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Everything posted by SAUCY1

  1. I agree with everything except Ian winning AC, I believe Dan will win AC .....JMO
  2. He is a complete idiot! I can't take him anymore....his lies (several), his stupidity (olives), his pot stirring (Janelle & Frank), his disregard of embarrassing his family (lack of discretion) and his flip flopping, a$$ kissing of whoever is hoh. I know he would be the perfect one to go f2 with but seriously, get him gone in the DD this week after Frank of course. hopefully
  3. Let him work on Ian.....Ian doesn't get a vote unless its a tie, and with this crew someone will blab if Frank actually turns Ian (horrors) so they will not vote a tie. What concerns me however that if it is a DD this week they should have a plan and they aren't talking about it. I have not seen anything saying it is going to be a dd, did I miss something? It makes sense because there are too many people in the house, and they should be getting a plan together.
  4. I think that would be the best way....Ian gets the glory of revenge for Brit by sending Frank to jury and Frank can't say Dan backstabbed him.
  5. lol...ita .....gonna be a long couple of weeks
  6. excuse me but I thought you were talking about Ian,this is a thread about him not you ......I don't give a rats a$$ about being pc just being a fellow human is enough. as for passing judgement on here, isn't that what we are all doing to the hg's, and just as you, I tell it the way I see it.
  7. ITA......considering the first week I really thought he was a goner having lost two players bang, bang ....I think he hung on very well. I don't think we can really compare bb14 to bb10, different people, different strategy .....imo, strategy trumps winning comps.....don't care he was a coach, don't care he already won out of everybody in that house I want him to win!
  8. wow the world is stuck with people like him ........I do have some experience with schizophrenia in my family also and I would never say that about my brother.....lets lock them all up and not let them be in our "world".....wow that was a mean thing to say....imo
  9. he is also stupid enough to believe he has the votes to stay.....
  10. Joe told Ian that once Frank is gone he will start to win comps...lol....like its Frank making him suck at them
  11. thats brilliant.....Dan takes down Jenn....make it a tiebreaker, Ian gets to take out Frank ......Dans hands are clean.....love it.....CHOO CHOO
  12. AR is a much more physical game than BB, that would be interesting...
  13. Grodner loves him and he probably has something new to pitch. ugh....he is such a waste of skin
  14. jealous of herself......roflmao.....so true
  15. I know, right? Lots of girls, never never a guy!!!!! now three have them in the house, I find it really weird!
  16. I think Dani was a little jealous of Brit and Shanes relationship. I think Dani is ecstatic that she is the last female standing between her and Shane. Not that Brit was interested shes a newlywed but I think she was jealous anyway. I am curious to see how Dani and Jenn get along,,,,Jenn has a crush on Dani.
  17. well someone fell asleep cuz a couple of live feeders saw and talked about it, I don't care but he has a daughter and Brit called him out on it before, doing it with girls in the room....just sayin if I had a family watching I would be alot more discreet and I would WASH my hands!!!
  18. what is it with these men and their stuffed animals???
  19. he didn't say anything, it was his actions in bed and not under the covers, Dani almost caught him. i mean come on I am not a prude but there are cameras people!!!!
  20. after last night Joe is a pig.....just hope his daughter doesn't watch the feeds or read about it, she will be mortified. I would if it was my dad.
  21. Looks like he isn't putting up Dan, they both agree QP is back on and maybe Renegade for I/D. Dan knows Shane lied about including Dan in the deal with Ian. Frank asked Dan if he has deal with Ian and Dan said no........HG'S wondering why Ian isn't considering putting Dan up....I see bad things possible for Dan. Still want him to win, don't care if he was coach, but he probably won't.
  22. cbs.com also shows them, may be a day late tho



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