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Posts posted by MadMarty

  1. Like I said to slim, an occasional jab or swipe at a HG adds a little spice to this place but only when it is either interestingly informational or playfully done... The swipes that add no value to the discussion and are essentially nothing more than mean,,, well, those are the ones that I am talking about....


    Sorry Monk, I disagree. These people put themselves into the public spotlight 24/7. They are our hamsters to praise and abuse as we see fit! So far I only have 3 things against Elissa. One, they knew she would get MVP every week. Two, she hasn't done squat to play the game. Three, she's the red headed harpies sister.

    On the positive, everytime I see her it does look like she is making a duckface and that makes me smile!!!

  2. OMFG!! For as long as I have been here we have bashed HGs!! It's our way of armchair quarterbacking BB!! Just look back in the archives, there have always been a handfull of HGs they we loved picking on.

    I have to admit, Elissa if NOT one of my faves and does have a duckface!! Monk, sorry man, deal with it!!

    That one reason I really love reading this forum, the users aren't afraid to pick apart HGs!!!

    If I have offended anyone, sorry... Just speaking my mind!!

    PS, Hey Marty... Should we start shooting little duckies over the back fence?

  3. If we don't entertain ourselves, no one else will.

    The HG's aren't entertaining us at all... Is it just me or does this season really SUCK?

    Someone mentioned it earlier, I'm finding redneck island way more entertaining than this season of BB.

  4. Been out of town and not keeping up with the feeds (work keeps getting in the way). I really hope she goes. This getting MVP given to her every week is just BORING, and the thought of her getting it every week until she leaves just gets on my nerves... She deserves it why? Because she is the harpies sister? Please...



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