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Posts posted by Slimcruz

  1. I think that it will all be forgotten as soon as the show is over.  I also think that they chose how they were going to interact with frankie and how they would allow him to interact with them.  I saw nothing to the contrary to make me believe otherwise. They are all adults and I could not care less and honestly cannot fathom why some of you care so much.  Obviously.  He didn't hug on you.  If it bothered you so much why did you subject yourself to so much torture?   :daisy:

  2. Derrick at home next week.... Ring, Ring, Ring....: "Hello"


    Victoria at other end of the line:  "Hi Derrick, it's ME.  So, when do you think we'll go to ski so you can teach me ?"


    Derrick whispers: " Hey... you can't  call me anymore.  I'm sorry , but my wife is REALLY upset and mad and she

    says she'll divorce me if I stay in touch with you.  I'm sorry... but, I love my wife and family and don't want

    anything to jeopardize it. "


    Victoria whines:  " I don't understaaaand.  This is so frusssstrating!"

    Victoria after a minute of silence on Derrick's end:  " But, this isn't faaaair ! !"

    More silence on Derrick's end - and then Victoria says:   "OK, I'll call you tomorrow" 


    LOL.  Purely perfect Slowpoke.

  3. Frankie is just doing his thing like you and me and all the other crazy people in this world.  It's not that big a deal, really.  Who is to say?  He is so much less harmful to the environment than a bunch of past and present big brother house guests I deign to divulge.


    She is his little sister, for chrissakes.  Let him enjoy a little of the glamour and be proud of her.  We all know he would adore being her but he won't.  Can't.  

  4. I won't vote because I didn't have a real favorite.  If I did vote, I would probably vote for donny because I think that I said I would prior to this.  I think that they should do away with america voting because people seem to just get all freaked about voting blocs, etc.....and what's the point, really, if you have more than one vote?  It's all silly; unless you win, of course, then I guess it isn't silly at all.


    Anyway.  No vote from me.  Don't care.

  5. I would not take cody.  I would take victoria.  They could toss either out the door now as far as I am concerned.  Both worthless except as pancho sanza to derrick.  I think that maybe I am getting too old or something for this stuff.  Just get it over with already.  Big Brother is a couple of weeks too long.  They should do a couple of shows devoted to:


    1.  Life in the jury house

    2.  Whatever happened to?

  6. I didn't like derrick.  Not sure why.  I didn't want him to fare well but clearly he outplayed them all and nothing else need be said about that other than he played a pretty clean game of it and so I hope that he takes the 500K.  As for the F2, I don't really care.  Both cody and victoria were essential to derrick's game and since it came to them, then the choice should be derrick's.

  7. I won't give a moment's thought to frankie or his sister once big brother is over.  Neither has or will affect my life.  I didn't know either of them when season 16 started and won't know either of them other than by sight when it ends.  Frankie didn't bother me all that much.   Season 16 itself bothered me.  What a boring piece of chit it turned out to be.

  8. Oh, I am not saying Cody will do it or even think about it. I really think he will be loyal. But if it was me...it would be a done deal.


    It is interesting to me that the guys think that they can beat Derrick (Frankie, Caleb) or have a chance against him (Cody), while the people in the jury clearly see Derrick as the best player in the game and the person who was the person calling the shots. It was interesting that at the same time Caleb was saying that Derrick was weak, Nicole was comparing him to Dan. Why doesn't any of the guys see the same thing they jury sees?


    They are pretty stupid people.  Derrick did a good job of it but it wasn't all that difficult, truth be told.  He scoped it and them out early.  He recognized their strengths and weaknesses and acted accordingly.  Derrick is smarter than them.  For sure.  His only competition was gerberadaisy's favorite man in the world; Donny.   :cowboy:

  9. I do think it is unfair that Frankie is allowed to be in the running for AFP. But that is not because of his sister. Knowing the way social media is, I don't think BB should allow any HG with 10,000 or more followers to compete for AFP. It just puts everyone else at a real disadvantage. Returning players should also be barred because they have already had at least one season to build a fan base versus a newbie. JMHO. 


    Your points make sense considering contemporary communication media.  I agree with gerberadaisy that the whole thing should just be chit-canned.  Problem solved.  It just doesn't matter all that much to me.  

  10. I thought that caleb got a chitty deal on the internet and here when season 16 first started.  People dissed him right and left.  Or, as marty would say, they threw some serious shade   :devilish:   I grew to like him and find him harmless.  I think that he will be surprised that a bunch of guys weren't exactly what they appeared to be - or something - but I think that it might prepare him for a bigger step on down the road.  He wil likely just smile about it.  He might also grow a bit and realize that those tall tales aren't necessary; especially in his case.


    I wish the man well and would rather him win than derrick, truth be told.



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