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Posts posted by sassy2565

  1. 9:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights just turned on in the BB house. Maddy wakes up and heads to the wash area. Johnny is going around doing a house wide battery change. The other house guests start making their way into the wash area and the kitchen to get ready for their day.


    10:00am BBT Will and Paras head outside to have a chat. They discuss the jury votes and Paras thinks that it is not wise to take a shot at Dayla because that is two jury votes together. They talk about how Maddy says that she can win an endurance comp and then she went out fourth. Paras thinks that Maddy is so arrogant but to get her out would be a dumb move because she is a shield and would be put on the block before the two of them. They both laugh at how Maddy says that she is not a girly girl but she is always doing her hair and make up first thing in the morning.


    10:23am BBT Will and Paras head inside to the kitchen where Ryan, Erica, Derek and Kaela are just chatting. Merron and Johnny join them in the kitchen and start putting away clean dishes. Kaela asks BB if they can have a task again today like they did before cleaning the house and dancing to music.


    11:00am BBT Erica joins Ali and Oliva in the wash area where Oliva is wearing Erica's hat. Oliva is putting make up on Erica. Down in the kitchen Merron and Paras are doing rap. The feeds switch to the red bedroom where Derek and Kaela are hanging out. Derek said that he hopes they get a task today while Kaela is changing her clothes. Kaela told Derek that they are going to win the next two HoH comps. They are sure that when the triple eviction comes, they will be put on the block together. They want to get rid of Erica, Ali and Johnny when they get a chance. Derek really hopes that Merron does what he can to stay even if it means throwing Ryan under the bus. They think that Ryan has been telling lies about things that Merron has said. They both told Merron not to tell anyone that he has their vote to stay. They think that Ali and Oliva will chicken out and do what Erica wants even though they got mad at everyone the past two weeks for voting that way. Derek likes going into the DR and venting about specific people and then he gives Kaela advise on how to do it.


    11:20am BBT Up in the wash area Oliva is still doing Erica's make up. Johnny wants to fix his hair and thinks that he needs a hair cut. They talk about how they have forty more days left in the house and it seems like a long time.


    11:24am BBT Merron finishes up his slop in the kitchen and then he is called to the DR. The feeds switch to the red bedroom where Kaela and Derek are talking about what comp will be next. Derek thinks they have a chance if it is an endurance. Kaela said that she is good on the days and she was studying with others and then she realized she helped them learn some of the days. They don't think that Johnny or Ali and them would actually take a shot at getting them out until the triple.


    11:28am BBT the feeds switch to Merron coming out of the DR with the camera glasses on.

  2. 9:40am BBT Erica tells Merron that she feels like she has to tread lightly because she does not have anyone that would save her and that she would have the least repercussions by putting up him and Ryan. She tells Merron that he is her friend more than a lot of people in the house and it sucks that she has to put him on the block three consecutive times. She has not even thought who would be the replacement if either one of them pulled themselves off the block, but she expects them to play hard to get the PoV.

  3. 9:36am BBT Merron and Erica are in the HoH talking about how they do not ever feel well rested in the BB house and they both agree it is probably because of the stress in the house. Merron asks Erica what is up and Erica responds that it is going to be him (Merron) and Ryan put on the block today. She did not want to not tell him and she thinks it is unfortunate because she knows that he (Merron) is not coming after her, but after last week of doing something so big everyone is paired up except for her, Merron, Ryan and Johnny. She wants to try and keep the peace because if she puts up anyone else, their people are going to be pissed. She told Merron that she knows that sucks to hear and she does not know what reason she is going to give in her speech. Merron asks her not to say that she does not know where his head is at and she said that she won't because this week she knows where his head is at. Merron understands that she wants to try and keep the peace in the house and reminds her that the target on her is not going to get any smaller.

  4. 8:06am BBT Good Morning Canada! Kaela, Merron Ali and Johnny are have-nots and sleeping in the catacombs. The lights are now on in the BB house, but everyone is still sleeping.

    8:10am BBT Johnny is up and heads to the wash area. As he walks by the living room we see nominations today on the screen and then we hear BB announce good morning to the house guests and tells them it is time to wake up. After Johnny enters the wash area we see Maddy come in and get in the shower.

    8:21am BBT Oliva is passing out new batteries to the house guests and then she heads to the kitchen to make herself some food.

    9:34am BBT Everyone is up and getting ready for the day in the kitchen and wash area. The feeds switch to the HoH room where Erica is getting ready and talking to Merron.

  5. 11:07am BBT the feeds switch to the white bedroom where Veronica is telling her goodbye's to Johnny because she knows that things may not go her way and she is going to miss him. They are both crying as Veronica tells him about how he was the one true person that she cared about in the game. After they finish their conversation, Johnny leaves the room as Kaela enters and Veronica starts crying again as she says her goodbye to her and gives her advise about the game. After the conversation is over between them, they head to the wash area to start getting ready for the day....and the feeds go down.

  6. 10:53am BBT Erica and Kaela join Oliva in the red bedroom as Ali leaves. Kaela thinks it is stupid to have a double right now. Erica said that this game from here moving forward is the weirdest time for the game. Kaela said this is where you have to pick a side and the others agree. Erica talks about how Maddy was feeding her all kinds of information about Veronica before the nominations and then after she took her off the block and she is now on Veronica's side. Erica thinks that Will regardless will throw Veronica a sympathy vote. They talk about how funny it will be if Maddy and Paras vote for Veronica to stay because they will be targets afterwards.

  7. 10:31am BBT Ali joins Derek and Oliva in the red bedroom. Ali says that she really wanted Maddy out. They all believe that they can pull Ryan to vote any way they want. Ali does not want it to get back to Johnny that they want Maddy out because he gets too emotional. Ali says on the double, they want to put up Paras and Maddy. Derek leaves the room and Oliva said that she had a good chat with him. Ali wants to play the game with Dayla, Erica and Johnny. Ali and Oliva think that they could go to the end with Derek and Kaela because they have not won any comps yet. Oliva is worried about putting up Paras and Maddy because if Paras has her back against the wall then she might start spilling beans.

  8. 10:11am BBT Will, Kaela, Veronica and Ali are in the kitchen getting food and coffee and then the feeds switch to the red bedroom where Derek is talking to Oliva about Veronica. He said that he told Veronica that if she wants to make her last impression on the house a crazy one, then do it and be that player, but he is going to be honest with her. He thinks at some point in the game it is better to be completely honest and he told Veronica that he was pissed off when she voted Jesse out. Derek does not have a relationship with Merron at all and he told Veronica that he would like to see her stay and work with her, but he doesn't know if he can trust her. He knows that he could beat Meron in a comp, but he does not think he could beat Veronica. Through all of his talking Oliva keeps agreeing. Derek told Oliva she might not be the best at comps but he trusts her one-hundred percent and he would rather have her have his back then going into a comp with Veronica and thinking that she has his back, but she could win and put him up on the block. Derek said that he told Veronica all of that and she gave him a hug and thanked him for being completely honest. Derek tells Oliva that he does not want people to know where his vote is and he does not vote the same as Kaela even though people think they do. He did not vote with Kaela last week because he had to give Jesse his vote, but moving forward he would like to work with Oliva and Ali. They talk about how they are both an easy target and about how Veronica is weak when she  has a confrontation with someone. They were thinking about lying to her and saying they were keeping her until the end, but they decided not to and if she calls anyone out in her speech then oh well.

  9. 9:17am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is double eviction day! The lights just came on in the BB house, but the house guests are still sleeping.

    9:21am BBT BB just told the house guests good morning and it is time to wake up. Ryan is the only one that gets up out of bed. After about ten minutes, Maddy gets up out of bed and Johnny comes walking in to give the house guests new batteries.

    9:40am BBT Olvia, Hamz, Ryan, Maddy, Paras and Merron are in the wash area getting ready for the day.


  10. 9:01am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights just turned on in the BB house, but all of the house guests are still sleeping.

    9:11am BBT BB announces good morning to the house guests and tells them it is time to wake up. The only two that get out of bed are Ryan and Johnny. Shortly after that Erica enters the red bedroom to do the battery change and she tells them to wake up friends.

    9:20am BBT It looks like just about everyone is out of bed!

    9:34am BBT Erica is in the HoH room telling Oliva and Johnny about her discussion with Veronica yesterday and how she still does not trust her.

  11. 3:40pm BBT Veronica asks Johnny to go outside and he agrees. As they get out side, Erica is standing by the pool table. Veronica stops and tells Erica she don't have to act weird around her just because she put her on the block and not to feel like she has to tip toe around her. Erica asks Veronica if they can talk later because she doesn't want to press her and then Erica apologizes to her and gives her a hug. Veronica tells Erica that there is more benefits to keeping her in the game and she said that she did not want to make big moves in the game. Erica said the last thing she wanted was to make her feel like a shitty person. Veronica said that she felt a connection with Erica because they are the same type of person and she gets that she is on the block right now. Erica asked Veronica if she is telling everyone that they are not on her radar, then who is on her radar? Veronica responded by saying that she knew who she would put up and send home but thankfully she did not tell her because of the position she is in right now. It is not like Veronica does not know who is on her radar, she just knows who is not and there is a small group of people that she wants to work with in the house and one of them was her. Erica said that she did not know what to believe and that is why her trusts is wavering. Veronica is telling Erica that she is the most well rounded person in the house because she is smart and strong and she has won the most comps. Veronica said that she has more to offer Erica than Merron and asks Erica to make up her own mind. Veronica said that everyone is acting like this was going to be a big thing in the house and Erica said that is because she thought it would be. Veronica said that she is not like that and she is sure that Erica wants someone in the house that can think for themselves. Erica does not like the house unanimous vote thing and that she wants her decisions to come from her own brain. Veronica thinks that she is a better decision to keep in the house and if she stays then she will help Erica in the game. Erica says that putting up Veronica in the beginning was not a plan it was an afterthought. They continue to discuss how they are not in high school and don't need to act like it and that Veronica is going to be emotional around Erica not because she is mad, but because she is sad.

  12. 3:22pm BBT The feeds are back and Erica is telling the others that BB took out all of the food except for slop and the condiments that go with it. Ryan is looking for the second page to the slop rules.


    Veronica and Johnny are on the couch hugging and whispering while Veronica is crying. Veronica thinks it sucks that she has to campaign against Merron and she is going to do it in the most respectful way. Veronica does not understand Erica because she said the other day that she did not want to make big moves and Erica is one of the people she wanted to fight for in this game.

    Ali, Kaela, Derek and Erica are in the red bedroom complaining about having to be on slop. Ali said that the red bedroom is always good about going to bed when lights are out. Erica leaves the room and heads downstairs.


  13. Derek and Kaela talk about Derek wearing Merron's socks today because he was not prepared to live in the BB house. They talk about studying later today because Derek needs to study all the way from the start and neither one of them have won anything. Derek thinks that this move today benefits them more than it does Erica. Kaela agrees and says that it will make a lot of people angry and want to go after her so others will not be going after them. They think everything they wanted to win and didn't, now they are glad that they didn't. Kayla thinks that once Veronica goes up she thinks that Hamz will want to keep Merron over Veronica. After Veronica is put up, Derek is going to tell Hamz that he knows two of his people are up and let him know that he has his (Hamz) back and will vote out whoever he wants.

  14. 10:16am BBT the feeds switch to the wash area where Erica, Oliva, Ali and Paras are getting ready and we hear BB tell Veronica to please get up.

    10:19am BBT Johnny, Kaela and Derek are in the red bedroom talking about how Dayla feels better talking to Johnny so they know where he is at. Johnny hopes that Jesse does not come back. Kayla said there was 16 people last year and no one came back and there is 16 this year so no one should come back and then Johnny leaves the room.

  15. There first discussion is about how they messed around last night and did not get enough sleep. Ryan said it sounds like Erica is not using and asked Will if he has any thoughts on who he is voting out. Will said that he is going more towards voting Maddy out but he wants to see who will have the most votes in general and probably go with the house. Ryan said doing the math if Will is voting out Maddy, it will be 4-4 with Dayla undecided. They both go over the votes and speculate who will vote for who.

  16. 9:09am BBT As Erica heads out of the wash area she looked at the couch and seen Johnny sleeping. She made a comment to Maddy that she thought it was a pile of clothes and that she did not know Johnny was sleeping there. Erica heads to the red bedroom where Ali and Kaela are up in their bed talking while Derek and Merron are still sleeping. Erica said thankfully the PoV ceremony is today because it is something to do.


    Maddy, Oliva and Ryan are in the kitchen getting coffee and breakfast. They are talking about a pillow fight that happened last night and how Hamz thought they lost it. Oliva asks how you loose a pillow fight and Ryan said you get hit more than you hit.


    9:53am BBT Most of the house guests are up either in the kitchen or in the wash area getting ready for their day and then the feeds switch outside by the hot tub where Ryan and Will are talking.  



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