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Posts posted by Slimcruz

  1. I didn't know who she was when she was in the audience but I did see her and thought that she was beautiful and probably somebody.  I don't recall the camera lingering or anything but she did stand out as celebrities tend to do when they have their warpaint on. I do not understand why people are so upset about ariana grande being there - she wasn't naked standing on a chair.  Nor do I understand why people are so chapped about the whole frankie/ariana deal.  

  2. I agree with many of the posts about the caliber of some (many) house guests but cbs and big brother are not upset about the numbers and we are here; watching and talking about it, just like last year and the year before.  I suspect that some of us would only leave big brother if big brother left first.   :cowboy:


    Season 16 is not one of my favorite seasons.  Maybe it's just me.


    I have come to realize that The Amazing Race is my favorite show of the type.   Big brother has become something predictable and boring, indeed.  Survivor seems to be going to the same well.  Again, maybe it's just me.


    CIAO, everybody!  

  3. I see some sense in each of your posts but I also believe that his pals are going to give him hell about a bunch of things from big brother including amber.  I had forgotten about her.  People can be cruel and though I agree with Steve that caleb isn't even a ripple large-scale and quickly forgotten, in the home front gin mills they will be merciless.

  4. Victoria is a simpleton for allowing herself to be so easily used by derrick and a dunce to have seen it done before on the very same show.  I think that she completely forgot why she came to big brother in the first place.  I am astounded how stupid some of those house guests are; repeatedly.  Do they spray some of them with dumb dust when they enter the front door?


    Season 16 had the most empty-headed bunch of women ever.

  5. I don't mind victoria as much as many of you seem to and I find her a somewhat happy girl and not maladjusted about her lot in life.  Somebody needs to introduce her to the joys of natural beauty.  Victoria has wonderful coloring and could be striking but has never learned the importance of control and has absolutely no fashion sense.  Lipstick red would be her very best friend.


    To my mind's eye, victoria is a chubby persian cat.

  6. Maybe frankie just doesn't want cody to be lonely now that christine is gone?  Gotta' say here that I know a couple of gay men who wouldn't want (or allow) frankie rubbing on them so I dunno about the homophobic thing and besides, I also know a couple of straight men who wouldn't want (or allow) christine rubbing on them.  Moral of this is not so much just say no as it is just say no to people like frankie and christine.  If you don't; I should care?

  7. I think that derrick's smartest move was to assess the situation - he had to do it quickly - and gravitate to victoria.  I don't think that derrick has any romantic notions toward victoria in any sense.  Give the man some credit.  He wants to win 500K and possibly use big brother as a stepping stone to amazing race and/or survivor.  He would be terrific on either or both.  And I don't even like the guy.



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