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Everything posted by Shaggyprincess

  1. I can't begin to tell you guys how sad I am about this move. Danielle and her alliance are laughing now, but I really think it's going to come back and bite them in the behind. Poor Janelle.... I am hoping there's a BB miracle out there for her, because she's on the block too soon.
  2. I doubt seriously Shane is gay, but whatever.... I'm just thoroughly sick of he and Danielle, and would LOVE it if CBS would stop giving them so much feed time when they're alone in the HoH room.
  3. I don't care who reneges on their deal with him, I want this smug bastard gone next week.
  4. He's so disgusting. I hope they evict him, and CBS allows Jodi to do his exit interview.
  5. I love Joe and surprisingly Wil. I'd love to see nothing more than for Joe to win POV this time, and remove himself from the block. Even better would be if Wil won and took him off the block. The looks on Brit, Shane and Boogie's faces would be priceless.
  6. I can't stand her, and doubt that I ever will. I'd like to see Ashley go first and then her. If she floats to one of those seats at the end, this season will have sucked for me.
  7. Dumb move on his part this week...Unless of course his plan is to backdoor Frank. I also hope he doesn't seriously believe a waord Boogie is saying to him, because Boogie is only loyal to Frank.
  8. Agreed. I'd like to hear Janelle, Joe or Wil throw it back at Britney and Shane that they turned on Willie as well. No one wanted to ride with him, so why blame Janelle and her team? Britney wouldn't even let JoJo speak to Willie at the end, and pulled her away from him. How many times did I hear Shane say that he had to seperate himself from Willie? Plenty, so they need to shut their faces. Ashley is so sickening to me I can't stand it. She's a number for the team, but I swear I'd rather see her leave next week over Frank. Hopefully Frank will get backdoored, but a girl can daydream.
  9. Probably for the back pain. It certainly explains her slow movement now. Ashley isn't as transparent as she thinks, and is in the process of setting up her eviction. As soon as Janelle finds out she's been bashing the hell out of her with JoJo and Shane, it's gonna be on.
  10. I was happy to see last night, that he and Joe are finally onto Ashley's spy game, and want her gone soon. Guess he's playing after all.
  11. The best thing the house can do this week, is get rid of her.
  12. Worst mentor on the show. I don't know what they were thinking to bring her back. She could have de-fused Willie, but instead lit the fuse. Why was it necessary for her to tell him what Frank said regarding the slur against Wil? A good coach wood have talked to the other hgs instead, and pointed Frank out as a liar. And then when she saw how angry Willie was after the coach's comp, she should have taken him into the HN room, and calmed him down, but instead she began to incite him by criticizing him. She's just awful, and I want her gone.
  13. Clearly the Hantz's are emotionally crippled. Brandon's video is scary, and a sign that those boys do not need to be anywhere on tv until intense therapy has been happening for awhile.
  14. She left her 6 month old baby in the care of her mother and a nanny, in order to win money for the kid's college fund. I'd do the same, and to heck with anybody who didn't like it.... Willie on the other hand, is someone I have grown to really dislike. His paranoia got on my nerves this week, and I really hope they get him out of there next week, cause Shane and JoJo can do much better without him.
  15. I know many don't like his style, but I like Joe. I thought his good-bye to Kara was on point, because she did nothing in the game but sit back and let Dan campaign for her. She should have been in Ashley's face all week, but she did nothing but lounge around instead. He's right, she's better off modeling and out of the BB house. I'm glad she's gone.
  16. Why was this girl selected to coach? Did tptb at Big Brother not remember what a big fool The Brigade made of her? What is she going to coach someone to do lose fourth? Everytime I see her whining to Willie, I keep wishing Enzo was coaching her team instead.
  17. I like Frank. So happy he made a comeback and won HoH. Crossing my fingers he can get Willie out next week.
  18. I hope she goes home next week and takes Dan with her.
  19. She needs to get over the All-Star season. He won, get over it. The more she talks the more I'm beginning to wish she'd stayed home with her child.
  20. I'm not crazy about the way she dresses or the tats, but so far I really like her personality. I think Boogie made a good choice with her.
  21. He could have gone on the fact that Danielle lost the comp for them. And yes, shame on you for thinking race had nothing to do with it. It shouldn't have been a factor at all in his decision, but unfortunately it was.
  22. They can if the so called "mentors" get to change players, and I think they will and if Kara's still there Janelle will choose her and dump Will.
  23. She said in an interview that she left the same day she went in, so that tells me the comp was taped, and not live at all.
  24. I didn't know she's a Playboy bunny until I saw the feeds just now, and heard Joe reveal it to Boogie and Frank. Lol I want to see how it goes down that she lives in the Playboy mansion.
  25. That's good advice, and I hope they listen to him...Cause it was really awful listening to Janelle and Britney trying to talk Willie into wanting Frank out instead of Kara. Anybody with half a brain could tell they want the guys out.



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