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Posts posted by SAUCY1

  1. yup Aaryn told Amanda that Candice asked her to put up her and Mcruddy, so now Candice is public enemy number one......I voted 50 times for Amanda for MVP! Hopefully someone else will get it and win pov and then Amanda will go up as second choice and won't be able to get off and they will get a brain and vote her off.........I can dream can't I?

  2. she is really disgusting....she is sitting on the couch with McCruddy and announced this is the masturbation ceremony....and repeats the entire nomination speech substituting masturbation for nomination. She also told Andy that last night she had no top on and Spencer threw a glass at her and she had to cover her boobs with one hand and still caught the glass. Andy told her to go to the DR and tell them all about it.

  3. I almost miss Jeremy, almost! The guys in this house are WIMPS. Mcrae just uhhh huhhs you to death and Spencer kisses butt to whoever has the hoh, Judd hung out with the girls last night and wants Aaryn bad. Howard won't stand up for what is right and Andy runs around like a chicken with his head chopped off and complains he gets no DR time, although he does say some funny things. The girls are drama drama drama and fight all the time. Jeremy was a douche but at least he DID something!

  4. this is just my opinion and you can all attack me after I say it, but I can't take Amanda anymore. What great plays is she doing? All the woman does is lay in the HOH bed and say over and over put up Howard for the only reason that he is coming after her. I am sick of her smacking when she eats and sick of her eating all the HOHs food. I really am sick of seeing her fake boobs and her making out with Mcrae.....ewwwwww. She couldn't convince any HOH to put up Howard but may get her wish this time because Helen wants it too and Helen thinks she is running Aaryn, but it has nothing to do with Amanda. BBMVP is going to be their best chance at getting her out cuz the only one who has balls enuff to put her up is Candice and she can't win crap. OK that is my opinion, come on let me have it.

  5. nothing wrong with getting out the strong players just stating that is why she wants Howard gone........I agree that they are a good team and that is why they are going far in this game and are not on anyones radar.....no one will want to get out McRaie and have to deal with Amanda and vice versa....I don't think Howard is a strong player so much as he is a strong MAN and doesn't bow down to Amanda....but what the hell do I know? lol

  6. Judd is aaryn's mccrae but she doesn't have to touch him. Jessie will let it be because she is as obsessed with kaitlin being evicted as some people here are with rachelissa being evicted.

    I agree.....funny last night Aaryn got annoyed at Kaitlin when they were discussing what Judd had told each of them....Aaryn sniffed I am closer to him than you....lmao

  7. It seems that Amanda's desire to get out Howard would make it seem like she'd want the guys out too, but I don't see her going against McCrae, Andy and Judd anytime soon.

    Amanda has control over McRae and thinks she does over Andy and Judd because they are weak men......she wants the strong men gone ie Spencer and Howard who she has no control over what so ever.

  8. I can't imagine Judd not putting Aaryn up as one of his 2 choices.

    THEN... what happens to all those thousands and thousands of votes folks placed for our little blue-eyed, self-centered, racist ?

    (split your votes ... if you're voting ... between her and you next least fav)

    well he has promised her he will not put her up and is thinking GM and Kaitlin........and told Aaryn that if Elissa (mvp) puts her up he will use veto to take her down.

  9. IMO she wants Howard out because she can not control him. She can and does control McRae which is why she latched on to him and she thinks now that she can control Judd. She preys on the weak men and wants the strong men gone. She doesn't like any of the women, I think she might be a man in drag.....lol....

  10. 1:30 AM BBT Mc says to Amanda in the cockpit room I have a secret to tell you but you have to pinkie swear you won't get mad.....Amanda says I won't.......Mc says there was a all male alliance called Moving Co....they came to me and bulllied me into it, I didn't have any say in it......Now you are mad at me and don't trust me....Amanda says no I do ....now Andy comes in and they tell him and says Nic was the ringleader......

    1:36 AM BBT Mc telling Andy and Amanda what went down with Howard and Spencer....how he thought they were throwing him under the bus about Nic/Elissa vote and FOTH....

    1:38 AM BBT Helen holding court in HOH room.....with Spencer Howard Judd Jeremy ....general talk about her life

    1:40 AM BBT Amanda Mc and Andy saying how can we use this to our advantage....Kait knocks on door and says can I talk to you Andy.....Kait/Andy on couch in WA ....Kait apologizing to Andy ....kissing up and Andy explaining his actions.....Aaron and GM on couch in LR ....she is still crying over Nic and talking about all his cute traits and how smart he was...Aaron giving her comfort....

    1:45 AM BBT Kait telling Andy that her lashing out earlier was not her at all and Andy says I don't hold it against her , I understand why you acted out. Andy explaining why he went after Nic...Kait saying I was so close to getting HOH....sooooo close. Andy telling Kait she is safe, he will talk to Helen, she is my girl, not that I want to take Helen to F2 {thats not what he told Helen in HOH-Saucy} but I am tight with Helen. Andy tells her you have to get your head in the game, I want you to stay.

    1:50 AM BBT Aaron and GM still on couch.....Aaron telling her how she managed iin the house without David and now planning the day, we can lay out and get something to eat....etc

    1:52 AM BBT Judd/Amanda/MC in gold room discussing scenarios....mvp, pov....

    1:53 AM BBT Andy reassuring Kait she is not his enemy, Kait wants the truth from him from now on no matter how bad it is....Andy says why is Kait with these people, I could work with you, I told them not to put you up and to put up Nic instead.....Kait: thank you......

    well I am out gotta go to work....sorry guys....Niteslacker did much better job.....its not really easy

  11. I watched Julie address the issue on her show The Talk and she was offended by the asian remarks and Sarah was offended by the gay remarks and the 2 African American girls were offended by the black remarks.....as all women on that show I was surprised and dissapointed that no one mentioned being offended by the names some of the guys are using to refer to the woman in the house.

  12. On facebook there is a Big Brother Page and there are A LOT of people that seen it.

    Quote from FB

    "If you have the life feeds Go to 6:49 pm cam 4 that Shows Aaryn & Jeremy cheating."

    there is a thread on morty's called hoh cheating started by creativgirl with video clearly showing them exchanging cups instead of pouring it from cup to cup........and if others did it too that is not right either, its not fair to hte ones that played right......Jermey let Aaron have the hoh



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