all the people he is going to help and do good with the money. Holly tells him he better not blow it in Vegas. Holly asks Jackson if he got to keep his HOH letter. He says no. Holly says it's so unfair that Nicole got to keep hers. Holly says production has been handing Nicole lots of stuff recently. Holly says she can't stand Nicole's lack of gratitude. 12:16PM BBT Jackson and Holly wake up Cliff to find out where Nicole is. They then head to the RV and wake up Nicole and ask her if she wants to go outside. 12:21PM BBT SUN Cliff gets up and takes the band aides off of his knees. They are pretty cut up. He shouts out to his family. He says he won't give up. He heads out to join the others. 12:26PM BBT SUN All 4 HG general chatting. No game talk.
  24. 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM BBT SUN Cliff and Nicole general chat about the Veto. Cliff is sore from the comp. Jackson is out of the DR and Holly has been called. Jackson and Holly in the HOH and whisper how he won this for her and how neither of them will be in the jury house. In the KT, Cliff talks about that he got cut in the Veto and they had to delay Holly's start to clean up the area. Jackson cutting up a pineapple and a watermelon, decides both are bad and tosses them and get a new one. 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM BBT SUN Nicole and Cliff joke about F2 speeches and arguments.The BY has opened. Cliff, Nicole and Jackson go outside. Nicole is concerned about Cliff's health during the veto comp. Jackson talks about family videos. Says too late now for them. He says he would give up his for the others to see their families. They talk about allowances. Cliff says he never got one but did get paid something for doing some things around the house. Jackson talks about his friends getting $200-$250 a week. Nicole says that is crazy. Nicole and Cliff go inside and Holly comes out to the hammock. They talk about them both going to the finale. 2:00AM - 3:00 AM BBT SUN Holly and Jackson cuddle on the hammock. Jackson wonders if Nicole and Cliff know what's coming.Cliff does some shout outs from the target room. In the BY, Jackson wonders what people thnk of them. They talk about Cliff not being his usual self. Holly says Cliff is exhausted and making sloppy deals.Holly says the power Nicole and Cliff got went straight to their heads. Holly and Jackson kissing and doing romantic talk.They head inside and eventually up to the HOH. 3:00AM - 4:00 AM BBT SUN Nicole talking out loud. Says she will feel guilty if Jackson doesn't keep his word and send Cliff home on Thursday. Eventually the HG go off to sleep. 10:02AM BBT SUN Wake up time. Nicole decides to sit in the hammock before she eats. 10:20 AM BBT SUN Nicole eating outside. A crow flies over. She takes it as an omen and goes inside. 11:00AM BBT All HG snuggled in bed and resting/napping. 11:30AM BBT All HG still in bed. Lights are on. 11:58AM BBT All HG still in bed. Nicole moving about a bit but still under the covers.
  25. 9:00PM - 10:00 PM BBT SAT Snuggle time with Jackson, Holly and Nicole. Stories and chatting. They go to the storage room to find out they have been given tye dye materials and t-shirts.Instead, they go up to HOH where Jackson and Holly play chess and Nicole listens to her music. 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM BBT SAT Nicole is feeling sad and starts to cry. Jackson consoles her.Nicole eventually leaves the HOH and heads downstairs to get the fish food an feed the fish. Cliff comes out of DR and talks with Nicole about how long they have been in the house. 11:0PM BBT - 12:00 AM BBT SAT In the HOH room, Holly is complaining that the HOH room should be hers and upset that she had to throw the comp. Downstairs, Nicole and Cliff talk about the past HG and wonder what they think of Cliff and Nicole. They wonder if time goes faster in the jury house.Cliff does a shout out to Sam. They also discuss prev season HG and who they would like to meet.



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