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Posts posted by Marcellas

  1. Sheznutz you are right! It's best to ignore it and that poster. I'm so tired of people working their own agenda. Whatever. When 99.9% of people see the truth then what else is there to say?

    There will always be haters. I have to acknowledge it and keep moving forward. As Maya Angelou once wrote;

    ...You may shoot me with your words,

    You may cut me with your eyes,

    You may kill me with your hatefulness,

    But still, like air, I'll rise....

    It's a mantra I live by and I hope that all the HG's from every season can. I hope people continue to watch "The H.C."!

  2. I for one don't think HC would be as good if Marcellus wasn't on it... I think he and G work well together... He is also my favorite HG of all time so maybe I am a little bias... I love his personality... Like he said if you don't like him don't watch the show... You have that right... I for one love it...

    Yana! I love my girls from Georgia! Thanks so much for the support!


  3. Marcellas we all have our opinions of people.  Allow us the right to express them.  Nebarist keep on chucking.  I enjoy your insights.  

    Like I've said in previous posts you annoy me, Marcellas.  Which is my right.  I don't know you as a person but your "Show biz" personna annoys me.  Of course I am sure I annoy some people too. :wink:   But I still listen to House Calls because I like Gretchen.  Marcellas you definately entertain or you wouldn't have  the ratings.  I just don't think that you gave the woman her due.  You say "hateful" things about the HG and that is okay but a listeners call and then you cut them off.  That just doesn't seem fair.

    Of course it is your show so you can pretty much do whatever you want.  Just want to say that some viewers just didn't appreciate it.

    You have the right to say what you want. I would suggest you don't watch my show if you find me annoying. Must you repeatedly say you you find me annoying. Look inside yourself and find what it is about me you don't like. Why be bothered by someone you don't know. I'm doing what I'm paid to do. I just don't understand people who canstantly beat the same drum. You don't like, you don't get it, move on. I'd also suggest you rewatch the episode you are trying to reference. I cut that woman off because she was out of line. If she had a valid point and hadn't been rude to THE HOSTS OF THE SHOW she would have been allowed to make her point. We welcome all opinions @ House Calls. Stop looking for a reason to trash it, it is what it is.

  4. It never ceases to amaze me what people will do. Obviously it wasn't James since he was in the house when the profile was created. I Know we (castmembers) open ourselves up to stuff like that but still. How sad and pathetic do you have to be to trash someone like that? A phony account and pics on a gay site? That's just gross. Shame on the person who did it.

  5. Welcome to Morty's Marcellas ... my take on things is whether they are fans, superfans, or even detractors, as long as people are talking about you and your show, you are an unqualified success in my book!

    I look forward to reading more insights from you on our Forums!

    I just found Morty's! I was chatting @ another site and someone said you guys have great coverage of Big Brother! From what I have seen the recappers and posters are on! I'm glad to be here!

    I'll be posting! You know me, I got soooooo much to say!



  6. :roll: YAY FOR CENSORSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And how hypocritical for Gretchen to say afterwards "well that is what theis show is all about for people to have their own opinions" Yeah right they just can't express them.

    At least Marcellas apologized and realized what a baby he was

    Excuse me? It wasn't censorship. That woman was rude to me and she was way off base. If she wants to call and say she doesn't agree wth me or G, more power to her. There are ways to do that. But you do not call and admonish me. Or tell me not to respond to "How are you?"

    And my apology was not to her. It was for losing my temper. It was for getting a bit ghetto. The caller owes me and the viewers an apology for calling in and wasting airtime. That call could have been someone with a valid point. A valid point agreeing or disagreeing with G & I. We (The entity known as Gretchellas) welcome each.

    Oh and Nebartist I remember you from bb5bbq. You had a crazy problem with me there and I see you moved here to work your agenda. That's sad. You don't know me. I never did anything to you. I've asked you before to lay off me. I would appreciate it if you did.


  7. I didn't use the veto and got voted off week 10. Let's see if Eric manages to stay that long. I wasn't stupid. I'd say I was emotional and I was niave and trusted the wrong people. I had a very good grasp of that game. It's one of the reasons I was asked to be the host of House Calls.

    I spend countless hours as a producer of House Calls obsessing about the tone and direction of a show that I am passionate about. That caller on Friday's show was disrespectful. First she says "How are you? Don't answer that. I was told I had to hurry." Don't call The H.C. and try to control it. That is what G and I are paid to do. Then she admonishes me for saying Kaysar should have slapped Ivette. Well anyone who watches House Calls, BB or knows me knows that was a joke and was taken out of context! I was insulted. & you don't insult me. I'm not even going to address "one-sided" coverage of Eric. Please. G & I always try to be courteous to callers. We love it when people call in and disagree with us. Watch past episodes and you will see that. We look forward to all opinions about all things BB. We may learn something and we love being wrong! It's fun!

    I have fans and I have detractors. That's cool. But unless I directly have ever disrespected you (or met you), remember I'm the host of a talk show, a funny, irreverent SHOW. No meaningful insights will be gleaned. It's just entertainment. And I am simply trying to entertain.



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