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Brekkie Boy

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Posts posted by Brekkie Boy

  1. The live show isn't even live, so considering they seem to want footage from the first day within their premiere I don't get why they don't just do it US style and get the HMs in their quickly and get going.

    Actually a shame the launch show wasn't live as it would have made great TV for all the wrong reasons - they set the studio on fire with pyrotechnics and the eye got stuck (hence after a couple of HMs it remained open). Never really understood too why filming the launch takes the Aussies a good few hours yet in the UK we do it live within 90 minutes.

  2. Big Brother Australia has returned today after four years. IMO it's all a bit crap - they've taken far too much influence from the awful C5 version (which has killed BBUK for many people), and like C5 scrapped the live feeds. Nice house though.

    More info at behindbigbrother.com but basically three men entered the main house and seven girls entered the "parlour", where they could watch the men enter the house. The girls were told each of the men were hiding a secret and were given the seven secrets (such as one being a multi-millionare, one not having a girlfriend since 11, one dating over 100 people). Four more men will enter the house over coming days. The girls can not ask the boys outright about their secrets, but can try and get to the truth with indirect question. They can confer with each other in the parlour, and must always give the answer "womens business" if the men ask them what they've been doing in the parlour.

    The girls must match the secrets to the men over the first week to be immune from the first eviction and put the men to the public vote. If they fail the females all face eviction.

  3. Not very often the words "talented" and "Big Brother housemate" go together but former BBUK HM Anthony Ogogo has just secured himself an Olympic medal by making the Welterweight semi-finals in the boxing, meaning he is guaranteed at least bronze. He appeared on "Big Brother: Celebrity Hijack" back in January 2008 - a series featuring promising 18-21 year olds in a house controlled each day by a visiting celebrity.

  4. Rather than come back into the game to compete to win maybe they could just solve the numbers problem by allowing coaches to be nominated, but only say if the Veto is used (or some other condition, like only against a team member). That throws a bit of a curveball in there and should begin to breakdown the bond between team and coach - though I suspect most of the newbies would quite happily vote their own coaches out.

    Or make it a special week where only the coaches can be nominated - the evictee gets evicted, but the saved nominee gets a golden key into the game.

    Actually let's neaten all that up into one twist - allow the newbies to nominate a coach (only one) for eviction. If the coach is voted out they leave, if they survive eviction they become a player.

    I posted this via the Willie thread but it probably belongs here...

    A thought: I think it would be a nice twist if for BB15 (if there is a BB15) that they put say 30-50 people for America to vote on and we can chose who plays and perhaps people would be more vested in the players and what happens. I will be honest, this is the first season that I'm just "blah" about.

    After who America chose back in All Stars I'm not sure viewers should be trusted with such power. It could work though if they break it down - so have six categories (the bitch, the player, the jock etc.) wtih three candidates in each. Viewers vote on one, then the other two have to compete to get in the house.

  5. I think that next season (assuming there is one) they need to do another "back to the basics" season like season 10 was. Just 14 houseguests with no twists, and a pure BB experience. I think the chances of no returning houseguests next year is a good one...who could Grodner find to come back that was a good player and would want to come back? It was clearly a hard thing this year since we got Britney back. She needs new veterans and new all stars, and the only way to do that is let them shine on their own without vets to overshadow them. But then again, what do I know? I didn't think there would be returning players this year.

    Also, does anyone else think that chances for an All Stars 2 are low? A good number of the players that would have probably have been brought back have already been brought back in either this season or the last.

    I'd never rule out an All Stars while Grodner is still there but I think more hybrid seasons will probably be the way they go, even though almost without exception fans prefer either all newbies or all All Stars - basically everyone to enter the game on a level playing field.

    Question - the coaches comp. I understand Janelle won it and chose not to trade, so therefore did she give immunity to someone?

    And secondly might it be an idea to scrap the weekly housemate threads here to try and encourage a bit more generic discussion about the shows and the feeds?

  6. This year sucks. If Shane leaves I just don't think I can spend a summer watching these other people. I can't stand Frank,Wil,and Joe and the girls are some of the most boring I have seen in years

    Have to agree - the coaches are hogging all the airtime too as I really couldn't say we'd seen anything of Kara in the first week. Shane seems normal and normal is good but both him and Wil are a bit to quiet on the gameplay aspect while I can't get beyond Joe's voice (I wasn't too horrified at the news of Willie headbutting him - and he hadn't even had to endure Joe's DRs) and Frank being Boogies bitch. I don't mind both Britney and Dan but with Janelle and Boogie I just feel they need to grow up and move on and have thier midlife crisis somewhere other than the BB house. He may have won All Stars but Boogie was nothing without Will and he's even more deluded than I thought if he thinks he's the brains behind Chill town.

  7. If as we all expect the coaches re-enter the game it really should be before the jury stage (the final 9) as previous twists have been and the point the game really begins - though whether that final 9 includes the coaches or not I don't know, as we'll actually be down to the final nine "houseguests" a week on Thursday - so with that being the case I think they actually need the coaches to make up the numbers.

  8. About time they changed the motto to "Expect the Expected" surely.

    I think the coaching will get boring pretty quick - it might actually be best to take them out of the house once we get to the jury stage and let their prodigies play for themselves, with the coaches returning at the end of the season and still getting the $100,000 prize if one of their team wins.

  9. I think that the coaches will become players and at some point be eligible to win the 500k. Just my opinion. Unfortunately for me these 4 were not really any of my favorites I did like janelle and Brittany is good for a good laugh. I guess we will see.

    That is what they're counting on, but not sure it's worth giving up time with your newborn for - even $500,000 won't buy back that time. It's the predictable thing to happen though so undoubtedly will.

    It was a poor premiere ruined by the "coaches" twist, despite the coaches being some of my favourite BB alumni. Having been rewatching BB2-BB5 lately the script for the premiere is practically unchanged (they could have changed the "It's a house like no other" line to at least have a dig at The Glass House!) and the blatant post-production editing of Julie's voiceover during the HoH comp made it look very cheap.

    Having the same old house doesn't help either - I think BBUSA is pretty much the only version worldwide never to change it's house layout (even the new house in BB6 was based on the layout of the old house). They can't blame cost as I'm sure CBS have a bigger budget than Albanian or Serbian TV stations, and actually with BBUSA now being so damn predictable the producers actually need to make better use of the house itself to add to the increasingly lame twists.

  10. Suprised she won against Danielle? She was kind of evil while Lisa was pretty likeable. Luckily the jury didn't know that Lisa voted against her boyfriend Eric coming back in the house cause that was smart but kinda of brutal. I believe I remember reading that Lisa gave most of her money to charity though so she's a cool girl in my book!

    They knew about Eric as they were not sequestered - Danielle not winning was cited as a reason for sequestering the year after.

    She was kind of evil but so was Will and he won against a stronger player IMO by gaining respect for playing the game. Lisa was little more than a lucky floater people just forgot was in the house and though I've no doubt she was likeable and as a person one of the more worthy winners, as a player there was no contest IMO. (And yes, I know I'm a decade late to this argument!)

  11. Exactly. The Power of Veto needs to be less not more - which is why there should either be a consequence for using it or how it is implemented needs to be rethought. And as the Veto is ten years old this year they could even do something as simple as taking it back to the BB3 format of a nominee not being able to save themselves, so they're still reliant on support from others to secure their place in the house.

  12. I'd also say the first HoH is usually a curse rather than a blessing and can see you out of the door sooner rather than later.

    My one bit of advise would be to truly align with just one other person in the show, preferbly in secret, and that'll probably get you further than being part of a bigger alliance. Ideally the two of you would be losely links to the inevitable two sides of the house that form so you can compare notes and ensure it's the other members of the bigger, more obvious, alliances that are being picked off.

  13. TV always seems to associate bigger with better but I think in most cases, certainly with reality TV, it's actually stripping it back a bit which often makes for the better show. I really see no benefit in having more than 16 houseguests in a show that's only going to last 11 weeks or so - half of them will just get lost in the edit in the opening weeks.

    The only way I could kind of see it working is if we have 18, so three teams of six, and somehow one team gets effectively taken out of the game in the premiere. I wouldn't evict them though - just perhaps move them out so they have to win their place back in the game. I kind of like the idea of people being able to come in and out of the game - so those out of the game can't be HoH or vote but also can't be nominated or evicted. Obviously you'd have to balance that by making the outcast area extremely difficult to live in - and having a set date 2-3 weeks in where anyone still in the outcast area will be evicted - so although short term it might be advantageous, in the long term it's incredibly risky.

  14. Golden Key Comps instead of POV comps. I like the Golden key idea but let them compete for it. The key should only keep a person safe for the next eviction. I love Daniele but her being safe for 4 weeks last summer was ridiculous. The Golden Key comps should be played either before or after HOH comps and definately before noms are made. The idea is to avoid going on the block by winning the key instead of trying to save yourself with the POV. So if you don't win the key that week and you get nominated there are no more chances to stay in the house, one a yous has to go.

    That's kind of a boring compromise though - basically a second immunity challenge which doesn't affect anyone other than the person who wins it.

    How about rather than the Veto they have some kind of challenge that affects the voting - so the original nominees will stand, but either all HGs have to compete for their right to vote (with a maximum of 7 votes in early stages, then 5 and then perhaps even making it one vote in the later stages) - or simplifying it a bit just have one vote nullified every week rather than a nomination vetoed - so basically whoever wins the new Veto is obliged to nullify a vote of another voting houseguest. They would only confirm their decision after all the HGs have voted.

  15. I would like to see the POV winner pick the replacement nom.

    But that would give the Veto holder even more power and devalue the role of HoH to the extent where the Veto holder is undoubtedly the most powerful position in the house.

    Maybe if they change nothing else about the Veto they could at least delay the Veto meeting until the live show so the original nominees have to play it out for the entire week.

  16. Not quite sure on how it would work (or if it would) but how about some kind of Rollover Veto. If the Veto winner doesn't use it one week they can use it the next instead - or perhaps by not using it the following week two Vetos are available, so potentially both nominees could be saved.

    I quite like the idea of actually scrapping the weekly Veto competition and somehow awarding just 1-3 Vetos at the beginning of the season which the holder can use at a time which suits them - but not sure how that could work.



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