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Posts posted by myss911

  1. well he is a football coach isn't he? they have to come up with plays and be one step ahead of the other coach and team right? they live and breathe the job always thinking ahead, and thinking about every scenerio, always strategizing. the great ones anyway. its a perfect game for him. I also would like to read his book.

    Perfect way to put it!!!!! LOL! I can think in football strategy! He did awesome in his picks!

  2. I seriously can't wait to see the comp they did (POV) that thrashed their hands & fingers so badly!!!! Must have been insane! I know that they mentioned something with ropes & such, but they way they have them bandaged (as most of us would brace & wrap for a break) it must have been an seriously rough comp!!!! Chelsea - Dan's wife - even tweeted today "What happened to Dan's fingers???????"

  3. See, we can get along. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    My first "What the heck" moment was when the coaches picked the teams and Dan picked all females. When I thought about it I figured it was because the other "teams" wouldn't consider Dan's team a threat and go after the teams with the strong male players. With an eviction right off the bat, it kind of ruined Dan's plan but he's adapted pretty well.

    I remember after he had picked his team & Brit was talking to everyone (at different times) asking "Why did he do that? What was he thinking" and Janie would say "He really wasn't thinking!" He is a smart guy... I might just have to buy his book so I can pick inside his devious mind! LOL!

  4. Here is one of them


    It is quite stunning (In my opinion) there is another one that I saw too that was beautiful... I think she is a beautiful girl (especially her hair) but her lies (that were not needed for any game play advancement), he neediness & need of continual "me me me", her making up lies about Shane (as worthless as a player that he is) because he was not reciprocating her advancements turned me completely anti-danielle & put her to psychopath in my eyes... but the girl does take an amazing picture!

  5. Yes, he is brilliant. Everything he's done has worked on these houseguests. I don't think it would've work on different ones, but you can only play against who they put in the house.

    RIGHT!?!?!? My first "What the heck" moment is right after the "Funeral of Dan" when he got Frank to team up with him.... he is playing hard & well since the game has actually started getting serious... I'm not sure if I remember correctly but in past seasons hadn't the game-play started up about a third of the way in? The last two and a half weeks have been intense.

  6. Shane Britney and Ian were voting Dan out. He was a dead man walking until his funeral. If you watch Dan on the feeds he is masterful the way he works people.

    Week one as a Coach Dan had lost Jody and Kara. He was down to one player. I think he has done pretty well to come this far. People were told over and over and over how dangerous Dan was. Britney gave warnings to everyone before she left Dan had Boogie and Frank talking hate on Dan every other word. He really has has not had any real allies..... and now he is in the final 4.

    He is brilliant!!!!! I am stunned at how he gets himself out the jams....

  7. Now, Danielle was doing a shoot once in a large white t-shirt and a camera-man got a spray bottle and started spraying down her t-shirt so it was see through. This was responsible for one of her best pictures ever. Also the cameraman apparently doesn't have to get permission to do this and when Dan asked what magazine this was for she replied "oh you know that one modeling magazine thing."

    LOL! That was funny! And if you look at the picture (which is beautiful) she is near a body of water... a waterfall even... doubtful there was even a hose involved... LOL

  8. I don't know what's going on with the whole breast cancer thing (I didn't see it on the feeds), but I have a question regarding the "lies" she's told about her father. How does everyone seem so sure she's lying? Even if her friends or people she's close to in real life have said it's not true, I have had similar problems with my own father but if you ask pretty much anyone who knows me and my family in real life they have no idea.

    I'm not saying she's not lying, I don't know if she is, I'm just wondering how everyone "knows" she's lying.

    The proof of her lying is where her 'supposed' boyfriend wend public & also retracted his waiver due to things she has said... multiple interviews with ex sorority sisters, ex friends, people that WERE friends but now aren't, her PARENTS etc... coming out in waves to deny things she has said... Much of what she has claimed can be disproved by doing research online... ie: her nursing degree, relationships, and much more... This isn't a bunch of people banding together to pick on poor Danielle... she needs some serious help...

    We have got to start keeping track of these stories. The breast cancer story didn't seem to be holding Dan's attention so now she is discussing her modeling career. In fact, she was the subject of an article on how to be a model. Who knew?

    I've seen the pictures of her modeling & she does indeed look quite stunning in them... go to google & look at images but the weird thing is that the page that they are on has been removed... but the pics are in images.

  9. Where did I state that I said that you wished physical harm on her?

    "She has no intent on hurting anyone whereas some of the people outside the house want to inflct harm on her."

    She may not be malice in what she says, but toying with people and their emotions ie: pity party of one... is disgusting when it is lies lies & more lies & actual people are indeed suffering from the fictitious maladies that she proclaims to have. Shame on her.

  10. Actually what is repulsive is the way people on here act towards the houseguests. I'm not saying she isn't delusional, I don't know, but the things that she says in the house are not said with any malice. She has no intent on hurting anyone whereas some of the people outside the house want to inflct harm on her.

    I find that more repulsive than anything she or any houseguest has done.

    Flame away.

    I am more than justified in my dislike of this creature. She is bold face lying abut having cancer/masses. I have not stated ANYWHERE where I wish bodily harm on anyone... what I do wish is a smack of reality when she gets back in the real world... where she has to face up to all of the lies she has continually spewed from "My parents tried to sell me to gypsies in Europe" to "I am a CRNP" to "I was in a car accident and my friend died" to "My parents abused me" to "My mom was an Olympic swimmer"... the list goes on and on and on.... I UNDERSTAND that BB is full of lies and deception... but I have never, in all of my years, come across anyone as close to being a pathological liar as this individual. EVERY thing that she has lied about has brought the 'supposed participants' to go public & dispute her claims. Individuals have even RETRACTED the waivers they signed so that she was not allowed to mention them on any for of media, whether it is the live show, love feeds or Showtime After Dark. Do not read too much into a "Smack in the face with reality" it is merely a figure of speech... I get disgusted with the individuals that have made death threats on past HG's, their families & loved ones... I am repulsed at the individuals that would try to get a HG fired from a job.... I would never do that.

    I have never said that I want to inflict pain upon her. I want her to get psych help. She is SICK in the head. You just don't start talking about stuff like radiation and chemo like she is. Now I'm beginning to wonder if she's really a nurse or maybe she missed the days when they discussed cancer treatments. Radiation and chemo are not for people that don't have cancer. She says she doesn't have cancer, just a mass. But then goes on to talk about treatments that she has had or would have...... I'm pissed off because I have had cancer. Family members have died from cancer. Friends have or have had cancer. I waiting to find out if the tests from my hysterectomy show that I have more cancer. This is not something that one should talk about the way she is talking about it. I'm pissed. Would I hurt her? No she's not worth the effort. In fact I want her to get some help.

    I agree.... no one has wished harm on anyone... what was written was read out of context & not read clearly.... she needs serious psychological help, therapy, treatment.... a serious does of reality. ANYONE that is facing the battle, has faced the battle or has fought along in the battle with cancer would feel exactly as we do... I felt disgusted beyond belief that Matt played the "My wife is sick" card too... I was repulsed! Life is precious... and it is maddening when one has to fight so hard to maintain it....

  11. I am so sorry that you are battling cancer. :hug: I know how you feel.... I just went on a 15 minute rant to my mother about this. I couldn't stand her to begin with but now? I can not begin to tell you how angry I am about this delusional person. :mad1: :mad1:

    It is repulsive. I hope that **** is out on her a$$ asap & it smacked in the face with reality when she gets back to the 'real world".... she just claimed that she is a CRNP. She is FULL OF POOP!

  12. This girl is PSYCHO! The lies NEVER stop... she is recanting a 'story' that was in the news and magazines and she is saying that it was her family! NOT saying that the articles were about them but the story and relating the events to her parents. I remember this story very well... and it was NOT her family!... She needs some serious psychological help.....

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dan just caught her in a lie!!!!!!!! Too funny! BUT I must admit that she covered her track VERY well.... she is a pro...

  13. What is the format like on these foreign BBs? I heard the HGs don't evict each other, they are evicted by public vote like in BB1? Doesn't seem like there would be much strategy to that other than being Mr/Mrs Popular.

    The housemates have to nominate two players each week... sometimes players can get an immunity by completely a secret mission or something like that. The housemates with the most nominations go up, there could be minimum o two people up or 10.... just depends on the nominations. The PUBLIC vote on who to save. What is cool about the format is that the housemates have to do tasks to EARN their food budget... they can earn a luxury budget or an economy budget... it is funny when someone sabotages the shopping list. This season a girl sabotaged the list and ordered all chocolate items! One year a guy ordered all bananas... it is hilarious! They have tasks daily that BB sets for them to earn parties or a group dinner or special rewards... it is just so fun & energetic... none of this sleeping all day, no one ever complains that they are bored because BB keeps them busy with activities... they have elaborate tasks to silly ones but they are ALWAYS entertaining!!!! It is just awesome!



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