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Posts posted by sassy2565

  1. 12:22pm BBT the feeds come back with Merron and Paras in the catacombs. Merron tells Paras do not trust Maddy because she is campaigning for Ryan to stay. He says he wants her to continue to play hard and then she starts crying saying every week she knows that she is making the wrong decision, and then the feeds switch to the living room where Will is whispering something to Derek, but it is too hard to hear.


  2. 11:00am BBT BB announces four hours until the live eviction. House guests up for eviction must have their bags packed and in the storage room in three hours. Small bags must be packed and placed at the bottom of the stairs in three hours. Johnny and Erica are in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.

    11:05 Paras is called to the DR and she is aggravated because she wanted to finish her makeup and BB called her to the DR again...and then the feeds go down.

  3. 10:57am BBT The house guests have spent the past hour in the wash area and kitchen. Ryan walked in the wash area where Ali was doing her makeup and asked if he could talk to her for a few minutes, so they head to the white bedroom. He begins by saying that he knows she is not going to vote his way and he is not mad in the slightest given everything that has been going on. However going forward if he is still here he still thinks they can work for the same purpose and he has heard a lot of shit over the last twenty-four hours. He would rather have people that come to his face than people that lie to his face. He tells her whatever today brings and if he is still here tomorrow just know that he is not coming after her. Ali said that is good to know and she wanted to apologize to him because she is a grown woman and she thinks it was an accumulation of things. She truly had intentions of working with him moving forward even though she does not know what it is about him, but on the other side of the spectrum she really wants him out because she knows how smart he is. Ryan appreciates that and he did have the same chat with Oliva and he did not want Ali to think that she is number one on his list. Ali wanted to say that she is not voting for him today, not because she don't think he has a great shot at staying, but she gave Merron her word that he has her vote and also she is not the type that will do what the house wants. Ryan said that he is not a revenge type person. Ali is open to talking and it does not mean she is not willing to take a shot next week. Ryan said everyone except for two specific people (Dayla?) want to take the same shot. Ali wanted to end their discussion with a handshake, she does not want a hug. Ryan said maybe one day as they leave the room.

  4. 9:16am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is eviction day! The lights just turned on in the BB house, but as usual the house guests are still sleeping.

    9:31am BBT The rooster crows and then Maddy gets up out of bed and heads to the storage room to get the battery box and then she proceeds to do the house wide battery change.

    9:38am BBT The house wide battery change is done and Maddy puts the box back in the storage room. Johnny walked in the storage room and Maddy told him his shaver is there. He responded that his clippers are not there. Maddy makes coffee and then tries to get into the DR, but they do not let her in so she heads upstairs instead.

    9:50am BBT Ryan, Johnny, Kaela, Ali and Maddy are in the wash area getting ready for their day.




  5. 12:23am BBT Johnny walked into the white bedroom where Will was sitting on the bed. Will proceeds to tell Johnny about a conversation he just had with Dayla in the wash area and how they are being jerks and how Ali just threatened him saying if Ryan stays then she is going to put him on the block beside Ryan. He was also told that Merron is the perfect pawn and if he goes then Will would be the perfect pawn and then Will said that he is going to snap. Will is mad at how Dayla and Ali were laughing in his face about Ryan staying and saying they were going to keep Ryan in the game since everyone else wants him in the game. Johnny asked if he could go and say something and Will asked what he would say. Will said that Maddy and Paras was in there too and they kept saying how Ryan is winning shit and Will was so pissed he had to leave the wash area. Johnny is going to say something because it is making him mad too and they both leave the room.

  6. 11:39pm BBT in the catacombs Dayla is talking about Paras and how she is playing both sides. Kaela said that when she talked to Paras she was told that Paras is going to vote however they voted and then she said that she already told Erica that she would vote how she wanted and all she has is her word so she don't want to go back on her word with Erica. Kaela said that she then asked Paras if that means that she is going back on her word to her and Derek. They agree that she is playing both sides and then Paras walks in and joins in their discussion. Paras wants to know how she can make them feel like they know where her head is at. Ali walked in and she was going to make her bed but she will wait and then she left the room. Derek told Paras to get to the point. Paras said that she has not won comps so all she has is the people that she talks to in the house. Paras wants them to know that she wants to work with them and hang out with them and she wants them to trust her even if she is hanging out with other people. Derek said the thing that speaks the most is actions and they made a pact on day two. Derek asks her about her giving her word to Erica and them. Paras said that she told Erica when she was HoH that if she is not put up on the block she would vote how she wanted her to and she would not put Erica on the block if she was HoH. Derek asked Paras if she already told Erica that then why did she come to the patio and tell them that she was voting how they are voting. Paras said that she did not say that she said she was going to do what is best for her game. Derek repeated himself and Paras asked if that is what he thinks that she said and he told her that he knows that is what she said. Kaela said that she told her that in the bedroom too. Paras really don't think that she said that but if she did then she messed up. Derek said that he gets excited when he has conversations like that with people in the house because he has very few and trusts very few. Derek said that what he got from Erica is that she doesn't want sheep and she wants people to vote what is best for their game. Derek is not going back on his word to Merron and he is voting for him to stay. They all agree that they need better communication and they want to get some floaters out. They continue repeating the conversation until midnight and decide to go upstairs and get ready for bed.

  7. Erica is telling Ryan that she told Merron she would tell him if it came to a tie and she was going to vote him out because she does not respect the kind of game play to lie to his face and not tell him. Ryan and Erica are talking about the possibility of a secret PoV. Ryan said if he did have it, he would have used it because he is not going to be like James on survivor and have two safety's in his pockets and did not use them and went out of the game.

  8. After Merron leaves the room, Ryan told Erica that Merron was in the room with her for ninety minutes. Erica can't believe that it was that long and she feels bad for Merron. Ryan asked Erica what she is thinking about. Erica said that if it is a tie, he knows that he would have her vote. Ryan said that he knew that and he is taking her at her word because she already gave him her word. Ryan does not think it will get to a tie where Erica has to break the tie. Ryan asks Erica who she thinks that she could not afford to win the next HoH. Erica said that she really does not know who is genuine and who is not. Erica tells Ryan that everyone's vote is their own and the only thing she gets mad about is if people lie about who they are voting for. Ryan said that Dayla told him over and over that he was getting their vote so it should come to a seven to one vote and if not, then they lied.

  9. Erica said that he has three solid votes and with four four being so close she don't know if he should eat any food now he could eat tomorrow if he leaves or if he stays. Merron does not want his last meal in the house to be slop. They review the votes again. Dayla and Ali for sure are voting for Merron to stay, maybe Oliva. There is no way the white bedroom are going to vote different from each other (Will, Maddy and Paras). Erica said there is still Johnny and Merron said that Johnny already told him that he is not voting for him to stay but Merron does not want Erica to tell anyone that he said that. They both think that Johnny is great for telling him his vote and Merron has the highest respect for Johnny. Merron thinks that he has to work on Oliva for her vote. Erica reminds him that even if it comes to a tie, she still does not know where she stands. Erica reviews all of the reasons why she should vote out Ryan, but she will be honest with Merron when she decides. They agree that if anyone was on the block against Will, then they will be the one to go and Will will be the one to stay.


    11:25pm BBT After a little more of repeating things already said, Ryan enters the HoH. Merron asks Ryan if he wants time alone with Erica and Ryan would like some alone time with Erica. Merron said that they were done talking anyway and he gives Erica a hug before he leaves the room.

  10. Merron hates when people say they don't know how they are voting and they do not want to be on the wrong side of the votes. They both talk about how they do not like people being fake in the bb house. Merron will come talk to Erica if he feels like he is going home. Erica does not have respect for anyone that says they have to vote with the house. Merron wants people to tell him if he is going to be voted out because he wants to be able to enjoy his time left in the house and look around to soak it in. Erica tells him to do it anyway because everyone is fake as shit. Erica will tell Merron who she would vote for if she had to break a tie. Merron will see what he can find out about the votes and see if he will need to know. Erica will never bs him like that because if it was her she would want to know. Erica thinks that making it to final two and getting any votes in the end is very slim. They both agree that if Hamz was still in the house things would have played out different. Erica said the only reason that she nominated Merron this week is because he just lost his dude and she knows that is a dumb reason because Hamz was her dude too. Merron really wants to go around tonight to see where the votes are at and Erica agrees with him that it is better to know early but she does not know if he will get the legit answers from everyone tonight. Merron said that if he finds out that he is going home he is going to eat some food because he already has three cookies hidden.  

  11. Erica continues by telling Merron that she has been saying she does not want sheep this week. She wants everyone to think for themselves and she has not been throwing her opinion around because she is really uncertain right now what she wants and it could go either way. Erica does not want anyone to use her as a scapegoat by telling they are voting a certain way because of her. She does not want to take responsibility for whoever goes home. Erica said that she weighs both options over and over and if it comes down to a tie break, she has no idea right now. She can't tell Merron right now that if it comes down to a tie break she has his back because she does not know right now. Erica has prided herself on being honest and upfront and she does not want to go back on that now. Erica continues to tell him that she is not pushing an agenda for him or Ryan and she wants people to take ownership of their own votes. Erica feels like Dayla and Ali are going to be voting for him to stay. Merron agrees and said he needs one more and then Erica will be the tie breaker. Erica thinks this will be the first week that they don't see people swaying their opinions to that of the others in the house. Erica again talks about how she is playing her own game and wants others to play their own game.

  12. 10:08pm BBT Merron and Erica enter the HoH room where Will and Maddy are hanging out. Erica asks Will and Maddy if they can give her a few minutes in her room with Merron. Will and Maddy leave the room so Merron and Erica start with small talk. They talk about how it sucks to be on the block and on slop. Merron reassures Erica that everything he has said, he meant and Erica told him ditto. Merron knows that she is wondering what he is going to do next week and he thinks it sucks being a pawn. He came in the game late and lost his closest person in the house. Merron does want to be in the house and he wants Erica to understand that he could be that closest person for her since she does not have one either. Erica is agreeing to all that he is saying so far. Erica told Merron that all week people have been coming to her saying that Merron is coming after her and she knows that people will say things just to push their agenda. Erica told Merron that she would vote him out only because she knows that if she is sitting beside him on the block, she is going home. Merron reminds her that if she is sitting next to anyone on the block, she is going home. She thinks that she has a better chance to stay if she was sitting beside Ryan on the block. Merron is telling her nooooooo, if she is sitting beside anyone on the block she is going home. Erica said there is a one-hundred percent chance she will go if she is sitting next to Merron and eighty percent chance if she is sitting beside Ryan.

  13. 10:00pm BBT Ryan and Will are in the white bedroom talking about a secret power in the game. Ryan thinks that some one has to have it by now. He tells Will it is not him that has a secret power, but it is too late in the game not to have one come out. Will is freaking out if there may be a secret power. Ryan tells Will that Merron was talking to Johnny and said that if he is not voting for Merron to stay, then he is on the wrong side because he has the votes to stay. Will said that Merron told him the same thing and then he reminds Ryan that he already told him that he has his back. Ryan thinks it may look like he is campaigning, but he knows that Will told him many times that he has his back. Will said that it is always nice to reassure but he had to hear Merron out earlier when they talked. There conversation goes back to a secret power and Ryan thinks that it is gone already, he thinks that someone had it in the first few days and just did not use it.  

  14. 10:32am BBT The house guests have spent the past hour getting out of bed and getting ready for their day. BB announces to the house guests that this is their final warning the house is now off limits. All of the house guests are still scrambling around getting everything they want done before they head outside. A minute later, BB announced again that the house is off limits and head to the back yard, so everyone does.

  15. 9:22am BBT Ryan walks in the wash area and sees Merron in there so he told him that they (have-nots) were very quiet. Merron asks him what he is talking about. Ryan thinks that the have-not's did the prank. Maddy enters the wash area and Ryan said that is the best prank so far and Maddy agrees. She thinks that they would have had to get a step ladder to pull off that prank. They wonder how anyone else can beat that prank.

  16. 9:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! The lights are on in the BB house, but the house guests are still sleeping. After about ten minutes, BB announced to the house guests good morning and told them it is time to wake up.

    9:16am BBT No one is getting up, so the rooster starts crowing. A few minutes later Maddy gets up out of bed and walked into the hall way to see that someone has done a prank.




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