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Posts posted by SAUCY1

  1. I'm still trying to figure out why someone would harass or threat her parents ???

    what wicked said and also Amanda threatened Elissas family so I think that Rachael and Elissa fans thought it would be right to threaten Amandas......don't agree with it but just saying thats why I think they did it......stupid smh

  2. Are we watching the same Amanda? Had she put them both up, Amanda jus would have started the torture earlier. Really didnt matter and Elissa knows this. She wanted to be remebered for a great backdoor and it didnt work. She still knows its a strike against the four. Aaryn is the next best option.


  3. NO IDEA why ANYONE'S giving her credit. She was too chicken sh!t to put Amanda and McCrae up and KEEP one up to BOOT out the door.

    Compared to the past HOH reigns in which evicting Judd was considered the Big move this season, I give her HOH reign credit for getting out Aaryn. Who by the way everyone wanted out earlier in the season for her racial remarks and were calling for her head! But that was before Amanda decided that she could top Aaryn because she is the Queen and the kingdom bowed to her. So all in all I consider Elissas' HOH the biggest one YET, and hope the next one is BIGGER!

  4. Good one. I know she kept commenting last night that her mat was not a Manduka mat then she kept saying well... that's Ok.

    that was weird because I read that the mat she got was the one she brought to sequester herself, so if she wanted a Manduka so bad and stated that she only recommends their mats so why wouldn't she own one? Just a thought...

  5. From my understanding CBS has not officially set a date for the finale. The season will run longer this year for sure. There are 8 HG's left with one juror returning. My highly uneducated guess thinks there will be at least one more double eviction. That would put the show ending at the end of Sept. possibly early Oct.

    Survivor BLood vs Water is premiering Sept 18th, they wouldn't have both on at the same time would they?

  6. She was rambling about taking the ratio of a percentages and vice versa when discussing the POV.. making absolutely no sense.. it was ridiculous, but then she had this goofy smile like maybe she was kidding.. it was hard to tell.

    How dumb was she when she folded on the last question? It would have been even funnier if she was the closest with her guess and the dumb bunny folded.......

  7. 1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? I agee with none

    2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight .....Aaryn will win HOH

    3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? McCrae, I want to sse Amanda upset over him being in sequester with Jess.


  8. I really think producers need to seriously consider doing a first this year: the Big Brother After Season Reality Show.

    Cameras would follow the most delusional houseguests for the next 6 weeks as they absorb and adjust to life after

    the show. That's the show I really want to see.

    now that would be entertaining.....great idea!

  9. I'm loving it.....go Jess. She was gone this week no matter what, what Amanda wants Amanda gets and she had no shot at final anything so I say go out with a bang. Aaryn and GM fighting, Helen and Elissa having a meltdown, finally. Andy is pissed. This season is a bust everyone just going along with the "house" and even when America handed them a big move they failed to use it. She may not be getting out a big player but she is creating havoc in the house and to me it is very entertaining.



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