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Posts posted by sassy2565

  1. 9:20am BBT Karen joined Ika and Demetres in the pink bedroom and they do not understand why William did not keep the POV for himself. Karen said that William made this whole game about Kevin. Demetres and Ika are not going to talk to Kevin about not being put up because Demetres put him up twice in the past few weeks. Ika is explaining to Karen that she had to say that Kevin was lying when Dillon confronted her about having a final three with Kevin.


    Kevin and Dillon are still downstairs talking about Dre. Kevin did not see Dre unraveling because he did not talk to her. Kevin wonders if she just wanted to make good tv or if the game just got to her. Dillon thinks the game just got to her. Kevin and Dillon agree that Ika was never going to go after Dre. Kevin said that William kept coming to him and saying that Dre is burying his game. They discuss  how William was so close in the POV because he had his fourth going in when Kevin was buzzing in.

  2. 9:00am BBT Demetres and Ika are still in the pink bedroom talking about Demetres putting Kevin on the block yesterday. Ika can't believe that he freaked out like he did. Demetres said that he was having flashbacks from his past season. Demetres speculates that Kevin wants him out first because he thinks that Demetres can beat him in the final three. Demetres thinks that if he wins POV and comes off the block then Dillon will go up. The vote will be split and Kevin will make the decision. Ika wonders if they could get Karen to vote to keep her over Dillon. Demetres would not bank on it.


    In the meantime, Kevin and Dillon are down stairs talking about how Dillon thinks that if Kevin makes it to the final two he will win. Kevin said if they can get Demetres out then going into the final four it will be Dillon, Karen and Ika fighting for HOH and Dillon can beat Ika. If Demetres does win POV then they are going to send Ika home. Kevin said there is no way Demetres and Ika will survive this week so no matter what one of them are going home. Kevin said if Demetres goes into the final four he can play HOH and POV so they have to get him out now. Dillon definitely did not think that he would be in the finals.

  3. 8:25am BBT Good Morning Canada! Today is nomination day. The lights just came on in the BB house, but the house guests are still sleeping.


    8:28am BBT Karen and Ika are awake and in the kitchen talking about how they wanted Kevin out. Karen said she has no campaign and Ika said that she don't want to talk to Kevin and does not care if he puts her up.


    8:44am BBT Ika went to the pink bedroom where Demetres is still in bed. She told him there is no point in campaigning to Kevin because last time they did he put them up anyway. Ika wonders why Dillon is working with Karen because she never protects him. Demetres does not trust Kevin as far as he can throw him. Demetres felt bad that he had to put Kevin on the block, but when he won the POV he felt okay.


    In the meantime, Kevin is up out of bed and went to the kitchen to look for the blender so that he can make him and Dillon a shake. Dillon joins him in the storage room and they search for fruit to put in the shake. While they are in the storage room Dillon asked Kevin what is going on today. Kevin said it is nomination ceremony, Ika and Demetres so he is thinking of some speeches and then he starts to recite the speech he gave last time he put them on the block. .



  4. 11:20am BBT Karen leaves and heads to the storage room to fill up her water bottle with ice. William is in there and asks her what they are doing. Karen wants to know what is going on. William does not want to be the sole vote and asks if they want Ika out. Karen needs to know more information because Dre said stuff to him and that is making her more freaked out. William said it is nothing against her. Karen wants to know if she is being played now and asks if William is going after Dillon. William does not know what he is going to do. William just wants to know what they are going to do because he wants to do whatever they are doing. Karen is going to tell Dillon that and she said that someone said that she was going to put up William and she swears on her children's life that she did not say that. William asks if they have to keep swearing on their families. Karen said she has never done anything to go against him. William just wants to know what they are going to do. Demetres walks in and interrupts the discussion and Karen takes that opportunity to leave.


    11:25am BBT Karen went back to Dillon and told him that William said he does not want to be on the wrong side of the votes. Dillon said now he is back peddling and how Karen should have told him they are voting Ika out. Karen said that she told William she does not know what they are doing and she has to go and talk to Dillon. Dillon said that Dre is up stairs balling her eyes out because she is scared. They discuss how Kevin is now going into the pink bedroom to get close to Ika and Demetres and how Ika and Demetres are going to try and get Kevin out. Karen and Dillon agree that Demetres and Ika are a strong couple but they are a strong couple too. They discuss the game of BB and how it is supposed to be a sneaky game...and then the feeds go down.

  5. 11:09am BBT Discussion in the wash area breaks up as Dillon heads downstairs the same time as Karen and William are heading downstairs. William goes into the kitchen while Dillon and Karen sit in the corner by the dining table. Karen is whispering to Dillon about her discussion with Dre, William and Jackie and how Dre is voting out Ika. Karen said how she told Dre that her and Dillon are voting to keep Ika because it is better for their game. Dillon agrees that it is better for their game big time. They think that they could not have planned it better because if Ika stays then Dre will be going after Ika and Ika will be going after Dre so there will be fireworks. Dillon thinks that they are in a great position right now. They continue to discuss how they are real people and Demetres is a real person so they feel emotion (as if all the others are not real people?~Sassy2565). They agree that they will deal with whatever but Jackie is going today. Dillon can't believe that Dre is up stairs crying and wants Karen to go and tell Ika. Karen said not now they want to stay cool. Dillon can't believe that Dre swore on her kids and family that she is voting out Ika. Karen does not want to tell William anything, she wants to avoid them all because she does not owe nothing to these people.

  6. 10:41am BBT Demetres leaves the pink bedroom and Kevin sings a little song "I don't care if he (I think "he" means William~Sassy2565) survives, I just want to survive." and then the feeds switch to the wash area.


    10:43am BBT In the wash area Ika and Dillon were talking when Demetres walked in and told them that Kevin just said that Dillon was voting Ika out. Ika said they just want us to turn on you. Ika said that she is going to tell them something but she don't want to say it in front of Karen Ika continues by saying that they said that Dillon said he was going to put Karen on the block next to Ika to make sure that Ika goes home. Dillon said that he would never say that about Karen. Demetres said that Kevin is now going to sleep on the death bed and he also said that he told Kevin the reason for their conversation last night was because Dillon and Karen seemed unsure of how they were voting and they wanted to make sure they were going to keep Ika. Demetres and Ika continue to talk about Dre and how she is so mad. They continue to discuss how the others want Ika and Demetres to hate Dillon so bad. They speculate what Kevin's plan was when he put Jackie on the block next to Ika because it does not make sense. They think the plan was to win Demetres and Ika onto Kevin's side. Ika explains to Dillon that she was always telling Dre how Dillon sees real beauty and how nice it was that he told Dre she was beautiful. Dillon said not anymore she is ugly, she got real ugly real fast. Ika and Dillon continue to bash Dre about how she has not won anything and how she used Ika and Demetres as a shield.

  7. 10:31am BBT Kevin makes his way into the pink bedroom where Demetres is alone. Kevin tells Demetres that William told him about the conversation last night between him, Ika, Dillon and Karen. Kevin said that he totally trusts them but William is sketched out. Demetres is explaining that the discussion last night was making sure that Dillon and Karen were going to keep Ika. Kevin leaves to get his clothes and the feeds switch to Dre and Jackie talking in the kitchen. Dre told Jackie that she said something to Dillon and she thinks that Dillon and Karen went to Ika and Demetres to make a deal and she does not know what is going on she just knows that she is voting Ika out and she might be the only one. The feeds switch back to the pink bedroom with Kevin and Demetres talking. Demetres thinks that they have Karen and Dillon on board to keep Ika. They discuss Dre and how she was steaming this morning. They speculate it being a double eviction tonight and hope that it is not.

  8. 10:15am BBT Demetres is in the kitchen making breakfast and Kevin heads up to the HOH room. William and Kevin are in the HOH room and William is telling Kevin about his discussion with Dre. William told Kevin that he told Dre that Ika said Dre wanted to go after Kevin. That made Dre angry at Ika for saying that and William is upset that he told Dre that. William tells Kevin that Dre is voting Ika out. William though Dre would have kept that to herself, he did not think that Dre would say something since it was him that told her. William thinks that Dillon and Karen are going to vote to keep Ika. William is not scared that Ika is going after them now. William thinks that Ika does not look mad this morning so he is not sure if Dre really told Ika that Dre wanted to get Kevin out. Kevin said that he went to bed last night and Dillon, Karen, Demetres and Ika talked for over two hours. Kevin asked William how he is going to vote. William does not know but he does not want to go against Ika and make her mad. They both laugh and think that they are going to be voted out next. William tells Kevin that Dre wants to confront Ika now. William said he told her not to. Kevin said that he has to move his stuff out and he is going into the pink room because there is an empty bed there. He has been in the blue bedroom the whole time. William is disappointed and asked if he is sure he does not want to sleep with him anymore. Kevin does not think that they should for the rest of the game. Kevin follows that with emotionally he does want to sleep with him but they are almost to the end of the game and he tells William to please win today.

  9. 9:58am BBT Demetres goes into the DR to request something and Dre walks back in the kitchen. Dillon tells her that she confuses him. Dre said he does not have to be confused and just do what he wants to do because she does not care anymore. Dillon tells her not to be mad and she said she is not mad. The conversation broke up as Dillon left the kitchen and Demetres and Kevin walked in. At one point, Dre walks into the storage area so Demetres whispers to Kevin asking what is wrong with Dre. Kevin does not know. Demetres said he does not know if she is pissed at him or just pissed at everyone. Kevin just said he has no idea.



  10. 9:52am BBT Dillon is in the kitchen making a shake and Dre walks in. Dre said something about Dillon making a deal with Ika and Demetres. Dillon said they did not make a deal. Dre told him that they should vote to keep Ika because they are scared. Dre explains the definition of scared doesn't mean that you can beat someone it means that if you have to fight then you fight. Dillon wants to know what she is referring too. Dre said that she is just telling him so when guys tell him they are not scared of him he knows what they mean. Dillon said they are actually terrified. Dre agrees but said they are not going to run they are going to stand their ground. Dre is not sacred and she will hold her ground and then she walks away. Demetres enters the kitchen and asked Dillon what is she not scared of. Dillon replies me I think but he is not 100 percent what that was. Demetres said you can tell when the sketchy people are sketched out because they are weird. They continue to discuss Dre and how she said that Dillon and Karen made a deal with Ika and Demetres last night.

  11. 9:18am BBT Good Morning Canada! Happy triple eviction day! The feeds just came up with the lights on and the house guests waking up. Karen is passing out new batteries.


    9:24am BBT Ika and Demetres meet up in the wash area and Ika asked Demetres if Dre said any thing to him. Demetres said no and that she is still sleeping. Ika feels bad making that deal with Kevin and now they trust only Dillon and Karen. Demetres agrees that they are all over the map. Ika is glad that she told William that Dre wants Kevin out instead of saying that Dre wants Dillon out. (William went back to Dre and told her that Ika said this and now Dre is pissed and wants to vote Ika out). Karen walks in and interrupts the conversation.  

  12. 12:07pm BBT After about ten minutes of the feeds being down, they come back up with Dre and Ika discussing the things that have become between them. Ika is telling Dre that she was so hurt when Dre would not hug her after she was put on the block. Ika keeps repeating that she was so hurt because she cares about Dre so much. Dre feels bad now and explains that she was so confused. Ika tells Dre that she does not see how people can separate truly caring about people in this house from game (Ika just told Demetres this morning that she will put Dre up and send her out~Sassy2565). Ika said that she cannot pretend to hate Dre. Ika is telling Dre that Demetres said he does not know what he did to Dre for her to want him to go home and then his eyes teared up. Dre feels so bad and does not want Demetres to go home. Ika continues to talk to Dre and now she is talking about Dillon saying they need to plan to keep Ika and he talked about working with Kevin, Ika, Demetres and getting out the floaters (Ika said Dillon specifically named Dre as a floater). Ika reminds Dre how Dillon let Emily think she was staying in the house and got blindsided. Ika goes on to tell Dre how shady Dillon is and keeps reminding her about Dillon letting Emily get blindsided.

  13. 10:17am BBT Kevin and Dillon are in the back yard playing pool. Dillon told Kevin that it is good for his game if Jackie goes home. Kevin said it is for his game too especially after her being put up as a replacement for Demetres. Dillon said but if Ika stays they can't rally Demetres. Kevin agrees with that. Dillon wonders if Demetres will be vindictive if they send Ika out. Kevin does not think so he thinks that Demetres is pretty logical. Kevin thinks it would be a really cool story if they ban together with Demetres after the three of them going after each other all season. Dillon agrees with that. Will walks out by the back yard couch and tells Dillon he is eating Fid le flet. Dillon does not understand what he is saying and then sees that he is holding Philadelphia cream cheese and that Will was trying to say Philadelphia and they all have a good laugh about it. 


    10:27am BBT the feeds go down.

  14. 9:40am BBT Ika joins Demetres out by the pool and they go over why it is better for him to use the veto on himself. They agree that Ika has a better chance of staying against Jackie. Ika told Demetres that she spoke with Kevin and Kevin said that they are better for his game then Jackie. Demetres said that he was talking to Dillon saying that Jackie has been here forever and she needs to go. They discussed that it is going to be a mental comp this time and Demetres told Dillon that he will not go up if they get rid of Jackie and if anyone else wins they will put up Demetres and Ika. Demetres thinks it is actually better for everyone's game if they keep Ika.


    9:45am BBT Ika said she is trying to down play her social game and Dre does not think that Ika would put her up, but she is going to put her up because Dre does not like Demetres. They both talk about how Ika can win the next HOH and they can't wait to see the look on the others faces. They speculate that next week will be a double and Ika will get Dre up there on the block and get her out right away so she does not have to deal with her.


    9:49am BBT The feeds switch to the kitchen where Karen is filling her water bottle. Kevin walks through and goes into the storage area where Will is ironing his clothes. Kevin, Will, Karen and Demetres are now in the kitchen and Kevin said that last night was so much fun. They discuss drinking beer versus the hard liquor.


    9:58am BBT Kevin and Demetres are out in the back yard on the couch talking about how Kevin told Jackie that she is going up. Demetres said that Jackie has been here for a long time just hanging around. Demetres tells Kevin if Jackie goes this week and if anyone but him or Ika win HOH it will be a replay of this week. Demetres said if Ika stays they need to sit down and squash everything between the three of them. Kevin said even if she doesn't stay, he considers it squashed between the two of them. Demetres and Kevin both agree that they are the most deserving players to win BB. They speculate what the next comp will be and how Demetres won the POV purely by luck. Demetres is called to the DR.

  15. 8:35am BBT Good Morning Canada! The feeds are back up with Dre, Ika and Demetres in the pink bedroom. Dre wonders why she woke up with only her underwear on. Ika told her she got drunk last night and Dillon carried her to bed.


    8:37am BBT Ika and Demetres are in bed kissing and joking about no one wanting to hang out with them. We hear the rooster crow and BB tells the house guests to please get up. The feeds switch to Jackie in the hot tub. After a few minutes out there by herself Dre joins her. Jackie asks Dre if she is feeling okay. Dre said that it's not too bad. Jackie said the bad part about having a hangover in the BB house is that normally she is able to sleep it off. Dre said she went to the bathroom last night and figured she was too drunk so she went to bed. They start talking about how Dre got to sleep in the HOH room last night and she feels bad about it.


    8:55am BBT Dre and Jackie close up the hot tub and head inside. The house guests are getting ready for their day.


    9:38am BBT Kevin and Ika are in the kitchen fixing coffee and Kevin told Ika that he told Jackie that she is going up as a replacement so she is pissed. Kevin said that he told Jackie it is the best thing for his game. Ika told Kevin that her and Demetres need to work with him. They both agree that Dre and Dillon are in a good position. Dillon enters the kitchen and Kevin tells him that BB said the POV ceremony is going to be right away.



  16. 10:01am BBT Ika went inside and sat down by Demetres at the dining table. Demetres said that the others are probably all chucking them under the bus.


    Rewinding a bit:


    8:56am BBT Dillon joins Kevin in the HOH room and Kevin tells him that he is just going to throw them up (Ika and Demetres). Dillon said that if he won HOH that is what he would do. Kevin said that Bruno kept telling him that he has to trust Dillon and Karen. Kevin said Ika and Demetres are the best. Dillon asks who is the target. Kevin said Ika is bigger social and Demetres is better at comps so he will just put them up and the house can decide. Dillon and Kevin talk about things that Ika said about them and they are glad they crossed stories. Dillon told Kevin to just know 150 percent whatever she (Ika) says is not true. Kevin and Dillon agree that they have to trust each other. They hug it out and Dillon leaves the HOH room.


    9:29am BBT Jackie joins Kevin in the HOH room and they start discussing Ika and she scares them. Jackie said that she told Bruno that she would take Ika and Demetres out. They compare notes and agree that Ika has been pitting everyone against everyone else. Kevin asked Jackie if his decision is pretty clear. Jackie said that it is clear that they do not need to go after each other. The discussion ends and Jackie leaves the room.


    10:04am BBT Demetres enters the HOH room and offers Kevin a deal. If he or Ika win HOH Kevin will not go up on the block and if someone else wins HOH and puts Kevin on the block then Demetres will use the POV on him and take him down. After making his pitch Demetres leaves the room and Kevin just holds his head repeating "oh this game" then he gets up to take a shower.


    10:33am BBT Kevin is done taking a shower and is in his room talking to himself over what to do. He says there is no reason to take Jackie out because she has no game, he should trust Dillon and Karen. He can put Ika and Demetres up and hang out all week with Dillon and Karen. He does not think Ika and Dre are as close as they thought they were. He just has to put up Ika and Demetres because he knows that is the right thing to do and if one of them wins POV Jackie will be the replacement.

  17. 9:08am BBT Demetres and Jackie made their way back into the house and went to the wash area to shower. Ika is in the wash area putting on her makeup.


    9:32am BBT Ika and Demetres are in the pink bedroom talking about if Kevin is going to put them on the block. Demetres said that he told Kevin that it is hard when you are HOH and everyone is telling him exactly what he wants to hear. Ika said that Dillon will go in there and tell Kevin to put Ika and Demetres on the block. Ika and Demetres continue to tall about what they can say to Kevin and what they can promise Kevin.


    9:54am BBT Ika and Dre are out by the hot tub laying in the sun. Ika gets up and asked Dre if she thinks that Kevin will put them up. Dre said that she has no idea but Jackie is up there talking to him. Ika wants to know what William thinks. Dre said that William thinks that Kevin wants revenge for Bruno. Dre does not know what Bruno told Kevin when he left. BB just announced that this is their three minute warning and the back yard will be closed. Dre continues if Kevin does put her and Demetres up their only hope would be to win POV and hopefully Kevin will put Jackie up. Ika said that her and Demetres are the only ones that keep their word. Dre said that she feels like Kevin went into the HOH already with a plan and he is just looking for information now. Ika asked Dre if she told Kevin she dropped because Ika thought it was okay and Dre said yes but she don't think that Kevin believed her (Dre told Kevin that Ika shook her head no~Sassy2565). BB just announced the back yard is now closed so Dre and Ika head inside. 



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