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Everything posted by kissesinVA

  1. Agree - I figured they cut the feeds to tell them to stop filling the safety jugs since Brit won. So now Joe, Dan and Ashley have to go for HOH or $.
  2. I wouldn't even walking that fast if I were Ashley.
  3. Ok - so this is what it looks like to me.... HOH - Ian, Shane, Danielle, Jenn Safety - Brit, Dan, Ashley, Joe $ - Boogie
  4. It looked like Britney, Joe and Ashley were going for Safety. Ian and Danielle going for HOH. Maybe Shane and Dan for HOH too. Maybe safety for Jenn but I couldn't really tell.
  5. Besides Britney, he was the only one that was funny. The rest of them are boring...
  6. I'm soo glad Jeff is rooting for Ian too!!!!
  7. I can't stand Frank! That sign songy way he talks just grates on my nerves. Then the way he talks to Ian is so condesending. And keeps calling him "son". I get the feeling from what Frank says about his father that he was treated this way as a kid and now he just bullys Ian. Frank has to go next week - or this week if it's double evicition. he's gotten too big for his own hair...
  8. So is anyone else wondering why this Trey guy signed the release? Otherwise she wouldn't be able to talk about him, right? And am I correct about a conversation she had with Britney about the DR telling her that he signed it? And the way she was going on and on about him last night.... how much she misses him and wants to be with him. I thought Wil was gonna start laughing at first. I would have after I said "who's Trey?"
  9. Now I'll be having nightmares about the BB house!!! LOL myss911 - my mom is taking care of me after the surgery and she won't let me lift a finger! My doc said I would need to take my time recovering - to make sure I have several months - so I won't have to do anything for at least 3 months I'm guessing!
  10. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers! I'm taking my laptop with me to the hospital so I can keep up with what is going on. LOL!
  11. I'm rooting for Ian to take this year! It's people like Ian that appreciate it the most. It's like Jordan (I know lots of people don't like her) because she used the money to help her family and she went back to her old life. I think the only reason that we've seen her on BB again and other shows is because Jeff talks her into it.
  12. Agree! She needs to go. My poor Ian!
  13. The fact is that the majority of people carry the virus which is HPV and HPV is spread thru sex. The warts rarely occur. So everyone can be grossed out by the warts but the HPV virus is pretty common. Some strains cause cervical cancer. The only way to find out if men are carrying the virus (which is about 99% of sexually active men) is when they get warts. There's no test for them. Women find out from pap smears. I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on TV (like Danielle) but I do work in the healthcare industry. And I had pre-cancer on my cervix (which is being removed in 10 days with my entire reproductive system when i have hysterectomy). Sorry if it's TMI...
  14. That made me so mad last night when she said she wanted to put him up. He's been protecting her from the slient six.
  15. I would have thrown up if I wasn't laughing so hard! She was sooo skeeved out by him.
  16. Oh I'm glad I missed it. I was so upset yesterday watching him. But then again maybe it's his way of processing everything because he seems fine afterward.
  17. Forgive me if I'm late to this party but am I the only one that thinks that Frank reminds them of what a 70s porn star would act like? These conversations about how he smells and the fact that he doesn't wear deoderant are completely disgusting! Am I the only one that would have said something to him by now?
  18. Agree and agree (I'm a Brit fan too) And you know I was freaked out over Ian.
  19. All I could think was that at least the cameras were still on him so they knew he was doing this. I was freaking out! I think Britney's brother is alot like Ian so she works really well with him,
  20. Check my post in "Feeds" thread. He's really pissed off.
  21. I KNOW!!!! I'm so worried about him! From what I can make out, he's talking about hating Boogie and Frank right now. I think.... Cause he keeps saying something about stupid Frank in a unitard. Thank GOD Britney is back to calm him down!
  22. They've been doing blog and pictures on Tuesdays this year for some reason. And it sounds like the HGs don't like the Tuesday crew. They've said it for the past couple of weeks.
  23. Of course! She's 23 years old, how has she had time to do all of this stuff and go to college? I wish someone would say wow you look great for all those ailments ya have and are you seeing a therapist for all the crap you have in your life? This is where I want to see Boogie go...
  24. I caught this too. She did mention one time that she was engaged once and living with someone in the past.



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