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Posts posted by myss911

  1. whose side is Ian really in? How come he is so loyal to Brit?

    He is loyal to Brit because she has been really good with him... when he starts stimming from his tourettes she is always there to ease him & differ his mind to other things. She knows when he is having an intense stim or a narrow stim & helps calm him....

  2. He might have meant that Jenn is 100% with Frank and Joe isn't loyal to anyone. I totally agree with you about her though.

    He said "Jenn really isn't a floater like Joe is"... It was kind of humorous, as there have been times I've forgotten she was even in the house! LOL! Quite possibly in the running for 'biggest waste of space in the Big Brother House"... And when they DO show her, she is eating, which in itself is repulsive to view....

  3. I do remember that Joe in the first weeks of the show said he wanted Ian gone. I think there is just a mutual dislike.

    Oh ok. A dislike is one thing but wow! Ian just goes nutso when he talks about Joe.... I didn't know if there had been a big altercation or something. When he & Funk were talking, they were saying they do not want a floater to win & then Jenn & Joes names were brought up... and Ian said "Well Jenn really isn't a floater" That kinda shocked me, I know neither has won anything BUT Joe does partake in activities... cooking, playing pool, playing in the pool, poker, etc... jenn however has not done a darn thing, is a slob, absolutely nada, zip, zilch, zero... was just a weird comment so I was wondering if I had missed something...

  4. OK I've never missed a show, & I have the feeds on 24:7 BUT somehow I have missed WHY Ian HATES Joe with a passion. Does anyone know why???? I mean the hatred is just weird. Also I find it fascinating on how HUGE the difference Ian talks when he is in the presence of Funk, in the presence of Brit & then how completely 360* when he talks with Dan.

  5. Just thought of another plan to save all the QP.

    What if the QP goes up to Frank and has a meeting with him... just the 6 of them. They break the news as to what has been going on, Ian being a member of the alliance Quack Pack, Ian is the one that outed Boogie's plan to go after Britney/Shane and the decision to put F/A up during Ian's HoH was a group decision, etc.

    Here's where there is a "twist" to the story. They tell him the reason they've ALL been going after Frank is because they wanted Ian to have him coach with him just like D/D and B/S. That didn't work out but, they are more than happy to have the F6 be them. Each duo would have a strong physcial play and they could coast the next 2 weeks getting rid of Joe and Jenn and then just bang it out amongst the 6 of them to the end.


    I like the way you think! But I doubt they are all bright enough to think like that. Frank will not get over his obsession of Dan...

  6. Frank would be dumb to leave Shane in the game. He's the only one who can come close to matching Frank in physical comps. That said Frank needs teammates who can protect him when he can't play for HOH so it does make some sense to keep him another week or two.

    I completely agree, though I want frank out before Shane... but everyone is one the "Frank wins so many comps train" Well of course he does... LOOK at the people he plays against! Joe - (Whom I like) can't win a comp, Ashley was utterly pathetic, Dan - throws comps, Brit, Danielle & Shane haven't gotten picked to play in many of the comps frank played in, Jenn - Who??? So OF COURSE he wins comps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Does anyone know what Ian gave the Booger when he was leaving on Thursday???? Ian handed MB something and he, MB, put it inside his coat pocket.

    Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen any mention of it... I just hope the kid didn't give the freak the $3K he got a few seeks ago...


    He gave Boogie a pair of sunglasses.... he has many pairs of the faux RayBans... he gave him a pair...

  8. I'm with the majority in that I can't stand this guy. Everything about him drives me nuts. It's going to be hard for me to watch the feeds this week with him being HOH AGAIN. I wholeheartedly disagree with those who say "he's been targeted since day one and yet he's still here, he totally deserves it!" Let's not forget that the only reason he's still here is because the producers came to his rescue in the most blatant rigging of the game to date on the reset night. There's no reason in the world why they couldn't have done the reset AFTER they sent him home.

    Where does he get off acting like he's morally superior to Dan? Wasn't he going to back stab him just a week and a half ago if booger didn't talk him out of it? Even if Dan WERE the one who ratted him out to Shane and Britney, wouldn't he have every reason to do so? It makes me laugh to watch him talk about how much he thinks America loves him and hates Dan. It will be a rude awakening when he sees what a fool he's made of himself.

    Well said! BRAVO!!!!! :hurray:

  9. Well I was going to the store but with this Trivia.... I think I will do my shopping later or tomorrow.

    OK it is official we are bad! I was just scrubbing the toilet, & cleaning the bathroom while talking to my boyfriend on the phone and he said "Damn honey you are getting out of breath" I told him "Honey this is something you have to deal with... Big Brother is on... s*** doesn't get done, so when Trivia or Fish are on I have to go gang buster on the chores" His response "Ummmmmmmm this only comes on once a year right?" LOL!

  10. I'm right there with you

    I keep taking the headphones off because I can't stand Franks self righteous attitude.

    HAHAHAHAHA Me too! Preesh! Caash! Son! Bubba! "On the rag" - I don't know what HE THINKS that means.... but out here all of us girls know what it means!

  11. Franks's obsession with Boogie and his obsession with Dan drives me nuts.

    I agree... his delusional & misguided hatred is disgusting..... He is disgusting, the farting, no deodorant, belittling, bullying, pompous, degrading, "Yo yo yo bubba" fool.... Of COURSE he is winning comps! LOOK what kind of people he has been playing against!

    I liked him in the beginning UNTIL he was a Booger shadow... and he opened his mouth...



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