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Everything posted by kissesinVA

  1. Now that sounds like a twist......
  2. My move if I was Britney and won Coach's Challenge would be to trade Willie for Wil or maybe Joe. They can say all they like that they wouldn't align with her people, but at the end of the day if you are really there to win $500k you play however you have to play to get you there. If Shane or Jojo does go home, okay fine but Brit was going to be one down anyway and if Willie stays in, she doesn't have to deal with him (though I like him and probably been able to control him JMHO) but Janelle would. It would throw her game off. After all - are they there to "make friends" or win money? I'd let Dan coast for a week or two. It might even get him to realize that it might be a good move to work with her. But as much as I like Britney, she's probably just not that smart of a game player.
  3. Nope you're not. I like Willie (and I'm a feminist) and I can't stand Frank, Joe and Wil. What's with all this homophobe crap? If that is being homophobic to Wil, then I'd hate to be around him when people are really homophobes. And Wil and Joe are the ones bullying everyone with Janelle's help.
  4. I just posted in Janelle thread that I can't imagine these people (exceot for Britney) leaving babies, etc to come in here and play for $100k. Especially Janelle and Boogie. Unless it's an image thing but even then it's kinda like grow up already - you are no longer relevant.
  5. There has to be more to this Coach's thing than $100,000. I know that Janelle is always talking about money (is BB paying for it? kinda comments) but I know that even if I wasn't married to someone with money (?) I would never go back on this show for a third time let alone with a 7 month old child. There's got to be something else involved. The only one that I can see coming back for $100k is Britney. The other three have too many other things going on to be there for $100k. It's just not worth it when you have kids and/or money already.
  6. I can't wait to see her DR sessions to see where she's really at with all these people. She might act stupid but she's playing all of them. I think that's a pretty good BB player.
  7. I think the coaches are overthinking this (and everything). It is only week 1 after all... But I think that Grodner has a couple of scenarios to "go to" should things not go exactly the way she planned.
  8. Knuckle cracker might have to go.... that's getting on my last nerve....
  9. Dan has to put her up and she's gotta gooooooooooooo! Her voice and baby talk are like nails on a chalkboard!
  10. I hope she goes on the block this week and is voted off. She reminds me of a woman that I worked with and it's giving me terrible flashbacks She would do exactly the same thing that Libra does start yelling if anyone critized her or corrected her and she also blamed everyone else for her shortcomings.



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