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Everything posted by ZuZuMamou

  1. 6:17 PM BBT Shane worried that Frank will leave the room and go tell everyone downstairs that he made a deal. Janelle and Wil talking in lounge. Joe comes in and asks what happens if he wins veto from them? Janelle says that Frank will win veto for them. Joe couldn't even get a sense of what "they" are planning. Brit and Shane want to get into Danielle's head. Shane flirts with her a bit but he doesn't really know her. Frank is close with her. They suggest Frank figure her out. "She's really grateful for last week." he says. Frank telling Shane to start thinking final 2 not just the week ahead. They guess who Joe will pick if he gets the POV chip that let's him pick who to play - Danielle? Ashley? Frank admits that he gets along with Janelle but he knows she's thrown him under the bus. He only trusts her as far as he can throw her.
  2. 6:09 PM BBT Frank does not want to go on the block. Brit keeps saying that she doesn't want to put Ashley up. Frank pointing out that Boogie might get upset about this plan. He can't control him. Frank promising he'll vote their way. Brit pointing out that she knows he doesn't want to go on the block but a) it guarantees he'll play for the veto and they want him to play for the veto. Shane is planning on winning in the POV so their plan works. Worst case scenario says Shane we put up you and Joe and you come down and it's Joe and Ashley and we get rid of Ashley. "It's stupid to get rid of Danielle, she's playing all alone." Brit says "What if we put up Ian and Joe?" Frank says even with that there's a risk. He thinks it should be Ashley and Joe. Shane says that people are expecting him to put Frank on the block. "One good thing about putting Ash and Joe up is that one of them goes home for sure then you end up with me, Ian and Jenn competing against each other." Frank says. Ash has come in the room to talk, Danielle has come in the room to talk and they've both been turned away.
  3. 6:04 PM BBT Janelle will say anything to keep Joe safe. He said they'll know something is up if they don't put him on the block. He'll be honourable about it. In the other room Frank is saying that he'll play ball either way. He's just trying to stay off the hot seat as much as he can. Odds are he'll play in the POV anyways, what with it being houseguests choice. "OMG that could burn us so bad!" Britney says. Frank says he doesn't care about making it known he's switched sides. Brit says that Shane is in a bad situation this week and he'll have to cut a deal this week. They don't know that we cut a deal last week. We aren't going to cut a deal with Janelle's team (this week) the deal is already done. Frank pointing out that Joe plays the game that he's against Shane. Brit reminds him to consider who is always his best friend when he has power. Joe is making dinner. A little more loudly than usual.
  4. 6:00 PM BBT Ian and Boogie talking in HOH Janelle and Joe talking. "I'll do anything to keep my players safe." Jani says. Joe says he'll work with them, he guesses. Joe sounds irritated. Jani says Shane is a physical threat but he's loyal. Jenn is a wild card, Frank is a wild card. Joe saying anyone could beat Frank in a vote in the final. "We'll have to deal with him later." Janelle says she doesn't really seem to agree with Joe's assessment of Frank. Janelle hopes that Joe wasn't upset with her, she really wanted to put it out there that she really wanted to work with them. She thinks they are more open to working with them than Boogie. Janelle really hoping that Joe isn't mad at her, she just did what the HOH wanted.
  5. 11:53 AM BBT Wil wonders if Jodi will be silent revenge on the house as a twist. Jani hopes if the coaches go in something changes because they will get picked off one by one. Wil's biggest pet peeve is people that don't take responsibility for their actions. Shane's biggest mistake was not voting with them the first week. They wanted to work with them. He will tell Shane that they had no choice but to get off the sinking ship (team Brit) and they tried to extend an olive branch. 11:58 PM BBT "Fuck her says Wil. talking about Brit and how he tried to talk to her this morning and she just ignored him and gave him a snotty look. Jani says she can't believe how negative Brit is. Thinks she was a mean girl in High School and that Brit's know it all attitude is annoying. "Exactly," says Wil "Don't tell someone who just had a baby how to give birth. "
  6. 11:49 PM BBT In the lounge with Janelle, Wil runs out of the room then back in and apologizes. "I'm so sorry Jani, I tooted! I'm going to keep laughing" he says.
  7. 11:39 AM BBT Joe made food. Shane talks about his CD it doesn't have "Apple Bottom Jeans" on it. Mike flipping through bible pages as everyone talks about the Eminem CD with Love the way you lie on it. They all agree the woman that sang on the CD should have her own album by now. Jenn tells them about that singer and her background.
  8. 11:36 AM BBT Boogie and Brit talking about life outside the house. They joke about outdoing each other with Christmas cards. Janelle and Ian sitting at KT table. She couldn't look more bored as he talks. It is constant WBRB after flashes of the house.
  9. 11:23 AM BBT Britney and Joe both telling wedding/hotel stories that they think is funny that no one is really laughing at. Wil telling how his parents wedding had a spiked (not with alcohol) punch bowl and they had some serious freak outs. WBRB.
  10. 11:14 AM BBT Brit also tells us that Enzo would eat in the refrigerator all the time. He'd take bites of stuff when the door was blocking the camera. Joe thinks he's alowed a hot shower right now. He goes into washroom area and knocks on WC door "You going number 1 or number 2?" he calls out to the occupant "Oh, sorry" he says to whatever they responded. We can't hear over the whine of Danielle's hairdryer. Brit has been having lots of dreams where she can't breathe. She is swimming and breathing in water and can't make it to the top. [Kind of like your team huh?- ZuZu] Frank says "Okay I've got to be honest with you I've been holding a pillow over you at night but I just can't do it." they all laugh.
  11. 11:13 AM BBT Dan asks Ian what the record for being a Have Not is. He thinks some people have gone 3 weeks but not straight. "At least I'll have something" he laughs. Brit says Enzo was a "Have Not" for 3 weeks but not in a row "But let's face it," she says "He cheated the whole time." we get WBRB.
  12. 11:06 AM BBT Most of the HGs have a rousing discussion regarding various diets (low carb, no carb etc) in the LR. Danielle getting out of the shower. Wil lets us know that he no longer bothers to put on shorts or pants on when going to the WC at night. Shane agrees. "I can't be bothered, I just go in my boxer briefs." Mike and Brit discuss how Sweet Caroline would be a good wake up song. They sing a bit. We get WBRB. Ian wakes up - thanks everyone for the pillows his have not bed was better. He can't remember if he is allowed a hot shower or not.
  13. 4:19 PM BBT Trivia [Probably will be until the show]
  14. 5:52 PM BBT Everyone eating - general chit chat.
  15. 5:44 PM BBT Dinner time in the BB House. It's Taco Wednesday.
  16. 5:32 PM BBT Ashley joins the chess game. Frank yells downstairs after hearing he's been cast as a trapeze artist in the circus Mike and Dan are planning. In the lounge Jenn and Danielle are bonding.
  17. 5:23 PM BBT Frank tells Janelle that JoJo told him that someone went through his bag. Jani laughs "What? That's totally ridiculous." Janelle asks Frank if he stil believes the coaches are going to come back in the game. "I don't" he shakes his head. "Why are you changing your mind?" he asks her "No, I'm still ok." she says. Frank says that if that's the twist then Mike and Dan are going up. Dan is too likeable. Janelle asks if he'd be scared trying to do that? "Of course I'd be scared but I'd talk people into it. Hell I'll talk them into putting you up when it comes down to it." "You'd put me up?" Janelle asks "Yes, if the coaches are in the game I'm trying to take all 4 of you out as soon as possible." he tells her. He promises not to take her out first but says he's not going to let a coach beat him.
  18. 5:19 PM BBT Mike now casting his people in a war. Danielle would be a foot shoulder, Joe a General, JoJo a sniper, Ian, well Dan or Mike wouldn't put him on explosives but he might know the science of it. Put him on weapons. Danielle catches on "Isn't a foot solider the lowest person on the totem pole?" Oh no, says Mike. Jenn is the kamikaze pilot. 5:22 PM BBT Frank and Jani playing chess. Mike tells JoJo she was cast as a sniper.
  19. 5:13 PM BBT Dan and Mike sitting in the 'hot seats' in the LR holding court with JoJo and Frank. Brit doing her nails at KT table as Joe continues to make dinner. Wil looks like he hasn't hit the shower yet. General chit chat, nothing exciting going on. 5:15 PM BBT Britney mentions a cat burgler and we get fish. Everyone is bored. Dan and Mike just announced that Jenn is the resident DJ in their Geisha House. Dan suggests maybe dueling pianos. "Those are actually always a hit." Jen tells him. Brit and Jani are going to do multiple roles. Cocktail waitresses and Hostesses.
  20. 5:03 PM BBT Shane oiling himself up in the bathroom. Ash in the shower. Wil heading to shower because he stinks. Jenn sitting at KT counter and Danielle arrives and hugs her. Joe making slop tacos.
  21. 4:58 PM BBT Wil explains gay marriage to the patio crowd. If he gets married in NY and then goes to Alabama he is no longer married. The group now talking about name changes when you get married. JoJo talking to Joe in the KT. Looks like IDL called at 5:00 PM BBT
  22. 4:52 PM BBT Brit and Dani talking about how their families don't really drink so there was no alcohol at their wedding. Dan had Johnny Walker at his wedding. Brit asks if he ever had Johnny Walker Blue. "Once at a ST. Mary's grad party. You know how when alcohol gets so expensive and you taste it and you can't tell the difference? That was it." he tells us. Inside Ash in a black bikini is talking to Joe as he makes dinner and suddenly we have the fish.
  23. 4:39 PM BBT Joe making dinner in KT. Boogie wakes up from the nap he was taking in HOH room (on couch) and joins Frank and JoJo on the bed. She's trying to convince him to trust her over Joe.
  24. 4:32 PM BBT JoJo admits she makes a mistake, says she trusted Willie but it was a mistake, it was week one. Everything is in Frank's hands. He points out that all the other players weren't banding together with those players.... and JoJo cuts him off telling him how she likes him and how she likes Ashley and how Ash has a big heart. Asks if he'll consider working with her and Shane. "I don't, I don't, I don't wanna think about that right now." he gets out. 4:35 PM BBT Out on the patio Wil starts telling a story about a bitch he moved in with which he knew but he didn't know she was a physical psycho bitch. Which gets us a WBRB while JoJo continues her plea to Frank to keep her and to work with her and Shane.
  25. 4:27 PM BBT JoJo says that people are trying to turn her into a villain and that's not true. She tells Frank she heard that she was trying to sabotage him but that's not how she's in. She's straight up. Frank hasn't heard that rumour. She knows that "you guys" are working together (Frank and Danielle) and she and Shane are working together and while they are playing with their coaches they aren't really playing with their coaches. She's staying with Shane because she feels he's really loyal, he's proven his loyalty. "Absolutely." nods Frank. [Wondering how long it will take JoJo to realize Frank hasn't said anything but Yeah and Absolutely since she started talking. - ZuZu]



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