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Posts posted by gwennylou

  1. 9 pm bbt Nick and Judd talk about the schedule. Aaryn complans about how hard it is to be HoH and nominate people and feeling bad about ending someone's game. She doesn't respect people who are mean in their speeches and doesn't put up people based on game play and not personal vendettas. (-lol. that's hilarious coming from Aaryn).

  2. TNick and McCrae hang out in the lounge. They have to figure out minor details. . Nick says he's so tired of "his side" (meaning Aaryn, Gina Marie, Kaitlyn, Jeremy). McCrae wants to know what's going on with the MVP. Nick says he doesn't care as long as the mvp doesn't put up Jeremy. They say they have the votes still s long as MVp puts up one from their side.

  3. #BB15

    Kaitlyn and Jessie are up in the HoH room talking about how sketchy Howard is and about how much of a psycho Elissa is and does not have normal emotions of a human being. Jessie says there are a lot of people who won't vote Kaitlin or any of them out over Elissa. Kaitlin says she needs a swing vote from Spencer, because she doesn't trust Howard at all. Kaitlin says I have to throw the veto because I can't win and it's unfair because of Elissa. Anyone else and she'd have a fighting chance. Kaitlin says I hope she does put up Jeremy to be honest. She says if she thinks you and Judd are in a showmance, she might target you. Jessie says we are not a showmance, but she'd put up Nick and Gina marie before me and Judd. Jessie says that Elissa would be a witch and put up Jeremy because she hates him. Kaitlin says that Elissa is a lying sack of crap.

  4. 10 pm- 12 am bbt Gina Marie, Elissa, Nick, Spencer, and Judd hang out in the backyard by the hammock. They make fun of Amanda's obsession with talking about her profession. Up in the hoh room Andy, Candice, and Amanda talk about casting and how long they had to stay in hotels before press day and going into the house.

    Amanda Candice and McCrae talk about McCrae's hair. McCrae wants to participate in the penalty pov so he can shave his hair. Hammock crew talk about how horrible the have not diet is. Elissa and Nick talk about healthy and clean soft serve ice cream. Nick is impressed by it. Nick said GNCs protein shakes are good with no artificial crap.

    Gina Marie can't believe people are inside. Nick said especially considering they were on 36 hour lockdown earlier. They are enjoying being outside. Nick tells Spencer he reminds him of his cousins from Indiana. Gina Marie says she has webbed feet.

    Nick, Gina Marie, Judd, Spencer, and Elissa talk about the have not competition. We get intermittent WBRB. This competition had something to do with cans.

    HoH crew talks about past Pandora Boxes. Amanda says the jury house used to be in Cabo San Lucas in Mexico, but after Season 7 and the hurricane they relocated it to California.

    They discuss that Andy and Spencer snore and Aaryn talks in her sleep. Elissa said she never heard anything.

    Amanda, Candice and McCrae talk about how quiet the house is tonight. Talk turns to Mardi Gras and how Candice got peed on from a balcony one year. She said it's not fun at all, no matter what anyone says.

    Gina Marie steps on a piece of glass outside and injured her foot. Aaryn had some miracle cream that will help her heal. She puts it on Gina Marie's foot for her.

    All feeds on backyard, not much going on. Mostly talk about being have nots and how awful the room is.

    Andy and Elissa are making slop. Kaitlin, Amanda, and Elissa talk about how they are all on their periods or starting.

    Helen gets McCrae alone in the hoh room and she says she feels awful that he won because he has to put Elissa up. Amanda goes up and Helen/McCrae cover it up. Helen says she feels like Elissa is going crazy. Amanda stars to bash Elissa.

    Jeremy and David talk in the storage room. Jeremy says we have 9 votes this week and Elissa is gonna go home. Jeremy says Kaitlin, you and me in the final three.

    Kaitlin and Jeremy play fight and they talk about how Kaitlin doesn't like confrontation and drama.

    Amanda and McCrae talk about how David and Jeremy and their girls threatened McCrae if they sent David home. Elissa goes up to use hoh bathroom and Amanda tells her you are for sure staying, just stay quiet. Amanda says you need to go along with us and help us get rid of the strong guys. She says we think you'll get the mvp every week and you can always put up the people we want. Elissa shoutout to Rachel fans to get her the mvp. Amanda says if anything happens that we don't like for you, we're cutting you.

    Jeremy tells Kaitlin that he confronted Aaryn today in the bathroom about being a pot stirrer. He made her cry and felt bad but they are good now. Kaitlin says she's glad they are okay. Jeremy says Kaitlin handled everything well.

    Amanda and McCrae tell Elissa we want you in our alliance an we are keeping you. We need to get rid of those young guys. Elissa says that McCrae is a mature 23 year old but the rest of them are awful. Amanda says we are getting rid of them all and we're going to backdoor Jeremy next week if we can.

    Amanda tells Elissa we're still going to pretend we're sending you home, but we are for sure getting rid of David. We have to break that alliance up.

    Spencer and Nick talk about how their original alliance plan is working and they'll have to talk numbers when it comes time to vote on Wednesday.

    Judd goes up to the HoH room and says we should bring Jessie in on this. McCrae asks if he is serious and Judd laughs. He said Jessie is freaking out. Amanda says good all the more reason to get her the hell out. Amanda says that if things go their way their alliance will be gone right away.

    Kaitlin and Jeremy say they are worried about Jessie exploding. Kaitlin wants to know what happened and why Jessie is being so weird. Jeremy says don't worry about it. She has our votes to stay until she is up against one of our alliance.

    Kaitlin and Jeremy said that the girls and the guys both thought they were playing each other. Kaitlin says she doesn't know about Jess. She likes her, but she doesn't trust her.

    Jeremy and Jessie had a confrontation today in which Jessie gave him the silent treatment and then talked to him later and poured water on his head. He thinks she's a emotional time bomb. David told Kaitlin she was being sketchy about Jessie and Kaitlin said she was fine until Jessie made a huge deal out of it. Kaitlin says she has issues about Kaitlin and Jeremy and that she doesn't trust Jessie.

    Nick tells David his last girlfriend was a shipwreck and he's so disinterested in having a girlfriend and that might make him seem gay, but he doesn't care. He's just not into her at all.

    Nick and David talk about how awkward it was that Nick got asked after 24 hours if he liked Jessie. Nick nipped it in the bud and shut it down because he did not like her like that and she was pushing it.

  5. 803

    Spencer says Henry Cavill is a handsome dude. This is probably the longest conversation about comic book heroes ever in the history of Big Brother.

    807 bbt

    David and Nick play a serious game of chess while Candice sleeps in the hoh room. Gina Marie in the background in the kitchen preparing food and talking about her eating habits before entering the game.

    810 bbt

    Helen lays on the hoh bed with Candice who is sleeping and McCrae who is listening to music. Amanda is on the couch and they talk about their periods. Amanda wants alcohol so badly and for everyone to just hang out and chill for a few hours and have fun.

    815 bbt

    Jessie and Amanda say they hate seeing people talk and want to break up people's conversations. Jessie says no one wants to go up on the block, except Elissa, because she wants to go home. Amanda agrees. Jessie can't believe their house is on a studio lot, because they can hear all the studio noises. She wonders how crazy life is back home for her parents/friends. We get WBRB.

    820 bbt

    Amanda tells Candice that she didn't graduate from college, but she does okay in real estate. She only sells houses under 200k, but hopes this will help her out. Jessie brings up antacids for Amanda's stomach. Amanda throws up. Jessie ask if anyone else got sick. Nick said he vomited and had diarrhea but said he was kidding. Gina Marie and Helen are making dinner for the haves. They have made Chicken Parm. Gina says she makes it a lot, so she's not going to eat a huge piece.

    825 pm

    Aaryn is telling the backyard crew of Spencer, Howard, Judd, McCrae, Jessie, and David about having a scary date/car ride with a guy who wouldn’t let her out and he refused to stop for gas, and broke down twice. She didn’t get home until 7:30 the next morning.


    Aaryn is telling the backyard crew of Spencer, Howard, Judd, McCrae, Jessie, and David about having a scary date/car ride with a guy who wouldn’t let her out and he refused to stop for gas, and broke down twice. She didn’t get home until 7:30 the next morning.

    Candice tells them the story about a slave girl named Chloe who was in love with her slave master. To get in good with him she was going to poison him with a oleander leaf cake, but his kids ate it and died so he killed her and hung her in a tree and now she haunts the estate.

    Jessie and Candice talk about Nicholas Cage's house in the French Quarter in New Orleans about a slaveowner who treated her slaves badly and had a torture chamber for them. It was so bad a slave burned down the house while she was having a party. She kept slaves in closet and holed up in the house. The house is haunted by all the tortured and murdered slaves. And they keep going with ghost stories.

    835 bbt

    Spencer, Elissa, and Judd are in the bathroom. Spencer is taking a shower while Elissa is doing her hair and Judd shaves. Elissa tells Spencer he is really funny and his family is probably loving his behavior. She thinks her family is going "She has the worst game play ever!"

    backyard crew is called inside for dinner. Candice and Jessie thank Gina Marie for making them dinner. She says you're welcome. She says she has to go wake Jeremy up to get some because he wanted it.


    McCrae joins Amanda upstairs and they talk about how great things are working out because the blood is off her hands and if they save her, she'll save them.


    Helen, Candice, Jeremy, and Spencer talk about the live feeds and how weird it is that their parents/family and all of America are watching them right now. Candice doesn't get the point of it because it ruins the show. Spencer says I watched in season 7 and it's different because live feed viewers know all the bs and hear all the whispers and conversations and not how the show is edited. Jeremy said they are really popular because the show is on three days a week.

    Jessie says she feels good about everything and that she made a deal with McCrae to keep him safe next week. McCrae said that Candice didn’t make a deal with him. David says well he told me he wasn’t sending me home. Jessie says it’s fine, Candice will go home and he won’t use the pov.

    David is pissed at Amanda trying to get in his business. The whole house doesn’t need to know his drama with Aaryn. Jessie just wants to go to bed earlier to get to a new day. Dave says it’s more and more stress. We have until next Wednesday. He said the reason they locked us out was for chaos to stir. It's the most stress inducing reality show ever. Survivor they play in teams until the very end.


    Judd tells Howard about the plan for voting out David. Howard agrees with it. They both say they have to tell Candice that day about voting out David so she doesn’t talk to Jessie and Aaryn. Howards says we still have a few days until it goes down. Judd says McCrae would be stupid to not do it.

  6. 7 p.m. – 8 p.m. BBT Elissa tries to campaign to Aaryn about sticking together and how they have a connection. Aaryn said based on what she's heard, she's scared of her. Elissa says I'm in it to win and I want to win, but I want to get the guys out. They are super strong players. Aaryn says she doesn't know, McCrae hasn't said anything to her about his plan, so she doesn't know what she's going to do.

    Aaryn said pull a Dan to stay. Elissa says, "I know I'm going home and I don't even know what I did." Aaryn just shrugs and explains Dan's funeral move to Elissa. She says, you gotta remember people always come back in the game.

    Aaryn tells Elissa that people don't know what Elissa is thinking because she never talks to anyone and everyone thinks it's unfair that Elissa won the mvp and that she will win i t every week and it's not fair to the other players. Aaryn also says she heard that she was going to be the mvp nominee all week until David was chosen. Elissa says people vote for nice girls who are relatable and they both are and it's stupid that they can't get along.

    Elissa tells her that she didn't want MVP and she hates her son seeing her get into fights with other women because she doesn't that. Aaryn says talk to Helen about it.

    Aaryn tells Elissa the only way she'll vote to keep her is if the house does. She refuses to go against them.

    Apparently, Elissa wasn't aware of the rules of the game and made Jessie mad when she told her she wouldn't use pov on her even if she won, because she thought she'd go up. Aaryn tells her no, POV winner is immune to the block. Elissa just shrugs and rolls her eyes. Elissa says that Jessie's mind isn't in the game. She only wants to stay, she doesn't have any plans or goals in mind or even an alliance. Aaryn says I don't think Jessie would say that, because we are really close. Elissa says that if you want to get off the block you offer a deal and she didn't. Aaryn tells her to talk to everyone individually to see where they are at and if they'll keep her. Elissa says that McCrae told her she was going up no matter what when the pov was used.

    Aaryn tells her she's sorry but she's voting with the house (to vote her out) because that's what McCrae wants and because she was told by literally everyone that she would be the mvp nominee by Elissa when it was used and she didn't like being so scared. Elissa looks about ready to snap at her.

    Amanda comes over and tells her it's fine to campaign but she's being annoying about it considering she's not even up yet. Aaryn tries to mediate but Amanda walks away and says they are fine. Lockdown is over and there is cheering.

    Gina Marie takes advantage of the kitchen and makes herself a salad. Elissa says when she gets out of the house she's going to get fat when she gets out of the house, because she's going to enjoy food so much more. Meanwhile, Aaryn is complaining to David in the backyard about being made to cry earlier.

    Aaryn tells David to trust her and she won't screw him over. She tells him to stop listening to other people who say crap about her, because it isn't true. She doesn't trust Jeremy, because he's smart and has said crap about her to David to get him to quit trusting her.

    David says what about your other alliances? Aaryn says we need numbers so that's why I sided with those girls, just like you have your guys. We need them to protect each other.

    Aaryn tells David to get in good with everyone. Be nice and genuine and form relationships not alliances. People will have your back if they like you. She says don't be fake, just get in good with people so that they'll vote your way when you need it.

    David says you keep acting like I'm some sort of jerk, and she says no you're a nice guy I just get sort of crazy. David says, "I know, I've noticed that". She smacks him. She tells him at least whens he was mean to him she had valid points. David just rolls his eyes. Aaryn tells him that she hates being on camera all the time. She doesn't want to be making out or having sex. She wouldn't even cry on television. She went and hid in the photobooth.

    They both admit they have valid points. David needs to remember they are playing a game now and not just hanging out and Aaryn needs to chill out and not be so emotional all the time.

    Aaryn tells David that he has a problem. He's addicted to women. He laughs at that and asked who he flirts with. She said you flirted with the pov host and anyone to win the pov.

    Inside bedroom, Jeremy and who I believe is Kaitlin are napping after the lockdown.

    Andy, Amanda, and Candice are hanging out in the hoh bedroom. Andy says he only wants to win hoh for the music. Amanda asked why they had a lockdown. Candice thought it might be to fix stuff, but the cabinets are still broken. Amanda says if things are missing and they wonder if BB stole anything. McCrae comes up to get Amanda he says he's playing pool with Howard and Andy tells him to beat him.

    Candice tells "CraeCrae" that she's making his bed smell good for him. He smiles and says thank you. Andy laughs and says he should be glad he took a shower so he didn't stink his bed up.

    Helen, Andy, and Candice talk about Amanda sabotaging the food, she cooks because Candice has heartburn after eating her pasta last night, Helen doesn't feel good after eating her souffle today.

    Amanda and Spencer are in the hammock talking about Elissa and whether it's a good idea to keep/send her home this week. They keep going back and forth about it.

    Judd join their conversation. Amanda asks how many people they'd need to get David out. Judd says they'd have the numbers. Amanda says if they could get the numbers she'd vote with them.

    Judd says he likes everyone in the house, but he's not there to make friends, he's there to win and David is too strong.

    Spencer tells them he and Howard are close and he can get Howard to do what he wants. Amanda says if you can 150% get the votes, I will gladly do it. Judd says, okay.

    Amanda says they'll have Candice for sure if McCrae takes her down from pov. Spencer says keeping Candice is smart, because she can keep the target off McCrae, because she's crazy and will explode soon.

    Spencer tries to sell his idea to McCrae about keeping Elissa over David, but to not make any deals with her except for her vote/being safe the next week. Amanda says to let Elissa know that people weren't against her, Spencer is giving a play by play of the new Superman movie to Jessie, Amanda, Howard, McCrae, and Judd.hey were just going with the house, so that she won't target them.

    Judd corners Elissa in the storage room and says that she's going up, but they are not voting her out and to lay low. She says yeah, Amanda that little trouble maker told me that. She said it would be so embarrassing to my sister if I left the first week.

    Amanda checks on her and makes sure they are still okay. The hug and Amanda leaves the sr.

    Judd and Amanda both reassure Elissa she is staying. Elissa says well we can pick off the other sides numbers if this happens. Elissa says Rachel’s fans will be glad that she’ll still be in the game.

    Judd says lay low this week, pretend you’re still going home for the other side but know you’re safe.

  7. 5-6 p.m. bbt Aaryn and David are arguing in the storage room. Aaryn is pissed at David for talking to Elissa and that he is being an idiot and that she's gonna be mad at him when he takes himself off the block and she is his replacement. Aaryn is done laying her bb life on the line. He doesn't get anything. David is stupid for stirring crap up with Elissa and asking her if she is Rachel's sister.

    Gina Marie interrupts them to get bandaids and Aaryn continues to bash him. Meanwhile in the kitchen Amanda and Jessie are at the island eating and throwing out random shoutouts. They both discuss how unfair it is that Elissa has an unfair advantage in the mvp because she is Rachel's sister and has a huge fanbase built in.

    It seems the whole house is discussing Elissa and Rachel. Upstairs in the HoH room they discuss the veto competition and they don't think it is today.

    Andy hopes that if they don't have the competition tonight they can get booze! The have nots whine about not getting to drink booze.

    They continue to bash Elissa and how she probably stayed with Rachel until sequester in VEGAS!!!!

    Jeremy and Amanda hang out in bed. Jeremy hates being called a liar. He tells her, "You do realize David almost won hoh and now he's up."

    Correction that was Kaitlin in bed with Jeremy. Aaryn joins them and they discuss Elissa is lying. She says it's a possibility that Aaryon or Kaitlyn will go up if the veto is used.

    Helen and David are playing chess. David tells her "I feel we get along really well, even though we haven't really talked." Helen tells him "I know." She also says that she thought she and Elissa were friends in the house and now she doesn't know who she can trust. Helen says she really likes him. They are very different but kindred spirits. She thinks he's a very nice person and good guy.

    Candice has joined the bedroom crew. They wonder if they have competitions at night time. Candice used to watch the live feeds and wondered why people never had shoes on in the house and now she understands. they are all convinced that Elissa is mvp and wonder who she will nominate. Kaitlin wants to confront her and be a huge brat.

    The houseguests talk about diary room session and production and we get WBRB. More drama going on. Elissa has apparently gotten into fights with Aaryn and Kaitlin already and both think when pov is played/used they will be replacement nom because she is in McCrae's ear. Jeremy is pissed because Elissa called him a liar and doesn't give a **** what Elissa does/says because she is enemy number one now.

    Helen is giving David a pep talk. She tells him that America loves the underdog and guys who are down for the count and come back strong, just show America how nice and cool you are and they will love you. They discuss how weird chess is. Helen says the BB winner is the one who can succeed under intense pressure. It's not about being smart or being athletic or social, just don't crack. If you don't crack you are halfway there.

    Nick and Andy talk about eating three slop meals a day and how full they feel after it. Nick said he made the biggest slop pancake today. He wants to work out really bad, like a real work out.

    Jessie and Nick talk about how taking naps are literally the only thing to do in the house because it's so boring.

    Andy and Nick talk about how Helen is the easiest target in the house because she is the nicest . Gina Marie and Aaryn join the hoh room and jump up and down and scream together. Aaryn and Gina Marie compare heights. Aaryn thinks Jessie has the perfect body for cheering and gymnastics. Jessie said she was a highschool cheerleader.

    Elissa and Amanda are in the kitchen. Elissa is complaining to Amanda about being the MVP and everyone ganging up on her about being Rachel's sister.

  8. Best Houseguest: Janelle with Jeff as a close second. Both funny and easy to like.

    Best Player: Tie between Dr. Will and Dan for me.

    Best Game Move: Dan's funeral or Nakomis' backdooring move.

    Stupidest Game Move: There are so many stupid moments, but Marcellas was probably the stupidest. If you have the pov, you use it.

    Best Season Twist: Honestly, I liked the twist in season 13 that brought the duos back, because it messed with Dani's alliance.

    Worst Season Twist: Season 9 pairs, painful to watch

    Best House Design: Season 11's is the most memorable one to me.

    Best Alliance: I can't decide between Chilltown and The Brigade.

    Worst Alliance: Nerd Herd.

    Craziest Alliance: Dan and Frank. I still to this day, don't understand HOW Dan pulled that one off. What in the heck was Frank thinking?

    Worst HG: Maggot (Maggie) Season 6. I still think she's a psychopath or Daniele S8/13... there is a reason I called her Voldemort and Sauron.

    Best Showmance: Jeff & Jordan

    Most Memorable Moment: Dan's funeral plan working, Chima going crazy, Jessie's memorial after he got evicted, Rachel going and hiding in the tree to cry after losing a comp.

    Biggest Crybaby: Whamber

    Most annoying houseguest: Kalia Season 13

  9. 11:00-12:00 BBT

    Dani and Dan on the couches in the by. Dani doesn't know what her problem with Ian is, and she's not ever mean or sour, but she's just not happy, she is just fed up with Ian. Dan said it's understandable, you've been in a house with him for 72 days. I can't act nice or fake. Dan says that Jordan was like that with Ronnie, and she made fun of him for crying, and how she got fed up with him.

    Dani says she doesn't want to make Ian's last two days miserable, but she doesn't want to talk to him and told him that and he teared up. She doesn't want to hear his crap about the Quack Pack, and that he's just added on to what she and Dan already had in season 3, and we let you think you put it together and you didn't, you were just our contingency plan. Freaking jerk, stealing my coach.

    Danielle goes on a long diatribe about how evil Janelle was and she was over it. She freaking could not stand her, and she hopes boogie saw the dr where Danielle said she wanted to backdoor Janelle, even before they went to her with a deal. Dan said he's glad they (Boogie and Janelle )both went before sequester, because they were with their kids. Dani goes on about being glad she backdoored Janelle.

    Dan and Dani start bashing Boogie's gameplay and being a jerk about Danielle's face and her rear end. She said she's going to attack Boogie at the Finale and call him out and make it super comfortable. Dan said that is a terrible decision, because how will Boogie react? Dan said it doesn't really matter. Dani said, "you just don't say that about a girl" Dan said, "okay, but what does confronting him do?"

    Dani says, "For my peace of mind." Dan said, "If you don't believe it, why does it matter?' Dani said, I want to make sure no one else thinks it. Janelle said such crap about girls and how ugly everyone is, including Michelle from your season. She said stuff about me. Dan said, I don't think she would say that. Dani says, "Janelle says crap about everyone for no reason." Like Brit bashing Rachel level.

    Dan says you cannot win on the internet, so you have to ignore it. Dani says, why can't I go on forums?" Dan said, "the internet is meaner to the girls in the house." He tells Dani how bad Brit got ripped on the feeds for being a jerk. He said they ripped on Jordan even, like looks and irrelevant things. People are brutally mean since they are anonymous.

    Dani thinks if people aren't hating on her and not being rude to her, she isn't doing something right, and they are just jealous of her body and her personality. That's why she's so mad at Janelle for being so mean and witchy to her behind her back, because she was supposedly her friend.

    Dan doesn't agree with that at all, and Dani said because you're a guy, if Chelsea were here, she'd understand. Dan gets an odd look on his face and quickly agrees with Dani. Dani continues to talk about how important it is to confront people who make fun of your looks. Dan says it's not relevant to the game. Dani says for me, it's huge. Janelle deserved to go for treating her poorly.

    Dani says I can't think anyone is ugly, I can see the pretty in everyone, so it's offensive to me when people talk about my looks or anyone else's looks.

    Dani says it's one thing to brag and be boastful about your own looks, but don't attack someone elses looks. It's just not right. It's not your fault that your hair is brown, or you have a big nose. You don't control that.

    Dani brings up Shane's bed, and Dan makes fun of her for wearing his sweatpants for three days straight and that he left his lanyard there, and he's surprised she's not wearing it. She gets heated at him for wearing Shane's sweatpants, not for his memory, because she didn't do laundry. Dan still makes fun of her, and she laughs, but she looks offended. "You're just so happy that you cut him."

    Dani says, "why would you not let me vent, and you went and got Shane's blanket from his bed, and made fun of me for wearing his sweat pants and making fun of me and Shane. You're such a jerk." Dan says, I being Shane's replacement for the people who want their daily dose of showmance. Dani rolls her eyes and huffs at Dan who is smiling.

    Dan is still laughing at Dani who is upset. She changes the topic to flying back to Alabama and how she wants to get back to see her house. Dan says, "you don't want to see your family?" Dani said her family would be there for the finale. Dani reminds him she'll take two weeks off for her surgery. Dan said the only time he made fun of her is in the DR. Dani looks upset about that, and then feeds cut to fish.

    Danielle tells Dan she had surgery on her chest, and two oral surgeries. Dan says, "Why don't you tell the live feeders about your surgery?" Dani says, "I don't want to, because it will be on blast." Dani says, Dani saw her differently after she told him about her surgery. Dan says, "huh?" Danielle says, "you start putting this crap on blast that I have fake boobs." She's getting upset at Dan.

    Dani is pissed at Dan for making it a joke. It doesn't matter, but now Shane is gonna be mad I didn't tell him. Dan said it doesn't matter. She's mad at Dan for putting on blast for the internet that she has fake boobs.

    Dan starts singing a song about Dani's fake boobs called, "Salina, Salina..." Feeds cut with Dani giving Frank the stink eye. Feeds come back with Dan saying that Janelle grossed a lot of money for stuff she wore in the house. Dani says, "that is disgusting, who would want Janelle's used stuff?" Dan said, "I'm gonna sell some stuff after the season."

    Dani says she's not judgmental about what people like because Dan admitted he's still trying to finish his Magic The Gathering deck. She says, okay. Then she bashes Ian for playing Pokemon. Dan says, "that's like you and your obsession with Alabama. Give it up already." She goes on about her degrees and what she's doing in school and how she's great at juggling things.

    Dan says, you should just drop out of Alabama. Dani goes off about how she's an alum and a current student and she's giving them her money, so she has to stay enrolled and she loves it, and she has season tickets to 'Bama football with alumni tickets.

    Dan makes fun of Shane's "Bieber" haircut and Dani says I love Bieber. Dan says, I bet America loved Shane and Dani says I'm sure they do, or at least I hope so. Dan keeps singing Bieber songs, so they go to Ian sleeping on all 4 feeds.

    Feeds back on Dani/Dan. Dani said if Ian cuts me, I'm expecting it, but if you do it, I'm gonna be stunned and pissed. She says that Dan is totally new this season, so she expects the worst. She says I think you ripped on me and Shane in the DR. Dan says if I did, I'm joking and I'm not allowed to tell you what I say in my DR. Dani is mad at him for using that as a copout.

    Dan says if she's mad at him after the show, he's going to screen her calls. Dani says, "that's just fine, I'll ignore you too." Dan says, I'm gonna give your number to JoJo. Dani says, do that and I'll tweet your number to the world. Dan says if you did that, I'd never talk to you again. Dani says I won't, but do not give JoJo my number, I have nothing to say to her.

    12:00-1:00 BBT

    Dan acts like he doesn't believe Dani about not tweeting his number. Dani says, you really think I'd tweet your number? Dan says, "well you did make Ian cry last night." Dani says, "why can't you just be serious just once?" Dan laughs and says, "That's like asking a clown not to wear makeup." Dani rolls her eyes and says "stop." Dan says, this is why I didn't like joking with Brit, she didn't get my joking.

    Dani tells Dan that it's not fair how well he can read her. Dan says he's going to make a collage of her photo faces. Dani says, do not do that. Dan says we're in a pandora's box, whatever we ask for will be created by the fans. Dani says, "I never asked for anything bad for you!" Dan says, "livefeeders, in case you didn't know, this is the look I'm looking for." He pulls a Dani face for the camera.

    Dani says this is as bad when you told the viewers to make a pic of me and Shane to the Titanic theme song. Dan says, "yeah, and then we could act it out." Dani is annoyed that Dan is laughing about this and pulling pranks on her. He says it's just a game, that's why I said there is no room for showmances. Dani said, you pushed me into it! Dan said, "only because it was a nomance."

    Dani says, "whatever, I wish I didn't have feeling in this game" Dan said, "that's what I've been pushing you towards since day one!" Dani said, "it's impossible." Dan says, "It will be better when you go back for a second time."

    Dani says, "you would be asked on too." Dan says, "You and Shane are more popular, you'll make bar stops and appearances." Dani said, "no you'd be asked too." Dan said, "Oh yeah, when you and Shane break up in a couple months, that's true. There is no way you and Shane are staying together for two years." he starts chanting "NOMANCE NOMANCE NOMANCE"

    Dani is upset at Dan for saying that about her and Shane. Dani tells Dan to change the subject. They talk about random things about why the keys have ropes on them, why bb wouldn't let him have two pairs of the same shorts, just different colors. Dani talks about going back. Dan says, "I'd rather ride off into the sunset, than be dragged through the dust." Dani says she doesn't want to go back w/out Dan.

    Dan says, "do you think you have and a Shane a future? Do you think he's the man for you? What do you think of Shane winning America's Favorite?" Dani looks irritated at the questions. Dani says Ian won't win AC, he's too weird. Shane will win since Jeff was loved, Shane is exactly like Jeff, plus you screwed him over, so for sure Shane wins.

    Dani says, "what happened to the Dan from week one who was sweet?' Dan said, people were trying to kill us from week one, I had to be more alert. Dani said, "so that means you can be less sweet?" Dan said, "no, I just didn't know you well, until week 5." Dani is upset that Dan said she lied to him about her being a nurse and not a teacher.

    Dan says, "sort of how you got mad at me for not mentioning my final two deal with Ian?" Dani flips her lid, "Don't you ever compare my lie to that. That is huge, mine wasn't game related! Don't pull that crap with me, because I will blow up." Dan says, "you will not." Dani says, "you really think I wouldn't have stood up and yelled at you?" Dan makes fun of her for saying, were the antics really necessary?

    Dani says, "you can change your stars." Dan has no idea what she's talking about. "You can be likeable, be nice. Be respectful and nice to people in your last speech. Someone once told me, people never forget how you make them feel." Dan said, yeah. I put a doll in your head and said look up before I evicted Shane. She knew what he was doing when he said blood on his hands to his elbows.

    Danielle lays into him that a five second warning is not a warning and you did know before. Dani says, I couldn't do anything! Dan says, "that was the point. I wanted Shane out." Dan said, "Shane would've voted me out anyway." Dani said, "you don't know that!" The lying is unfair how many times you did to me, and I never lied to you." Dan says, "I lied to you once, when I said I'd keep Shane."

    Dani says fine, "All the antics you pulled on me were unfair." Dan says, my antics were dramatic and chaotic and got you to final three!" Dani says, "so antics doesn't include lying to the one person who was loyal to you in the game?" Dani said, why can you lie to me and me not to you? Dani said, but you told me if I lied to you, you'd be mad at me. Dan nods and said, "but you didn't say that to me."

    Dani says, I sincerely care about you and your feelings and you don't give a crap about me. Dan says, not true. I don't have feelings in the game, so I don't care. Dani says, why can't you play by the golden rule? Dan says, "there is only the golden power of veto in the game." Dani goes on a rant about how she gave it to him. Dan says, that was your choice and I never misted you. that's just me talking.

    Dan says, I have no idea what the mist even is. They talk about Brit making fun of Dan about him misting Frank/Jenn. Frank/Jenn thought it was hysterical. Dan says, "she was just bitter." Dan says, Joe would never vote for him, he'd vote for you, then ian, then him.

    Dan says, I have no idea what the mist even is. They talk about Brit making fun of Dan about him misting Frank/Jenn. Frank/Jenn thought it was hysterical. Dan says, "she was just bitter." Dan says, Joe would never vote for him, he'd vote for you, then ian, then him.

    Dani says, "You would've beaten Shane in the first part of HOH, and I would've won the second part, and we could've cut him then!" Dan ignores her and talks about song titles and how Dani's mom would hate him because he's crafty. Dan is an indeterminable variable and she would hate that.

    Dani threatens him that his mom would pull some recon stuff on him if he did anything shady in the final two part. Dan jokes, "good thing I have security" and she flips out about him not taking the situation seriously. He says, "so you can joke, but I can't?" Dan makes fun of Dani for not saying dumb ass, and thinking she didn't know how to spell, which is why she abbreviated it.

    Dani compares Dan and her to Thelma and Louise and one is sweet and levelheaded, Dan cuts in with, "I'm the sweet and level headed one, right?" Dani continues, the smart one is really smart and crafty. Dan goes, "Does the smart one kill the sweet on in the end, cause of the insurance policy." Dani gets really offended that Dan would joke about that. Dani says, "stop joking about cutting me."

    Dani asks Dan if he's getting in the pool, Dan says, after I make lunch. "Would you like an arsenic sandwich?" Dani laughs. Dan/Dani talks about Danielle getting into major trouble yesterday and that "Mr. Jim was not happy." Dani said, "I didn't mean it like that, but I heard what it sounded like, so I apologized." Dan is laughing at Danielle getting in trouble for saying she'd snap Ian's neck.

    feeds go back to Ian sleeping, because Dan/Dani keep talking about things they shouldn't be.

    Dan gets up to go inside and make tuna bagels for lunch.

    Dani goes in the house, just as BB calls Ian into the SR to exchange his batteries. Dani pours herself a bowl of cereal. Dan asks her how much she loves the cameras. Dani says, "I'm tired of constant cameras." Dan says that one time he found a can of tuna hid in Boogie's drawer, cause he started hiding food after Joe was wasting it.

    Dani goes in the house, just as BB calls Ian into the SR to exchange his batteries. Dani pours herself a bowl of cereal. Dan asks her how much she loves the cameras. Dani says, "I'm tired of constant cameras." Dan says that one time he found a can of tuna hid in Boogie's drawer, cause he started hiding food after Joe was wasting it.

    Ian comes into kitchen and Dan makes fun of Ian for not knowing Tulane's fight song. Ian said, "that's not true, I said, "I think so." Dan says, "who cares? Disown him, Tulane!" Dan says to Dani, "Dani do you know what the capital of Eurasia is?" "Dani says, "No, what?" Dan grins and says, "Eurface!" Dani laughs. Ian says he almost caught a mouse last night with the pool skimmer.

    Ian and Dani have left to separate areas of the house and Dan is left alone in the kitchen to eat his tuna (probably the longest period of silence he's endured all morning.)

    Dani is out of WC as she's changed into a bathing suit. She continues to do ADLs.

    Dan continues to bait Danielle into arguments, because she made a joke about Chelsea and Dan's marriage. Danielle said, "Geeze Louise, you've had a sucky attitude this week." Dan said, "oh you know sucky attitudes from all those students you have, huh?" Dani said, "you knew from week one I was a nurse." "No, Dani. I just found out today you were a nurse."

    Feeds switch to Ian on the hammock rocking away. Dani joins him and groans. Ian says, "what's wrong?" Dani says it's too hot out. Ian says, he needs to go put suntan lotion on. Dani puts her stuff by the pool and lathers up her legs, chest, and arms.

  10. 9:46 BBT Shane has entered the kitchen with the camera and is walking around taking random picture, while Ian sits at the small kitchen table bouncing in his seat. Ian and Shane discuss the pictures they are going to take.

    9:53 BBT Shane is trying to take picutres of Dani while she is getting ready, and she is really not pleased with Shane. She tells him to let her put on makeup and fix her hair. He says she looks pretty anyway, and she says, "Liar".

  11. 9:34 BBT Shane/Danielle in bathroom talking about how Dan cannot handle pain at all. Danielle threw hydrogen peroxide on his cuts, and he bit her shoulder because it hurt so bad. Jenn sits at the kitchen table bouncing her water bottle. Ian is called to the DR.

    9:38 BBT, Ian returns with a camera to take pictures. Danielle said you do Blog, Camera, then Twitter. She says this makes sense if we do a fast forward. We got locked outside and inside, it has to be a fast forward. Ian says maybe. Cams switch quickly to Jenn folding her clothes and packing, because they keep talking about production.

    9:41 BBT Ian is making coffee and asks Shane/Dani how many scoops he is supposed to use. He is really struggling with getting the filter back into the machine. (This is actually quite humorous, considering how smart he is supposedly is.) He finally attaches it after messing with it for a good twenty seconds.

  12. 11 a.m.-12 p.m. BBT

    Frank and Jenn are in the backyard discussing Danielle's vote. Jenn thinks she has a great relationship with Danielle and she'll have her vote. Dani says she's heard Frank has been throwing her under the bus. The only thing they can figure is that Joe is lying to her and spreading lies, because it's untrue.

    Jenn says Danielle needs to get past Frank putting her up twice, her boyfriend put up Jenn and Frank twice. Get over it. Jenn says, "I'm not salty at him for it, I don't forget it, but I assure you I'm not salty about it." Jenn is down for Shane having to play, it's about time to get from behind Brit's shadow and play for himself.

    Frank says he thinks it's weird that Shane approached Frank about talking with Frank, Shane, Jenn, and Danielle. Frank said I tried to talk game to her, but she didn't want to talk game. Jenn says, that's good. Let's talk tomorrow for sure with her. Frank said he talked zits and periods with Dani, because he knows women. Jenn says "yeah", talk about clothes and shopping to her, she loves it!"

    Silence falls over the backyard as Jenn and Frank lay on the background couch as they enjoy the rain falling.

    Frank gets up and goes out in the yard. He looks up at the sky and comments on how the rain system seems to be stuck over them and isn't moving. The voice of Big Brother asks them to lower the outside awning and Frank can't believe it, since it's not sunny at all. He does it anyway.

    Frank is mad that his fate comes down to a wishy washy 23 year old who just wants to get married, to decide his fate (meaning Danielle). He says I'm a jerk. Franks daily monologue starts.

    Frank says, Well everyone I have two votes for sure. I think I have three, but having to rely on someone who's only half in the game who is more concerned with her showmance, worries me. I want Jenn or Dan to win hoh or even Shane. I do not want Danielle to win. I don't want her in a place of power again, running her mouth too much. I don't want Jenn to win, so she can win the next one, so I don't have to.

    Shane might be my best option to win that hoh. Shane wins puts up Ian and Dan. I'd like to win the pov, so that noms can't change or even Jenn/Shane. Hopefully Ian goes. Then I compete in hoh, against Dan, Ian, Jenn, and Dani. Jenn comes back out and interrupts his diatribe.

    Jenn and Frank talk about having to take pictures and that Dani is a picture nazi, and will delete all pictures she hates. They talk about how no one in the house drinks soy milk or those egg shakers, just give us egg whites. Jenn feels bad for wasting it, I can only have slop, and most of that is for me. Jenn is call to DR.

    Frank immediately resumes his monologue. I would like if Jenn won that next hoh, I could get her to put up Dani vs Shane, and get Dan to vote Danielle out and we're left with four. Me, Jenn, Dan, and Shane. I can play hoh,win, guarantee myself a spot in F3. As long as Shane doesn't win pov, we're godo. We get rid of Shane. Then it's me,Jenn,Dan for final three. That's my dream. I win final hoh and take Jenn.

    I owe more to Jenn that Dan. I feel bad for taking him that far and getting rid of him, but she has been my ally since Mike/Ashley left. I messed up telling Danielle so much, and I was too worried about Dan, but I know he's good, so I may have screwed things up. These competitions have to go my way if I stay. She had no reason or way to tell Dan what I said though.

    Only two weeks left. I just got to get through these next two days. Then someone from my side win hoh, that's what I need. Jenn interrupts him again and we're left to a bit of awkward silence in the backyard as Frank is clearly still wanting to talk to us about his strategy. Frank says, "I think Shane needs to win this next hoh. Jenn said, "yeah, you're right. That way he can't play in next hoh."

    Frank says, If we win pov, we keep the noms the same. If Dani wins, she'll just run her mouth to Dan about what we said yesterday. Frank said, it wouldn't hurt me, but my relationship with Dan. Jenn said, but Dani would trust us over him. Frank says I could explain it away and Dan would still work with me. Dan would be okay if he was up and he knew we were going to vote Ian out.

    Frank is telling Jenn she needs to win this hoh, and he'll win the next. If I win #4, I'm guaranteed final three, and you would too, if it's Shane and Dan, they'll vote each other out. Even if they win pov, they'll vote each other out. If you won hoh and put Dan and Shane up, if I didn't win pov, Dan or Shane would keep me over the other. Dan might choose Shane. If one of them win, one of us will go home.

    We don't want Danielle and Shane and you end up on the block somehow, they'll send you home and keep the other. We have to get Danielle out, so we're there together with the path of least resistance. Jenn agrees completely.

    Frank says, "we're barely two weeks away from finale. We are SOOO close." Jenn says, "I feel good. It's all about winning. We're at 7, then 6 by tomorrow. We have to get down to 3 in ten days. So it has to be a double eviction and a fast forward.

    Jenn and Frank says that Ian is going to change as he gets older, and this is not who he is going to be forever. Frank asks the sun to come out and say hello.

    Frank and Jenn continue to bash Dani as they talk about her not dieting or working out, and Jenn says I dieted even before slop and I've lost weight! She only does pilates which is just stretching. Mike and Frank made fun of her workouts cause all she did is stretch and lunge and some pilates.

    Jenn and Frank continue their bashing and have moved on to Joe, about how he eats a ton of salad, which doesn't help him lose weight. Jenn starts saying it's all about portion control and you can't snack, cause you'll eat more than you realize. Frank leaves to go to the bathroom and we are left in silence once again.

  13. 8 p.m.-10 p.m. BBT

    Feeds are back and Frank and Boogie are mad at Ian for not agreeing to go up on the block as a pawn.

    Shane and JoJo are on the block this week as nominations.

    Britney says she is down to one person in week 2, meaning Willie has left the bb building. (Uncomfirmed as of yet by second player on feeds, but we will confirm asap.)

    Morty's feels confident in confirming that Willie has left the game, either by self eviction or by force, we will know more in the coming hours and days.

    Boogie and Frank talking about how they can get rid of Dan and Danielle without allowing Brit and Janelle's team to team up together. Boogie just tells him they need to get to final six, and then it will be a lot easier to cover all their bases.

    Shane, JoJo, and Brit commiserating in the HN room about being on the block. JoJo asks if Willie is done forever. They go to kitchen to make slop and eat pickles, because they are also have nots for the week.

    Frank tells Boogie Joe approached him about F2 deal this morning and Boogie says don't have that conversation right now, it's too early.

    Boogie says, "Loose lips sink ships" to Frank about making F2 deals this early. Joe interrupts them in HoH room. Joe says he's relieve Willie's gone, and then talk turns to who to get rid of next week. He thinks of Shane goes this week, they should just get rid of Danielle. Boogie says he kind of agrees with that, because JoJo won't win anything and getting rid of Dan is okay. He says if Shane wins pov, just dump Danielle now, because JoJo isn't going to beat anyone. The only reason they wanted JoJo out in the first place was because she was with Shane and Wlilie and she's alone, she can't do anything.

    Wil joins their tête-à-tête and Boogie asks Wil if they are still locked down because he wanted to go running. Wil said he has no idea what's going on. Boogie thinks pov comp is tomorrow so they are on lock down. Joe says today could not have gone any better. It all fell in line with how they wanted it to go. Willie first, then Shane.

    They enjoy Frank's hoh basket and Boogie says he can't believe that in 24 hours they basically got rid of three players, although they have to wait until Thursday to evict Shane.

    In shoe room, Dan sits Dani down and tells her just let the others fight it out, stay out of the fray and don't make any deals with Shane or JoJo. The leave the room and join the other hgs .

    Dan joins kitchen which is pretty somber with Shane and JoJo drinking protein shakes. Jenn is making some egg whites and peppers. Brit sits at the table looking as if she can't believe what just happened.

    Brit Janelle, Ashley join Joe, Frank, and Boogie in HoH room. Frank is convinced people are coming back, at least two. Boogie said they'll have to compete to come back, because Lawon had to play against Brendon to get back in. Joe reminds Boogie that it was Brendon that went back in. Joe says he doesn't care as long as they fight their way back in.

    Janelle just confirmed on feeds that Willie was expelled from the house by physical force. We don't know what he did to deserve it, but it will probably be on Sunday night's episode of Big Brother.

    They talk about production and how sequester works and of course we get WBRB.

    Willie threw a bag of pork rinds at Janelle, kicked the hn door twice, headbutted Joe four times, called everyone bitches, and called Janelle the C word, according to Janelle.

    Ian asked if they dragged Willie to the Dr, but Janelle says he willingly went and she wanted to call out, "Bye Willie!"

    Brit said historically in the BB house this is a terrible day for her. She was nominated against Monet in her season in this week. Ian using his memory says, that every coach except Boogie was nominated in the second week of their season. Brit says she's cried far less this season than last in the same amount of time.

    Brit and Boogie talk about how nice Survivor's "jury house" is compared to BB. Ian said he'd always heard about survivor stars getting drunk on the beach and how it's like a vacation . Brit tells a story about meeting Russell from survivor and she had no clue that Willie was related to him until someone mentioned it to her. Boogie says production on Amazing Race puts up their people in nice resorts and flies them to all the exotic locations. Ian said that the top 6 fly around and do decoy legs of the race to throw off fans. Then the hgs, even the have nots, get the news that BB is letting them all have pizza they are providing, which provides a bit of cheer for some of the gloomier hgs.

    Janelle, Boogie, and Brit talk about Rachel and Brendon's amazing race journey, and how Britney was told by Matt HOffman (BB12) that they had won an that the message boards were confirming it. BUt she did like the winners, but Janelle said she didn't like the couple that was mean to Rachel. They then start talking and laughing about some of the other couples in the game who couldn't do certain things. Boogie said that the team that won effed up big time and still won.

    Houseguests are sitting around table eating the pizza BB has provided for them. Ian, Dan, and Brit talk about the msg in pizza. Dan says when he was coaching at MSU his doctor said his blood pressure was that of a 50 year oldman because of his diet of Ramen noodles.

    JoJo said they will get alcohol now that Willie is gone because he won't be there to cause fights and that production told her they usually don't give it when they are stressed out, because it can cause more problems.

    Shane, JoJo, and Frank are up in the HoH. Willie screwed things up for JoJo. JoJo says Wilie is all talk and Frank says they are better off without Willie in the house, because now they can play their own game. JoJo says, let Willie get himself evicted to Brit, but she didn't think Willie would go that far.

    Boogie makes the comment that it's already 9 p.m. bbt, he thought it was like 6:30 at the latest. Ian said he thought it was only 5.

    Shane, JoJo, and Frank are up in the HoH. Willie screwed things up for JoJo. JoJo says Wilie is all talk and Frank says they are better off without Willie in the house, because now they can play their own game. JoJo says, let Willie get himself evicted to Brit, but she didn't think Willie would go that far.

    JoJo and Shane go up to hoh room and tell Shane that Willie screwed JoJo over this week. Frank says you can play for pov, Shane says yeah. Frank says if one of you win pov, it doesn't mean that you'll be gone, there are other targets in the game. JoJo says she just thinks its weird that after she was nominated no one would hug her when she hugged both Frank and Kara last week, just because she was with Willie last week. She thinks they are all being weird toward her. Shane says he feels confused and upset and how the dr swayed them about being loyal. Shane says being forced to work week one with your team sucks, but it was their own chocice. Frank says it was a tough spot, I feel you.

    Ian tells Jenn an Brit they should decompress in the hot tub after lockdown is over.

    Frank shakes his head in the HoH room. He said he thought it would be tense and Willie came up and shook his hand and went to his hoh room, he did not expect today to go down the way it did. JoJo said he was being mad nice and how he went from being mad nice to a crazy animal. JoJo wants to know how he got in. Willie thought he'd get a golden ticket or something, Frank thinks and he didn't, so he left.

    Ian said that Russell (Survivor) was manipulating three dumb/weak females and he took a weak female to the end and the other players hated him and said we aren't giving that a-hole any money, so the girl won the million dollars.

    JoJo has never seen an episode of Survivor and asks Ian what it's about. He says it's like BB without household nominations and they build their own shelters. Shane said guys end up in underwear or bathing suits and the girls always lose 15-20 pounds, get tan, and walk around in bikinis and look good. Ian says they are given sunblock obviously, but otherwise they fend for themselves.

    Ian says BB is much more mentally taxing but Survivor is more physically challenging.

    According to houseguests the diary room is closed for the night.

    Joe joins the room says that something is not right with Willie and he's a reformed bully and can see so much of his former self in him. He says he can see the pain in Willie's eyes.

    JoJo aays she feels like she's in a therapy session and that she has something to share with the hgs but she wants them to get to know her first, but hope is all you have and having hope and love is what she lives for. Joe says everyone has things that have defined them and made them who they are and loves learning people's stories. Joe says Dani was raised by a single parent most of the time and is from a military background. He says she has dealt with a lot of stress. Dani says he's right and that he lived with her godparents until 12 and that her dad was an alcoholic and abusive but is now a born again Christian. She says her parents are giant control freaks and her dad has a lot of rage. Her mother found out she was pregnant right before being deployed to Desert Storm, so her brother kept her mom from being deployed. Her dad has a huge heart and is a good provider, but has anger issues. Her parents eloped because her mom ran away to the military and got married to her dad. She's closer to her godsister tthan Colt, her brother, but she had to raise him from 9 years old on. She says she was made fun of for not being pretty and overweight and they called her names all the way through high school.

  14. 4:15-4:25 bbt

    Brit goes downstairs and joins JoJo for a conversation in the lounge. JoJo says she didn't want to align with Dan and Brit says it's not about getting Kara out at all. She likes Kara, but she needs Dan to be gone and that he has super powers and can convince anyone to do anything and he's a master manipulator and that he chose weak minded girls to brain wash. JoJo can't stand Danielle and that she's a slob and is disgusting and that's she's only here for a showmance, which she admitted to. Brit said she heard that and they made fun of her. JoJo says she's in love with Shane and it's sad. She said Danielle only wants to talk about her dating life to everyone in the house and that she's admitted to never being able to hold on to a boyfriend because they cheat on her. They both think there is something wrong with her.

    Meanwhile, Willie, Ashley, and Jani are outside talking about how good it was they got hoh this week to get rid of Dan and one of his brainwashed posse.Willie says at least we're not showboating it this week. Janelle has never heard of showboating and think he's referring to showmancing, so he explains what it means to Janelle. He gets called to the DR.

  15. Brit is mad at Willie for him asking Danielle about throwing pov, since he showed his cards and now they have an angle to work against them. Willie doesn't agree though and thinks it was his way of testing Danielle to see if she was a liar and that everybody noticed it, not just them. Brit doesn't care, because he does a terrible job especially trying to convince Frank to work with him. Brit says she hates griping at him, but he doesn't do a good job convincing people, which irritates Willie. He defends himself and says that Brit is way overthinking it and that not every is going to approach it the same way she does. She gets frustrated and yells at him for saying too much in front of Janelle earlier and he agrees he should've been quiter, but he is trying to play the game to the best of his ability and that Janelle doesn't think like her, and Brit said it's not about Janelle. Brit says that Janelle is way smarter and better at the game than them and that if they weren't together in the game now, Dan would be staying and Frank would be going home.

  16. 4:05 pm BBT

    Willie tells Brit that Danielle said Frank said Willie and Shane would be safe next week, but he'd come after them in the next few weeks after that. Willie is fine with that, because he'll be able to play for HoH again after next week and if Frank wins next week he can't, so Willie would just get him out then. Brit said she doesn't trust that 100% and needs to talk to Frank, because she doesn't want Frank coming after him at all and she wants immunity for Willie for a long time. Willie said he'll talk to Frank but he thinks Frank is more concerned about other people putting him up over Willie like Wil. Frank says he's not worried about Danielle at all though, which turns to bashing Dani and Brit says she has no mind of her own and is freaking irritating and zombie robot that only obeys commands from Dan. Brit says anyone who tells you they're smart is a liar and that Dani was just following Dan's commands.

  17. 3:57 pm BBT

    Willie and Brit have a powow in the HoH room. Willie is upset at Brit for calling him out earlier in the Jani/Brit alliance team meeting earlier this morning, and she apologizes. She's really nervous about Willie talking to Danielle, but Wilie assures her all they talked about was voting and that Danielle says she wouldn't put him up and Willie told her they weren't sure about who they were voting for yet. Brit says good that he is sticking to the plan.

    Brit is really upset because Dan said that Kara cornered Shane and JoJo and convinced them to work with her, so now Brit thinks that her entire team is ignoring her and working Dan's team, which is bad. Willie said there is no way that is true and that Dan is lying to her again. Brit thinks that's probably true, but she's dying to corner JoJo and talk to her, because she's been avoiding her all day.

  18. 1:00 BBT

    Jani, Wil, and Joe in SR discussing their strategy for getting Frank out and keeping Kara.

    Jani is livid at Boogie for spending the last two days in the HOH room in Willie's ear about saving Frank.

    Jani tells Wil he has to win POV tomorrow, in order to keep the nominations the same so that Frank goes home.

    She then tells Joe and Wil to keep quiet and to themselves and she'll work on Willie to get him to stop trying to save Frank, because it's a terrible idea to send Kara home.

    SHe promises Wil and Joe she will undo the work Boogie has done and get Frank out of there.

    Britney joins them ten minutes later and they discuss how they will get Willie alone to discuss strategy before the veto competition.

    1:08 BBT

    Danielle goes up to talk to Willie after Jani/Britney/Wil/Joe go up and they turn the light off and hide while he goes to get rid of her, but she doesn't take the hint. She goes in the room and Ashley, who is laid up in the hoh bed because of back pain wakes up. They try to help her up, but she can barely move so they put her back in the bed, which is followed by WBRB.



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