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Everything posted by Slimcruz

  1. I tend to believe that Frank and Willie would have made for an interesting BB14 alliance and game had the coach twist not been introduced. Sorely unneeded, imo.
  2. I am a Dixie Darling who has pretty much traveled the world. I can tell you that the good old boy network is not endemic to the southern states of the United States. I've seen its face on the Ile St-Louis and in the narrow streets of Skopje. I know not of the Hantz family other than that face portrayed on television. Far be it from me to denigrate an entire family due to the actions of a few members. Free Willie. Probably not. That, and a glad hello to one of my fave posters, Felonious Monk.
  3. I am disappointed that you became a part of this mess, Dan. I always considered you one of the classier houseguests. What were you thinking, bud?
  4. I don't care about Chilltown, Boogie, Dr. Will, Jessie, Rachel, Jordan, Jeff, Britney, Lane, Evil Dick and his daughter, etc.........Big Brother has foisted those tired-ass people on us ad infinitum and I say ENOUGH, ALREADY! FInd some interesting people to whom we can make a first acquaintance and learn to love or hate. Entertain me with the Big Brother I came to love in the first place.. The deathly-ill hybrid you've got going is dying on the vine.
  5. Ed knew who and who not to mess with, LenRay. Dontcha agree? LOL
  6. ↑ Oh My! Is this woman the one with the tanning business?
  7. I am still unsure why they think Britney is qualified to coach.
  8. I think that production (and ALL of the coaches since that is part of a coach's general responsibility) could have and should have defused the situation considering that (in line with some of your thoughts) they brought Willie on board because of who he was and the overall Hantz reputation for controversy. I think the situation was blown out of proportion and I think that Willie's continued presence would have made BB14 more interesting or frankly, interesting. It is barely interesting to me at this point. It is patently clear to me that online interest in BB has declined. I don't attribute the decline to Willie's situation specifically but BB surely doesn't need any missteps. In my opinion, they need to move away from bringing former HG's back so much. I do not find Janelle, Dan, Mike Boogie or Britney all that interesting in the first place.
  9. I am surprised that Dan involved himself with Big Brother again.
  10. I was a Janelle fan but she had two chances to win and didn't so the bloom fell-off that rose for me. That, and I'm not at all certain what she and the other coaches are playing-for in BB14; if anything at all other than self-gratification, so I question why she is even there.
  11. I see little similarity between Willie and Russell. Russell played an amazing first-season Survivor up to not being able to salvage the obvious and win. I didn't like him but was in awe of his ability to manipulate more than once. That, and finding all those idols. Jeez. Anyway, Willie didn't remind me of Russell at all and the fact that he morphed to a state of concussive defeat so early in the game reinforces that feeling for me. The other Hantz, the religious Hantz; was the scary one for me. I would have preferred that Willie stay in the game. BB14 is lackluster, at best.
  12. Frank seems to be doing okay from where I watch.
  13. I have to try and remember why I like this guy.
  14. I fail to understand, still, why so many people revered Britney during her season. Being funny does not a BB winner make; necessarily. Do they pay her extra for being funny? She was and is, whiny-whiny.
  15. Like Joe or dislike Joe, somebody needs to tell him that he looks like a fool in that chef's jacket.



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