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Everything posted by Shaggyprincess

  1. I'm so mad he's gone. They picked on him over the dumbest things. Things they were guilty of doing too. He played hard, not in comps but surely socially, and the game was won in season 2 by the best that way. There were times when he couldn't keep a secret, but does anyone? I've seen Britney, Shane, Dani and now Dan go from one person who reveals something, and tell it to somene else. They just picked on Joe, because he was older and in their minds older means slow. The big dummies don't understand that there are a lot of 40 years olds out here who would mop the course with them. Joe had a knee problem and couldn't move fast or stand for long periods. He tried though, but when the body gives out, there's nothing we can do. I had a knee injury, and it sucked because you can't move as well as you would normally, and it is extremely painful. Joe said he couldn't hold on during the last endurance comp because of his knee. I get it, and agree that he wouldnt have won at all, so he didn't fall to win a prize. He, Janelle, and Frank were the life of the BB house this season, so that place is dead as a door knob now. I usually watch the feeds until the end, but this time I was done when he walked out.
  2. Dan is so dispicable I won't watch ONE interview he does post-season.
  3. Frank was wonderful. a good person with a humble spirit....And I LOVED the way he exited the house. Only one person wanted to save him, so she deserved the hug. Why hug the backstabbing liar who swore on God's holy word, his wedding ring and the necklace his grandfather gave him to keep him, then didn't? I felt so bad for him, because he fought every week to stay there, while people like Jenn and Danielle gets carried along to the end. The house is less interesting now that he and Joe have left, so I'm no longer watching the feeds.
  4. Biggest dummy in the house for knowing Dan was in the QP alliance with Ian (who turned on she and Frank), and STILL used that veto. Now she's griping about her current situation....Cause yet again she didn't win a comp. and got placed on the block. Well she needs to suck is up, and be glad she's not Frank or Joe.
  5. Hate on, but I still love Joe and will vote to give him the 25k, because I think he's really the only one who deserves it.
  6. I agree with you on everything, except I don't want Joe to leave, and Frank's stay means that would have to happen. It truly angers me that Dan used the veto when he didn't have to, because I want both guys to stay and battle that QP.
  7. Oh so it's to be a tie now? They were saying the other night Frank would only get one vote. Ian hates Joe, so he could flip at the last minute and vote him out. Joe's not safe by any means as long as he's on the block.
  8. He needs to tell Dan minutes before the ceremony, "if you're really in an alliance with me then prove it by removing me from the block today. Other wise I'll know you were just blowing smoke up my butt, and will act accordingly." If he doesn't take him down then he needs to pull Shane and Danielle aside and tell them Dan's plan to get Ian out and then Danielle...And take him to f2. Tell them everything and ask them to switch their votes and keep him.
  9. EXACTLY! I tweeted that the other night. He's just as strong and athletic as Frank, but no one is targeting him anymore. Why? He's going to kill in those later competitions.
  10. I agree, but if he ignores the sign, then call him back there and tell him to either wash his hands or stop cooking for other people.
  11. I think it would really suck if Joe went to jury because of that. He shouldn't even be going on the block, because Jenn isn't the target. Dan should be explaining that to her, because it's just not necessary to use the veto since Frank is their target. If I were Joe I would be majorly pissed at Dan and Ian for this.
  12. I don't think she's okay with it this time. I think she's waiting for the right opportunity get rid of him for it. He lied to her when he went downstairs to apologize. He really had severed the partnership, because he's ready to work with Frank and send her out, but after talking to Frank he realized he would need her a little longer, and then back tracked his steps.
  13. Oh yeah....I heard him say that. In the words of Britney "What a total douche". The most truthful thing Danielle has said all season was to tell him he's sick. A sad, sick puppy imo, and I know you're right that many will think his actions are cool and validated his advancement...But it never will for me, because he didn't have to do it. It had nothing to do with calling Ian out and getting Jenn to use the veto. Nothing.
  14. I love Joe, and can honestly say...If he weren't on the show right now, I would have cancelled my feeds for the season. My only purpose for continuing has been to see if the only person who was loyal to Janelle would make it to the end. It's been a serious struggle for him, but I think he's doing fine. As for cleaning his hands before cooking, BB is watching as well, so why hasn't one of them called him back to the DR by now to insist he cleans them? Better one of them than a hg whom he could retaliate against at some point. So I understand why they don't, but what's BB excuse?
  15. I agree with you 100 percent. It was mentally cruel and served absolutely ZERO purpose....And if he thinks she's forgiven and forgotten, he doesn't know women. If I were his wife, I would be ashamed that my spouse was in there treating a woman that way...And he would get an ear full from me when he walks outta there. He did not have to break her down like that over what he thought she did or didn't do in the veto competition. He could have pulled her aside to express his anger, and allow her to explain herself. I've thought Dan was a POS since he stabbed Ollie in the back, and he has not changed at all over the years. I'm no fan of Danielle's but I would love to see her send him packing before he does it to her, because it is coming.
  16. I'm sick of Ian, Pandora's Box and any other BB power. Let those people play the game, and if they get evicted, so be it. The Whack Pack is stupid and Ian especially for taking Dan back in after he blew the alliance outta the water last week to Frank. If he follows Frank to the jury Thursday, I will be more than happy.
  17. Both reasons why I do a happy dance everytime I think about her leaving tonight.
  18. Well, I don't. I'm hoping he does not win the HoH tonight, so they can get him out next week. He is without a doubt someone I do not want to win that money. From the moment he flipped on his alliance (a very solid one), and bashed Janie and Joe night and day...I was over him.
  19. Britney's on the block and she's going to leave...No doubt about it. Joe will not vote to keep her once Frank reveals the plan, because it advances him.
  20. He is about to get exactly what he deserves. I don't know who he thinks he is threatening people, but he sounds like an idiot doing so. I'm going to laugh my self to death today after that veto ceremony.
  21. I couldn't agree more. It's nice to see someone out there who views Joe and the people around him the same way I do. Joe's just as good as either one of them as far as I'm concerned.
  22. Nothing will make me happier this season than to see the look on her face when she goes on the block. I'm just sorry I have to wait 2 days to see it. This is sweet revenge for her part in Janie's backdooring as far as I'm concerned, so I am feeling no sorrow here.
  23. I'm no fan of Dan's by any means, but I have to give credit where it's due. This is a brilliant move if Jenn pulls the trigger today.
  24. Joe continues to be my favorite. I think he's maneuvering this beautifully. Incidently, where were Britney, Shane and Danielle when Dan was in the livingroom taking major heat from Boogie? Hiding, that's where.... Who was there to shut up Boogie, and inform him that he was being a bully? Joe. Someone who isn't even an official member of Dan's alliance, and the one guy they all want on the block every week.



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