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Brekkie Boy

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Posts posted by Brekkie Boy

  1. Completely disagree - it should remain a secret. I'm fed up of them all assuming Elissa will be the MVP every week so let the paranoia hit new heights when she doesn't get it. Glad Aaryn has been nominated too as that means it is pretty much open who'll be nominated by America. Jokers poll puts Amanda and Aaryn neck and neck and I think it would be a good move - and would love to see her freaking out over who nominated her.

    If Grodner reveals the twist they ruin the twist - it should only be revealed to the evictee next week if they've been nominated by the MVP. And to be fair they've been quite good at keeping twists secret in the past rather than blurting them out at the first opportunity. America's Player was revealed at the very end of the season rather than when Eric was evicted, and the first time they did the Coup d'Etat they never revealed to the houseguests what that player once when it had expired.

  2. Would love Elissa to be nominated, though if the viewers being the MVP truly does remain a secret perhaps Helen being nominated would be more interesting. Or Amanda of course.

    Credit where it's due this was a good move by Grodner - Elissa getting it every week was boring and everyone thinking they controlled her and the third vote was dull too. Hopefully it returns next week but they tweak it so it can't be won consecutive weeks, and ideally couldn't be won by the HoH either (talking of which, why didn't they wait 5-10 minutes for the HoH to be revealed before opening the lines - Judd is still on the voting page despite not being eligible!).

    In a way too I think the MVP needs to have a catch - would be good that if the MVP nom gets Vetoed that the MVP automatically replaces them on the block, though obviously complications there if the MVP is already a nominee or is the HoH.

  3. I would love to see Howard get it...he wouldn't say a word to anyone.

    He is rubbish at lying though.

    Helen might be the most likely contender after a strong week gamewise, but I think her days are numbered as she's putting a massive target on herself and just can't see it. I think if Elissa and Helen went on the block again Helen would be the target.

  4. Can't quite make my mind up whether Howard is being strong or weak in how he's handling it. No doubt about it BB producers are being weak - if they weren't going to kick someone out simply for their words then Aaryn, Gina Marie and Kaitlin certainly provided justification with their actions on Thursday, and also crossed the line which enabled CBS to evict one, two or all three of them without having to evict half the house.

    As for this weeks eviction - I've felt all week it would be stupid to evict Jeremy now. He's alone in the game and there to make a deal with - and actually his votes the first two weeks show he is pretty loyal. I think Spencer is the bigger threat game wise, but really would like to see the HGs back up their words over recent days and vote to evict Aaryn.

  5. Exactly - they've ruined this twist by putting her in the house and although I'm happy the votes so far have gone the way they've gone the MVP only gets interesting once Elissa goes.

  6. Kaitlin winning sets up the week perfectly. If Kaitlin doesn't use it there is a long time between the Veto and the vote, and I think she could probably swing it based on how votes have gone so far. I'd like to see the tide turn against Aaryn - she just seems to be digging a deeper and deeper hole for herself.

    And funny how CBS adds a disclaimer about the views on the live feed being those of the houseguests and not of CBS now the houseguests are openly questioning Aaryn's racism!

  7. Anyone else think Helen would be wiser to get rid of Spencer. They pretty much have Jeremy figured and apart from Kaitlin he's almost alone in the game, while Spencer at least likes to think he has some kind influence over the house and has already been shown to switch on one of his allies.

  8. It would never have come down to the bed turning if everyone in the house had put Aaryn and GM in their place. We will remember that the others did laugh at their racial comments while they were being said too and Amanda comes to mind on that.

    Candice needs to fight her own battles and why would she expect Howard to stand up to women when she couldn't in the first place? Howard needs to stop flip flopping, if he's offended then he needs to say so. If he's there just for the money and doesn't give a darn about anything else in the house, then he needs to make that clear too.

    I will probably get heat for this comment and I don't give a damn, but did it take Candic'es side of the house to win to get the nerve to talk up to Aaryn and GM? If so, it only shows that winning was more important than correctness.

    From the way all the HG accepted the behavior of the others, it appears to me that the general public cared more about the racial comments, then those on the receiving end did and only made note of it when BB brought it up.

    They're all pathetic, but that's what Grodner wants-a bunch of pathetic people on her show to either hate or sympathize with.

    For me I'd have thought last nights events would have given the producers the reason to evict Aaryn and Gina Marie - it's the first time the racism has really been confrontational and others have been thrown out for similar actions in the past.

    The trouble is it sounds like the producers haven't even questioned them two about their actions - others are talking about how the producers are asking them questions about it in the diary room but it seems nobody has asked Aaryn and Gina Marie for their take on it, never mind warn them for their behaviour.

    If the producers won't do it then it would be nice to see one of the HGs do it - and make it clear in their nomination speech that they are putting them up due to their racist behaviour.

  9. Aaryn

    Oops, thought you meant Most Vile Player. ;)


    Interesting. I did think Nick would have got it had he stayed and was also thinking Amanda was a fool for thinking they got the third vote if Elissa won MVP when there was a good chance she could win it herself. Candice is the one to watch - she's sitting back and taking it all in and hopefully doing it quietly enough not to get a target on her back.

  10. We all know Elissa is going to get it every week she is in there (really should have done a HoH no consecutive wins rule), but who do you think is the real MVP is viewers were 100% voting on gameplay.

  11. Not much shocks me when it comes to Big Brother and here in the UK we've often had the press trying to turn an off-comment into a "race row" when it clearly isn't ever since our own racism scandal back in Celebrity Big Brother in 2007. At the time the HGs were warned, but not as strongly as they are now, and the game wasn't affected. The main culprit - being a former housemate now famous enough to warrant celebrity status - was up for eviction rather soon and voted out (by the public), Our eviction format allowed the evictee to be challenged in her interview though by showing her exactly what they'd said, something that the US format doesn't usually do (show any clips other than the HGs goodbyes during the interview).

    Reality Blurred has a detailed clips outlining many of the comments said and just the casual way they are said and the number of HGs making them is what makes it so offensive, and to be fair to CBS difficult to deal with. They have to draw the line somewhere and it's difficult to draw that at one or two HGs when at least 4 have been consistently making such remarks, and that many again probably making less frequent perhaps even one off remarks. It's also more difficult when it hasn't boiled up into a confrontation - it's all whispered tones at the moment.

    P.S. It'll be interesting to see if the situation with Jeremy and the hat is shown considering that arguably influences the game.

  12. Better late than never I suppose though CBS could have saved themselves some grief if they'd aired them last Tuesday or Wednesday. Would have got a lot less publicity though.

    I also wonder if they'd have shown them if Aaryn hadn't become HoH - when Aaryn was on the sidelines they could take the stance they're not showing it as it's not directly affecting the gameplay, but this week it clearly is.

  13. Oh what a tangled web Grodner has woven...I hope she can fix this hot mess for the sake of the BB show and the real fans who want a real show with X-number of real HG's, but she herself needs to be on the CBS chopping block. Every HG talking about DR (they apparently read the lawyer report that says they can actually talk about stuff, even tho it's in there 1200000 page contract, and really not get sued for 5-bizillions of dollars).

    Kaitlin just said she never applied...she was recruited in the bar and sent "right to the finals". We all know it's happened since BB3 so I guess this is this Grodner thumbing her nose at us again, especially since BB is not so hot on the button to censor!

    We've all long had huge questions over Grodner mainly about her creativity (she ran out of ideas long ago, though MVP would be great if they hadn't put in an obvious weekly winner!) and the blatant favouritism towards favoured contestants but she has lost my respect completely by failing to tackle the racism especially over the last week. This issue could have been put to bed by now either by flat out evicting Aaryn and Gina Marie, or at the very least giving them a "first and final" formal warning about their behaviour, making it absolutely clear that it isn't something that is tolerated in the 21st century.

    Also having watched BB Canada where they were hot on any rule violations during the competitions and not afraid to disqualify people it's a shame they're not following their lead when there was an obvious deviation from the rules by the winners. OK, it may be the case that all HGs broke the rules at some point but at least make that clear to viewers if it's justfication for not changing the result.

  14. Usually with any secret powers the question is asked by inviting the holder to stand if they wish to use it, so I suspect that will be the case for MVP. They'll only be identified if they use it.

    The obvious power though surely is that the MVP gets to save one of the nominees - so the HoH will name three and if the Veto is used name a replacement. Then on eviction night the MVP will save one of the nominees (possibly themselves) prior to the evictoin vote.

  15. Interesting to see how this plays out. I know some of you have reservations but this is the first major change to the gameplay aspect of the show since the Veto was dropped to six players back in BB5 (so in ten seasons), so I'm interested enough to wonder how it will all work rather than whether it will work.

  16. The kitchen is a nice change and on the whole I like the design, but really disappointed they've not made any changes to the layout - that is long overdue. Like the front of the house though - looks like they're making it more of a set and less of a fake front yard.

  17. The trouble is the double evictions now happen too often and are so inevitable they are just as predictable as the rest of the series. What I'd like to see done is a double eviction but with a change from the usual process - so either a houseguest finding themselves evicted through some other means (done in a fair way so it could be anybody) or maybe even a live Instant Eviction - effectively a double eviction episode but with no Veto as a safety net.

    Perhaps one thing they could do early in the series is award one HM a secret power so that when they become HoH there will be two people evicted. The first eviction takes place as normal then the survivor will face a new nominee in a surprise second round. Or make it a rule that if the HoH wins the Veto, they will nominate a third person and they'll be a double eviction - either two rounds as above or one round with the first evictee chosen either by the HoH or the public and the second through a traditional vote.

  18. The point is though they need an extra competition most weeks outside of the main game play to fill time (both on the show and to give HGs something to do) - and for the reasons you've stated the food comps or Have Not comps are actually must win, not just filler. Would rather see that than crap like the "coaches competition" which we had initially last year.

    I do think they could be more creative with it and I'm surprised they didn't drop Slop after the Amanda incident in BB9 - and even without that it wouldn't be a bad idea to change up the punishment food now.



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