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Posts posted by sassy2565

  1. 11:11am BBT William walked in the wash area and Ika said to him "hi trader, you were talking to the pheasants"


    Dre comments how much better William is this week on slop then he was last week.


    11:15am BBT Demetres and Gary are out by the hot tub talking about how Gary's mom watched him on the live feeds and how she watched after dark. Demetres said that he should have watched live feeds a couple of times to know what it is like. Bruno walks out and wants to lie down by Gary but Gary said the chair he is on is all wet. Bruno went to lay on the hot tub lid by Demetres and BB told Bruno to stop that. Demetres and Bruno are looking at the clouds and they say they see Canada in the clouds. Gary asked Bruno if he had a goal of wanting to get married. Bruno said that when he met his wife he was not looking for a relationship. Gary wants to know what it feels like when you want to spend your life with that one person. Bruno said a perfect Saturday night is sitting at home with his wife and watching a movie. Demetres does not want to get married he would just want an exclusive relationship.

  2. 10:21am BBT In the kitchen Sindy is talking about working in a store and someone that tried to steel something and loss prevention stepped in. Bruno is heading out to the hot tub and he stopped in the kitchen to listen to Sindy's story and then him and Demetres head out by the hot tub. Bruno said he slept okay last night and Demetres told Bruno when he gets in the HOH room he will sleep like a baby. Their discussion turns to remembering everyone's name in the house the first few days. Bruno explains to Demetres that if he dates an Italian girl then he dates the whole family. Demetres is not looking forward to tomorrow because it just sucks. Demetres said he is going to have to put Ika on a chain because she was having a bad day yesterday. Demetres told Bruno about how Ika and Jackie were out by the hot tub yesterday and Jackie slipped and Ika said good out loud. Bruno and Demetres do not understand why Ika does not like Jackie. Demetres thinks that Dillon and Emily are with Jackie. Bruno wants to see what is going on their he wants to talk to them. Demetres thinks that they rallied together for the fact that they have common enemies. They speculate that this next HOH will be the knock out comp and try to figure out who would knock out who. They discuss that if it is a knock out comp then they have to put Jackie up first because she is so smart and if she is given only two chances she will win. Bruno said that Ika is aggressive, Demetres said he knows and he would not put her up if he wanted her gone he would back door her, but it is tough to pull off a back door. Bruno said he is glad Ika is on their side. Demetres said that Ika was talking to SIndy and Sindy was rattling off what happened on what days. Bruno said that he has no idea about what day things happened. Bruno said that is good that SIndy knows it. Their discussion turns to the past season when Bruno was on BB.

  3. 9:47am BBT out on the back yard couch Emily is rubbing Dillon's head and asking him if that feels good. Emily wants to dress up like Dillon tomorrow. They laugh about that and Emily wants Dillon to donate his five grand to her so that she can buy a trampoline. Emily asked Dillon what his credit is like and she tells him that her credit is perfect. Dillon tells a story about a cable bill that was never paid for $190 and it is a sore on his credit. He said that he did not know about the cable bill. Then he said when he found out about it he kept putting it off and he tried to pay for it on the phone and they kept putting him on hold and telling him he needs to call a bunch of other numbers. Their discussion changes to cell phones and Dillon said that he just got his new phone right before they went into the BB house.

  4. 9:41am BBT Dillon is in the kitchen making himself some tea and he fixes Emily a cup of coffee. Emily tells him that he is the best. Jackie walks in the kitchen, downs a glass of water and then leaves. Emily said that she is not going to spend a lot of time in the kitchen today and then her and Dillon get up and walk out to the back yard to sit on the couch.


    9:46am BBT Jackie, Karen, Neda and Dre are in the wash area doing their make up and hair.

  5. 9:31am BBT The feeds are back up with Bruno and Emily getting up in the have not room. Kevin is called to the DR. William is laying on the couch in the living room and Emily comes out of the have not room and teases him by touching his head and ducking down real quick. Gary is laying in bed trying to keep his eyes open.


    9:37am BBT Kevin is out of the DR and in the kitchen getting coffee while Emily and Bruno are talking about how Bruno is now drinking sugar water.


    9:39am BBT In the pink bedroom Dre is making her bed as Gary is still laying in his. Sindy is in there doing stretches.

  6. 8:00am BBT Good Morning Canada! Last night at 10:15pm we could see Neda, Kevin, Sindy, and Jackie on the landing couches talking about having a comedy show. Neda wants Kevin to roast people, meaning taking jabs at saying bad things about everyone in the house. Kevin does not want himself to be the only one doing it, he thinks that everyone should have a turn at roasting each other. After that discussion, the feeds went down and they have not been back up since.

  7. 9:35am BBT Dre, Ika and Demetres are sitting on the landing couch. Dre is talking about how she hates the others and she wants to win pov and then be the HOH. Ika keeps telling Dre she has to be fake when you are not HOH. Dre will tell everyone not to come to her room if she is HOH. Dre said that she don't hate them but she don't think she can be friends with all of them. Ika said that she does hate them. Dre does not have hate in her heart. Ika said that it is easy for her. (we hear bb telling Sindy to wake up nap time is over twice). 


    9:45am BBT Bruno, Neda and Jackie are in the wash area talking about Gary telling Bruno was the deciding vote that he went up on the block. Jackie and Neda both say that Gary is not talking to them. Bruno said that he told Gary it was easy to vote him to be on the block because he tried to flip the house. Jackie left and Neda told Bruno that Ika has not talked to her since yesterday like they did something wrong. Bruno thinks it might be at that point which is crazy and that Ika and Demetres are so tight. Bruno said that Ika and Demetres were whispering in bed. Neda said now it is past whispering. Bruno said it is crazy because they are always together and whispering all of the time. Bruno thinks right now they are okay, but Ika and Demetres vote are a crucial number. Neda said that Dillon and Emily are fully after Demetres and Ika. Bruno thinks that is beautiful. Bruno wonders if they should go for Ika or Demetres. Neda said they go for Ika but she is worried that Ika will blow up all of their game. Neda don't get why Ika and Demetres act like they (Neda and gang) did something wrong. Bruno don't get why they would go against their alliance. Neda said that Ika was mad last week because she did not go after Dillon and Emily. Bruno said that Demetres came up to him last night and said that they did that on purpose so it did not show that they were working together. Bruno acted cool but knows that they had to make a new story. Neda said that Ika is not talking to her, Bruno or SIndy at all shows that they are not on their side. Bruno is going to try and talk to Ika. Neda agrees to try and smooth it over. Bruno said they have to try and keep it cool but they know. Neda said that she is keeping it cool, but she is not going to seek Ika out and apologize for something that she did not do. Bruno and Neda agree it is tough to play with people like Ika and Demetres. They though it was going to be so easy. Discussion ended as Bruno has to go to the bathroom.

  8. 8:58am BBT In the pink bedroom Dillon and Emily are talking about wanting to win the veto. Dillon tells Emily that he wants to see her naked with a belt on, then he said jk and he wants to see her win the competition today. Emily said that after last night he said that Gary is ruining them. Dillon said that he is annoying and he does not care about one single person in the house. Dillon thinks that Gary keeps being a baby and he needs to grow up. Emily felt so bad for Bruno (not sure why). Emily said that Gary is super bitter that he is on the block. Dillon thinks that Bruno is spot on when he said that it was Demetres and Ika that voted for Emily to be on the block and Dillon thinks that they are fake. He imitates Demetres from this morning when Demetres was asking Dillon if he wanted bacon. Dillon said that he don't want no bacon b***h and shove that bacon in his butt. Emily said that Demetres is still nice to her and she is still nice to him. Dillon said that she don't even need to be because there were five people sitting on the couch and eight people behind them. Dillon thinks that it is over for the other side of the house now and they were able to pick them off one by one. Emily thinks as long as Gary does not win the veto then they are fine. Dillon agrees that Gary is the only one that cannot win it.

  9. 7:34am BBT The lights are on, the house guests are still sleeping and we hear the rooster crow.


    7:35am BBT We hear the rooster crow again and then BB tells Kevin to arrange a house wide battery change. Kevin immediately gets out of bed and gets dressed to pass out new batteries. The house guests start waking up as they get new batteries. In the pink bedroom, Ika told Gary to get up or the whole house will be punished.


    8:00am BBT The house guests start getting out of bed to get ready for their day. No game talk going on at the moment.


    8:43am BBT The feeds were down for a bit and when they came back up, Kevin and Bruno were in the kitchen alone. They were discussing how Gary can be super convincing. Bruno said that Ika and Demetres thing was that they said they did that thing on purpose, which Bruno does not buy he thinks they just got caught. Kevin said they are worried now. Bruno said one hundred percent. Kevin said they just need to admit they were trying to play both sides. Kevin and Bruno both agree that Ika and Bruno are definitely a showmance. Bruno thinks the nominations was the best it could have gone. Bruno said that Gary is mad at Bruno because they were supposed to be a final two and Gary thinks that if Bruno did not vote to nominate him, he would not be on the block. Bruno thinks that Gary will pull that same card on everyone. Bruno said that Gary asked him to help him get the numbers. Kevin said no and Bruno said that Gary has to go. They both agree that Gary was the one trying to flip the house to keep Cassandra. Kevin said that if they had the numbers they would have done it even though Gary said he did not vote for Cassandra to stay because Gary did not want to go against Kevin. Bruno and Kevin are excited that a twist went their way. They discuss how they were talking about who they voted for and BB did not care. Demetres walked in and interrupted the conversation and they were talking about shoes.


  10. 9:11pm BBT The feeds come back up with Ika, Gary and Dre in the pink bedroom. They talk about if Gary or Dre get HOH then they should put up Dillon and Emily. Ika just wants to hear them other girls scream and then she said that Dillon needs to go. BB tells the house guests that they will be locked in the HOH room in five minutes. Gary wonders if they have to get dressed again. Neda and SIndy and Gary are doing their make up in the wash area. Dre grabs her make up bag to take to the HOH room. Kevin and Will are already in the HOH room. Will is flossing his teeth. The other house guests are making their way into the HOH room.


    9:17pm BBT All of the house guests are in the HOH room and BB asked them to check and make sure the door is locked. Emily and Dillon are whistling tunes.


    9:23pm BBT Emily wonders what is going on and wonders if they are going to have to do a comp right now...and then the feeds go down.

  11. 9:30am BBT In the blue bedroom we see Kevin still in bed, Bruno is looking for some sweats and he is going to take a shower. Dillon is getting dressed and then he is called to the DR.


    9:42am BBT Gary, Jackie and Cassandra are in the wash area doing their make up. Bruno got out of the shower and Cassandra asked Bruno if he could get her white dress out of the have not room and bring it up to her. He said that he will because he is going down there soon.


    10:00am BBT Ika, Dre and Will are sitting on the landing talking about how they are loosing order. Ika said that the kind and queen have to pretend to like everybody....and then the feeds go down.

  12. 9:08am BBT Karen and Dre are still in the pink bedroom talking. Karen thinks that Canada has a huge play in this deal today. She feels like the house thinks they are in control but Canada will really be in control. Dre thinks that if Canada is in control then the new players do not have a chance. They both speculate what Canada thinks of them. They discuss how Neda has safety for one or two more votes and then she is not safe anymore. Karen said as a fan she feels like you can't trust anyone in the house and Dre agrees with her. Karen and Dre are both hoping that there are some vets that Canada does not like. Emily walks in and interrupts their conversation so that she can give them fresh batteries. Emily left the room so Dre and Karen continue to speculate what Canada is thinking of the new players and the vets.


    9:13am BBT We hear the rooster and then we hear BB say good morning house guests it is time to wake up.



  13. 9:02am BBT The other house guests are now waking up and getting ready for their day. Karen and Dre are in the pink bedroom discussing when the double eviction will be. They think it will be either this week or next. Karen thinks that Canada has a lot of power now that they do not know about. Karen talks about how last night show was the POV and Canada knows that Cass and Jackie are on the block. Karen predicts that tonight's show we will see them getting in trouble, the meltdowns, chatter, the Toyota challenge and jocking for position and that is what makes Karen think that there is a storm that none of them expect and it is going to hit them like a frying pan in the face. Dre asks if it will be something bad or good. Karen said that it depends on what side you are on. Karen said if it is a double it will go very quickly.

  14. 8:36am BBT Karen and Ika are still the only house guests up and in the wash area. They discuss how they do not sit in the nomination chairs because they are bad luck. Karen is not going to be friends with some of the house guests after the game is over because she does not forget what people have said and done. They both want to get through today and not be a have not. Ika is worried because the last time she played the game it was this week that she was backdoored. They discuss how far Gary and Neda got the last time they played the game. They talk about how this week will be two vets out back to back. Ika said that Cassandra told Jackie way to much and now Jackie is spreading everything around like a high school girl. They talk about how dangerous of a player Jackie is and how she started stuff on the third day. They wonder if Jackie has a boyfriend then why was she trying to keep Mark so bad. They agree that this is a huge day and what makes the difference today is who wins HOH. They discuss how smart Neda is and that is why they want to work with her and vote with her. They do not feel guilty about throwing out Cassandra because she did it to herself.

  15. 7:29am BBT Still in the wash area with Karen and Ika. Karen hopes that Canada sends Jackie home instead of Cassandra, she thinks that would be beautiful and good for them. Ika agrees.


    8:13am BBT Karen and Ika are still in the wash area doing their make up and hair. Karen does not want to be rushed today and not stressing out. Ika wants to be able to take her time. Ika wants to ask for eyebrow pencil and eyelashes instead of alcohol for her HOH. Karen wants Ika to win HOH today and said if they are the last two Karen will give it to Ika. 


    Karen asks Ika if she has Demetres solid or if he is with the guys. Ika said she don't know if forever but for now he will keep them safe because they kept their word week one and she feels like he values that. Karen agrees and she really likes him and trusts him more than any of the other guys. Karen said that she could tell that she liked Demetres after one day and she did not like Mark and said that he had to go. She said that at the time when she was HOH Demetres came and talked to her about real estate and he was not vengeful or angry so she knew he was the one to keep. They agree they did a good job keeping Demetres, he is from a small town and he has a good family.


    8:21am BBT Karen told Ika that this game is not what she thought it was gonna be and Ika is not who she thought she would be. She thought Ika was going to be mean and just hate all of the girls. Ika laughs and said as a person she is good to her people and everyone else can go. Karen said her too because if you flake on her it is like game over and she told Cassandra that she is the one who went against Karen and said stuff to Jackie and Dallas and she (Cass) is the one who started making things go wrong with her. Karen said that Cass told her a couple of days ago that she should have listened to Karen. Ika said that she always says Karen is strong and she will tell it like it is and she (Ika) is going to listen to her. Karen said that she knows Jackie is a huge threat but they can't get on the wrong side of the house. Ika thinks they are doing the right thing by voting with the house to evict Cassandra. Karen agrees and says even though Cass would be a number for their side.



  16. 7:01am BBT Good Morning Canada! Karen and Ika are up and in the wash area. Ika said that they better start doing their make up now because it is going to get crazy in a little bit. Ika is washing her bed sheets because Demetres is going to be getting off of being a have not. Ika told Karen to tell Cassandra that she talked to Ika for a little bit but she dos not think it is all there. Ika just does not want to mess up their good thing by voting to keep Cassandra. Karen feels the same way and thinks that Cassandra does not understand. Ika wonders if Cassandra will tell anything about them. Karen said that is why they have to wait until really late to tell her. Ika said they will make it seem like she does have the votes and then very very late they will say it is not happening because they think Cassandra will tell  things about them.


    7;20am BBT Karen is done with her make up and hair so she heads down to the kitchen to make coffee and eat a banana.


    7:27am BBT Coffee is done and Karen takes her coffee and a cup for Ika back up to the wash area. Karen asked Ika if Neda knows because she came and asked Ika to confirm because Dre was saying that to Jackie and then Jackie went to Neda. Ika said yes that is what happened. Ika said that she told Neda that their vote has never changed. Karen said that they are all scrambling today and she wants them to stay the heck away from her and she follows that with because honestly they do not know the twist today. Ika knows and she just does not want any part of the stress. Karen whispers to Ika that Cass came to her last night and said that Demetres said is not with them. Ika said that Cassandra said the same thing to her and she thinks that Cassandra is just saying things. Karen said that she told Cassandra that she does not want to talk to anybody but Ika. Ika said that Cassandra said that Demetres said he is not sure about Karen, but Demetres told Ika that he told Cassandra that he is not sure about Ika. Karen said that Dre was in the was area by herself and she said to Karen that you can't trust anybody in this house and that everyone was trying to throw her (Dre) under the bus. Karen said that she told Dre that she hasn't done anything. Ika said that she has not done that to Dre. Karen said that she (Cass) hasn't talked to her in five days and now she is scrambling. 



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