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Posts posted by bbjag

  1. So Big Brother 15 is just a little less than two months away and have begun to think of what I would love to see on this show this season. Below are what I want to see.

    1. NO RETURNING HOUSEGUESTS!!! One of the things this show used to do was come out with new and interesting twists as the season has gone on. Season four had the ex's which I felt made the show better, in season 8 there were the four houseguests that knew another person and that to me added more to the show. In season 9 it was the couples which I thought was good at first and as the season went on I think the houseguests themselves were the problem. But now it seems every season they want to bring returning houseguests back to the show and have come up with new ways to do just that which I think takes away from the new houseguests. So this season I want ALL NEW HOUSEGUESTS. But am expecting to be disappointed and have a few returning houseguests.

    2. NO MORE PANDORA'S BOX!!!!! When the show first introduced Pandora's box I thought it was genius and was kind of cool but they have since used it in every season since then and quite frankly I felt it has become overdone. It is time they come up with something else.

    3. BRING IN BBCAN's PHONE!!! After seeing the phone used in Big Brother Canada I felt it would be a cool thing to see in the Big Brother US house. I like the idea of having a phone in the house where when it rings the first Houseguest whi answers it gets given a task or for even a punishment. Instead of using it to give out HOH or anything like that I think they could do something like "Get these two people nominated for eviction" or the person who answers it can be placed on slop for a week or even one day even if they were the HOH. It would add something to the show.

    4. GET RID OF HAVE AND HAVE NOT!!!! I have always liked the idea of people going on slop because it makes them tired and cranky and just watching some people lose it because they have been on slop for two weeks straight to me is kind of fun. The first season of the Have Not's I liked it because I thought it added to things, but now I think they have over done it and last season is a great example. The beds the Have Not's had to sleep in were so bad that there wasn't any have not's the last half of the season it seems because of it. The Houseguests health started being affected which was not what this show should be doing. So to me I think it is time that they go back to just putting people on slop.

    5. HOUSE FOOD COMPETITIONS!!!! I love watching the food comps and think more can be done with them. They use to do food comps for the whole house where the house played for food for days of the week and in many of these comp they got luxory items as well which I think was kind of taken away and I think it is time to bring it back. So I say every week there is a food comp where the houseguests either compete in teams where one team is put on slop or as a whole house where they play for food for a certain day.

    What would you like to see this season?

  2. So I live in the United States (California) and am watching from Youtube after the episodes air since they are not shown in the United States it seems. Anyhow, I just watched the first episode and just the phoen twist and actually liked it. I think the US version should implement it in their show. It would totally throw a twist into the season because those people who don't succeed in their mission would get punished and it would be fun to see what they punish them with. And this would be a twist that has not been used in the US Version. Does anyone else like this twist.

  3. I really want newbies next season because this bringing people back bit is really old and frankly I don't like the advantage the former players get. I understand doing all stars and stuff like that but come on. When they first brought a former houseguest back I thought it would be interesting, but then they did it again, then they expanded it and now it is just old and plain un fair to the newbies.

    I like having twists (that effect the game mainly) because it throws the Houseguests off right from the beginning and frankly it seems many of them end up changing their entire strategy around. BB8 twist with the four people some of them know (people from the past that they didn't get along with was extremely great, in fact without that twist ED and Danielle would never had made it to the final two. BB9 I liked because it was new and it changed their game plan because it forced people to work together. The Houseguests weren't the best and not many you could truly like but the twist was good in my opinion. The twist with the sabetour was just plain stupid and it ended up backfiring anyway. Last years season was OK but the bringing the dynamic duo's back and making people pair up was just not really great. I liked the Golden Key thing because I thought it might get people to get complacent and just kind of start coasting and stop playing the game, which I think it did somewhat but it kind of made it unfair at the same time. The year they did the cliques was just plain aweful in my opinion, forcing people into teams really made no sense to me and limited who the HOH could put up for eviction. The cast that year wasn't the best either.

    In the end this season was great in terms of entertainment and keeping me watching but bad in terms of the coaches which I think screwed up a lot of peoples games. Jodi never got a chance to play the game, Kara wasn't there long enough to play and the only reason for her eviction was because they wanted Dan out. The only reason Danielle was never the target to get out was because Frank became the target. JoJo in my opinion would have been there a little longer without the coaches and without Willie. Ian probably would have been voted out early so it was good for him, Shane probably would have been voted out earlier which was good for him, but for some it was bad for their game and never gave them the chance to play the game really. The twist to allow the coaches to enter the game was planned form the beginning and I won't believe anyone who says it wasn't. It seemed to me like BB blatantly tried to affect the game this season, but for entertainment value it was fun to watch. Next season though lets get all newbies, maybe change things up a bit as well. Instead of Have Not's and slop go to something different (split pea soup?) Maybe switch Veto up to allow the winner take one or both off the block, Whatever twist and changes made, make the twist affect the entire game and get creative. No more returning houseguests.

  4. I don't see that at all. He was a horrible BB player. He could win comps but he never played the game.

    Shane played the game more than you think. Shane aligned with people in the game that could get him far in the game, he also remained loyal to those people and never let it be known. And when he was HOH while he took advice from others like they all do he made those decisions and frankly he made the best decisions for him in the game. I don't think he listened to Brit as much as other might believe. Also he kept the target off of himself through the whole game for the most part, while it helped having Frank as the biggest target in the game, he was able to keep it off of himself.

    AC will come down to Dan and Ian IMO .... Really can't see Shane winning that. He was a horrible player! Between Frank & Shane they win comps but they are clueless when it comes to playing this game.

    Shane basically offering to go up means he doesn't deserve to win ... It was a moronic move on his part ... He should be mad at himself!

    I never saw him actually volunteer, he told Danielle to do what she has to do but it didn't look like he was all that happy about it. When he realized he was going to go up he figured he would trust that Danielle was sure he was safe which I think she was sure, Dan not only backstabbed Shane but also Danielle.

    I wish we could hear Britney yelling at Shane when he arrives. How many times did Brittney tell Shane not to offer or be a pawn. He played badly and counted on Britney and Dan to help him out. Hope Jenn tells him that Danielle wanted him out before he won POV. That she was tired of him following her around and could wait till Thursday. That the plan was to keep her and vote out Shane.

    Britney should actually be proud of what Shane was able to do. When Britney left there was a chance he would be public enemy number two (after Dan at least) but he still kept the target on others and not himself. I don't remember him ever volunteering but I do remember him not really fighting it as well.

    I agree, say what you want about Shane, but the fact was he was lucky to be aligned with Dan and Brittany as he was just too dumb. YOu do not volunteer to be the pawn all the time, be a physical threat, and expect to make it to the end.

    He also played a much more dirty game then people seem to think, it is much worse to lead a girl on and have a fake showmance to get ahead then it is to swear on the bible about things to people who know you should not be trusted.

    Shane never lead Danielle on, I think he has true feelings for Danielle and has said many times that he does not want to have a showmance in the house because it might screw up his game. I heard him tell her many times, she wanted more of a relationship but he never did. People seem to think that was leading her on, but he told her many times that he did not want to have a relationship in the house. Those kisses he gave her I think were all geniuine kisses but I truly think he didn't want to have a showmance. After the game is over I think they might start dating and see what happens.

    Just about every eviction Shane lied and told people they were OK. He would say I swear. He had no problem lying to them until they went out the door. He has no problem shaking hands and making final 2's or 3's or 6's. He shook hands with Boogie and Frank and had no problem going after them.

    Shane knew how the game worked. He should not be so outraged at Dan for lying or shaking hands or swearing.

    I think once Britney slaps him around in the Jury house he will put things in perspective. I think he was just shell shocked.

    Everyone lies in the Big Brother house, I think he was surprised because Danielle told her that she would never put him on the block if she knew he was going home, and also he was shocked that Dan would do that. Dan truly played the game the best out of all of them, I hate his moves but he also knew the game before coming in and knew exactly how to play it which gave him an advantage over all of them.

  5. Ian and Joe have talked at length about who to vote for to win the game and both have said no matter who is sitting next to Dan in the end neither will vote for Dan. I think that is true they both will not want to give the money to someone who has already won the money. With that said I think Danielle gets those votes. Shane is Danielle as well. Jenn to me is the toss up in this, I think she would vote for Danielle to win the money and I would not be surprised if it is 7-0 Danielle winning because of the fact that dan has won it before.

  6. If it is between Ian and Danielle I think Ian has a chance to win but I think it would be more likely that Danielle win. Shane, Frank, Jenn, and Joe will probably vote Danielle's way, Jenn, and Frank would probably hold a grudge and vote for Danielle. Shane will vote for Danielle because he will realize it was Dan who backstabbed him. Joe to me is a toss up, he can go either way, but I think he might be more willing to vote with Danielle.

  7. I wonder if anyone else realizes that if you look at the name "BB Jag" That Jag is a Lawyer or a Judge Advocate or a representitive of a Military person on Trial ... Which explains why There Post is sooo convincing <Grin> I Know I bought into it ... Hook , Line, and Sinker

    Whats funny is I am in school studying Legal Studies, as for the name Jag, it is my initials.

    As for this season I thought it was as good as BB8, but I would also love to see the show go back to what it used to be. 12-14 newbies all competeing for half a million dollars. I also would like them to compete for food more often than they did this year, it seems the coaches comps took away the food competitions and basically made the Have Not room meaningless to have. They should have food comps again where some get put on slop and some do not. Also I think they should have the food comp where they compete for house grocery's for the week every three weeks for so. ALso lets get more luxury competitions, like the clothes competition where the Houseguests get new clothes. The other thing, is get rid of pandora's bo already, they have done it three times the past three or four seasons and it is time to come up with something new. I love to see twists every year, but do a twist where it truly messes with the houseguests minds, but don't bring back former houseguests.

  8. Is it me or does she have absolutely no backbone. She has done what ever Dan has told her to do from the beginning and when he broke her trust she still trusted him. The fact that she actually pulled him off the block just shows she will do what he says no matter what. If she is in the Final two I think she will win, but only because I think the majority of the jury will not want to award Dan the money when he won the show once before. Him making it to final two though is pretty much gauranteed because Danielle will take him and so will Ian. I am actually rooting for Ian or Danielle to win the HOH and then take the other to the final two and send Dan packing to the jury. That would be the biggest move of the summer, when he is all smug thinking he will be in the final two no matter what and then have it taken from him would be perfect.

  9. I saw this coming a mile away, I knew Danielle would do what Dan told her to do and I know that she will continue to do what he tells her because she will always trust him no matter what he does. Dan can lie to her face (oh wait he did that) and she would still do what he says. She has no backbone and frankly if she is in the final two she deserves to lose this game because she never did her own thing, she just followed someone else. Dan to me has lost my respect because I can understand lieing to get ahead, but he took it to a whole new level.

  10. i like him and hope he wins. I think he would take Dan to the end because he would want to win against the best player unlike Dan who will take who he thinks he can beat. Ian may be quirky but he has grown on me and has proved to be loyal to the people he decided to be alligned with. He has played a good game. Just because he doesn't go around acting like Dan doesn't mean he didn't play. Of the 4 people left there are only 2 that in my opinion have played well and that is Ian and Dan. Danielle likes to think she is the best player ever but she has done nothing but what Dan wants the entire game. Shane has escaped being voted out by winning the POV when he needed to but other than that unless Britany was explaining the game to him he was and is clueless.

    Your right Dan will backstab just to make it to the end like he has done this entire game. I know that Danielle doesn't want to be the one who get Shane evicted and I am sure if Dan votes Shane out tonight (Dan will most likely be taken off the block) which I think he will do it is going to blindside Danielle once again, if she wins the final HOH she might take Ian to the final two since she will have lost her respect for Dan, but like she has done all season she will do what Dan wants her to do because she can't make up her own mind. I wonder if she is going to ask Dan after the show is done if she should date Shane and do what Dan tells her to do. No Backbone on that girl.

    Thank god Ian will finally be evicted tomorrow!

    Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Ian I think is safe this week, Dan will be taken off the block and Shane will obviously go up in his place. Dan will then vote to get rid of Shane. What I would love to see happen is Danielle grow a backbone and tell Dan that she will use it on him to make him think he is safe, and then flip it last second and don't change the nominations. Then Tell Shane this is the time to get rid of Dan. That would be EPIC!!!!!

    Here is the deal. I believe that there are 2 people left in the house worthy of winning BB. Ian is one. Dan is the other. Since Danielle appears to have won the F4 POV, Ian is likely gone because she will get Shane to evict Ian. Even Dan will support this because it will keep the blood off of his hands. I'm sorry to see Ian go but I cannot help but think... Please Dan... win the final HOH because I do not trust Danielle to pick Dan to go to F2 with her.

    Ian does deserve to win this game, but I think an argument can be made for all of them at this point. Ian was smart enough to align himself with people at the reset and not let be known until it was too late for people to do anything about it. Ian got Boogie sent packing, he then got Frank finally evicted.

    Dan deserves to win because he found a way to pull himself off the block when he was about to be evicted, he masterminded his funeral and got Frank and Jenn to change their target to Britney. Then since he has been masterminding everyone to keep him around.

    It is going to happen. Shane thinks he's part of a big plan to get Ian's blood on Dan's hands instead of his AND that Dan will think D/S are not a couple anymore (they're planning to stage a fight) What Shane doesn't know is that Dan will vote him out and I don't have any first hand knowledge but, there is no way Dani doesn't know Dan's voting out Shane either.

    Danielle might have an idea that he is going to vote out Shane, but she might not believe it either. What would be smart for her I think is to keep the nominations the same and get rid of Dan, Ian is not the best physical player really so I think in the first part of the HOH he is out early, then in the second part of the HOH he will have to remember but also do so quickly which I think might be hard for him since he will have to do it under water. Danielle and Shane will have a better shot at that one. The winner of that one would probably be Danielle and Shane who would then take each other to the final two, Ian will be gone in third place I think. But what I think will eventually happen tonight is Dan is coming off the block, he is going to vote Shane out and then Ian, Dan and Danielle will fight it out in the first part. Dan will probably feel like he can handle the second part of the HOH pretty well and Danielle might win part one. Dan and Danielle in the final two I am calling it right now.

  11. Have no one been paying attention to the past week, Dan is going after Shane not Ian. He is going to tell Danielle to use the POV on him and then he is going to vote Shane out. Dan might even make it sound like he will send Ian packing but i doubt it. I think Shane goes home tonight because Dan will tell Danielle what to do and she will do it. Dan should be labled the puppet master. Danielle does whatever Dan says I don't think Shane has a shot in this game.

  12. I want to she Shane and Danielle in the final two, Dan has already won this game once and winning the $500,000 or even $50,000 to me is unfair therefore I don't want to see him there. As for who her nominations are, she will do whatever Dan says I think which means it is Ian and Shane, her winning POV seems about right as well which means Shane is a goner.

  13. This season to me is right there with Season 8 in my opinion. I thought it has been extremely fun to watch and I couldn't wait to find out what happened. I was actually thinking next years Big Brother and thought it would be fun to see an All Stars but with the people who have been early evictees this time. Jodi, JoJo, Kara, Annie, etc. They could bring 14 players into the house to play for it and then we will be sure that someone who has never won it before wins it. I would also like to see how these people would play the game. The only thing that sucks about this season though is that the same people won all the competitions and that sucks, I kind of like it when more people win them, this season we could have almost guess who will win the be HOH every week.

  14. Based on what I have heard from the houseguests it seems no one will want Dan to win the money because he has already won it once, but they will give it to him if Jenn is sitting next to them in the final two. I think Dan knows this and will Jenn to the end, he will string Dani along just until final three it seems and then out she goes. Jen will probably take Dan, thinking she can win next to him since he already won it and no one will let him win it again, but what she doesn't realize is no one wants to reward the ultimate floater.

  15. I don't like Jenn because of the way she is playing this game. To me she is the ultimate floater in this game, don't win a single comp. and ride to the end on people coat tails. Every time she has been put on the block she has been a pawn, this time she is the target of the HOH but it seems Dan has used that alliance as far as he can and decided to get rid of Shane this week. At this point I think Dan will be in the final two, I just haven't decided who will be with him. He has a final two deal with everyone in the house except Shane I believe so he is going to get Shane out this week and then he will coast to the end because it seems no one will actually get rid of him.

  16. I think he has been worried the showmance thing would mess with his game and didn't want that to happen. I really don't want to see him gone this week but I think it will happen. It seems Dan has realized his best shot at winning the prize money is to take Jenn to the end but he is going to wait until the end to let people know that. I would like to see them get Jenn out this week and then go after Dan, that would be who I would go after. Shane better win POV, because if he doesn't he might as well pack his bags.

  17. I like Ian, he knows the game and actually could win this thing. He has largely gone without being a target (except week one before he was saved) and ever since has not sat on the block one time in this time and I don't believe that he has even been considered a replacement nom.

    If people decided he was no real threat and therefore could be saved to the end might just find out at the end that he really isn't. He seems to build alliances and stick with them.

  18. Kind of hoping that Joe is gone this week and Ian next week. What can I say? Not fond of either one of them. LOL Its weird because I USED to like Ian but when he was more interested in protecting Britney than he was in protecting Dan when it was Dan who took all the heat for him... No longer a fan. And Joe is just a vote at this point.

    Your not a fan of Joe which I understand, I think the guy is entertaining thats for sure, but I don't care for his game play. As for Ian you don't seem to have a good reason not to like Ian. What was Ian supposed to do, "hey everyone I was the mole, leave Dan alone in this game and take out me" Ian wants to win the money too, Dan is not the only one to want to win this game, so frankly give me a break that Ian should have stood behind Dan. In fact Ian did stand behind Dan, after Dan was done ratting everyone out to get the target off of himself, Ian went and offered to bring the quackpack back together. If that is not loyalty I don't know what is. Boogie and Frank was never on Ian's side, they were going to take Ian out eventually, they never had the inkling to let him stay in the game.

  19. I hated the coaches twist at the beginning and was against the coaches coming into the game but I actually think it all made the season better because of it. At the beginning the targets were because of the coaches and not about who was actually a threat and who wasn't. When the reset happened the game changed to more about threats and what not. This season is one of the best because there are actualy players who are playing the game. The only two floaters in the game are Joe and Jenn, where everyone else is playing and making moves. Without the coaches I think Danielle would have been gone by now because Shane, Frank, Willy, and probably Wil would have teamed up to take down everyone else and I think they would have been very successful in doing so.

  20. Franks problem was Boogie plain and simple. If he had come into the house as Frank I think he would have been a likeable guy and probably would not have played the same game as he has played. I think he would have made alliances with people and they would have stuck with them. The coaches twist has made alliances in this house non-exsistant this year.

    The nice thing about the coaches twist is it forced people to blame the game from the beginning, which made it hard to tell someone they are being put on the block for playing the game too fast too early. Going into the season I thought the people that would be more than likely to do that was Ashley, Ian, and Danielle. They all seemed to have this strategy that they would build these alliances and what not. In the end though mostly everyone started playing the game right away and we have real players at this point which is great.

    I think alliances have been there but it seems everyoe is building an alliance with everyone else. I am acualy surprised some of the final two deals Frank has made with people hasn't come back to bite him in the end.

    I have been saying all week that if they fail to get Frank out this week, they might as all just hand the check to Frank and end the season early because this game is his if he stays this week. I dont care what anyone says, this is their last chance to get Frank out of the house. Even though Frank can't play in the first HOH this week he can play in VETO and with how many are left in the game he is almost assured of winning the Veto and either taking himself off the block or being safe because of it.

    In the end Shane, Danielle and Dan need to do what they have been trying to do all along and get Frank out.

  21. I have no doubt, despite the way things appear, that Joe could be out. Dan convinces Shane and Danielle to split their vote so that "the blood will be on Ian's hands". Dan, Jenn vote Joe out and he's gone. I'm convinced that Dan wants to take Frank to final two and beat him based on his game play.

    I don't know who is with who anymore this season. They have flipped so often and made deals with everyone that frankly at this point anything can happen. Shane and Danielle seem set on voting Frank out of this this, Ian also seems set on doing it and I think it is the smart thing to do at this point. If Ian fails to get Frank out this week he might not get another chance. If Jenn wins HOH she puts Ian and Dan on the block, Ian could be going home right after Joe if they fail to get Frank out, then Frank will once again be allowed to play for HOH and if he wins he will most likely put Shane and Danielle up maybe Dan. I really think if Frank stays this week then they should just hand him the $500,000 check right here and now becase he will have won this game.



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