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Posts posted by MadMarty

  1. They really need to make the HGs do more for their food. I got rid of the live feeds years ago, because all they would do is lie around and basicly do nothing. Make them do something every day for the food, the winners get good food, the losers get crappy food. Slop has got to go.

  2. A few years back, Yana and I had ED on my radio show. We had him on for 2 friggan hours, it was a blast!! I had the show posted here on Morty's for a year, needed space on the server and deleted it. Even Morty was on the show with us!! Maybe I can did it back up and upload it to the server again. It was on the season that Jorden won, his comments about her were just friggan' funny!!! If you guys want me to post it again, let me know.

  3. As long as CBS keeps giving these two misfits TV time (now they are going to be on TAR...groan) they will stay together. I say put Brendon back in the lab and Rachel back in the Casino, no publicity (positive or negative), no paid interviews...just regular people!! Brendon will get married to some lab rat he shares beakers with and Rachel will go back to Vegas and hustle men for $200 bottles of champagne...after all what belongs in the lab to cure cancer stays in the lab and what belongs in Vegas should have stayed there in the first place.

    Sad to say but I give Rachel a year before she's broke and divorced/seperated.

    I totally agree, but I have a feeling they are going to be reality stars bouncing from show to show!!

  4. Precisely. And I'm sorry, but the attacks on her looks and/or sexuality/sexual preference are getting old and tired as well. People can say whatever they want about Shelly and it's "ok," but insult Jordan and see how quickly people go all batshit...

    That's because Jordo is a sweet little thing that wouldn't hurt a fly, and Shelly has a bumper sticker on her gas guzzling SUV that says My other car is a broom!!!

    LOL, Sorry!!!



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